Source code for netpyne.analysis.traces

Module for analysis and plotting of traces-related results


except NameError:
    basestring = str

from netpyne import __gui__

if __gui__:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from .utils import colorList, _showFigure, _saveFigData, exception, getCellsInclude, invertDictMapping

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Plot recorded cell traces (V, i, g, etc.)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exception def plotTraces( include=None, timeRange=None, oneFigPer='cell', rerun=False, title=None, subtitles=True, overlay=False, colors=None, ylim=None, axis=True, legend=True, scaleBarLoc=1, figSize=(10, 8), fontSize=12, saveData=None, saveFig=None, showFig=True, ): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.traces.plotTraces`> Parameters ---------- include : list Populations and cells to include in the plot. **Default:** ``['eachPop', 'allCells']`` plots histogram for each population and overall average **Options:** ``['all']`` plots all cells and stimulations, ``['allNetStims']`` plots just stimulations, ``['popName1']`` plots a single population, ``['popName1', 'popName2']`` plots multiple populations, ``[120]`` plots a single cell, ``[120, 130]`` plots multiple cells, ``[('popName1', 56)]`` plots a cell from a specific population, ``[('popName1', [0, 1]), ('popName2', [4, 5, 6])]``, plots cells from multiple populations timeRange : list [start, stop] Time range to plot. **Default:** ``None`` plots entire time range **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> oneFigPer : str Whether to plot one figure per cell (showing multiple traces) or per trace (showing multiple cells). **Default:** ``'cell'`` **Options:** ``'trace'`` rerun : bool Rerun simulation so a new set of cells gets recorded. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> title : str Set the whole figure title, works only with ``oneFigPer='cell'``. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> overlay : bool Whether to overlay plots or use subplots. **Default:** ``True`` overlays plots. **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> colors : list List of normalized RGB colors to use for traces. **Default:** ``None`` uses standard colors **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> ylim : list [min, max] Sets the y limits of the plot. **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> axis : bool Whether to show axis or not; if not, then a scalebar is included. **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> scaleBarLoc : int Sets the location of the scale bar (added when axis=False). **Default:** ``1`` **Options:** ``1`` upper right, ``2`` upper left, ``3`` lower left, ``4`` lower right, ``5`` right, ``6`` center left, ``7`` center right, ``8`` lower center, ``9`` upper center, ``10`` center figSize : list [width, height] Size of figure in inches. **Default:** ``(10, 8)`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> fontSize : int Font size on figure. **Default:** ``12`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> saveData : bool or str Whether and where to save the data used to generate the plot. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the data, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.pkl'`` and ``'.json'`` saveFig : bool or str Whether and where to save the figure. **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``True`` autosaves the figure, ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'`` showFig : bool Shows the figure if ``True``. **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> Returns ------- """ from .. import sim from import add_scalebar print('Plotting recorded cell traces ...', oneFigPer) if include is None: # if none, record from whatever was recorded if 'plotTraces' in sim.cfg.analysis and 'include' in sim.cfg.analysis['plotTraces']: include = sim.cfg.analysis['plotTraces']['include'] + sim.cfg.recordCells else: include = sim.cfg.recordCells global colorList if isinstance(colors, list): colorList2 = colors else: colorList2 = colorList # rerun simulation so new include cells get recorded from if rerun: cellsRecord = [cell.gid for cell in sim.getCellsList(include)] for cellRecord in cellsRecord: if cellRecord not in sim.cfg.recordCells: sim.cfg.recordCells.append(cellRecord) sim.setupRecording() sim.simulate() tracesList = list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys()) tracesList.sort() cells, cellGids, _ = getCellsInclude(include) gidPops = {cell['gid']: cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cells} # time range if timeRange is None: timeRange = [0, sim.cfg.duration] recordStep = sim.cfg.recordStep figs = {} tracesData = [] # set font size plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontSize}) fontsiz = fontSize # add scale bar def addScaleBar(timeRange=timeRange, loc=scaleBarLoc): ax = plt.gca() sizex = (timeRange[1] - timeRange[0]) / 20.0 # yl = plt.ylim() # plt.ylim(yl[0]-0.2*(yl[1]-yl[0]), yl[1]) add_scalebar( ax, hidex=False, hidey=True, matchx=False, matchy=True, sizex=sizex, sizey=None, unitsx='ms', unitsy='mV', scalex=1, scaley=1, loc=loc, pad=-1, borderpad=0.5, sep=4, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=3, ) plt.axis(axis) # Plot one fig per trace for given cell list def plotFigPerTrace(subGids): for itrace, trace in enumerate(tracesList): figs['_trace_' + str(trace)] = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) # Open a new figure for igid, gid in enumerate(subGids): # print('recordStep',recordStep) if 'cell_' + str(gid) in sim.allSimData[trace]: fullTrace = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_' + str(gid)] if isinstance(fullTrace, dict): if recordStep == 'adaptive': t = [] t_indexes = [] data = [] lenData = [] for key in list(fullTrace.keys()): t.append(np.array(sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_time_' + str(gid)][key])) t_indexes.append(t[-1].