Source code for

Module for adding reaction-diffusion to network models


except NameError:
    basestring = str

import copy

    from neuron.crxd import rxdmath
    print('Warning: Could not import rxdmath module')
from ..specs import Dict, ODict

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add RxD
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def addRxD(self, nthreads=None): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- self : <type> <Short description of self> **Default:** *required* """ from .. import sim if len(self.params.rxdParams): try: global rxd global numpy from neuron import crxd as rxd = {'species': {}, 'regions': {}} # dictionary for rxd if nthreads: rxd.nthread(nthreads) print('Using %d threads for RxD' % (nthreads)) except: print('cRxD module not available') return -1 else: return -1 # Instantiate network connections based on the connectivity rules defined in params sim.timing('start', 'rxdTime') if sim.rank == 0: print('Adding RxD...') # make copy of Python structure # if sim.cfg.createPyStruct: -- don't make conditional since need to have Python structure = copy.deepcopy( # add NEURON objects if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: rxdParams = if 'regions' in rxdParams: self._addRegions(rxdParams['regions']) if 'extracellular' in rxdParams: # self._addExtracellular(rxdParams['extracellular']) self._addExtracellularRegion('extracellular', rxdParams['extracellular']) if 'species' in rxdParams: self._addSpecies(rxdParams['species']) if 'states' in rxdParams: self._addStates(rxdParams['states']) if 'reactions' in rxdParams: self._addReactions(rxdParams['reactions']) if 'parameters' in rxdParams: self._addParameters(rxdParams['parameters']) if 'multicompartmentReactions' in rxdParams: self._addReactions(rxdParams['multicompartmentReactions'], multicompartment=True) if 'rates' in rxdParams: self._addRates(rxdParams['rates']) sim.pc.barrier() sim.timing('stop', 'rxdTime') if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.timing: print((' Done; RxD setup time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['rxdTime'])) return
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD regions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addRegions(self, params): from .. import sim for label, param in params.items(): if 'extracellular' in param and param['extracellular'] == True: self._addExtracellularRegion(label, param) continue # cells if 'cells' not in param: param['cells'] = ['all'] # secs if 'secs' not in param: param['secs'] = ['all'] if not isinstance(param['secs'], list): param['secs'] = [param['secs']] # nrn_region if 'nrn_region' not in param: param['nrn_region'] = None # geomery if 'geometry' not in param: param['geometry'] = None geometry = param['geometry'] # import IPython; IPython.embed() if isinstance(geometry, dict): try: if 'args' in geometry: self.rxd['regions'][label]['geometry']['hObj'] = getattr(rxd, param['geometry']['class'])( **param['geometry']['args'] ) geometry = self.rxd['regions'][label]['geometry']['hObj'] except: print(' Error creating %s Region geometry using %s class' % (label, param['geometry']['class'])) elif isinstance(param['geometry'], str): geometry = getattr(rxd, param['geometry'])() # List of allowed geometry classes: # class neuron.rxd.geometry.FixedCrossSection(cross_area, surface_area=0) # class neuron.rxd.geometry.FractionalVolume(volume_fraction=1, surface_fraction=0, neighbor_areas_fraction=None) # class neuron.rxd.geometry.FixedPerimeter(perimeter, on_cell_surface=False) # class neuron.rxd.geometry.Shell(lo=None, hi=None) # geomery if 'dimension' not in param: param['dimension'] = None # geomery if 'dx' not in param: param['dx'] = None # get list of h.Sections() based on cells and secs if 'all' in param['cells'] and 'all' in param['secs']: nrnSecs = list(sim.h.allsec()) else: cells = sim.getCellsList(param['cells']) nrnSecs = [] for cell in cells: for secName, sec in cell.secs.items(): if 'all' in param['secs'] or secName in param['secs']: nrnSecs.append(sec['hObj']) # call rxd method to create Region if nrnSecs: self.rxd['regions'][label]['hObj'] = rxd.Region( secs=nrnSecs, nrn_region=param['nrn_region'], geometry=geometry, dimension=param['dimension'], dx=param['dx'], name=label, ) else: self.rxd['regions'][label]['hObj'] = None print(' Created