Source code for netpyne.conversion.excel

Module for importing from Excel


[docs] def importConnFromExcel(fileName, sheetName): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.excel.importConnFromExcel`> Parameters ---------- fileName : <type> <Short description of fileName> **Default:** *required* sheetName : <type> <Short description of sheetName> **Default:** *required* """ import openpyxl as xl # set columns colPreTags = 0 # 'A' colPostTags = 1 # 'B' colConnFunc = 2 # 'C' colSyn = 3 # 'D' colProb = 5 # 'F' colWeight = 6 # 'G' colAnnot = 8 # 'I' outFileName = fileName[:-5] + '_' + sheetName + '.py' # set output file name connText = """## Generated using importConnFromExcel() function in params/ \n\nnetParams['connParams'] = [] \n\n""" # open excel file and sheet wb = xl.load_workbook(fileName) sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName) numRows = sheet.get_highest_row() with open(outFileName, 'w') as f: f.write(connText) # write starting text for row in range(1, numRows + 1): if sheet.cell(row=row, column=colProb).value: # if not empty row print('Creating conn rule for row ' + str(row)) # read row values pre = sheet.cell(row=row, column=colPreTags).value post = sheet.cell(row=row, column=colPostTags).value func = sheet.cell(row=row, column=colConnFunc).value syn = sheet.cell(row=row, column=colSyn).value prob = sheet.cell(row=row, column=colProb).value weight = sheet.cell(row=row, column=colWeight).value # write preTags line = "netParams['connParams'].append({'preConds': {" for i, cond in enumerate(pre.split(';')): # split into different conditions if i > 0: line = line + ", " cond2 = cond.split('=') # split into key and value line = line + "'" + cond2[0].replace(' ', '') + "': " + cond2[1].replace(' ', '') # generate line line = line + "}" # end of preTags # write postTags line = line + ",\n'postConds': {" for i, cond in enumerate(post.split(';')): # split into different conditions if i > 0: line = line + ", " cond2 = cond.split('=') # split into key and value line = line + "'" + cond2[0].replace(' ', '') + "': " + cond2[1].replace(' ', '') # generate line line = line + "}" # end of postTags line = line + ",\n'connFunc': '" + func + "'" # write connFunc line = line + ",\n'synMech': '" + syn + "'" # write synReceptor line = line + ",\n'probability': " + str(prob) # write prob line = line + ",\n'weight': " + str(weight) # write prob line = line + "})" # add closing brackets line = line + '\n\n' # new line after each conn rule f.write(line) # write to file