Source code for netpyne.cell.pointCell

Module containing a point cell class


Contains pointCell class 


except NameError:
    basestring = str

from copy import deepcopy
from neuron import h  # Import NEURON
import numpy as np
from .cell import Cell
from ..specs import Dict
from ..specs import utils

# POINT CELL CLASS (no compartments/sections)

[docs] class PointCell(Cell): """ Class used when the cellModel value is of a NEURON point process (i.e. 'NetStim', 'DynamicNetStim', 'VecStim', 'IntFire1', 'IntFire2', 'IntFire4' -- see netpyne/network/ Arguments are passed via the params dictionary. A 'spikePattern' dictionary may be used to further specify patterns for the cellModel 'VecStim', (i.e. specifying 'type' entry as 'rhythmic', 'evoked', 'poisson', or 'gauss' -- see netpyne/cell/ Point Neuron that doesn't use v from Section eg. NetStim, IntFire1, """ def __init__(self, gid, tags, create=True, associateGid=True): from .. import sim # enable defining pointCell properties directly in cellParams exclude = ['cellType'] # import IPython; IPython.embed() if 'cellType' in tags and tags['cellType'] in tags.update({k: v for k, v in[tags['cellType']].items() if k not in exclude}) # call parent calls (Cell) constructor to set gid and tags super(PointCell, self).__init__(gid, tags) self.hPointp = None if 'params' in self.tags: dictParams = sim.replaceDictODict(self.tags.pop('params')) self.params = deepcopy(dictParams) else: self.params = {} if create and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: self.createNEURONObj() # create cell if associateGid: self.associateGid() # register cell for this node def __str__(self): try: gid, cmo = self.gid, self.tags['cellModel'] # only use if these exist return 'pointCell_%s_%d' % (cmo, gid) except: return 'pointCell%d' % self.gid def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def createNEURONObj(self, prop=None): from .. import sim from ..specs import CellParams # add point processes try: self.hPointp = getattr(h, self.tags['cellModel'])() except: print("Error creating point process mechanism %s in cell with gid %d" % (self.tags['cellModel'], self.gid)) return # if rate is list with 2 items generate random value from uniform if 'rate' in self.params and isinstance(self.params['rate'], list) and len(self.params['rate']) == 2: rand = h.Random() rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('point_rate'), self.gid, sim.cfg.seeds['stim']) # initialize randomizer self.params['rate'] = rand.uniform(self.params['rate'][0], self.params['rate'][1]) # if rates is list with 2 items generate time-depenedent rates using if 'rates' in self.params and isinstance(self.params['rates'], list) and len(self.params['rates']) == 2: interval = [1000.0 / r if r > 0.0 else 1e10 for r in self.params['rates'][0]] self.hVectorIntervals = h.Vector(interval) self.hVectorTimes = h.Vector(self.params['rates'][1]), self.hVectorTimes) # set continuous = True? # set pointp params - for PointCells these are stored in self.params params = {k: v for k, v in self.params.items()} for paramName, paramValue in params.items(): try: key = self.tags.get('cellType') if not key: # to avoid potential overlap with cellParams ids key = '__pop__' + self.tags['pop'] func, vars = CellParams.stringFuncAndVarsForPointCell(key, paramName) if func: paramValue = self.__evaluateStringFunc(func, vars) if paramName == 'rate': self.params['interval'] = 1000.0 / paramValue setattr(self.hPointp, 'interval', self.params['interval']) else: setattr(self.hPointp, paramName, paramValue) except: if sim.cfg.verbose: print(f" Error while setting '{paramName}' param to {self.hPointp}") # add random num generator, and set number and seed for NetStims if self.