Source code for netpyne.batch.optuna_parallel

Module for Optuna hyperparameter optimization (


# required to make json saving work in Python 2/3
    to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    to_unicode = str

import pickle

from neuron import h

    import optuna
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
    print("\nERROR: Module 'optuna' not installed\n")
    raise e

pc = h.ParallelContext()  # use bulletin board master/slave

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optuna optimization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def optunaOptim(batch, pc): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.optuna_parallel.optunaOptim`> Parameters ---------- batch : <type> <Short description of batch> **Default:** *required* pc : <type> <Short description of pc> **Default:** *required* """ import sys from .utils import evaluator # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optuna optimization: Main code # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from time import sleep try: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() except: size = 1 rank = 0 # create main sim directory and save scripts batch.saveScripts() args = {} args['minVals'] = [x['values'][0] for x in batch.params] args['maxVals'] = [x['values'][1] for x in batch.params] args['cfg'] = batch.cfg # include here args/params to pass to evaluator function args['paramLabels'] = [x['label'] for x in batch.params] args['netParamsSavePath'] = batch.saveFolder + '/' + batch.batchLabel + '' args['maxiters'] = batch.optimCfg.get('maxiters', 1000) args['maxtime'] = batch.optimCfg.get('maxtime') args['fitnessFunc'] = batch.optimCfg['fitnessFunc'] args['fitnessFuncArgs'] = batch.optimCfg['fitnessFuncArgs'] args['maxiter_wait'] = batch.optimCfg['maxiter_wait'] args['time_sleep'] = batch.optimCfg['time_sleep'] args['maxFitness'] = batch.optimCfg.get('maxFitness', 1000) args['direction'] = batch.optimCfg.get('direction', 'minimize') for key, value in batch.optimCfg.items(): args[key] = value for key, value in batch.runCfg.items(): args[key] = value # if using pc bulletin board, initialize all workers if batch.runCfg.get('type', None) == 'mpi_bulletin': for iworker in range(int(pc.nhost())): pc.runworker() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run algorithm # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sleep(rank) # each process wiats a different time to avoid saturating sqlite database study = optuna.create_study( study_name=batch.batchLabel, storage='sqlite:///%s/%s_storage.db' % (batch.saveFolder, batch.batchLabel), load_if_exists=True, direction=args['direction'], ) # params paramLabels = args.get('paramLabels', []) minVals = args.get('minVals', []) maxVals = args.get('maxVals', []) try: def func(trial): # -------------------------------------- # generate param values for optuna trial candidate = [] # just 1 candidate for paramLabel, minVal, maxVal in zip(paramLabels, minVals, maxVals): candidate.append(trial.suggest_uniform(str(paramLabel), minVal, maxVal)) return evaluator(batch, [candidate], args, trial.number, pc) study.optimize(func, n_trials=args['maxiters'], timeout=args['maxtime']) except Exception as e: print(e) # print best and finish if rank == size - 1: df = study.trials_dataframe(attrs=('number', 'value', 'params', 'state')) importance = optuna.importance.get_param_importances(study=study) print('\nBest trial: ', study.best_trial) print('\nParameter importance: ', dict(importance)) print('\nBest Solution with fitness = %.4g: \n' % (study.best_value), study.best_params) print('\nSaving to output.pkl...\n') output = {'study': study, 'df': df, 'importance': importance} with open('%s/%s_output.pkl' % (batch.saveFolder, batch.batchLabel), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(output, f) sleep(1) print("-" * 80) print(" Completed Optuna parameter optimization ") print("-" * 80) sys.exit()