Source code for

Module for analyzing and plotting connectivity-related results


except NameError:
    basestring = str

from netpyne import __gui__

if __gui__:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number
from math import ceil
from .utils import colorList, exception, _roundFigures, getCellsInclude, getCellsIncludeTags
from .utils import _saveFigData, _showFigure

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Support function for plotConn() - calculate conn using data from sim object
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _plotConnCalculateFromSim(
    # params validation
    if groupBy == 'cell':
        supportedFeatures = ['weight', 'delay', 'numConns']
        supportedFeatures = ['weight', 'delay', 'numConns', 'probability', 'strength', 'convergence', 'divergence']
    if feature not in supportedFeatures:
        print(f'  Unsupported feauture "{feature}". Conn matrix with groupBy="{groupBy}" only supports features in {supportedFeatures}')
        return None, None, None

    from .. import sim

    def list_of_dict_unique_by_key(seq, key):
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add

            return [x for x in seq if x[key] not in seen and not seen_add(x[key])]
            print('  Error calculating list of dict unique by key...')
            return []

    # adapt indices/keys based on compact vs long conn format
    if sim.cfg.compactConnFormat:
        connsFormat = sim.cfg.compactConnFormat

        # set indices of fields to read compact format (no keys)
        missing = []
        preGidIndex = connsFormat.index('preGid') if 'preGid' in connsFormat else missing.append('preGid')
        synMechIndex = connsFormat.index('synMech') if 'synMech' in connsFormat else missing.append('synMech')
        weightIndex = connsFormat.index('weight') if 'weight' in connsFormat else missing.append('weight')
        delayIndex = connsFormat.index('delay') if 'delay' in connsFormat else missing.append('delay')
        preLabelIndex = connsFormat.index('preLabel') if 'preLabel' in connsFormat else -1

        if len(missing) > 0:
            print("  Error: cfg.compactConnFormat missing:")
            return None, None, None
        # using long conn format (dict)
        preGidIndex = 'preGid'
        synMechIndex = 'synMech'
        weightIndex = 'weight'
        delayIndex = 'delay'
        preLabelIndex = 'preLabel'

    # Calculate pre and post cells involved
    cellsPre, cellGidsPre, netStimPopsPre = getCellsInclude(includePre)
    if includePre == includePost:
        cellsPost, cellGidsPost, netStimPopsPost = cellsPre, cellGidsPre, netStimPopsPre
        cellsPost, cellGidsPost, netStimPopsPost = getCellsInclude(includePost)

    if isinstance(synMech, basestring):
        synMech = [synMech]  # make sure synMech is a list

    # Calculate matrix if grouped by cell
    if groupBy == 'cell':
        connMatrix = np.zeros((len(cellGidsPre), len(cellGidsPost)))
        countMatrix = np.zeros((len(cellGidsPre), len(cellGidsPost)))

        cellIndsPre = {cell['gid']: ind for ind, cell in enumerate(cellsPre)}
        cellIndsPost = {cell['gid']: ind for ind, cell in enumerate(cellsPost)}

        # Order by
        if len(cellsPre) > 0 and len(cellsPost) > 0:
            if (
                orderBy not in cellsPre[0]['tags'] or orderBy not in cellsPost[0]['tags']
            ):  # if orderBy property doesn't exist or is not numeric, use gid
                orderBy = 'gid'
            elif not isinstance(cellsPre[0]['tags'][orderBy], Number) or not isinstance(
                cellsPost[0]['tags'][orderBy], Number
                orderBy = 'gid'

            if orderBy == 'gid':
                yorderPre = [cell[orderBy] for cell in cellsPre]
                yorderPost = [cell[orderBy] for cell in cellsPost]
                yorderPre = [cell['tags'][orderBy] for cell in cellsPre]
                yorderPost = [cell['tags'][orderBy] for cell in cellsPost]

            sortedGidsPre = {gid: i for i, (y, gid) in enumerate(sorted(zip(yorderPre, cellGidsPre)))}
            cellIndsPre = sortedGidsPre
            if includePre == includePost:
                sortedGidsPost = sortedGidsPre
                cellIndsPost = cellIndsPre
                sortedGidsPost = {gid: i for i, (y, gid) in enumerate(sorted(zip(yorderPost, cellGidsPost)))}
                cellIndsPost = sortedGidsPost

        # Calculate conn matrix
        for cell in cellsPost:  # for each postsyn cell

            if synOrConn == 'syn':
                cellConns = cell['conns']  # include all synapses
                cellConns = list_of_dict_unique_by_key(cell['conns'], preGidIndex)

            if synMech:
                cellConns = [conn for conn in cellConns if conn[synMechIndex] in synMech]

            for conn in cellConns:
                if conn[preGidIndex] != 'NetStim' and conn[preGidIndex] in cellIndsPre:
                    if feature in ['weight', 'delay']:
                        featureIndex = weightIndex if feature == 'weight' else delayIndex
                        if conn[preGidIndex] in cellIndsPre:
                            if removeWeightNorm and feature == 'weight':
                                    sec = conn['sec']
                                    loc = conn['loc']
                                    nseg = cell['secs'][sec]['geom']['nseg']
                                    segIndex = int(round(loc * nseg)) - 1
                                    weightNorm = cell['secs'][sec]['weightNorm'][segIndex]
                                    connMatrix[cellIndsPre[conn[preGidIndex]], cellIndsPost[cell['gid']]] += (
                                        conn[featureIndex] / weightNorm
                                connMatrix[cellIndsPre[conn[preGidIndex]], cellIndsPost[cell['gid']]] += conn[

                    countMatrix[cellIndsPre[conn[preGidIndex]], cellIndsPost[cell['gid']]] += 1

        if feature in ['weight', 'delay']:
            if logPlot:
                connMatrix = np.log10(connMatrix / countMatrix)
                connMatrix = connMatrix / countMatrix
        elif feature in ['numConns']:
            connMatrix = countMatrix

        pre, post = cellsPre, cellsPost

    # Calculate matrix if grouped by pop
    elif groupBy == 'pop':

        # get list of pops
        popsTempPre = list(set([cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cellsPre]))
        popsPre = [pop for pop in if pop in popsTempPre] + netStimPopsPre
        popIndsPre = {pop: ind for ind, pop in enumerate(popsPre)}

        if includePre == includePost:
            popsPost = popsPre
            popIndsPost = popIndsPre
            popsTempPost = list(set([cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cellsPost]))
            popsPost = [pop for pop in if pop in popsTempPost] + netStimPopsPost
            popIndsPost = {pop: ind for ind, pop in enumerate(popsPost)}

