Module for analyzing and plotting information theory results
except NameError:
basestring = str
from netpyne import __gui__
if __gui__:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from .utils import exception, _saveFigData, _showFigure, getCellsInclude
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Calculate normalized transfer entropy
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def nTE(cells1=[], cells2=[], spks1=None, spks2=None, timeRange=None, binSize=20, numShuffle=30):
Function that calculates the Normalized Transfer Entropy (nTE) between two spike train signals.
Transfer entropy is a model-free statistic that is able to measure
the time-directed transfer of information between stochastic variables
and therefore provides an asymmetric method to measure information transfer.
In simple words, the nTE represents the fraction of information in X explained
by its own past which is not explained by the past of Y.
Kale, P. et al (2018, July). Normalized Transfer Entropy as a Tool to Identify Multisource
Functional Epileptic Networks IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
cells1 : list
Subset of cells from which to obtain spike train 1.
**Default:** ``[]``
``['all']`` plots all cells and stimulations,
``['allNetStims']`` plots just stimulations,
``['popName1']`` plots a single population,
``['popName1', 'popName2']`` plots multiple populations,
``[120]`` plots a single cell,
``[120, 130]`` plots multiple cells,
``[('popName1', 56)]`` plots a cell from a specific population,
``[('popName1', [0, 1]), ('popName2', [4, 5, 6])]``, plots cells from multiple populations
cells2 : list
Subset of cells from which to obtain spike train 2.
**Default:** ``[]``
**Options:** same as for `cells1`
spks1 : list
Spike train 1; list of spike times; if omitted then obtains spikes from cells1.
**Default:** ``None``
**Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option>
spks2 : list
Spike train 2; list of spike times; if omitted then obtains spikes from cells2.
**Default:** ``None``
**Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option>
timeRange : list [min, max]
Range of time to calculate nTE in ms.
**Default:** ``None`` uses the entire simulation time range
**Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option>
binSize : int
Bin size used to convert spike times into histogram.
**Default:** ``20``
**Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option>
numShuffle : int
Number of times to shuffle spike train 1 to calculate TEshuffled; note: nTE = (TE - TEShuffled)/H(X2F|X2P).
**Default:** ``30``
**Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option>
from neuron import h
import netpyne
from .. import sim
import os
root = os.path.dirname(netpyne.__file__)
if 'nte' not in dir(h):
' Warning: support/nte.mod not compiled; attempting to compile from %s via "nrnivmodl support"'
% (root)
os.system('cd ' + root + '; nrnivmodl support')
from neuron import load_mechanisms
print(' Compilation of support folder mod files successful')
print(' Error compiling support folder mod files')
h.load_file(root + '/support/nte.hoc') # nTE code (also requires support/net.mod)
if not spks1: # if doesnt contain a list of spk times, obtain from cells specified
cells, cellGids, netStimPops = getCellsInclude(cells1)
numNetStims = 0
# Select cells to include
if len(cellGids) > 0:
spkts = [
spkt for spkgid, spkt in zip(sim.allSimData['spkid'], sim.allSimData['spkt']) if spkgid in cellGids
spkts = []
spkts = []
# Add NetStim spikes
spkts = list(spkts)
numNetStims = 0
for netStimPop in netStimPops:
if 'stims' in sim.allSimData:
cellStims = [cellStim for cell, cellStim in sim.allSimData['stims'].items() if netStimPop in cellStim]
if len(cellStims) > 0:
spktsNew = [spkt for cellStim in cellStims for spkt in cellStim[netStimPop]]
numNetStims += len(cellStims)
spks1 = list(spkts)
if not spks2: # if doesnt contain a list of spk times, obtain from cells specified
cells, cellGids, netStimPops = getCellsInclude(cells2)
numNetStims = 0
# Select cells to include
if len(cellGids) > 0:
spkts = [
spkt for spkgid, spkt in zip(sim.allSimData['spkid'], sim.allSimData['spkt']) if spkgid in cellGids
spkts = []
spkts = []
# Add NetStim spikes
spkts = list(spkts)
numNetStims = 0
for netStimPop in netStimPops:
if 'stims' in sim.allSimData:
cellStims = [cellStim for cell, cellStim in sim.allSimData['stims'].items() if netStimPop in cellStim]
if len(cellStims) > 0:
spktsNew = [spkt for cellStim in cellStims for spkt in cellStim[netStimPop]]
numNetStims += len(cellStims)
spks2 = list(spkts)
# time range
if getattr(sim, 'cfg', None):
timeRange = [0, sim.cfg.duration]
timeRange = [0, max(spks1 + spks2)]
inputVec = h.Vector()
outputVec = h.Vector()
histo1 = np.histogram(spks1, bins=np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], binSize))
histoCount1 = histo1[0]
histo2 = np.histogram(spks2, bins=np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], binSize))
histoCount2 = histo2[0]
out = h.normte(inputVec, outputVec, numShuffle)
TE, H, nTE, _, _ = out.to_python()
return nTE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Calculate granger causality
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def plotGranger(
Function that calculates Granger Causality between two spike train signals.
