Module containing a generic cell class
except NameError:
basestring = str
from numbers import Number
from copy import deepcopy
from neuron import h # Import NEURON
from ..specs import Dict
class Cell(object):
Class for/to <short description of `netpyne.cell.cell.Cell`>
def __init__(self, gid, tags):
from .. import sim
self.gid = gid # global cell id
self.tags = tags # dictionary of cell tags/attributes
self.conns = [] # list of connections
self.stims = [] # list of stimuli
# calculate border distance correction to avoid conn border effect
if sim.net.params.correctBorder:
def recordStimSpikes(self):
from .. import sim
sim.simData['stims'].update({'cell_' + str(self.gid): Dict()})
for conn in self.conns:
if conn['preGid'] == 'NetStim':
stimSpikeVecs = h.Vector() # initialize vector to store
sim.simData['stims']['cell_' + str(self.gid)].update({conn['preLabel']: stimSpikeVecs})
def calculateCorrectBorderDist(self):
from .. import sim
pop = self.tags['pop']
popParams = sim.net.params.popParams
coords = ['x', 'y', 'z']
borderCorrect = [0, 0, 0]
for icoord, coord in enumerate(coords):
# calculate borders
size = getattr(sim.net.params, 'size' + coord.upper())
borders = [0, size]
if coord + 'borders' in sim.net.params.correctBorder:
borders = [b * size for b in sim.net.params.correctBorder[coord + 'borders']]
elif coord + 'Range' in popParams[pop]:
borders = popParams[pop][coord + 'Range']
elif coord + 'normRange' in popParams[pop]:
borders = [
popParams[pop][coord + 'normRange'][0] * size,
popParams[pop][coord + 'normRange'][1] * size,
# calcualte distance to border
borderDist = min([abs(self.tags[coord] - border) for border in borders])
borderThreshold = sim.net.params.correctBorder['threshold'][icoord]
borderCorrect[icoord] = max(0, borderThreshold - borderDist)
self.tags['borderCorrect'] = borderCorrect
# Custom code for time-dependently shaping the weight of a NetCon corresponding to a NetStim.
def _shapeStim(self, isi=1, variation=0, width=0.05, weight=10, start=0, finish=1, stimshape='gaussian'):
from pylab import r_, convolve, shape, exp, zeros, hstack, array, rand
# Create event times
timeres = 0.001 # Time resolution = 1 ms = 500 Hz (DJK to CK: 500...?)
pulselength = 10 # Length of pulse in units of width
currenttime = 0
timewindow = finish - start
allpts = int(timewindow / timeres)
output = []
while currenttime < timewindow:
# Note: The timeres/2 subtraction acts as an eps to avoid later int rounding errors.
if currenttime >= 0 and currenttime < timewindow - timeres / 2:
currenttime = currenttime + isi + variation * (rand() - 0.5)
# Create single pulse
npts = int(pulselength * width / timeres)
x = (r_[0:npts] - npts / 2 + 1) * timeres
if stimshape == 'gaussian':
pulse = exp(-2 * (2 * x / width - 1) ** 2) # Offset by 2 standard deviations from start
pulse = pulse / max(pulse)
elif stimshape == 'square':
pulse = zeros(shape(x))
pulse[int(npts / 2) : int(npts / 2) + int(width / timeres)] = 1 # Start exactly on time
raise Exception('Stimulus shape "%s" not recognized' % stimshape)
# Create full stimulus
events = zeros((allpts))
events[array(array(output) / timeres, dtype=int)] = 1
fulloutput = (
convolve(events, pulse, mode='full') * weight
) # Calculate the convolved input signal, scaled by rate
fulloutput = fulloutput[
int(npts / 2 - 1) : int(-npts / 2)
] # Slices out where the convolved pulse train extends before and after sequence of allpts.
