Source code for netpyne.analysis.lfp_orig

Module for analyzing and plotting LFP-related results


except NameError:
    basestring = str

from netpyne import __gui__

if __gui__:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import mlab
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number
from .utils import colorList, exception, _saveFigData, _showFigure, _smooth1d

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Plot LFP (time-resolved, power spectral density, time-frequency and 3D locations)
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[docs] @exception def plotLFP( timeRange=None, electrodes=['avg', 'all'], plots=['timeSeries', 'PSD', 'spectrogram', 'locations'], inputLFP=None, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, nperseg=256, minFreq=1, maxFreq=100, stepFreq=1, smooth=0, separation=1.0, includeAxon=True, logx=False, logy=False, normSignal=False, normPSD=False, normSpec=False, filtFreq=False, filtOrder=3, detrend=False, transformMethod='morlet', maxPlots=8, overlay=False, colors=None, figSize=(8, 8), fontSize=14, lineWidth=1.5, dpi=200, saveData=None, saveFig=None, showFig=True, ): """ Function for plotting local field potentials (LFP) Parameters ---------- timeRange : list [start, stop] Time range to plot. **Default:** ``None`` plots entire time range electrodes : list List of electrodes to include; ``'avg'`` is the average of all electrodes; ``'all'`` is each electrode separately. **Default:** ``['avg', 'all']`` plots : list List of plot types to show. **Default:** ``['timeSeries', 'PSD', 'spectrogram', 'locations']`` NFFT : int (power of 2) Number of data points used in each block for the PSD and time-freq FFT. **Default:** ``256`` noverlap : int (<nperseg) Number of points of overlap between segments for PSD and time-freq. **Default:** ``128`` nperseg : int Length of each segment for time-freq. **Default:** ``256`` minFreq : float Minimum frequency shown in plot for PSD and time-freq. **Default:** ``1`` maxFreq : float Maximum frequency shown in plot for PSD and time-freq. **Default:** ``100`` stepFreq : float Step frequency. **Default:** ``1`` smooth : int Window size for smoothing LFP; no smoothing if ``0`` **Default:** ``0`` separation : float Separation factor between time-resolved LFP plots; multiplied by max LFP value. **Default:** ``1.0`` includeAxon : bool Whether to show the axon in the location plot. **Default:** ``True`` logx : bool Whether to make x-axis logarithmic **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> logy : bool Whether to make y-axis logarithmic **Default:** ``False`` normSignal : bool Whether to normalize the signal. **Default:** ``False`` normPSD : bool Whether to normalize the power spectral density. **Default:** ``False`` normSpec : bool Needs documentation. **Default:** ``False`` filtFreq : int or list Frequency for low-pass filter (int) or frequencies for bandpass filter in a list: [low, high] **Default:** ``False`` does not filter the data filtOrder : int Order of the filter defined by `filtFreq`. **Default:** ``3`` detrend : bool Whether to detrend. **Default:** ``False`` transformMethod : str Transform method. **Default:** ``'morlet'`` **Options:** ``'fft'`` maxPlots : int Maximum number of subplots. Currently unused. **Default:** ``8`` overlay : bool Whether to overlay plots or use subplots. **Default:** ``False`` overlays plots. colors : list List of normalized RGB colors to use. **Default:** ``None`` uses standard colors figSize : list [width, height] Size of figure in inches. **Default:** ``(10, 8)`` fontSize : int Font size on figure. **Default:** ``14`` lineWidth : int Line width. **Default:** ``1.5`` dpi : int Resolution of figure in dots per inch. **Default:** ``100`` saveData : bool or str Whether and where to save the data used to generate the plot. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the data, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.pkl'`` and ``'.json'`` saveFig : bool or str Whether and where to save the figure. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the figure, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'`` showFig : bool Shows the figure if ``True``. **Default:** ``True`` Returns ------- (figs, dict) A tuple consisting of the Matplotlib figure handles and a dictionary containing the plot data See Also -------- iplotLFP : """ # Note: should probably split funcs for signal, psd, spectrogram and locs from .. import sim from import add_scalebar print('Plotting LFP ...') if not colors: colors = colorList # set font size plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontSize}) # time range if timeRange is None: timeRange = [0, sim.cfg.duration] if inputLFP is not None: lfp = inputLFP[int(timeRange[0] / sim.cfg.recordStep) : int(timeRange[1] / sim.cfg.recordStep), :] else: lfp = np.array(sim.allSimData['LFP'])[ int(timeRange[0] / sim.cfg.recordStep) : int(timeRange[1] / sim.cfg.recordStep), : ] if filtFreq: from scipy import signal fs = 1000.0 / sim.cfg.recordStep nyquist = fs / 2.0 if isinstance(filtFreq, list): # bandpass Wn = [filtFreq[0] / nyquist, filtFreq[1] / nyquist] b, a = signal.butter(filtOrder, Wn, btype='bandpass') elif isinstance(filtFreq, Number): # lowpass Wn = filtFreq / nyquist b, a = signal.butter(filtOrder, Wn) for i in range(lfp.shape[1]): lfp[:, i] = signal.filtfilt(b, a, lfp[:, i]) if detrend: from scipy import signal for i in range(lfp.shape[1]): lfp[:, i] = signal.detrend(lfp[:, i]) if normSignal: for i in range(lfp.shape[1]): offset = min(lfp[:, i]) if offset <= 0: lfp[:, i] += abs(offset) lfp[:, i] /= max(lfp[:, i]) # electrode selection if 'all' in electrodes: electrodes.remove('all') electrodes.extend(list(range(int( # plotting figs = [] # maxPlots = 8.0 data = {'lfp': lfp} # returned data # time series ----------------------------------------- if 'timeSeries' in plots: ydisp = np.absolute(lfp).max() * separation offset = 1.0 * ydisp t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], sim.cfg.recordStep) if figSize: figs.append(plt.figure(figsize=figSize)) for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): if elec == 'avg': lfpPlot = np.mean(lfp, axis=1) color = 'k' lw = 1.0 elif isinstance(elec, Number) and (inputLFP is not None or elec <= lfpPlot = lfp[:, elec] color = colors[i % len(colors)] lw = 1.0 if len(t) < len(lfpPlot): lfpPlot = lfpPlot[: len(t)] plt.plot(t[0 : len(lfpPlot)], -lfpPlot + (i * ydisp), color=color, linewidth=lw) if len(electrodes) > 1: plt.text( timeRange[0] - 0.07 * (timeRange[1] - timeRange[0]), (i * ydisp), elec, color=color, ha='center', va='top', fontsize=fontSize, fontweight='bold', ) ax = plt.gca() data['lfpPlot'] = lfpPlot data['ydisp'] = ydisp data['t'] = t # format plot if len(electrodes) > 1: plt.text( timeRange[0] - 0.14 * (timeRange[1] - timeRange[0]), (len(electrodes) * ydisp) / 2.0, 'LFP electrode', color='k', ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=fontSize, rotation=90, ) plt.ylim(-offset, (len(electrodes)) * ydisp) else: plt.suptitle('LFP Signal', fontSize=fontSize, fontweight='bold') ax.invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('time (ms)', fontsize=fontSize) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, top=1.0, right=1.0) # calculate scalebar size and add scalebar round_to_n = lambda x, n, m: int(np.ceil(round(x, -int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(x)))) + (n - 1)) / m)) * m scaley = 1000.0 # values in mV but want to convert to uV m = 10.0 sizey = 100 / scaley while sizey > 0.25 * ydisp: try: sizey = round_to_n(0.2 * ydisp * scaley, 1, m) / scaley except: sizey /= 10.0 m /= 10.0 labely = '%.3g $\mu$V' % (sizey * scaley) # )[1:] if len(electrodes) > 1: add_scalebar( ax, hidey=True, matchy=False, hidex=False, matchx=False, sizex=0, sizey=-sizey, labely=labely, unitsy='$\mu$V', scaley=scaley, loc=3, pad=0.5, borderpad=0.5, sep=3, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=2, ) else: add_scalebar( ax, hidey=True, matchy=False, hidex=True, matchx=True, sizex=None, sizey=-sizey, labely=labely, unitsy='$\mu$V', scaley=scaley, unitsx='ms', loc=3, pad=0.5, borderpad=0.5, sep=3, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=2, ) # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_LFP_timeseries.