        # initialize matrices
        if feature in ['weight', 'strength']:
            weightMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        elif feature == 'delay':
            delayMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        countMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))

        # calculate max num conns per pre and post pair of pops
        numCellsPopPre = {}
        for pop in popsPre:
            if pop in netStimPopsPre:
                numCellsPopPre[pop] = -1
                numCellsPopPre[pop] = len([cell for cell in cellsPre if cell['tags']['pop'] == pop])

        if includePre == includePost:
            numCellsPopPost = numCellsPopPre
            numCellsPopPost = {}
            for pop in popsPost:
                if pop in netStimPopsPost:
                    numCellsPopPost[pop] = -1
                    numCellsPopPost[pop] = len([cell for cell in cellsPost if cell['tags']['pop'] == pop])

        maxConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        if feature == 'convergence':
            maxPostConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        if feature == 'divergence':
            maxPreConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        for prePop in popsPre:
            for postPop in popsPost:
                if numCellsPopPre[prePop] == -1:
                    numCellsPopPre[prePop] = numCellsPopPost[postPop]
                maxConnMatrix[popIndsPre[prePop], popIndsPost[postPop]] = (
                    numCellsPopPre[prePop] * numCellsPopPost[postPop]
                if feature == 'convergence':
                    maxPostConnMatrix[popIndsPre[prePop], popIndsPost[postPop]] = numCellsPopPost[postPop]
                if feature == 'divergence':
                    maxPreConnMatrix[popIndsPre[prePop], popIndsPost[postPop]] = numCellsPopPre[prePop]

        preCellPops = {cell.gid: cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cellsPre}

        # Calculate conn matrix
        for cell in cellsPost:  # for each postsyn cell

            if synOrConn == 'syn':
                cellConns = cell['conns']  # include all synapses
                cellConns = list_of_dict_unique_by_key(cell['conns'], preGidIndex)

            if synMech:
                cellConns = [conn for conn in cellConns if conn[synMechIndex] in synMech]

            for conn in cellConns:
                if conn[preGidIndex] == 'NetStim':
                    prePopLabel = conn[preLabelIndex] if preLabelIndex in conn else 'NetStim'
                    prePopLabel = preCellPops.get(conn[preGidIndex])

                if prePopLabel in popIndsPre:
                    if feature in ['weight', 'strength']:
                        if removeWeightNorm:
                                sec = conn['sec']
                                loc = conn['loc']
                                nseg = cell['secs'][sec]['geom']['nseg']
                                segIndex = int(round(loc * nseg)) - 1
                                weightNorm = cell['secs'][sec]['weightNorm'][segIndex]
                                weightMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[cell['tags']['pop']]] += (
                                    conn[weightIndex] / weightNorm
                                import IPython

                            weightMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[cell['tags']['pop']]] += conn[

                    elif feature == 'delay':
                        delayMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[cell['tags']['pop']]] += conn[delayIndex]
                    countMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[cell['tags']['pop']]] += 1

        pre, post = popsPre, popsPost

    # Calculate matrix if grouped by numeric tag (eg. 'y')
    elif groupBy in[0]['tags'] and isinstance([0]['tags'][groupBy], Number):
        if not isinstance(groupByIntervalPre, Number) or not isinstance(groupByIntervalPost, Number):
            print('  groupByIntervalPre or groupByIntervalPost not specified')
            return None, None, None

        # group cells by 'groupBy' feature (eg. 'y') in intervals of 'groupByInterval')
        cellValuesPre = [cell['tags'][groupBy] for cell in cellsPre]
        minValuePre = _roundFigures(groupByIntervalPre * np.floor(min(cellValuesPre) / groupByIntervalPre), 3)
        maxValuePre = _roundFigures(groupByIntervalPre * np.ceil(max(cellValuesPre) / groupByIntervalPre), 3)
        groupsPre = np.arange(minValuePre, maxValuePre, groupByIntervalPre)
        groupsPre = [_roundFigures(x, 3) for x in groupsPre]

        if includePre == includePost:
            groupsPost = groupsPre
            cellValuesPost = [cell['tags'][groupBy] for cell in cellsPost]
            minValuePost = _roundFigures(groupByIntervalPost * np.floor(min(cellValuesPost) / groupByIntervalPost), 3)
            maxValuePost = _roundFigures(groupByIntervalPost * np.ceil(max(cellValuesPost) / groupByIntervalPost), 3)
            groupsPost = np.arange(minValuePost, maxValuePost, groupByIntervalPost)
            groupsPost = [_roundFigures(x, 3) for x in groupsPost]

        # only allow matrix sizes >= 2x2 [why?]
        # if len(groupsPre) < 2 or len(groupsPost) < 2:
        #     print 'groupBy %s with groupByIntervalPre %s and groupByIntervalPost %s results in <2 groups'%(str(groupBy), str(groupByIntervalPre), str(groupByIntervalPre))
        #     return

        # set indices for pre and post groups
        groupIndsPre = {group: ind for ind, group in enumerate(groupsPre)}
        groupIndsPost = {group: ind for ind, group in enumerate(groupsPost)}