The Granger causality test is a statistical hypothesis test for determining
whether one time series is useful in forecasting another. G-causality is based
on the simple idea that causes both precede and help predict their effects.
Seth, A. K., Barrett, A. B., & Barnett, L. (2015). Granger Causality Analysis in
Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(8), 3293–3297.
cells1 : list
Subset of cells from which to obtain spike train 1.
**Default:** ``None``
``['all']`` plots all cells and stimulations,
``['allNetStims']`` plots just stimulations,
``['popName1']`` plots a single population,
``['popName1', 'popName2']`` plots multiple populations,
``[120]`` plots a single cell,
``[120, 130]`` plots multiple cells,
``[('popName1', 56)]`` plots a cell from a specific population,
``[('popName1', [0, 1]), ('popName2', [4, 5, 6])]``, plots cells from multiple populations
cells2 : list
Subset of cells from which to obtain spike train 2.
**Default:** ``None``
**Options:** same as for `cells1`
spks1 : list
Spike train 1; list of spike times; if omitted then obtains spikes from cells1.
**Default:** ``None``
spks2 : list
Spike train 2; list of spike times; if omitted then obtains spikes from cells2.
**Default:** ``None``
label1 : str
Label for spike train 1 to use in plot.
**Default:** ``None``
label2 : str
Label for spike train 2 to use in plot.
**Default:** ``None``
timeRange : list [min, max]
Range of time to calculate nTE in ms.
**Default:** ``None`` uses the entire simulation time range
binSize : int
Bin size used to convert spike times into histogram.
**Default:** ``5``
testGranger : bool
Whether to test the Granger calculation.
**Default:** ``False``
plotFig : bool
Whether to plot a figure showing Granger Causality Fx2y and Fy2x
**Default:** ``True``
saveData : bool or str
Whether and where to save the data used to generate the plot.
**Default:** ``False``
**Options:** ``True`` autosaves the data,
``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.pkl'`` and ``'.json'``
saveFig : bool or str
Whether and where to save the figure.
**Default:** ``False``
**Options:** ``True`` autosaves the figure,
``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'``
showFig : bool
Shows the figure if ``True``.
**Default:** ``True``
from .. import sim
import numpy as np
from netpyne.support.bsmart import pwcausalr
if not spks1: # if doesnt contain a list of spk times, obtain from cells specified
if not cells1:
pops = list(sim.net.allPops.keys())
if len(pops) == 1:
cells1 = [0]
if not label1:
label1 = 'cell_0'
if not cells2:
cells2 = ['allCells']
if not label2:
label2 = 'all cells'
elif len(pops) > 1:
cells1 = [pops[0]]
if not label1:
label1 = pops[0]
if not cells2:
cells2 = [pops[1]]
if not label2:
label2 = pops[1]
cells, cellGids, netStimPops = getCellsInclude(cells1)
numNetStims = 0
# Select cells to include
if len(cellGids) > 0:
spkts = [
spkt for spkgid, spkt in zip(sim.allSimData['spkid'], sim.allSimData['spkt']) if spkgid in cellGids
spkts = []
spkts = []
# Add NetStim spikes
spkts = list(spkts)
numNetStims = 0
for netStimPop in netStimPops:
if 'stims' in sim.allSimData:
cellStims = [cellStim for cell, cellStim in sim.allSimData['stims'].items() if netStimPop in cellStim]
if len(cellStims) > 0:
spktsNew = [spkt for cellStim in cellStims for spkt in cellStim[netStimPop]]
numNetStims += len(cellStims)
spks1 = list(spkts)
if not spks2: # if doesnt contain a list of spk times, obtain from cells specified
cells, cellGids, netStimPops = getCellsInclude(cells2)
numNetStims = 0
# Select cells to include
if len(cellGids) > 0:
spkts = [
