Source code for netpyne.analysis.wrapper

Module with wrapper function to call analysis functions specified in simConfig


from netpyne import __gui__

    from datetime import datetime
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Wrapper to run analysis functions in simConfig
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plotData(): # TODO: remove? """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.wrapper.plotData`> """ from .. import sim ## Plotting if sim.rank == 0 and __gui__: sim.timing('start', 'plotTime') # Call analysis functions specified by user for funcName, kwargs in sim.cfg.analysis.items(): if kwargs == True: kwargs = {} elif kwargs == False: continue func = getattr(sim.analysis, funcName) # get pointer to function out = func(**kwargs) # call function with user arguments # Print timings if sim.cfg.timing: sim.timing('stop', 'plotTime') print((' Done; plotting time = %0.2f s' % sim.timingData['plotTime'])) sim.timing('stop', 'totalTime') sumTime = sum([t for k, t in sim.timingData.items() if k not in ['totalTime']]) if sim.timingData['totalTime'] <= 1.2 * sumTime: # Print total time (only if makes sense) print(('\nTotal time = %0.2f s' % sim.timingData['totalTime'])) try: print('\nEnd time: ', except: pass