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim': if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Creating a NetStim pointcell") rand = h.Random() self.hRandom = rand if 'number' not in self.params: params['number'] = 1e9 setattr(self.hPointp, 'number', params['number']) if 'seed' not in self.params: self.params['seed'] = sim.cfg.seeds[ 'stim' ] # note: random number generator initialized from sim.preRun() # VecStim - generate spike vector based on params if self.tags['cellModel'] == 'VecStim': # seed if 'seed' not in self.params: self.params['seed'] = sim.cfg.seeds['stim'] # convert rate to interval if 'rate' in self.params: self.params['interval'] = 1000.0 / self.params['rate'] # if interval if 'interval' in self.params: # set interval, start and noise params interval = self.params['interval'] start = self.params['start'] if 'start' in self.params else 0.0 noise = self.params['noise'] if 'noise' in self.params else 0.0 maxReproducibleSpks = ( 1e4 # num of rand spikes generated; only a subset is used; ensures reproducibility ) # fixed interval of duration (1 - noise)*interval fixedInterval = np.full( int(((1 + 1.5 * noise) * sim.cfg.duration / interval)), [(1.0 - noise) * interval] ) # generate 1+1.5*noise spikes to account for noise numSpks = len(fixedInterval) # randomize the first spike so on average it occurs at start + noise*interval # invl = (1. - noise)*mean + noise*mean*erand() - interval*(1. - noise) if noise == 0.0: vec = h.Vector(len(fixedInterval)) spkTimes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval) + (start - interval) else: # plus negexp interval of mean duration noise*interval. Note that the most likely negexp interval has duration 0. rand = h.Random() rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('vecstim_spkt'), self.gid, self.params['seed']) # Method 1: vec length depends on duration -- not reproducible # vec = h.Vector(numSpks) # rand.negexp(noise*interval) # vec.setrand(rand) # negexpInterval= np.array(vec) # #print negexpInterval # spkTimes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval + negexpInterval) + (start - interval*(1-noise)) if numSpks < 100: # Method 2: vec length=1, slower but reproducible vec = h.Vector(1) rand.negexp(noise * interval) negexpInterval = [] for i in range(numSpks): vec.setrand(rand) negexpInterval.append(vec.x[0]) # = np.array(vec)[0:len(fixedInterval)] spkTimes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval + np.array(negexpInterval)) + ( start - interval * (1 - noise) ) elif numSpks < maxReproducibleSpks: # Method 3: vec length=maxReproducibleSpks, then select subset; slower but reproducible vec = h.Vector(maxReproducibleSpks) rand.negexp(noise * interval) vec.setrand(rand) negexpInterval = np.array(vec.c(0, len(fixedInterval) - 1)) spkTimes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval + negexpInterval) + (start - interval * (1 - noise)) else: print( '\nError: exceeded the maximum number of VecStim spikes per cell (%d > %d)' % (numSpks, maxReproducibleSpks) ) return # spikePattern elif 'spikePattern' in self.params: patternType = self.params['spikePattern'].get('type', None) rand = h.Random() if self.params['spikePattern'].get('sync', False): rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('vecstim_spikePattern'), self.params['seed']) else: rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('vecstim_spikePattern'), self.gid, self.params['seed']) if patternType == 'rhythmic': from .inputs import createRhythmicPattern spkTimes = createRhythmicPattern(self.params['spikePattern'], rand) elif patternType == 'evoked': from .inputs import createEvokedPattern spkTimes = createEvokedPattern(self.params['spikePattern'], rand) elif patternType == 'poisson': from .inputs import createPoissonPattern if self.params['spikePattern']['stop'] == -1: self.params['spikePattern']['stop'] = sim.cfg.duration spkTimes = createPoissonPattern(self.params['spikePattern'], rand) elif patternType == 'gauss': from .inputs import createGaussPattern spkTimes = createGaussPattern(self.params['spikePattern'], rand) else: print('\nError: invalid spikePattern type %s' % (patternType)) return