Module for utilities to help analyze and plot results
to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
to_unicode = str
except NameError:
basestring = str
import functools
import sys
import pandas as pd
import pickle, json
import os
def exception(function):
Wrapper function to catch exceptions in functions
function : function
A Python function
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return function(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
print(f"\nThere was an exception in {function.__name__}()")
return -1
return wrapper
def getInclude(include='allCells', sim=None):
Function to return the cells indicated by the include list
include : str, int, list
Cells and/or NetStims to return information for
**Default:** 'allCells' includes all cells
(1) 'all' includes all cells and all NetStims,
(2) 'allNetStims' includes all NetStims but no cells,
(3) a string which matches a pop name includes all cells in that pop,
(4) a string which matches a NetStim name includes that NetStim,
(5) an int includes the cell with that global identifier (GID),
(6) a list of ints includes the cells with those GIDS,
(7) a list with two items, the first of which is a string matching a pop name and the second of which is an int or a list of ints, includes the relative cell(s) from that population (e.g. ('popName', [0, 1]) includes the first two cells in popName, which are not likely to be the cells with GID 0 and 1)
sim : NetPyNE sim object
**Default:** ``None`` uses the current NetPyNE sim object
cells, cellGids, netStimLabels : tuple
``cells`` is a list of dicts containing cell information, ``cellGids`` is a list of ints of the global identifier (GID) for each cell, ``netStimLabels`` is a list of strings of the included stimulations
if not sim:
from .. import sim
allCells = sim.net.allCells
allNetStimLabels = list(sim.net.params.stimSourceParams.keys())
cellGids = []
cells = []
netStimLabels = []
if type(include) == str:
include = [include]
for condition in include:
if condition == 'all': # all cells and all Netstims
cellGids = [c['gid'] for c in allCells]
cells = list(allCells)
netStimLabels = list(allNetStimLabels)
return cells, cellGids, netStimLabels
elif condition == 'allCells': # all cells but no NetStims
cellGids = [c['gid'] for c in allCells]
cells = list(allCells)
elif condition == 'allNetStims': # all Netstims but no cells
netStimLabels = list(allNetStimLabels)
elif isinstance(condition, int): # cell gid
elif isinstance(condition, basestring): # entire pop or single NetStim
if condition in allNetStimLabels:
cellGids.extend([c['gid'] for c in allCells if c['tags']['pop'] == condition])
elif (
isinstance(condition, (list, tuple))
and len(condition) == 2
and isinstance(condition[0], basestring)
and isinstance(condition[1], (list, int))
): # subset of a pop with relative indices
cellsPop = [c['gid'] for c in allCells if c['tags']['pop'] == condition[0]]
if isinstance(condition[1], list):
cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i in condition[1]])
elif isinstance(condition[1], int):
cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i == condition[1]])
elif isinstance(condition, (list, tuple)): # subset
for subcond in condition:
if isinstance(subcond, int): # cell gid
elif isinstance(subcond, basestring): # entire pop or single NetStim
if subcond in allNetStimLabels:
cellGids.extend([c['gid'] for c in allCells if c['tags']['pop'] == subcond])
cellGids = sim.unique(cellGids)
cells = [cell for cell in allCells if cell['gid'] in cellGids]
cells = sorted(cells, key=lambda k: k['gid'])
return cells, cellGids, netStimLabels
def getSpktSpkid(cellGids=[], timeRange=None, sim=None):
Function to efficiently get a subset of spikes based on a timeRange and cellGids list
cellGids : list
A list of cells to include by global identifier (GID)
**Default:** ``[]``
timeRange : [start, stop]
A list of two floats specifying the time range of spikes to include
**Default:** ``None`` includes the entire simulation time range
sim : NetPyNE sim object
**Default:** ``None`` uses the current NetPyNE sim object
(selection, spkt, spkid)