__ge__(timeRange[0]).__and__(t[-1].__le__(timeRange[1]))) data.append(np.array(fullTrace[key])[t_indexes[-1]]) lenData = len(data[-1]) t[-1] = t[-1][t_indexes[-1]] else: data = [ fullTrace[key][int(timeRange[0] / recordStep) : int(timeRange[1] / recordStep)] for key in list(fullTrace.keys()) ] lenData = len(data[0]) data = np.transpose(np.array(data)) t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1] + recordStep, recordStep) else: if recordStep == 'adaptive': t = np.array(sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_time_' + str(gid)]) t_indexes = t.__ge__(timeRange[0]).__and__(t.__le__(timeRange[1])) data = np.array(sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_' + str(gid)])[t_indexes] lenData = len(data) t = t[t_indexes] else: data = np.array(fullTrace[int(timeRange[0] / recordStep) : int(timeRange[1] / recordStep)]) lenData = len(data) t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1] + recordStep, recordStep) tracesData.append({'t': t, 'cell_' + str(gid) + '_' + trace: data}) color = colorList2[igid % len(colorList2)] if not overlay: plt.subplot(len(subGids), 1, igid + 1) plt.ylabel(trace, fontsize=fontsiz) if recordStep == 'adaptive': if isinstance(data, list): for tl, dl in zip(t, data): plt.plot( tl[: len(dl)], dl, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label='Cell %d, Pop %s ' % (int(gid), gidPops[gid]), ) else: plt.plot( t, data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label='Cell %d, Pop %s ' % (int(gid), gidPops[gid]), ) plt.plot(t, data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label=trace) else: if isinstance(data, list): for tl, dl in zip(t, data): plt.plot( tl[: len(dl)], dl, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label='Cell %d, Pop %s ' % (int(gid), gidPops[gid]), ) else: plt.plot( t[: len(data)], data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label='Cell %d, Pop %s ' % (int(gid), gidPops[gid]), ) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz) plt.xlim(timeRange) if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) if subtitles: plt.title('%s ' % (trace)) if not overlay: if not axis or axis == 'off': # if no axis, add scalebar addScaleBar() if overlay: if not axis or axis == 'off': # if no axis, add scalebar addScaleBar() if len(subGids) < 20: # maxLabelLen = 10 # plt.subplots_adjust(right=(0.9-0.012*maxLabelLen)) # plt.legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) if legend: plt.legend() # PUT BACK!!!!!! # Plot one fig per cell if oneFigPer == 'cell': for cell, gid in zip(cells, cellGids): figs['_gid_' + str(gid)] = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) # Open a new figure for itrace, trace in enumerate(tracesList): if 'cell_' + str(gid) in sim.allSimData[trace]: fullTrace = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_' + str(gid)] if isinstance(fullTrace, dict): if recordStep == 'adaptive': t = [] t_indexes = [] data = [] lenData = [] for key in list(fullTrace.keys()): t.append(np.array(sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_time_' + str(gid)][key])) t_indexes.append(t[-1].__ge__(timeRange[0]).__and__(t[-1].__le__(timeRange[1]))) data.append(np.array(fullTrace[key])[t_indexes[-1]]) lenData = len(data[-1]) t[-1] = t[-1][t_indexes[-1]] else: data = [ fullTrace[key][int(timeRange[0] / recordStep) : int(timeRange[1] / recordStep)] for key in list(fullTrace.keys()) ] lenData = len(data[0]) data = np.transpose(np.array(data)) t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1] + recordStep, recordStep) else: if recordStep == 'adaptive': t = np.array(sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_time_' + str(gid)]) t_indexes = t.__ge__(timeRange[0]).__and__(t.