vec = h.Vector(len(spkTimes)) # if spkTimess elif 'spkTimes' in self.params: spkTimes = self.params['spkTimes'] if type(spkTimes) not in (list, tuple, np.array): print('\nError: VecStim "spkTimes" needs to be a list, tuple or numpy array') return spkTimes = np.array(spkTimes) vec = h.Vector(len(spkTimes)) # if spkTimess elif 'spkTimes' in self.tags: spkTimes = self.tags['spkTimes'] if type(spkTimes) not in (list, tuple, np.array): print('\nError: VecStim "spkTimes" needs to be a list, tuple or numpy array') return spkTimes = np.array(spkTimes) vec = h.Vector(len(spkTimes)) # missing params else: print('\nError: VecStim requires interval, rate or spkTimes') return # pulse list: start, end, rate, noise if 'pulses' in self.params: for ipulse, pulse in enumerate(self.params['pulses']): # if rate is list with 2 items generate random value from uniform if 'rate' in pulse and isinstance(pulse['rate'], list) and len(pulse['rate']) == 2: rand = h.Random() rand.Random123( sim.hashStr('point_rate_pulse' + str(ipulse)), self.gid, sim.cfg.seeds['stim'] ) # initialize randomizer pulse['rate'] = rand.uniform(pulse['rate'][0], pulse['rate'][1]) # check interval or rate params if 'interval' in pulse: interval = pulse['interval'] elif 'rate' in pulse: interval = 1000.0 / pulse['rate'] else: print('Error: Vecstim pulse missing "rate" or "interval" parameter') return # check start,end and noise params if any([x not in pulse for x in ['start', 'end']]): print('Error: Vecstim pulse missing "start" and/or "end" parameter') return else: noise = pulse['noise'] if 'noise' in pulse else 0.0 start = pulse['start'] end = pulse['end'] # fixed interval of duration (1 - noise)*interval fixedInterval = np.full( int(((1 + 1.5 * noise) * (end - start) / interval)), [(1.0 - noise) * interval] ) # generate 1+0.5*noise spikes to account for noise numSpks = len(fixedInterval) # randomize the first spike so on average it occurs at start + noise*interval # invl = (1. - noise)*mean + noise*mean*erand() - interval*(1. - noise) if noise == 0.0: vec = h.Vector(len(fixedInterval)) pulseSpikes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval) + (start - interval) pulseSpikes[pulseSpikes < start] = start spkTimes = np.append(spkTimes, pulseSpikes[pulseSpikes <= end]) else: # plus negexp interval of mean duration noise*interval. Note that the most likely negexp interval has duration 0. rand = h.Random() rand.Random123(ipulse, self.gid, self.params['seed']) # Method 1: vec length depends on duration -- not reproducible # vec = h.Vector(len(fixedInterval)) # rand.negexp(noise*interval) # vec.setrand(rand) # negexpInterval = np.array(vec) # pulseSpikes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval + negexpInterval) + (start - interval*(1-noise)) # Method 2: vec length=1, slower but reproducible vec = h.Vector(1) rand.negexp(noise * interval) negexpInterval = [] for i in range(numSpks): vec.setrand(rand) negexpInterval.append(vec.x[0]) # = np.array(vec)[0:len(fixedInterval)] pulseSpikes = np.cumsum(fixedInterval + np.array(negexpInterval)) + ( start - interval * (1 - noise) ) pulseSpikes[pulseSpikes < start] = start spkTimes = np.append(spkTimes, pulseSpikes[pulseSpikes <= end]) spkTimes[spkTimes < 0] = 0 spkTimes = np.sort(spkTimes) spkTimes = spkTimes[spkTimes <= sim.cfg.duration] self.hSpkTimes = vec # store the vector containins spikes to avoid seg fault
[docs] def associateGid(self, threshold=None): from .. import sim if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: sim.pc.set_gid2node(self.gid, sim.rank) # this is the key call that assigns cell gid to a particular node if 'vref' in self.tags: nc = h.NetCon(getattr(self.hPointp, '_ref_' + self.tags['vref']), None) else: nc = h.NetCon(self.hPointp, None) threshold = threshold if threshold is not None else nc.threshold = threshold sim.pc.cell(self.gid, nc, 1) # associate a particular output stream of events del nc # discard netcon[self.gid] = len(