A tuple consisting of the subset in a Pandas dataframe, a list of spike times, and a list of spike GIDs
if not sim:
from .. import sim
try: # Pandas 1.4.0
from pandas._libs import lib as pandaslib
try: # Pandas 0.24 and later
from pandas import _lib as pandaslib
except: # Pandas 0.23 and earlier
from pandas import lib as pandaslib
df = pd.DataFrame(
pandaslib.to_object_array([sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid']]).transpose(),
columns=['spkt', 'spkid'],
if timeRange:
# binary search is faster than query
min, max = [int(df['spkt'].searchsorted(timeRange[i])) for i in range(2)]
min, max = 0, len(df)
if len(cellGids) == 0:
sel = df[min:max]
sel = df[min:max].query('spkid in @cellGids')
spktList = sel['spkt'].tolist()
spkidList = sel['spkid'].tolist()
return sel, spktList, spkidList
def plotData(sim=None):
Wrapper to run plotting functions specified in simConfig
sim : NetPyNE sim object
**Default:** ``None`` uses the current NetPyNE sim object
if not sim:
from .. import sim
from netpyne import __gui__
# Only plot from the main node in parallel simulations
if sim.rank == 0 and __gui__:
sim.timing('start', 'plotTime')
# Call analysis functions specified by user
for funcName, kwargs in sim.cfg.analysis.items():
if kwargs == True:
kwargs = {}
elif kwargs == False:
func = getattr(sim.plotting, funcName, None)
if func is None:
func = getattr(sim.analysis, funcName, None)
if func:
func(**kwargs) # call function with user arguments
print(f'Unable to run {funcName} from sim.plotting and sim.analysis (no such function)')
# Print timings
if sim.cfg.timing:
sim.timing('stop', 'plotTime')
print((' Done; plotting time = %0.2f s' % sim.timingData['plotTime']))
sim.timing('stop', 'totalTime')
sumTime = sum([t for k, t in sim.timingData.items() if k not in ['totalTime']])
if sim.timingData['totalTime'] <= 1.2 * sumTime: # Print total time (only if makes sense)
print(('\nTotal time = %0.2f s' % sim.timingData['totalTime']))
# try:
# print('\nEnd time: ', datetime.now())
# except:
# pass
def saveData(data, fileName=None, fileDesc=None, fileType=None, fileDir=None, sim=None, **kwargs):
Function to save data to a file
data : data object
fileName : str
**Default:** ``None`` uses sim.cfg.fileName
fileDesc : str
**Default:** ``None``
If fileDesc is a string, it will be added to the file name after an underscore
fileType : str
**Default:** ``None`` saves the data as a Python Pickle file
**Options:** ``'json'`` saves the data in a .json file
fileDir : str
**Default:** ``None`` saves to the current directory
sim : NetPyNE sim object
**Default:** ``None`` uses the current NetPyNE sim object
fileName : str
The complete name, with extension and path, of the file saved
if not sim:
from .. import sim
if not fileType or fileType in ['pkl', 'pickle', '.pkl']:
fileExt = '.pkl'
elif fileType in ['json', '.json']:
fileExt = '.json'
raise Exception('fileType not recognized in saveData')
if fileDesc is None:
fileDesc = '_data'
fileDesc = '_' + str(fileDesc)
if not fileName or not isinstance(fileName, basestring):
fileName = sim.cfg.filename + fileDesc + fileExt
if fileName.endswith(fileExt):
fileName = fileName.split(fileExt)[0] + fileDesc + fileExt
fileName = fileName + fileDesc + fileExt
if fileDir is not None:
fileName = os.path.join(fileDir, fileName)
if fileName.endswith('.pkl'):
print(('Saving data as %s ... ' % (fileName)))
with open(fileName, 'wb') as fileObj:
pickle.dump(data, fileObj)
elif fileName.endswith('.json'):
print(('Saving data as %s ... ' % (fileName)))
sim.saveJSON(fileName, data)
print('File extension to save data not recognized')
return fileName
def loadData(fileName, fileDir=None, sim=None):
Function to load data from a file (JSON or Python Pickle)
fileName : str
fileDir : str
The directory to load the data file from
**Default:** ``None`` loads from the current directory
sim : NetPyNE sim object
**Default:** ``None`` uses the current NetPyNE sim object
data : dict
The data from the file
if fileDir is not None:
fileName = os.path.join(fileName, fileDir)
if fileName.endswith('.pkl'):
with open(fileName, 'rb') as input_file:
data = pickle.load(input_file)
elif fileName.endswith('.json'):
with open(fileName) as input_file:
