Module for setting up and running batch simulations
# required to make json saving work in Python 2/3
to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
to_unicode = str
import datetime
from time import time
from neuron import h
from netpyne import specs
from .utils import createFolder
from .grid import gridSearch, getParamCombinations
from .evol import evolOptim
from .asd_parallel import asdOptim
pc = h.ParallelContext() # use bulletin board master/slave
if pc.id() == 0:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function to convert tuples to strings (avoids erro when saving/loading)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def tupleToStr(obj):
Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.batch.tupleToStr`>
obj : <type>
<Short description of obj>
**Default:** *required*
if type(obj) == list:
for item in obj:
if type(item) in [list, dict]:
elif type(obj) == dict:
for key in list(obj.keys()):
if type(obj[key]) in [list, dict]:
if type(key) == tuple:
obj[str(key)] = obj.pop(key)
return obj
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Batch class
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Batch(object):
Class that handles batch simulations on NetPyNE.
batchLabel : str
The label of the batch used for directory/file naming of batch generated files.
cfgFile : str
The path of the file containing the `netpyne.simConfig.SimConfig` object
cfg : `netpyne.simConfig.SimConfig`
The `netpyne.simConfig.SimConfig` object
N.B. either cfg or cfgFile should be specified #TODO: replace with typechecked single argument
netParamsFile : str
The path of the file containing the `netpyne.netParams.NetParams` object
netParams : `netpyne.netParams.NetParams`
The `netpyne.netParams.NetParams` object
N.B. either netParams or netParamsFile should be specified #TODO: replace with typechecked single argument
initCfg : dict
params dictionary that is used to modify the batch cfg prior to any algorithm based parameter modifications
saveFolder : str
The path of the folder where the batch will be saved (defaults to batchLabel)
method : str
The algorithm method used for batch
runCfg : dict
Keyword: Arg dictionary used to generate submission templates (see utils.py)
evolCfg : dict #TODO: replace with algoCfg? to merge with optimCfg
Keyword: Arg dictionary used to define evolutionary algorithm parameters (see evol.py)
optimCfg : dict #TODO: replace with algoCfg? to merge with evolCfg
Keyword: Arg dictionary used to define optimization algorithm parameters
(see asd_parallel.py, optuna_parallel.py, sbi_parallel.py)
params : list
Dictionary of parameters to be explored per algorithm (grid, evol, asd, optuna, sbi)
(see relevant algorithm script for details)
seed : int
Seed for random number generator for some algorithms
def __init__(
self.batchLabel = 'batch_' + str(datetime.date.today())
self.cfgFile = cfgFile
self.cfg = cfg
self.netParams = netParams
if initCfg:
self.initCfg = initCfg
self.initCfg = {}
self.netParamsFile = netParamsFile
self.saveFolder = '/' + self.batchLabel
self.method = 'grid'
self.runCfg = {}
self.evolCfg = {}
self.optimCfg = {}
self.params = []
self.seed = seed
if params:
for k, v in params.items():
self.params.append({'label': k, 'values': v})
if groupedParams:
for p in self.params:
if p['label'] in groupedParams:
p['group'] = True
def save(self, filename):
Function to save batch object to file
filename : str
The path of the file to save batch object in
import os
from copy import deepcopy
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
folder = filename.split(basename)[0]
ext = basename.split('.')[1]
# make dir
# make copy of batch object to save it; but skip cfg (since instance of SimConfig and can't be copied)
odict = deepcopy({k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != 'cfg' and k != 'netParams'})
if 'evolCfg' in odict:
odict['evolCfg']['fitnessFunc'] = 'removed'
if 'optimCfg' in odict:
odict['optimCfg']['fitnessFunc'] = 'removed'
if 'optimCfg' in odict:
if 'summaryStats' in odict['optimCfg']:
odict['optimCfg']['summaryStats'] = 'removed'
odict['initCfg'] = tupleToStr(odict['initCfg'])
dataSave = {'batch': tupleToStr(odict)}
if ext == 'json':
from .. import sim
# from json import encoder
# encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.12g')
print(('Saving batch to %s ... ' % (filename)))
sim.saveJSON(filename, dataSave)
def setCfgNestedParam(self, paramLabel, paramVal):
if '.' in paramLabel: #TODO jchen6727@gmail.com 195196 replace with my crawler code?