def _setConnWeights(self, params, netStimParams): from .. import sim if netStimParams: scaleFactor = elif ( isinstance(, dict) and['cellModel'], None) is not None ): scaleFactor =[ self.tags['cellModel'] ] # use scale factor specific for this cell model else: scaleFactor = # use global scale factor if isinstance(params['weight'], list): weights = [scaleFactor * w for w in params['weight']] else: weights = [scaleFactor * params['weight']] * params['synsPerConn'] return weights
[docs] def addConn(self, params, netStimParams=None): from .. import sim # threshold = params.get('threshold', # if no threshold specified, set default if params.get('weight') is None: params['weight'] = # if no weight, set default if params.get('delay') is None: params['delay'] = # if no delay, set default if params.get('synsPerConn') is None: params['synsPerConn'] = 1 # if no synsPerConn, set default # Avoid self connections if params['preGid'] == self.gid: if sim.cfg.verbose: print( ' Error: attempted to create self-connection on cell gid=%d, section=%s ' % (self.gid, params.get('sec')) ) return # if self-connection return # Weight weights = self._setConnWeights(params, netStimParams) if params.get('weightIndex') is None: params['weightIndex'] = 0 # set default weight matrix index weightIndex = params.get('weightIndex') # note that loop below will overwrite the weights value in weights[i] # Delays if isinstance(params['delay'], list): delays = params['delay'] else: delays = [params['delay']] * params['synsPerConn'] # Create connections for i in range(params['synsPerConn']): if netStimParams: netstim = self.addNetStim(netStimParams) # Python Structure if sim.cfg.createPyStruct: connParams = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['synsPerConn']} connParams['weight'] = weights[i] connParams['delay'] = delays[i] if netStimParams: connParams['preGid'] = 'NetStim' connParams['preLabel'] = netStimParams['source'] self.conns.append(Dict(connParams)) else: # do not fill in python structure (just empty dict for NEURON obj) self.conns.append(Dict()) # NEURON objects if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: if 'vref' in self.tags: postTarget = getattr(self.hPointp, '_ref_' + self.tags['vref']) # local point neuron else: postTarget = self.hPointp if netStimParams: netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget) # create Netcon between netstim and target else: netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect( params['preGid'], postTarget ) # create Netcon between global gid and target netcon.weight[weightIndex] = weights[i] # set Netcon weight - note that this gets over-written in loop netcon.delay = delays[i] # set Netcon delay # netcon.threshold = threshold # set Netcon threshold self.conns[-1]['hObj'] = netcon # add netcon object to dict in conns list # Add plasticity if self.conns[-1].get('plast'): self.conns[-1]['dummySec'] = {'hObj': h.Section(name='dummySec', cell=self)} self._addConnPlasticity(self.conns[-1], self.conns[-1]['dummySec'], netcon, weightIndex) # Add time-dependent weight shaping if 'shape' in params and params['shape']: temptimevecs = [] tempweightvecs = [] # Default shape pulsetype = params['shape']['pulseType'] if 'pulseType' in params['shape'] else 'square' pulsewidth = params['shape']['pulseWidth'] if 'pulseWidth' in params['shape'] else 100.0 pulseperiod = params['shape']['pulsePeriod'] if 'pulsePeriod' in params['shape'] else 100.0 # Determine on-off switching time pairs for stimulus, where default is always on if 'switchOnOff' not in params['shape']: switchtimes = [0, sim.cfg.duration] else: if not params['shape']['switchOnOff'] == sorted(params['shape']['switchOnOff']): raise Exception('On-off switching times for a particular stimulus are not monotonic') switchtimes = deepcopy(params['shape']['switchOnOff']) switchtimes.append(sim.cfg.duration) switchiter = iter(switchtimes) switchpairs = list(zip(switchiter, switchiter)) for