__le__(timeRange[1])) data = np.array(sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_' + str(gid)])[t_indexes] lenData = len(data) t = t[t_indexes] else: data = np.array(fullTrace[int(timeRange[0] / recordStep) : int(timeRange[1] / recordStep)]) lenData = len(data) t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1] + recordStep, recordStep) tracesData.append({'t': t, 'cell_' + str(gid) + '_' + trace: data}) color = colorList2[itrace % len(colorList2)] if not overlay: plt.subplot(len(tracesList), 1, itrace + 1) color = 'blue' if recordStep == 'adaptive': if isinstance(data, list) and isinstance(data[0], (list, np.array)): for tl, dl in zip(t, data): plt.plot(tl, dl, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label=trace) else: plt.plot(t, data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label=trace) else: plt.plot(t[:lenData], data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label=trace) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz) plt.ylabel(trace, fontsize=fontsiz) plt.xlim(timeRange) if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) if itrace == 0 and subtitles: plt.title('Cell %d, Pop %s ' % (int(gid), gidPops[gid])) if not overlay: if not axis or axis == 'off' and itrace == 0: # if no axis, add scalebar addScaleBar() if overlay: if not axis or axis == 'off': # if no axis, add scalebar addScaleBar() # maxLabelLen = 10 # plt.subplots_adjust(right=(0.9-0.012*maxLabelLen)) if legend: plt.legend() # fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) if title: figs['_gid_' + str(gid)].suptitle(cell['tags'][title]) # Plot one fig per trace elif oneFigPer == 'trace': plotFigPerTrace(cellGids) # Plot one fig per trace for each population elif oneFigPer == 'popTrace': allPopGids = invertDictMapping(gidPops) for popLabel, popGids in allPopGids.items(): plotFigPerTrace(popGids) try: plt.tight_layout() except: pass # save figure data if saveData: figData = { 'tracesData': tracesData, 'include': include, 'timeRange': timeRange, 'oneFigPer': oneFigPer, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig, } _saveFigData(figData, saveData, 'traces') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_traces.png' if len(figs) > 1: for figLabel, figObj in figs.items(): plt.figure(figObj.number) plt.savefig(filename[:-4] + '_' + figLabel + '_' + filename[-4:]) else: plt.savefig(filename) # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return figs, {'tracesData': tracesData, 'include': include}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## EPSPs amplitude # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exception def plotEPSPAmp( include=None, trace=None, start=0, interval=50, number=2, amp='absolute', polarity='exc', saveFig=False, showFig=True, ): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.traces.plotEPSPAmp`> Parameters ---------- include : <``None``?> <Short description of include> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> trace : <``None``?> <Short description of trace> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> start : int <Short description of start> **Default:** ``0`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> interval : int <Short description of interval> **Default:** ``50`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> number : int <Short description of number> **Default:** ``2`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> amp : str <Short description of amp> **Default:** ``'absolute'`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> polarity : str <Short description of polarity> **Default:** ``'exc'`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> saveFig : bool <Short description of saveFig> **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> showFig : bool <Short description of showFig> **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ from .. import sim print('Plotting EPSP amplitudes...') if include is None: include = [] # If not defined, initialize as empty list cells, cellGids, _ = getCellsInclude(include) gidPops = {cell['gid']: cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in cells} if not trace: print('Error: Missing trace to to plot EPSP amplitudes') return step = sim.cfg.recordStep peaksAbs = np.zeros((number, len(cellGids))) peaksRel = np.zeros((number, len(cellGids))) for icell, gid in enumerate(cellGids): vsoma = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_' + str(gid)] for ipeak in range(number): if polarity == 'exc': peakAbs = max( vsoma[ int(start / step + (ipeak * interval / step)) : int( start / step + (ipeak * interval / step) + (interval - 1) / step ) ] ) elif polarity == 'inh': peakAbs = min( vsoma[ int(start / step + (ipeak * interval / step)) : int( start / step + (ipeak * interval / step) + (interval - 1) / step ) ] ) peakRel = peakAbs - vsoma[int((start - 1) / step)] peaksAbs[ipeak, icell] = peakAbs peaksRel[ipeak, icell] = peakRel if amp == 'absolute': peaks = peaksAbs ylabel = 'EPSP peak V (mV)' elif amp == 'relative': peaks = peaksRel ylabel = 'EPSP amplitude (mV)' elif amp == 'ratio': peaks = np.zeros((number, len(cellGids))) for icell in range(len(cellGids)): peaks[:, icell] = peaksRel[:, icell] / peaksRel[0, icell] ylabel = 'EPSP amplitude ratio' xlabel = 'EPSP number' # plot fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(peaks, marker='o') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) h = plt.axes() ylim = list(h.get_ylim()) h.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1] + (0.15 * abs(ylim[1] - ylim[0]))) h.set_xticks(list(range(number))) h.set_xticklabels(list(range(1, number + 1))) plt.legend(list(gidPops.values())) if amp == 'ratio': plt.plot((0, number - 1), (1.0, 1.0), ':', color='gray') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, basestring): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename + '_' + 'EPSPamp_' + amp + '.png' plt.savefig(filename) # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return fig, {'peaks': peaks}