        # initialize matrices
        if feature in ['weight', 'strength']:
            weightMatrix = np.zeros((len(groupsPre), len(groupsPost)))
        elif feature == 'delay':
            delayMatrix = np.zeros((len(groupsPre), len(groupsPost)))
        countMatrix = np.zeros((len(groupsPre), len(groupsPost)))

        # calculate max num conns per pre and post pair of pops
        numCellsGroupPre = {}
        for groupPre in groupsPre:
            numCellsGroupPre[groupPre] = len(
                [cell for cell in cellsPre if groupPre <= cell['tags'][groupBy] < (groupPre + groupByIntervalPre)]

        if includePre == includePost:
            numCellsGroupPost = numCellsGroupPre
            numCellsGroupPost = {}
            for groupPost in groupsPost:
                numCellsGroupPost[groupPost] = len(
                        for cell in cellsPost
                        if groupPost <= cell['tags'][groupBy] < (groupPost + groupByIntervalPost)

        maxConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(groupsPre), len(groupsPost)))
        if feature == 'convergence':
            maxPostConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(groupsPre), len(groupsPost)))
        if feature == 'divergence':
            maxPreConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(groupsPre), len(groupsPost)))
        for preGroup in groupsPre:
            for postGroup in groupsPost:
                if numCellsGroupPre[preGroup] == -1:
                    numCellsGroupPre[preGroup] = numCellsGroupPost[postGroup]
                maxConnMatrix[groupIndsPre[preGroup], groupIndsPost[postGroup]] = (
                    numCellsGroupPre[preGroup] * numCellsGroupPost[postGroup]
                if feature == 'convergence':
                    maxPostConnMatrix[groupIndsPre[preGroup], groupIndsPost[postGroup]] = numCellsGroupPost[postGroup]
                if feature == 'divergence':
                    maxPreConnMatrix[groupIndsPre[preGroup], groupIndsPost[postGroup]] = numCellsGroupPre[preGroup]

        # Calculate conn matrix
        for cell in cellsPost:  # for each postsyn cell
            if synOrConn == 'syn':
                cellConns = cell['conns']  # include all synapses
                cellConns = list_of_dict_unique_by_key(cell['conns'], preGidIndex)

            if synMech:
                cellConns = [conn for conn in cellConns if conn[synMechIndex] in synMech]

            for conn in cellConns:
                if conn[preGidIndex] == 'NetStim':
                    prePopLabel = -1  # maybe add in future
                    preCell = next((c for c in cellsPre if c['gid'] == conn[preGidIndex]), None)
                    if preCell:
                        preGroup = _roundFigures(
                            groupByIntervalPre * np.floor(preCell['tags'][groupBy] / groupByIntervalPre), 3
                        preGroup = None

                postGroup = _roundFigures(
                    groupByIntervalPost * np.floor(cell['tags'][groupBy] / groupByIntervalPost), 3
                if preGroup in groupIndsPre:
                    if feature in ['weight', 'strength']:
                        weightMatrix[groupIndsPre[preGroup], groupIndsPost[postGroup]] += conn[weightIndex]

                    elif feature == 'delay':
                        delayMatrix[groupIndsPre[preGroup], groupIndsPost[postGroup]] += conn[delayIndex]
                    countMatrix[groupIndsPre[preGroup], groupIndsPost[postGroup]] += 1

        pre, post = groupsPre, groupsPost

    # no valid groupBy
        print('  groupBy (%s) is not valid' % (str(groupBy)))
        return None, None, None

    # normalize by number of postsyn cells
    if groupBy != 'cell':
        if feature == 'weight':
            if logPlot:
                connMatrix = np.log10(weightMatrix / countMatrix)  # avg log weight per conn
                connMatrix = weightMatrix / countMatrix  # avg weight per conn
                connMatrix = np.nan_to_num(connMatrix, nan=0)  # if the count is 0 we get NaNs, but the weight is 0
        elif feature == 'delay':
            connMatrix = delayMatrix / countMatrix
            connMatrix = np.nan_to_num(connMatrix, nan=0)  # if the count is 0 we get NaNs, but the delay is 0
        elif feature == 'numConns':
            connMatrix = countMatrix
        elif feature in ['probability', 'strength']:
            connMatrix = countMatrix / maxConnMatrix  # probability
            if feature == 'strength':
                if logPlot:
                    connMatrix = np.log10(connMatrix * weightMatrix)  # log strength
                    connMatrix = connMatrix * weightMatrix  # strength
        elif feature == 'convergence':
            connMatrix = countMatrix / maxPostConnMatrix
        elif feature == 'divergence':
            connMatrix = countMatrix / maxPreConnMatrix

    return connMatrix, pre, post

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Support function for plotConn() - calculate conn using data from files with short format (no keys)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _plotConnCalculateFromFile(

    from .. import sim
    import json
    from time import time

    def list_of_dict_unique_by_key(seq, index):
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add
        return [x for x in seq if x[index] not in seen and not seen_add(x[index])]

    # load files with tags and conns
    start = time()
    tags, conns = None, None
    if tagsFile:
        print('Loading tags file...')
        with open(tagsFile, 'r') as fileObj:
            tagsTmp = json.load(fileObj)['tags']
        tagsFormat = tagsTmp.pop('format', [])
        tags = {int(k): v for k, v in tagsTmp.items()}  # find method to load json with int keys?
        del tagsTmp
    if connsFile:
        print('Loading conns file...')
        with open(connsFile, 'r') as fileObj:
            connsTmp = json.load(fileObj)['conns']
        connsFormat = connsTmp.pop('format', [])
        conns = {int(k): v for k, v in connsTmp.items()}
        del connsTmp

    print('Finished loading; total time (s): %.2f' % (time() - start))

    # find pre and post cells
    if tags and conns:
        cellGidsPre = getCellsIncludeTags(includePre, tags, tagsFormat)
        if includePre == includePost:
            cellGidsPost = cellGidsPre
            cellGidsPost = getCellsIncludeTags(includePost, tags, tagsFormat)
        print('Error loading tags and conns from file')
        return None, None, None