fulltime = (r_[0:allpts] * timeres + start) * 1e3 # Create time vector and convert to ms
fulltime = hstack(
(0, fulltime, fulltime[-1] + timeres * 1e3)
) # Create "bookends" so always starts and finishes at zero
fulloutput = hstack((0, fulloutput, 0)) # Set weight to zero at either end of the stimulus period
events = hstack((0, events, 0)) # Ditto
stimvecs = deepcopy([fulltime, fulloutput, events]) # Combine vectors into a matrix
return stimvecs
def _connWeightsAndDelays(self, params, netStimParams):
from .. import sim
# Scale factor for connection weights
if netStimParams:
scaleFactor = sim.net.params.scaleConnWeightNetStims
connWeights = sim.net.params.scaleConnWeightModels
if isinstance(connWeights, dict) and (self.tags['cellModel'] in connWeights):
# use scale factor specific for this cell model
scaleFactor = connWeights[self.tags['cellModel']]
scaleFactor = sim.net.params.scaleConnWeight # use global scale factor
synsPerConn = params['synsPerConn']
# Weights
if isinstance(params['weight'], list):
assert len(params['weight']) == synsPerConn, 'Number of weights must match synsPerConn'
weights = [scaleFactor * w for w in params['weight']]
weights = [scaleFactor * params['weight']] * synsPerConn
# Delays
if isinstance(params['delay'], list):
assert len(params['delay']) == synsPerConn, 'Number of delays must match synsPerConn'
delays = params['delay']
delays = [params['delay']] * synsPerConn
return weights, delays
def addNetStim(self, params, stimContainer=None):
from .. import sim
if not stimContainer:
self.stims.append(Dict(params.copy())) # add new stim to Cell object
stimContainer = self.stims[-1]
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print((' Created %s NetStim for cell gid=%d' % (params['source'], self.gid)))
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
rand = h.Random()
stimContainer['hRandom'] = rand # add netcon object to dict in conns list
if isinstance(params['rate'], basestring):
if params['rate'] == 'variable':
netstim = h.NSLOC()
netstim.interval = (
0.1**-1 * 1e3
) # inverse of the frequency and then convert from Hz^-1 to ms (set very low)
netstim.noise = params['noise']
print('Error: tried to create variable rate NetStim but NSLOC mechanism not available')
print('Error: Unknown stimulation rate type: %s' % (h.params['rate']))
netstim = h.NetStim()
netstim.interval = (
params['rate'] ** -1 * 1e3
) # inverse of the frequency and then convert from Hz^-1 to ms
netstim.noise = params[
] # note: random number generator initialized via Random123() from sim.preRun()
netstim.start = params['start']
netstim.number = params['number']
stimContainer['hObj'] = netstim # add netstim object to dict in stim list
return stimContainer['hObj']
def recordTraces(self):
from .. import sim
# set up voltagse recording; recdict will be taken from global context
for key, params in sim.cfg.recordTraces.items():
conditionsMet = 1
if 'conds' in params:
conditionsMet = self.checkConditions(params['conds'])
if conditionsMet:
ptr = None
if 'sec' in params and params['sec'] in self.secs:
if not 'loc' in params:
params['loc'] = 0.5 # if no loc, set default
sec = self.secs[params['sec']]
seg = sec.hObj(params['loc'])
if 'mech' in params: # eg. soma(0.5).hh._ref_gna
ptr = getattr(
getattr(seg, params['mech']),
'_ref_' + params['var'],
elif 'synMech' in params: # eg. soma(0.5).AMPA._ref_g
synMechList = [
for synMech in sec['synMechs']
if synMech['label'] == params['synMech'] and synMech['hObj'].get_segment() == seg
] # make list with this label/loc
ptr = None
if len(synMechList) > 0:
if 'index' in params:
if params['index'] < len(synMechList):
synMech = synMechList[params['index']]
ptr = getattr(synMech['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var'])
synMech = synMechList[0] # 0th one which would have been returned by next()
ptr = getattr(synMech['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var'])
elif 'stim' in params: # e.g. sim.net.cells[0].stims[0]['hObj'].i
if 'sec' in params and 'loc' in params and 'var' in params:
stimList = [
for stim in self.stims
if stim['label'] == params['stim'] and stim['hObj'].get_segment() == seg
] # make list with this label/loc (loc's precision up to segment)
ptr = None
if len(stimList) > 0:
if 'index' in params:
if params['index'] < len(stimList):
stim = stimList[params['index']]
ptr = getattr(stim['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var'])
stim = stimList[0] # 0th one which would have been returned by next()
ptr = getattr(stim['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var'])
else: # eg. soma(0.5)._ref_v
ptr = getattr(self.secs[params['sec']]['hObj'](params['loc']), '_ref_' + params['var'])
elif 'synMech' in params: # special case where want to record from multiple synMechs
if 'sec' in params:
