Source code for netpyne.batch.evol

Module for evolutionary parameter optimization


from ctypes import util

# required to make json saving work in Python 2/3
    to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    to_unicode = str

import logging
from copy import copy
from random import Random
from subprocess import Popen

from neuron import h

pc = h.ParallelContext()  # use bulletin board master/slave

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Evolutionary optimization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def evolOptim(batch, pc): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.evol.evolOptim`> Parameters ---------- batch : <type> <Short description of batch> **Default:** *required* pc : <type> <Short description of pc> **Default:** *required* """ import sys import as EC # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Evolutionary optimization: Generation of first population candidates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generator(random, args): # generate initial values for candidates return [random.uniform(l, u) for l, u in zip(args.get('lower_bound'), args.get('upper_bound'))] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mutator # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @EC.variators.mutator def nonuniform_bounds_mutation(random, candidate, args): """Return the mutants produced by nonuniform mutation on the candidates. .. Arguments: random -- the random number generator object candidate -- the candidate solution args -- a dictionary of keyword arguments Required keyword arguments in args: Optional keyword arguments in args: - *mutation_strength* -- the strength of the mutation, where higher values correspond to greater variation (default 1) """ lower_bound = args.get('lower_bound') upper_bound = args.get('upper_bound') strength = args.setdefault('mutation_strength', 1) mutant = copy(candidate) for i, (c, lo, hi) in enumerate(zip(candidate, lower_bound, upper_bound)): if random.random() <= 0.5: new_value = c + (hi - c) * (1.0 - random.random() ** strength) else: new_value = c - (c - lo) * (1.0 - random.random() ** strength) mutant[i] = new_value return mutant # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Evolutionary optimization: Main code # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create main sim directory and save scripts batch.saveScripts() # log for simulation logger = logging.getLogger('') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(batch.saveFolder + '/inspyred.log', mode='a') file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # create randomizer instance rand = Random() rand.seed(batch.seed) # create file handlers for observers stats_file, ind_stats_file = batch.openFiles2SaveStats() # gather **kwargs kwargs = {'cfg': batch.cfg} kwargs['num_inputs'] = len(batch.params) kwargs['paramLabels'] = [x['label'] for x in batch.params] kwargs['lower_bound'] = [x['values'][0] for x in batch.params] kwargs['upper_bound'] = [x['values'][1] for x in batch.params] kwargs['statistics_file'] = stats_file kwargs['individuals_file'] = ind_stats_file kwargs['netParamsSavePath'] = batch.saveFolder + '/' + batch.batchLabel + '' for key, value in batch.evolCfg.items(): kwargs[key] = value if not 'maximize' in kwargs: kwargs['maximize'] = False for key, value in batch.runCfg.items(): kwargs[key] = value # if using pc bulletin board, initialize all workers if batch.runCfg.get('type', None) == 'mpi_bulletin': for iworker in range(int(pc.nhost())): pc.runworker() # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Evolutionary algorithm method # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom algorithm based on Krichmar's params if batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'custom': ea = EC.EvolutionaryComputation(rand) ea.selector = EC.selectors.tournament_selection ea.variator = [EC.variators.uniform_crossover, nonuniform_bounds_mutation] ea.replacer = EC.replacers.generational_replacement if not 'tournament_size' in kwargs: kwargs['tournament_size'] = 2 if not 'num_selected' in kwargs: kwargs['num_selected'] = kwargs['pop_size'] # Genetic elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'genetic': ea = EC.GA(rand) # Evolution Strategy elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'evolutionStrategy': ea = EC.ES(rand) # Simulated Annealing elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'simulatedAnnealing': ea = EC.SA(rand) # Differential Evolution elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'diffEvolution': ea = EC.DEA(rand) # Estimation of Distribution elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'estimationDist': ea = EC.EDA(rand) # Particle Swarm optimization elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'particleSwarm': from inspyred import swarm ea = swarm.PSO(rand) ea.topology = swarm.topologies.ring_topology # Ant colony optimization (requires components) elif batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'] == 'antColony': from inspyred import swarm if not 'components' in kwargs: raise ValueError("%s requires components" % (batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'])) ea = swarm.ACS(rand, batch.evolCfg['components']) ea.topology = swarm.topologies.ring_topology else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid strategy" % (batch.evolCfg['evolAlgorithm'])) ea.terminator = EC.terminators.generation_termination = [EC.observers.stats_observer, EC.observers.file_observer] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run algorithm # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .utils import evaluator global ngen ngen = -1 def func(candidates, args): global ngen ngen += 1 return evaluator(batch, candidates, args, ngen, pc, **kwargs) final_pop = ea.evolve( generator=generator, evaluator=func, bounder=EC.Bounder(kwargs['lower_bound'], kwargs['upper_bound']), logger=logger, **kwargs ) # close file stats_file.close() ind_stats_file.close() # print best and finish print(('Best Solution: \n{0}'.format(str(max(final_pop))))) print("-" * 80) print(" Completed evolutionary algorithm parameter optimization ") print("-" * 80) sys.exit()