    # set indices of fields to read compact format (no keys)
    missing = []
    popIndex = tagsFormat.index('pop') if 'pop' in tagsFormat else missing.append('pop')
    preGidIndex = connsFormat.index('preGid') if 'preGid' in connsFormat else missing.append('preGid')
    synMechIndex = connsFormat.index('synMech') if 'synMech' in connsFormat else missing.append('synMech')
    weightIndex = connsFormat.index('weight') if 'weight' in connsFormat else missing.append('weight')
    delayIndex = connsFormat.index('delay') if 'delay' in connsFormat else missing.append('delay')
    preLabelIndex = connsFormat.index('preLabel') if 'preLabel' in connsFormat else -1

    if len(missing) > 0:
        return None, None, None

    if isinstance(synMech, basestring):
        synMech = [synMech]  # make sure synMech is a list

    # Calculate matrix if grouped by cell
    if groupBy == 'cell':
        print('  plotConn from file for groupBy=cell not implemented yet')
        return None, None, None

    # Calculate matrix if grouped by pop
    elif groupBy == 'pop':

        # get list of pops
        print('    Obtaining list of populations ...')
        popsPre = list(set([tags[gid][popIndex] for gid in cellGidsPre]))
        popIndsPre = {pop: ind for ind, pop in enumerate(popsPre)}
        netStimPopsPre = []  # netstims not yet supported
        netStimPopsPost = []

        if includePre == includePost:
            popsPost = popsPre
            popIndsPost = popIndsPre
            popsPost = list(set([tags[gid][popIndex] for gid in cellGidsPost]))
            popIndsPost = {pop: ind for ind, pop in enumerate(popsPost)}

        # initialize matrices
        if feature in ['weight', 'strength']:
            weightMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        elif feature == 'delay':
            delayMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        countMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))

        # calculate max num conns per pre and post pair of pops
        print('    Calculating max num conns for each pair of population ...')
        numCellsPopPre = {}
        for pop in popsPre:
            if pop in netStimPopsPre:
                numCellsPopPre[pop] = -1
                numCellsPopPre[pop] = len([gid for gid in cellGidsPre if tags[gid][popIndex] == pop])

        if includePre == includePost:
            numCellsPopPost = numCellsPopPre
            numCellsPopPost = {}
            for pop in popsPost:
                if pop in netStimPopsPost:
                    numCellsPopPost[pop] = -1
                    numCellsPopPost[pop] = len([gid for gid in cellGidsPost if tags[gid][popIndex] == pop])

        maxConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        if feature == 'convergence':
            maxPostConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        if feature == 'divergence':
            maxPreConnMatrix = np.zeros((len(popsPre), len(popsPost)))
        for prePop in popsPre:
            for postPop in popsPost:
                if numCellsPopPre[prePop] == -1:
                    numCellsPopPre[prePop] = numCellsPopPost[postPop]
                maxConnMatrix[popIndsPre[prePop], popIndsPost[postPop]] = (
                    numCellsPopPre[prePop] * numCellsPopPost[postPop]
                if feature == 'convergence':
                    maxPostConnMatrix[popIndsPre[prePop], popIndsPost[postPop]] = numCellsPopPost[postPop]
                if feature == 'divergence':
                    maxPreConnMatrix[popIndsPre[prePop], popIndsPost[postPop]] = numCellsPopPre[prePop]

        # Calculate conn matrix
        print('    Calculating weights, strength, prob, delay etc matrices ...')
        for postGid in cellGidsPost:  # for each postsyn cell
            print('     cell %d' % (int(postGid)))
            if synOrConn == 'syn':
                cellConns = conns[postGid]  # include all synapses
                cellConns = list_of_dict_unique_by_index(conns[postGid], preGidIndex)

            if synMech:
                cellConns = [conn for conn in cellConns if conn[synMechIndex] in synMech]

            for conn in cellConns:
                if conn[preGidIndex] == 'NetStim':
                    prePopLabel = conn[preLabelIndex] if preLabelIndex >= 0 else 'NetStims'
                    preCellGid = next((gid for gid in cellGidsPre if gid == conn[preGidIndex]), None)
                    prePopLabel = tags[preCellGid][popIndex] if preCellGid else None

                if prePopLabel in popIndsPre:
                    if feature in ['weight', 'strength']:
                        weightMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[tags[postGid][popIndex]]] += conn[
                    elif feature == 'delay':
                        delayMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[tags[postGid][popIndex]]] += conn[delayIndex]
                    countMatrix[popIndsPre[prePopLabel], popIndsPost[tags[postGid][popIndex]]] += 1

        pre, post = popsPre, popsPost

    # Calculate matrix if grouped by numeric tag (eg. 'y')
    elif groupBy in[0]['tags'] and isinstance([0]['tags'][groupBy], Number):
        print('plotConn from file for groupBy=[arbitrary property] not implemented yet')
        return None, None, None

    # no valid groupBy
        print('groupBy (%s) is not valid' % (str(groupBy)))
        return None, None, None

    if groupBy != 'cell':
        if feature == 'weight':
            if logPlot:
                connMatrix = np.log10(weightMatrix / countMatrix)  # avg log weight per conn
                connMatrix = weightMatrix / countMatrix  # avg weight per conn (fix to remove divide by zero warning)
                connMatrix = np.nan_to_num(connMatrix, nan=0)  # if the count is 0 we get NaNs, but the weight is 0
        elif feature == 'delay':
            connMatrix = delayMatrix / countMatrix
            connMatrix = np.nan_to_num(connMatrix, nan=0)  # if the count is 0 we get NaNs, but the delay is 0
        elif feature == 'numConns':
            connMatrix = countMatrix
        elif feature in ['probability', 'strength']:
            connMatrix = countMatrix / maxConnMatrix  # probability
            if feature == 'strength':
                if logPlot:
                    connMatrix = np.log10(connMatrix * weightMatrix)  # log strength
                    connMatrix = connMatrix * weightMatrix  # strength
        elif feature == 'convergence':
            connMatrix = countMatrix / maxPostConnMatrix
        elif feature == 'divergence':
            connMatrix = countMatrix / maxPreConnMatrix