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) # PSD ---------------------------------- if 'PSD' in plots: if overlay: figs.append(plt.figure(figsize=figSize)) else: numCols = 1 # np.round(len(electrodes) / maxPlots) + 1 figs.append(plt.figure(figsize=(figSize[0] * numCols, figSize[1]))) # import seaborn as sb allFreqs = [] allSignal = [] data['allFreqs'] = allFreqs data['allSignal'] = allSignal for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): if elec == 'avg': lfpPlot = np.mean(lfp, axis=1) elif isinstance(elec, Number) and (inputLFP is not None or elec <= lfpPlot = lfp[:, elec] # Morlet wavelet transform method if transformMethod == 'morlet': from import MorletSpec, index2ms Fs = int(1000.0 / sim.cfg.recordStep) # t_spec = np.linspace(0, index2ms(len(lfpPlot), Fs), len(lfpPlot)) morletSpec = MorletSpec(lfpPlot, Fs, freqmin=minFreq, freqmax=maxFreq, freqstep=stepFreq) freqs = F = morletSpec.f spec = morletSpec.TFR signal = np.mean(spec, 1) ylabel = 'Power' # FFT transform method elif transformMethod == 'fft': Fs = int(1000.0 / sim.cfg.recordStep) power = mlab.psd( lfpPlot, Fs=Fs, NFFT=NFFT, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, window=mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=noverlap, pad_to=None, sides='default', scale_by_freq=None, ) if smooth: signal = _smooth1d(10 * np.log10(power[0]), smooth) else: signal = 10 * np.log10(power[0]) freqs = power[1] ylabel = 'Power (dB/Hz)' allFreqs.append(freqs) allSignal.append(signal) # ALTERNATIVE PSD CALCULATION USING WELCH # from # from scipy import signal as spsig # Fs = int(1000.0/sim.cfg.recordStep) # maxFreq=100 # f, psd = spsig.welch(lfpPlot, Fs, nperseg=100) # plt.semilogy(f,psd,'k') # sb.despine() # plt.xlim((0,maxFreq)) # plt.yticks(size=fontsiz) # plt.xticks(size=fontsiz) # plt.ylabel('$uV^{2}/Hz$',size=fontsiz) if normPSD: vmax = np.max(allSignal) for i, s in enumerate(allSignal): allSignal[i] = allSignal[i] / vmax for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): if not overlay: plt.subplot(int(np.ceil(len(electrodes) / numCols)), numCols, i + 1) if elec == 'avg': color = 'k' elif isinstance(elec, Number) and (inputLFP is not None or elec <= color = colors[i % len(colors)] freqs = allFreqs[i] signal = allSignal[i] plt.plot( freqs[freqs < maxFreq], signal[freqs < maxFreq], linewidth=lineWidth, color=color, label='Electrode %s' % (str(elec)), ) plt.xlim([0, maxFreq]) if len(electrodes) > 1 and not overlay: plt.title('Electrode %s' % (str(elec)), fontsize=fontSize) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontSize) # format plot plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=fontSize) if overlay: plt.legend(fontsize=fontSize) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle('LFP Power Spectral Density', fontsize=fontSize, fontweight='bold') # add yaxis in opposite side plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08, top=0.92) if logx: pass # from IPython import embed; embed() # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_LFP_psd.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) # Spectrogram ------------------------------ if 'spectrogram' in plots: import as cm numCols = 1 # np.round(len(electrodes) / maxPlots) + 1 figs.append(plt.figure(figsize=(figSize[0] * numCols, figSize[1]))) # Morlet wavelet transform method if transformMethod == 'morlet': from import MorletSpec, index2ms spec = [] freqList = None if logy: freqList = np.logspace(np.log10(minFreq), np.log10(maxFreq), int((maxFreq - minFreq) / stepFreq)) for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): if elec == 'avg': lfpPlot = np.mean(lfp, axis=1) elif isinstance(elec, Number) and (inputLFP is not None or elec <= lfpPlot = lfp[:, elec] fs = int(1000.0 / sim.cfg.recordStep) t_spec = np.linspace(0, index2ms(len(lfpPlot), fs), len(lfpPlot)) spec.append( MorletSpec(lfpPlot, fs, freqmin=minFreq, freqmax=maxFreq, freqstep=stepFreq, lfreq=freqList) ) f = ( freqList if freqList is not None else np.array(range(minFreq, maxFreq + 1, stepFreq)) ) # only used as output for user vmin = np.array([s.TFR for s in spec]).min() vmax = np.array([s.TFR for s in spec]).max() for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): plt.subplot(int(np.ceil(len(electrodes) / numCols)), numCols, i + 1) T = timeRange F = spec[i].f if normSpec: spec[i].TFR = spec[i].TFR / vmax S = spec[i].TFR vc = [0, 1] else: S = spec[i].TFR vc = [vmin, vmax] plt.imshow( S, extent=(np.amin(T), np.amax(T), np.amin(F), np.amax(F)), origin='lower', interpolation='None', aspect='auto', vmin=vc[0], vmax=vc[1], cmap=plt.get_cmap('viridis'), ) if normSpec: plt.colorbar(label='Normalized power') else: plt.colorbar(label='Power') plt.ylabel('Hz') plt.tight_layout() if len(electrodes) > 1: plt.title('Electrode %s' % (str(elec)), fontsize=fontSize - 2) # FFT transform method elif transformMethod == 'fft': from scipy import signal as spsig spec = [] for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): if elec == 'avg': lfpPlot = np.mean(lfp, axis=1) elif isinstance(elec, Number) and elec <= lfpPlot = lfp[:, elec] # creates spectrogram over a range of data # from: fs = int(1000.0 / sim.cfg.recordStep) f, t_spec, x_spec = spsig.spectrogram( lfpPlot, fs=fs, window='hanning', detrend=mlab.detrend_none, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=NFFT, mode='psd', ) x_mesh, y_mesh = np.meshgrid(t_spec * 1000.0, f[f < maxFreq]) spec.append(10 * np.log10(x_spec[f < maxFreq])) vmin = np.array(spec).min() vmax = np.array(spec).max() for i, elec in enumerate(electrodes): plt.subplot(np.ceil(len(electrodes) / numCols), numCols, i + 1) plt.pcolormesh(x_mesh, y_mesh, spec[i], cmap=cm.viridis, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.colorbar(label='dB/Hz', ticks=[np.ceil(vmin), np.floor(vmax)]) if logy: plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('Log-frequency (Hz)') if isinstance(logy, list): yticks = tuple(logy) plt.yticks(yticks, yticks) else: plt.ylabel('(Hz)') if len(electrodes) > 1: plt.title('Electrode %s' % (str(elec)), fontsize=fontSize - 2) plt.xlabel('time (ms)', fontsize=fontSize) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle('LFP spectrogram', size=fontSize, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08, top=0.90) # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_LFP_timefreq.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) # locations ------------------------------ if 'locations' in plots: try: cvals = [] # used to store total transfer resistance for cell in trSegs = list( np.sum( * 1e3, axis=0) ) # convert from Mohm to kilohm if not includeAxon: i = 0 for secName, sec in cell.secs.items(): nseg = sec['hObj'].nseg # .geom.nseg if 'axon' in secName: for j in range(i, i + nseg): del trSegs[j] i += nseg cvals.extend(trSegs) includePost = [c.gid for c in] fig = sim.analysis.plotShape( includePost=includePost, showElectrodes=electrodes, cvals=cvals, includeAxon=includeAxon, dpi=dpi, fontSize=fontSize, saveFig=saveFig, showFig=showFig, figSize=figSize, )[0] figs.append(fig) except: print(' Failed to plot LFP locations...') outputData = { 'LFP': lfp, 'electrodes': electrodes, 'timeRange': timeRange, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig, } if 'timeSeries' in plots: outputData.update({'t': t}) if 'PSD' in plots: outputData.update({'allFreqs': allFreqs, 'allSignal': allSignal}) if 'spectrogram' in plots: outputData.update({'spec': spec, 't': t_spec * 1000.0, 'freqs': f[f <= maxFreq]}) # save figure data if saveData: figData = outputData _saveFigData(figData, saveData, 'lfp') # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return figs, outputData