sec = self.secs[params['sec']]
synMechs = [
synMech for synMech in sec['synMechs'] if synMech['label'] == params['synMech']
ptr = [getattr(synMech['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var']) for synMech in synMechs]
secLocs = [params.sec + str(synMech['loc']) for synMech in synMechs]
ptr = []
secLocs = []
for secName, sec in self.secs.items():
synMechs = [
synMech for synMech in sec['synMechs'] if synMech['label'] == params['synMech']
ptr.extend([getattr(synMech['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var']) for synMech in synMechs])
secLocs.extend([secName + '_' + str(synMech['loc']) for synMech in synMechs])
if 'pointp' in params: # eg. soma.izh._ref_u
if params['pointp'] in self.secs[params['sec']]['pointps']:
ptr = getattr(
'_ref_' + params['var'],
elif 'conns' in params: # e.g. cell.conns
if 'mech' in params:
ptr = []
secLocs = []
for conn_idx, conn in enumerate(self.conns):
if params['mech'] in conn.keys():
if (
isinstance(conn[params['mech']], dict)
and 'hObj' in conn[params['mech']].keys()
[getattr(conn[params['mech']]['hObj'], '_ref_' + params['var'])]
ptr.extend([getattr(conn[params['mech']], '_ref_' + params['var'])])
secLocs.extend([params['sec'] + '_conn_' + str(conn_idx)])
print("Error recording conn trace, you need to specify the conn mech to record from.")
elif 'var' in params: # point process cell eg. cell._ref_v
ptr = getattr(self.hPointp, '_ref_' + params['var'])
if ptr: # if pointer has been created, then setup recording
if isinstance(ptr, list):
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)] = {}
for ptrItem, secLoc in zip(ptr, secLocs):
if sim.cfg.recordStep == 'adaptive':
recordStep = 0.1
recordStep = sim.cfg.recordStep
if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'use_local_dt') and sim.cfg.use_local_dt:
if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'recordStep') and sim.cfg.recordStep == 'adaptive':
sim.simData[key]['cell_time_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc] = h.Vector()
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc] = h.Vector()
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc],
sim.simData[key]['cell_time_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc],
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc] = h.Vector(
sim.cfg.duration / recordStep + 1
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc],
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc] = h.Vector(
sim.cfg.duration / recordStep + 1
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)][secLoc].record(ptrItem, recordStep)
if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'use_local_dt') and sim.cfg.use_local_dt:
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)] = h.Vector()
if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'recordStep') and sim.cfg.recordStep == 'adaptive':
sim.simData[key]['cell_time_' + str(self.gid)] = h.Vector()
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)],
sim.simData[key]['cell_time_' + str(self.gid)],
ptr, sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)], sim.simData['t'], 1
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)] = h.Vector(
sim.cfg.duration / sim.cfg.recordStep + 1
sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)].record(ptr, sim.cfg.recordStep)
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(' Recording ', key, 'from cell ', self.gid, ' with parameters: ', str(params))
print(sim.simData[key]['cell_' + str(self.gid)])
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(' Cannot record ', key, 'from cell ', self.gid)
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(' Conditions preclude recording ', key, ' from cell ', self.gid)
# else:
# if sim.cfg.verbose: print ' NOT recording ', key, 'from cell ', self.gid, ' with parameters: ',str(params)
def checkConditions(self, conditions):
from ..sim.utils import checkConditions
return checkConditions(conditions=conditions, against=self.tags, cellGid=self.gid)
def _randomizer(self):
return self.__cellParamsRand
from .. import sim
rand = h.Random()
rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('cellParams'), self.gid, sim.cfg.seeds.get('cell', 1))
self.__cellParamsRand = rand
return rand
def __getstate__(self):
Removes non-picklable h objects so can be pickled and sent via py_alltoall
from .. import sim
odict = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the dict since we change it
odict.pop('_Cell__cellParamsRand', None)
odict = sim.copyRemoveItemObj(
odict, keystart='h', exclude_list=['hebbwt']
) # , newval=None) # replace h objects with None so can be pickled
odict = sim.copyReplaceItemObj(
odict, keystart='NeuroML', newval='---Removed_NeuroML_obj---'
) # replace NeuroML objects with str so can be pickled
return odict