spkt for spkgid, spkt in zip(sim.allSimData['spkid'], sim.allSimData['spkt']) if spkgid in cellGids
spkts = []
spkts = []
# Add NetStim spikes
spkts = list(spkts)
numNetStims = 0
for netStimPop in netStimPops:
if 'stims' in sim.allSimData:
cellStims = [cellStim for cell, cellStim in sim.allSimData['stims'].items() if netStimPop in cellStim]
if len(cellStims) > 0:
spktsNew = [spkt for cellStim in cellStims for spkt in cellStim[netStimPop]]
numNetStims += len(cellStims)
spks2 = list(spkts)
# time range
if timeRange is None:
if getattr(sim, 'cfg', None):
timeRange = [0, sim.cfg.duration]
timeRange = [0, max(spks1 + spks2)]
histo1 = np.histogram(spks1, bins=np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], binSize))
histoCount1 = histo1[0]
histo2 = np.histogram(spks2, bins=np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], binSize))
histoCount2 = histo2[0]
fs = int(1000 / binSize)
F, pp, cohe, Fx2y, Fy2x, Fxy = pwcausalr(
np.array([histoCount1, histoCount2]), 1, len(histoCount1), 10, fs, int(fs / 2)
# check reliability
if testGranger:
import scipy
''' Option 1: granger causality tests -- not sure how to interpret results
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import grangercausalitytests as gt
print('To test Granger results please install the statsmodel package: "pip install statsmodel"')
tests = gt(np.array([histoCount1, histoCount2]).T, maxlag=10)
# do N=25 shuffles of histoCount2
Nshuffle = 50
# x2yShuffleMaxValues = []
y2xShuffleMaxValues = []
histoCount2Shuffled = np.array(histoCount2)
for ishuffle in range(Nshuffle):
# for each calculate max Granger value (starting at freq index 1)
_, _, _, Fx2yShuff, Fy2xShuff, _ = pwcausalr(
np.array([histoCount1, histoCount2Shuffled]), 1, len(histoCount1), 10, fs, int(fs / 2)
# x2yShuffleMaxValues.append(max(Fx2yShuff[0][1:]))
# calculate z-score
# |z| > 1.65 = p-value < 0.1 = confidence interval 90%
# |z| > 1.96 = p-value < 0.05 = confidence interval 95%
# |z| > 2.58 = p-value < 0.01 = confidence interval 99%
# https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/spatial-statistics/what-is-a-z-score-what-is-a-p-value.htm
# calculate mean and std
# x2yMean = np.mean(x2yShuffleMaxValues)
# x2yStd = np.std(x2yShuffleMaxValues)
# x2yZscore = abs(np.max(Fx2y[0][1:]) - x2yMean) / x2yStd
# x2yPvalue = scipy.stats.norm.sf(x2yZscore)
y2xMean = np.mean(y2xShuffleMaxValues)
y2xStd = np.std(y2xShuffleMaxValues)
y2xZscore = abs(np.max(Fy2x[0][1:]) - y2xMean) / y2xStd
y2xPvalue = scipy.stats.norm.sf(y2xZscore)
if not label1:
label1 = 'spkTrain1'
if not label2:
label2 = 'spkTrain2'
# plot granger
fig = -1
if plotFig:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(F, Fy2x[0], label=label2 + ' --> ' + label1)
plt.plot(F, Fx2y[0], 'r', label=label1 + ' --> ' + label2)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Granger Causality')
# save figure data
if saveData:
figData = {
'cells1': cells1,
'cells2': cells2,
'spks1': cells1,
'spks2': cells2,
'binSize': binSize,
'Fy2x': Fy2x[0],
'Fx2y': Fx2y[0],
'saveData': saveData,
'saveFig': saveFig,
'showFig': showFig,
_saveFigData(figData, saveData, '2Dnet')
# save figure
if saveFig:
if isinstance(saveFig, basestring):
filename = saveFig
filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_granger.png'
# show fig
if showFig:
if testGranger:
return fig, {
'F': F,
'Fx2y': Fx2y[0],
'Fy2x': Fy2x[0],
'Fxy': Fxy[0],
'MaxFy2xZscore': y2xZscore,
'MaxFy2xPvalue': y2xPvalue,
return fig, {'F': F, 'Fx2y': Fx2y[0], 'Fy2x': Fy2x[0], 'Fxy': Fxy[0]}
# The following is to maintain backwards compatibility
granger = plotGranger