pair in switchpairs: # Note: Cliff's makestim code is in seconds, so conversions from ms to s occurs in the args. stimvecs = self._shapeStim( width=float(pulsewidth) / 1000.0, isi=float(pulseperiod) / 1000.0, weight=params['weight'], start=float(pair[0]) / 1000.0, finish=float(pair[1]) / 1000.0, stimshape=pulsetype, ) temptimevecs.extend(stimvecs[0]) tempweightvecs.extend(stimvecs[1]) self.conns[-1]['shapeTimeVec'] = h.Vector().from_python(temptimevecs) self.conns[-1]['shapeWeightVec'] = h.Vector().from_python(tempweightvecs) self.conns[-1]['shapeWeightVec'].play( netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], self.conns[-1]['shapeTimeVec'] ) if sim.cfg.verbose: sec = params['sec'] loc = params['loc'] preGid = netStimParams['source'] + ' NetStim' if netStimParams else params['preGid'] try: print( ( ' Created connection preGid=%s, postGid=%s, sec=%s, loc=%.4g, synMech=%s, weight=%.4g, delay=%.2f' % (preGid, self.gid, sec, loc, params['synMech'], weights[i], delays[i]) ) ) except: print((' Created connection preGid=%s' % (preGid)))
[docs] def initV(self): pass
def __getattr__(self, name): if name == '_Cell__cellParamsRand': # default handling (no wrapper) for __cellParamsRand, otherwise logic in `Cell._randomizer()` fails return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): from .. import sim try: name(*args, **kwargs) except: if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Error: Function '%s' not yet implemented for Point Neurons" % name) return wrapper def _addConnPlasticity(self, params, sec, netcon, weightIndex): from .. import sim plasticity = params.get('plast') if plasticity and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: try: plastMech = getattr(h, plasticity['mech'], None)( 0, sec=sec['hObj'] ) # create plasticity mechanism (eg. h.STDP) for plastParamName, plastParamValue in plasticity[ 'params' ].items(): # add params of the plasticity mechanism setattr(plastMech, plastParamName, plastParamValue) if plasticity['mech'] == 'STDP': # specific implementation steps required for the STDP mech precon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], plastMech) precon.weight[0] = 1 # Send presynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster pstcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(self.gid, plastMech) pstcon.weight[0] = -1 # Send postsynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster h.setpointer( netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], 'synweight', plastMech ) # Associate the STDP adjuster with this weight # self.conns[-1]['hPlastSection'] = plastSection self.conns[-1]['hSTDP'] = plastMech self.conns[-1]['hSTDPprecon'] = precon self.conns[-1]['hSTDPpstcon'] = pstcon self.conns[-1]['STDPdata'] = { 'preGid': params['preGid'], 'postGid': self.gid, 'receptor': weightIndex, } # Not used; FYI only; store here just so it's all in one place if sim.cfg.verbose: print(' Added STDP plasticity to synaptic mechanism') except: print('Error: exception when adding plasticity using %s mechanism' % (plasticity['mech']))
[docs] @staticmethod def stringFuncVarNames(): return list(PointCell.__stringFuncVarsEvaluators().keys())
@staticmethod def __stringFuncVarsEvaluators(): return { 'rand': lambda cell, rand: rand, 'x': lambda cell, rand: cell.tags['x'], 'y': lambda cell, rand: cell.tags['y'], 'z': lambda cell, rand: cell.tags['z'], 'xnorm': lambda cell, rand: cell.tags['xnorm'], 'ynorm': lambda cell, rand: cell.tags['ynorm'], 'znorm': lambda cell, rand: cell.tags['znorm'], } def __evaluateStringFunc(self, func, varNames): args = {} for varName in varNames: varEvaluator = PointCell.__stringFuncVarsEvaluators()[varName] args[varName] = varEvaluator(self, self._randomizer()) return func(**args)
# def modify (self): # print 'Error: Function not yet implemented for Point Neurons' # def addSynMechsNEURONObj (self): # print 'Error: Function not yet implemented for Point Neurons'