Region %s' % (label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD extracellular # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addExtracellularRegion(self, label, param): try: rxd.options.enable.extracellular = True except: print('Error enabling extracellular rxd') return -1 # (xlo, ylo, zlo, xhi, yhi, zhi, dx, volume_fraction=1, tortuosity=1) requiredArgs = ['xlo', 'ylo', 'zlo', 'xhi', 'yhi', 'zhi', 'dx'] for arg in requiredArgs: if arg not in param: print(' Error creating Extracellular object %s: %s parameter was missing' % (label, arg)) if 'volume_fraction' not in param: param['volume_fraction'] = 1 if 'tortuosity' not in param: param['tortuosity'] = 1 # call rxd method to create Region if 'extracellular' in self.rxd: # we want to put the object in the "regions", to simplify afterwards the procedure to collect nrnRegions. self.rxd['regions']['extracellular'] = ODict() self.rxd['regions']['extracellular']['extracellular'] = True self.rxd['regions']['extracellular'] = {**param} self.rxd['regions']['extracellular']['hObj'] = rxd.Extracellular(**{k: v for k, v in param.items()}) # accesible also from the entry self.rxd['extracellular']['hObj'] = self.rxd['regions']['extracellular']['hObj'] else: self.rxd['regions'][label]['hObj'] = rxd.Extracellular( **{k: v for k, v in param.items() if k != 'extracellular'} ) print(' Created Extracellular Region %s' % (label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD species # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addSpecies(self, params): from .. import sim for label, param in params.items(): # regions if 'regions' not in param: print(' Error creating Species %s: "regions" parameter was missing' % (label)) continue if not isinstance(param['regions'], list): param['regions'] = [param['regions']] try: nrnRegions = [ self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] for region in param['regions'] if self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] != None ] except: print(' Error creating Species %s: could not find regions %s' % (label, param['regions'])) # d if 'd' not in param: param['d'] = 0 # charge if 'charge' not in param: param['charge'] = 0 # initial if 'initial' not in param: param['initial'] = None if isinstance(param['initial'], basestring): # string-based func funcStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['initial'], constants=True, regions=True, species=False) # create final function dynamically from string importStr = ' from neuron import crxd as rxd \n from netpyne import sim \n import numpy' afterDefStr = '["species"]["%s"]["initialFunc"] = initial' % (label) funcStr = 'def initial (node): \n%s \n return %s \n%s' % ( importStr, funcStr, afterDefStr, ) # convert to lambda function try: exec(funcStr, {'rxd': rxd}, {'sim': sim}) initial =["species"][label]["initialFunc"] except Exception as e: print( f" Error creating Species {label}: cannot evaluate \"initial\" expression -- \"{param['initial']}\": {e.msg}. See above for more details" ) continue else: initial = param['initial'] # ecs boundary condition if 'ecs_boundary_conditions' not in param: param['ecs_boundary_conditions'] = None # atolscale if 'atolscale' not in param: param['atolscale'] = 1 if 'name' not in param: name = label else: name = param['name'] # call rxd method to create Species if nrnRegions: self.rxd['species'][label]['hObj'] = rxd.Species( regions=nrnRegions, d=param['d'], charge=param['charge'], initial=initial, atolscale=param['atolscale'], name=name, ecs_boundary_conditions=param['ecs_boundary_conditions'], ) else: self.rxd['species'][label]['hObj'] = None print(' Created Species %s' % (label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD states # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addStates(self, params): from .. import sim for label, param in params.items(): # regions if 'regions' not in param: print(' Error creating State %s: "regions" parameter was missing' % (label)) continue if not isinstance(param['regions'], list): param['regions'] = [param['regions']] try: nrnRegions = [ self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] for region in param['regions'] if self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] != None ] except: print(' Error creating State %s: could not find regions %s' % (label, param['regions'])) # initial