paramLabel = paramLabel.split('.')
if isinstance(paramLabel, tuple):
container = self.cfg
for ip in range(len(paramLabel) - 1):
if isinstance(container, specs.SimConfig):
container = getattr(container, paramLabel[ip])
container = container[paramLabel[ip]]
container[paramLabel[-1]] = paramVal
setattr(self.cfg, paramLabel, paramVal) # set simConfig params
def saveScripts(self):
import os
import shutil
# create Folder to save simulation
# save Batch dict as json
targetFile = self.saveFolder + '/' + self.batchLabel + '_batch.json'
# copy this batch script to folder
targetFile = self.saveFolder + '/' + self.batchLabel + '_batchScript.py'
shutil.copy2(os.path.realpath(__file__), os.path.realpath(targetFile))
# copy this batch script to folder, netParams and simConfig
# shutil.copy2(os.path.realpath(self.netParamsFile), os.path.realpath(self.saveFolder + '/netParams.py'))
# if user provided a netParams object as input argument
if self.netParams:
self.netParamsSavePath = self.saveFolder + '/' + self.batchLabel + '_netParams.json'
# if not, use netParamsFile
self.netParamsSavePath = self.saveFolder + '/' + self.batchLabel + '_netParams.py'
shutil.copy2(os.path.realpath(self.netParamsFile), os.path.realpath(self.netParamsSavePath))
shutil.copy2(os.path.realpath(__file__), os.path.realpath(self.saveFolder + '/batchScript.py'))
# save initial seed
with open(self.saveFolder + '/_seed.seed', 'w') as seed_file:
if self.seed is None:
self.seed = int(time())
# set cfg
if self.cfg is None:
# import cfg
from netpyne import sim
cfgModule = sim.loadPythonModule(self.cfgFile)
if hasattr(cfgModule, 'cfg'):
self.cfg = cfgModule.cfg
self.cfg = cfgModule.simConfig
self.cfg.checkErrors = False # avoid error checking during batch
def openFiles2SaveStats(self):
stat_file_name = '%s/%s_stats.csv' % (self.saveFolder, self.batchLabel)
ind_file_name = '%s/%s_stats_indiv.csv' % (self.saveFolder, self.batchLabel)
individual = open(ind_file_name, 'w')
stats = open(stat_file_name, 'w')
stats.write('#gen pop-size worst best median average std-deviation\n')
individual.write('#gen #ind fitness [candidate]\n')
return stats, individual
def getParamCombinations(self):
if self.method in 'grid':
return getParamCombinations(self)
def run(self):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Grid Search optimization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if self.method in ['grid', 'list']:
gridSearch(self, pc)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Evolutionary optimization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elif self.method == 'evol':
evolOptim(self, pc)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adaptive Stochastic Descent (ASD) optimization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elif self.method == 'asd':
asdOptim(self, pc)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optuna optimization (https://github.com/optuna/optuna)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elif self.method == 'optuna':
from .optuna_parallel import optunaOptim
optunaOptim(self, pc)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
print(f' Warning: an exception occurred when running Optuna optimization:')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SBI optimization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elif self.method == 'sbi':
from .sbi_parallel import sbiOptim
sbiOptim(self, pc)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
print(f' Warning: an exception occurred when running SBI optimization:')
def mpiCommandDefault(self):
return {
'asd': 'ibrun',
'evol': 'mpirun',
'optuna': 'mpiexec',
'sbi': 'mpiexec',