    print('    plotting ...')
    return connMatrix, pre, post

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Plot connectivity
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exception def plotConn( includePre=['all'], includePost=['all'], feature='strength', orderBy='gid', groupBy='pop', groupByIntervalPre=None, groupByIntervalPost=None, graphType='matrix', removeWeightNorm=False, synOrConn='syn', synMech=None, connsFile=None, tagsFile=None, clim=None, figSize=(8, 8), fontSize=12, saveData=None, saveFig=None, showFig=True, logPlot=False, ): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- includePre : list List of presynaptic cells to include. **Default:** ``['all']`` **Options:** ``['all']`` plots all cells and stimulations, ``['allNetStims']`` plots just stimulations, ``['popName1']`` plots a single population, ``['popName1', 'popName2']`` plots multiple populations, ``[120]`` plots a single cell, ``[120, 130]`` plots multiple cells, ``[('popName1', 56)]`` plots a cell from a specific population, ``[('popName1', [0, 1]), ('popName2', [4, 5, 6])]``, plots cells from multiple populations includePost : list List of postsynaptic cells to include. **Default:** ``['all']`` **Options:** same as in `includePre` feature : str Feature to show in the connectivity plot. The only features applicable to ``groupBy='cell'`` are ``'weight'``, ``'delay'`` and ``'numConns'``. **Default:** ``'strength'`` **Options:** ``'weight'`` weight of connection, ``'delay'`` delay in connection, ``'numConns'`` number of connections, ``'probability'`` probabiluty of connection, ``'strength'`` weight * probability, ``'convergence'`` number of presynaptic cells per postynaptic one, ``'divergence'`` number of postsynaptic cells per presynaptic one orderBy : str Unique numeric cell property by which to order x and y axes. **Default:** ``'gid'`` **Options:** ``'gid'``, ``'y'``, ``'ynorm'`` groupBy : str Plot connectivity for populations, individual cells, or by other numeric tags such as ``'y'``. **Default:** ``'pop'`` **Options:** ``'pop'``, ``'cell'``, ``'y'`` groupByIntervalPre : int or float Interval of `groupBy` feature to group presynaptic cells by in connectivity plot, e.g. ``100`` to group by cortical depth in steps of 100 um. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> groupByIntervalPost : int or float Interval of `groupBy` feature to group postsynaptic cells by in connectivity plot, e.g. ``100`` to group by cortical depth in steps of 100 um. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> graphType : str Type of graph to represent data. **Default:** ``'matrix'`` **Options:** ``'matrix'``, ``'bar'``, ``'pie'`` removeWeightNorm : bool **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> synOrConn : str Use synapses or connections; note one connection can have multiple synapses. **Default:** ``'syn'`` **Options:** ``'syn'``, ``'conn'`` synMech : list Show results only for these synaptic mechanisms, e.g. ``['AMPA', 'GABAA', ...]``. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> connsFile : str Path to a saved data file of connectivity to plot from. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> tagsFile : str Path to a saved tags file to use in connectivity plot. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> clim : list [min, max] List of numeric values for the limits of the colorbar. **Default:** ``None`` uses the min and max of the connectivity matrix **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> figSize : list [width, height] Size of figure in inches. **Default:** ``(8, 8)`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> fontSize : int Font size on figure. **Default:** ``12`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> saveData : bool or str Whether and where to save the data used to generate the plot. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the data, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.pkl'`` and ``'.json'`` saveFig : bool or str Whether and where to save the figure. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the figure, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'`` showFig : bool Shows the figure if ``True``. **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> Returns ------- """ from .. import sim print('Plotting connectivity matrix...') if groupBy == 'cell' and feature == 'strength': feature = 'weight' if connsFile and tagsFile: connMatrix, pre, post = _plotConnCalculateFromFile( includePre, includePost, feature, orderBy, groupBy, groupByIntervalPre, groupByIntervalPost, synOrConn, synMech, connsFile, tagsFile, removeWeightNorm, logPlot, ) else: connMatrix, pre, post = _plotConnCalculateFromSim( includePre, includePost, feature, orderBy, groupBy, groupByIntervalPre, groupByIntervalPost, synOrConn, synMech, removeWeightNorm, logPlot, ) if connMatrix is None: print(" Error calculating connMatrix in plotConn()") return None # set font size plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontSize}) # matrix plot if graphType == 'matrix': # Create plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.98) # Less space on right fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.96) # Less space on top fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.02) # Less space on bottom h = plt.axes() plt.imshow( connMatrix, interpolation='nearest', cmap='viridis', vmin=np.nanmin(connMatrix), vmax=np.nanmax(connMatrix) ) # _bicolormap(gap=0) # Plot grid lines if groupBy == 'cell': cellsPre, cellsPost = pre, post # Make pretty stepy = max(1, int(len(cellsPre) / 10.0)) basey = 100 if stepy > 100 else 10 stepy = max(1, int(basey * np.floor(float(stepy) / basey))) stepx = max(1, int(len(cellsPost) / 10.0)) basex = 100 if stepx > 100 else 10 stepx = max(1, int(basex * np.floor(float(stepx) / basex))) h.set_xticks(np.arange(0, len(cellsPost), stepx)) h.set_yticks(np.arange(0, len(cellsPre), stepy)) h.set_xticklabels(np.arange(0, len(cellsPost), stepx)) h.set_yticklabels(np.arange(0, len(cellsPost), stepy)) h.