data = json.load(input_file)
raise Exception('loadData can only load JSON (.json) or Python Pickle (.pkl) files')
return data
def checkAvailablePlots(requireCfg=False):
Function to check which plots are available for the GUI
requireCfg : bool
Whether a plot configuration in sim.cfg.analysis is required to return True for each plot
**Default:** False
output : dict
Keys indicate the name of the analysis function and values whether they are available or not (Boolean)
from .. import sim
avail = {
'plotConn': False,
'plot2Dnet': False,
'plotTraces': False,
'plotRaster': False,
'plotSpikeHist': False,
'plotSpikeStats': False,
'plotLFP': False,
'granger': False,
'plotRxDConcentration': False,
# plot conn
if hasattr(sim, 'net') and hasattr(sim.net, 'allCells') and len(sim.net.allCells) > 0:
avail['plotConn'] = True
avail['plot2Dnet'] = True
# plot traces
traces = list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys())
if len(traces) > 0 and hasattr(sim, 'allSimData'):
for trace in traces:
if trace in sim.allSimData and len(sim.allSimData.get(trace)):
avail['plotTraces'] = True
# raster, spike hist, spike stats, rate psd and granger
if (
hasattr(sim, 'allSimData')
and 'spkid' in sim.allSimData
and 'spkt' in sim.allSimData
and len(sim.allSimData['spkid']) > 0
and len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) > 0
avail['plotRaster'] = True
avail['plotSpikeHist'] = True
avail['plotSpikeStats'] = True
avail['plotRatePSD'] = True
avail['granger'] = True
# plot lfp
if hasattr(sim, 'allSimData') and 'LFP' in sim.allSimData and len(sim.allSimData['LFP']) > 0:
avail['plotLFP'] = True
# rxd concentation
if (
hasattr(sim, 'net')
and hasattr(sim.net, 'rxd')
and 'species' in sim.net.rxd
and 'regions' in sim.net.rxd
and len(sim.net.rxd['species']) > 0
and len(sim.net.rxd['regions']) > 0
avail['plotRxDConcentration'] = True
# require config of plots in sim.cfg.analysis
if requireCfg:
for k in avail:
if k not in sim.cfg.analysis:
avail[k] = False
return avail
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Default NetPyNE Bokeh theme -- based on dark_minimal
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: The Bokeh plotting APIs defaults override some theme properties. Namely: fill_alpha,
# fill_color, line_alpha, line_color, text_alpha and text_color. Those properties should
# therefore be set explicitly when using the plotting API.
_guiTheme = {
"attrs": {
"Figure": {
"background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#20262B",
"border_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C",
"outline_line_color": "#E0E0E0",
"outline_line_alpha": 0.25,
"Grid": {"grid_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "grid_line_alpha": 0.25},
"Axis": {
"major_tick_line_alpha": 0,
"major_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0",
"minor_tick_line_alpha": 0,
"minor_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0",
"axis_line_alpha": 0,
"axis_line_color": "#E0E0E0",
"major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0",
"major_label_text_font": "Helvetica",
"major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em",
"axis_label_standoff": 10,
"axis_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0",
"axis_label_text_font": "Helvetica",
"axis_label_text_font_size": "1.25em",
"axis_label_text_font_style": "normal",
"Legend": {
"spacing": 8,
"glyph_width": 15,
"label_standoff": 8,
"label_text_color": "#E0E0E0",
"label_text_font": "Helvetica",
"label_text_font_size": "1.025em",
"border_line_alpha": 0,
"background_fill_alpha": 0.5, # 0.25,
"background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#20262B"
"ColorBar": {
"title_text_color": "#E0E0E0",
"title_text_font": "Helvetica",
"title_text_font_size": "1.025em",
"title_text_font_style": "normal",
"major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0",
"major_label_text_font": "Helvetica",
"major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em",
"background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C",
"major_tick_line_alpha": 0,
"bar_line_alpha": 0,
"Title": {"text_color": "#E0E0E0", "text_font": "Helvetica", "text_font_size": "1.15em"},