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xlim(-0.5, len(cellsPost) - 0.5) plt.ylim(len(cellsPre) - 0.5, -0.5) elif groupBy == 'pop': popsPre, popsPost = pre, post for ipop, pop in enumerate(popsPre): plt.plot(np.array([0, len(popsPost)]) - 0.5, np.array([ipop, ipop]) - 0.5, '-', c=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)) for ipop, pop in enumerate(popsPost): plt.plot(np.array([ipop, ipop]) - 0.5, np.array([0, len(popsPre)]) - 0.5, '-', c=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)) # Make pretty h.set_xticks(list(range(len(popsPost)))) h.set_yticks(list(range(len(popsPre)))) h.set_xticklabels(popsPost) h.set_yticklabels(popsPre) h.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xlim(-0.5, len(popsPost) - 0.5) plt.ylim(len(popsPre) - 0.5, -0.5) else: groupsPre, groupsPost = pre, post for igroup, group in enumerate(groupsPre): plt.plot(np.array([0, len(groupsPre)]) - 0.5, np.array([igroup, igroup]) - 0.5, '-', c=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)) for igroup, group in enumerate(groupsPost): plt.plot( np.array([igroup, igroup]) - 0.5, np.array([0, len(groupsPost)]) - 0.5, '-', c=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) ) # Make pretty h.set_xticks([i - 0.5 for i in range(len(groupsPost))]) h.set_yticks([i - 0.5 for i in range(len(groupsPre))]) h.set_xticklabels([int(x) if x > 1 else x for x in groupsPost]) h.set_yticklabels([int(x) if x > 1 else x for x in groupsPre]) h.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xlim(-0.5, len(groupsPost) - 0.5) plt.ylim(len(groupsPre) - 0.5, -0.5) if not clim: clim = [np.nanmin(connMatrix), np.nanmax(connMatrix)] plt.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) if logPlot: plt.colorbar(label=feature + ' (log)', shrink=0.8) else: plt.colorbar(label=feature, shrink=0.8) plt.xlabel('post') h.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, 1.09) plt.ylabel('pre') if logPlot: plt.title('Connection ' + feature + ' matrix (log)', y=1.12) else: plt.title('Connection ' + feature + ' matrix', y=1.12) # stacked bar graph elif graphType == 'bar': if groupBy == 'pop': popsPre, popsPost = pre, post from import stackedBarGraph SBG = stackedBarGraph.StackedBarGrapher() fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) SBG.stackedBarPlot( ax, connMatrix.transpose(), colorList, xLabels=popsPost, gap=0.1, scale=False, xlabel='Post', ylabel=feature, ) plt.title('Connection ' + feature + ' stacked bar graph') plt.legend(popsPre, title='Pre') plt.tight_layout() elif groupBy == 'cell': print(' Error: plotConn graphType="bar" with groupBy="cell" not implemented') return None elif graphType == 'pie': print(' Error: plotConn graphType="pie" not yet implemented') return None # save figure data if saveData: figData = { 'connMatrix': connMatrix, 'feature': feature, 'groupBy': groupBy, 'includePre': includePre, 'includePost': includePost, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig, } _saveFigData(figData, saveData, 'conn') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_plot_conn_' + groupBy + '_' + feature + '_' + graphType + '.png' plt.savefig(filename) # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return fig, { 'connMatrix': connMatrix, 'feature': feature, 'groupBy': groupBy, 'includePre': includePre, 'includePost': includePost, }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot 2D representation of network cell positions and connections # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exception def plot2Dnet( include=['allCells'], view='xy', showConns=True, popColors=None, tagsFile=None, figSize=(12, 12), fontSize=12, saveData=None, saveFig=None, showFig=True, lineWidth=0.1, ): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- include : list List of presynaptic cells to include. **Default:** ``['allCells']`` **Options:** ``['all']`` plots all cells and stimulations, ``['allNetStims']`` plots just stimulations, ``['popName1']`` plots a single population, ``['popName1', 'popName2']`` plots multiple populations, ``[120]`` plots a single cell, ``[120, 130]`` plots multiple cells, ``[('popName1', 56)]`` plots a cell from a specific population, ``[('popName1', [0, 1]), ('popName2', [4, 5, 6])]``, plots cells from multiple populations view : str Perspective of view. **Default:** ``'xy'`` front view, **Options:** ``'xz'`` top-down view showConns : bool Whether to show connections or not. **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> popColors : dict Dictionary with custom color (value) used for each population (key). **Default:** ``None`` uses standard colors **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> tagsFile : str Path to a saved tags file to use in connectivity plot. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> figSize : list [width, height] Size of figure in inches. **Default:** ``(12, 12)`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> fontSize : int Font size on figure. **Default:** ``12`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> saveData : bool or str Whether and where to save the data used to generate the plot. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the data, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.pkl'`` and ``'.json'`` saveFig : bool or str Whether and where to save the figure. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the figure, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'`` showFig : bool Shows the figure if ``True``. **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> lineWidth: float Width of connection lines. **Default:** ``0.1`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> Returns ------- """ from .. import sim print('Plotting 2D representation of network cell locations and connections...') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) # front view if view == 'xy': ycoord = 'y' elif view == 'xz': ycoord = 'z' if tagsFile: print('Loading tags file...') import json with open(tagsFile, 'r') as fileObj: tagsTmp = json.load(fileObj)['tags'] tagsFormat = tagsTmp.pop('format', []) tags = {int(k): v for k, v in tagsTmp.items()} # find method to load json with int keys? del tagsTmp # set indices of fields to read compact format (no keys) missing = [] popIndex = tagsFormat.index('pop') if 'pop' in tagsFormat else missing.append('pop') xIndex = tagsFormat.index('x') if 'x' in tagsFormat else missing.append('x') yIndex = tagsFormat.index('y') if 'y' in tagsFormat else missing.append('y') zIndex = tagsFormat.index('z') if 'z' in tagsFormat else missing.append('z') if len(missing) > 0: print("Missing:") print(missing) return None, None, None # find pre and post cells if tags: cellGids = getCellsIncludeTags(include, tags, tagsFormat) popLabels = list(set([tags[gid][popIndex] for gid in cellGids])) # pop and cell colors popColorsTmp = { popLabel: colorList[ipop % len(colorList)] for ipop, popLabel in enumerate(popLabels) } # dict with color for each pop if popColors: popColorsTmp.update(popColors) popColors = popColorsTmp cellColors = [popColors[tags[gid][popIndex]] for gid in cellGids] # cell locations posX = [tags[gid][xIndex] for gid in cellGids] # get all x positions if ycoord == 'y': posY = [tags[gid][yIndex] for gid in cellGids] # get all y positions elif ycoord == 'z': posY = [tags[gid][zIndex] for gid in cellGids] # get all y positions else: print('Error loading tags from file') return None else: cells, cellGids, _ = getCellsInclude(include) selectedPops = [cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cells] popLabels = [pop for pop in if pop in selectedPops] # preserves original ordering # pop and cell colors popColorsTmp = { popLabel: colorList[ipop % len(colorList)] for ipop, popLabel in enumerate(popLabels) } # dict with color for each pop if popColors: popColorsTmp.update(popColors) popColors = popColorsTmp cellColors = [popColors[cell['tags']['pop']] for cell in cells] # cell locations posX = [cell['tags']['x'] for cell in cells] # get all x positions posY = [cell['tags'][ycoord] for cell in cells] # get all y positions plt.scatter(posX, posY, s=60, color=cellColors) # plot cell soma positions posXpre, posYpre = [], [] posXpost, posYpost = [], [] if showConns and not tagsFile: for postCell in cells: for con in postCell['conns']: # plot connections between cells if not isinstance(con['preGid'], basestring) and con['preGid'] in cellGids: posXpre, posYpre = next( ((cell['tags']['x'], cell['tags'][ycoord]) for cell in cells if cell['gid'] == con['preGid']), None, ) posXpost, posYpost = postCell['tags']['x'], postCell['tags'][ycoord] color = 'red' if con['synMech'] in ['inh', 'GABA', 'GABAA', 'GABAB']: color = 'blue' width = lineWidth # 50*con['weight'] plt.plot( [posXpre, posXpost], [posYpre, posYpost], color=color, linewidth=width ) # plot line from pre to post plt.xlabel('x (um)') plt.ylabel(ycoord + ' (um)') plt.xlim([min(posX) - 0.05 * max(posX), 1.05 * max(posX)]) plt.ylim([min(posY) - 0.05 * max(posY), 1.05 * max(posY)]) fontsiz = fontSize for popLabel in popLabels: plt.plot(0, 0, color=popColors[popLabel], label=popLabel) plt.legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0) ax = plt.gca() ax.invert_yaxis() # save figure data if saveData: figData = { 'posX': posX, 'posY': posY, 'posX': cellColors, 'posXpre': posXpre, 'posXpost': posXpost, 'posYpre': posYpre, 'posYpost': posYpost, 'include': include, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig, 'lineWidth': lineWidth, } _saveFigData(figData, saveData, '2Dnet') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_plot_2Dnet.png' plt.savefig(filename) # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return fig, { 'include': include, 'posX': posX, 'posY': posY, 'posXpre': posXpre, 'posXpost': posXpost, 'posYpre': posYpre, 'posYpost': posYpost, }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Plot 2D representation of network activity # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exception def plot2Dfiring( include=['allCells'], view='xy', popColors=None, timeRange=None, spikeBin=5, figSize=(12, 12), fontSize=12, saveData=None, saveFig=None, showFig=True, lineWidth=0.1, ): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- include : list List of presynaptic cells to include. **Default:** ``['allCells']`` **Options:** ``['all']`` plots all cells and stimulations, ``['allNetStims']`` plots just stimulations, ``['popName1']`` plots a single population, ``['popName1', 'popName2']`` plots multiple populations, ``[120]`` plots a single cell, ``[120, 130]`` plots multiple cells, ``[('popName1', 56)]`` plots a cell from a specific population, ``[('popName1', [0, 1]), ('popName2', [4, 5, 6])]``, plots cells from multiple populations view : str Perspective of view. **Default:** ``'xy'`` front view, **Options:** ``'xz'`` top-down view popColors : dict Dictionary with custom color (value) used for each population (key). **Default:** ``None`` uses standard colors **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> figSize : list [width, height] Size of figure in inches. **Default:** ``(12, 12)`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> fontSize : int Font size on figure. **Default:** ``12`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> saveData : bool or str Whether and where to save the data used to generate the plot. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the data, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.pkl'`` and ``'.json'`` saveFig : bool or str Whether and where to save the figure. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the figure, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'`` showFig : bool Shows the figure if ``True``. **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> lineWidth: float Width of connection lines. **Default:** ``0.1`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> Returns ------- """ from .. import sim from matplotlib import animation print('Plotting 2D representation of network cell locations and connections...') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) # front view if view == 'xy': ycoord = 'y' elif view == 'xz': ycoord = 'z' # get tags cells, cellGids, _ = getCellsInclude(include) selectedPops = [cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cells] popLabels = [pop for pop in if pop in selectedPops] # preserves original ordering # pop and cell colors popColorsTmp = { popLabel: colorList[ipop % len(colorList)] for ipop, popLabel in enumerate(popLabels) } # dict with color for each pop if popColors: popColorsTmp.update(popColors) popColors = popColorsTmp cellColors = [popColors[cell['tags']['pop']] for cell in cells] # cell locations posX = [cell['tags']['x'] for cell in cells] # get all x positions posY = [cell['tags'][ycoord] for cell in cells] # get all y positions sc = plt.scatter(posX, posY, s=60, color=cellColors) # plot cell soma positions posXpre, posYpre = [], [] posXpost, posYpost = [], [] plt.xlabel('x (um)') plt.ylabel(ycoord + ' (um)') plt.xlim([min(posX) - 0.05 * max(posX), 1.05 * max(posX)]) plt.ylim([min(posY) - 0.05 * max(posY), 1.05 * max(posY)]) fontsiz = fontSize for popLabel in popLabels: plt.plot(0, 0, color=popColors[popLabel], label=popLabel) plt.legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0) ax = plt.gca() ax.invert_yaxis() # generate animation with time-resolved spiking activity spktsAll = sim.allSimData['spkt'] spkidsAll = sim.allSimData['spkid'] if not isinstance(timeRange, list): # True or None timeRange = [0, sim.cfg.duration] def animate(i, sc, timeRange, spikeBin, ycoord, spkidsAll, spktsAll, cells, cellGids, popColors): timeInterval = [timeRange[0] + i * spikeBin, timeRange[0] + (i + 1) * spikeBin] out = list( zip( *[ (spkid, spkt) for spkid, spkt in zip(spkidsAll, spktsAll) if timeInterval[0] <= spkt <= timeInterval[1] ] ) ) if len(out) == 2: spkids, spkts = out spkids = [int(x) for x in list(set(spkids) & set(cellGids))] posX = np.array([cells[gid]['tags']['x'] for gid in spkids]) # get all x positions posY = np.array([cells[gid]['tags'][ycoord] for gid in spkids]) # get all y positions cellColors = [popColors[cells[gid]['tags']['pop']] for gid in spkids] sc.set_offsets(np.c_[posX, posY]) sc.set_color(cellColors) plt.gca().set_title('t = %d' % int(timeRange[0] + (i + 1) * spikeBin)) frames = int((timeRange[1] - timeRange[0]) / spikeBin) ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, animate, frames=frames, interval=100, repeat=True, fargs=( sc, timeRange, spikeBin, ycoord, spkidsAll, spktsAll, cells, cellGids, popColors, ), ) # save figure data if saveData: figData = { 'posX': posX, 'posY': posY, 'posX': cellColors, 'posXpre': posXpre, 'posXpost': posXpost, 'posYpre': posYpre, 'posYpost': posYpost, 'include': include, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig, 'lineWidth': lineWidth, } _saveFigData(figData, saveData, '2Dnet') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_plot_2Dfiring.gif' # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return fig, { 'include': include, 'posX': posX, 'posY': posY, 'posXpre': posXpre, 'posXpost': posXpost, 'posYpre': posYpre, 'posYpost': posYpost, }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Calculate number of disynaptic connections # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exception def calculateDisynaptic( includePost=['allCells'], includePre=['allCells'], includePrePre=['allCells'], tags=None, conns=None, tagsFile=None, connsFile=None, ): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- includePost : list <Short description of includePost> **Default:** ``['allCells']`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> includePre : list <Short description of includePre> **Default:** ``['allCells']`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> includePrePre : list <Short description of includePrePre> **Default:** ``['allCells']`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> tags : <``None``?> <Short description of tags> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> conns : <``None``?> <Short description of conns> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> tagsFile : <``None``?> <Short description of tagsFile> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> connsFile : <``None``?> <Short description of connsFile> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ import json from time import time from .. import sim numDis = 0 totCon = 0 start = time() if tagsFile: print('Loading tags file...') with open(tagsFile, 'r') as fileObj: tagsTmp = json.load(fileObj)['tags'] tags = {int(k): v for k, v in tagsTmp.items()} del tagsTmp if connsFile: print('Loading conns file...') with open(connsFile, 'r') as fileObj: connsTmp = json.load(fileObj)['conns'] conns = {int(k): v for k, v in connsTmp.items()} del connsTmp print(' Calculating disynaptic connections...') # loading from json files if tags and conns: cellsPreGids = getCellsIncludeTags(includePre, tags) cellsPrePreGids = getCellsIncludeTags(includePrePre, tags) cellsPostGids = getCellsIncludeTags(includePost, tags) preGidIndex = conns['format'].index('preGid') if 'format' in conns else 0 for postGid in cellsPostGids: preGidsAll = [ conn[preGidIndex] for conn in conns[postGid] if isinstance(conn[preGidIndex], Number) and conn[preGidIndex] in cellsPreGids + cellsPrePreGids ] preGids = [gid for gid in preGidsAll if gid in cellsPreGids] for preGid in preGids: prePreGids = [conn[preGidIndex] for conn in conns[preGid] if conn[preGidIndex] in cellsPrePreGids] totCon += 1 if not set(prePreGids).isdisjoint(preGidsAll): numDis += 1 else: if sim.cfg.compactConnFormat: if 'preGid' in sim.cfg.compactConnFormat: preGidIndex = sim.cfg.compactConnFormat.index('preGid') # using compact conn format (list) else: print(' Error: cfg.compactConnFormat does not include "preGid"') return -1 else: preGidIndex = 'preGid' # using long conn format (dict) _, cellsPreGids, _ = getCellsInclude(includePre) _, cellsPrePreGids, _ = getCellsInclude(includePrePre) cellsPost, _, _ = getCellsInclude(includePost) for postCell in cellsPost: print(postCell['gid']) preGidsAll = [ conn[preGidIndex] for conn in postCell['conns'] if isinstance(conn[preGidIndex], Number) and conn[preGidIndex] in cellsPreGids + cellsPrePreGids ] preGids = [gid for gid in preGidsAll if gid in cellsPreGids] for preGid in preGids: preCell =[preGid] prePreGids = [conn[preGidIndex] for conn in preCell['conns'] if conn[preGidIndex] in cellsPrePreGids] totCon += 1 if not set(prePreGids).isdisjoint(preGidsAll): numDis += 1 print( ' Total disynaptic connections: %d / %d (%.2f%%)' % (numDis, totCon, float(numDis) / float(totCon) * 100 if totCon > 0 else 0.0) ) try: sim.allSimData['disynConns'] = numDis except: pass print(' time ellapsed (s): ', time() - start) return numDis