if 'initial' not in param: param['initial'] = None ## looks like a typo if isinstance(param['initial'], basestring): # string-based func funcStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['initial'], constants=True, regions=True, species=False) # create final function dynamically from string importStr = ' from neuron import crxd as rxd \n from netpyne import sim \n import numpy' afterDefStr = '["states"]["%s"]["initialFunc"] = initial' % (label) funcStr = 'def initial (node): \n%s \n return %s \n%s' % ( importStr, funcStr, afterDefStr, ) # convert to lambda function try: exec(funcStr, {'rxd': rxd}, {'sim': sim}) initial =["species"][label]["initialFunc"] except: print( ' Error creating State %s: cannot evaluate "initial" expression -- "%s"' % (label, param['initial']) ) continue else: initial = param['initial'] if 'name' not in param: name = label else: name = param['name'] # call rxd method to create Region if nrnRegions: self.rxd['states'][label]['hObj'] = rxd.State(regions=nrnRegions, initial=initial, name=name) else: self.rxd['states'][label]['hObj'] = None print(' Created State %s' % (label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD parameters # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addParameters(self, params): from .. import sim for label, param in params.items(): # regions if 'regions' not in param: print(' Error creating State %s: "regions" parameter was missing' % (label)) continue if not isinstance(param['regions'], list): param['regions'] = [param['regions']] try: nrnRegions = [self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] for region in param['regions']] except: print(' Error creating State %s: could not find regions %s' % (label, param['regions'])) if 'name' not in param: param['name'] = label if 'charge' not in param: param['charge'] = 0 if 'value' not in param: param['value'] = 0 if isinstance(param['value'], basestring): funcStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['value'], constants=True, regions=True, species=True) # create final function dynamically from string importStr = ' from neuron import crxd as rxd \n from netpyne import sim \n import numpy' afterDefStr = '["parameters"]["%s"]["initialFunc"] = value' % (label) funcStr = 'def value (node): \n%s \n return %s \n%s' % ( importStr, funcStr, afterDefStr, ) # convert to lambda function try: exec(funcStr, {'rxd': rxd}, {'sim': sim}) value =["parameters"][label]["initialFunc"] except: print( ' Error creating Parameter %s: cannot evaluate "value" expression -- "%s"' % (label, param['value']) ) continue else: value = param['value'] # call rxd method to create Region self.rxd['parameters'][label]['hObj'] = rxd.Parameter( regions=nrnRegions, value=value, charge=param['charge'], name=param['name'] ) print(' Created Parameter %s' % (label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD reactions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addReactions(self, params, multicompartment=False): from .. import sim reactionStr = 'MultiCompartmentReaction' if multicompartment else 'Reaction' reactionDictKey = 'multicompartmentReactions' if multicompartment else 'reactions' for label, param in params.items(): dynamicVars = {'sim': sim, 'rxdmath': rxdmath, 'rxd': rxd} # reactant if 'reactant' not in param: print(' Error creating %s %s: "reactant" parameter was missing' % (reactionStr, label)) continue reactantStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['reactant']) try: exec('reactant = ' + reactantStr, dynamicVars) except TypeError: continue if 'reactant' not in dynamicVars: dynamicVars['reactant'] # fix for python 2 # product if 'product' not in param: print(' Error creating %s %s: "product" parameter was missing' % (reactionStr, label)) continue productStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['product']) # from IPython import embed # embed() exec('product = ' + productStr, dynamicVars) if 'product' not in dynamicVars: dynamicVars['product'] # fix for python 2 # rate_f if 'rate_f' not in param: print(' Error creating %s %s: "scheme" parameter was missing' % (reactionStr, label)) continue if isinstance(param['rate_f'], basestring): rate_fStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['rate_f']) # import IPython; IPython.embed() exec('rate_f = ' + rate_fStr, dynamicVars) if 'rate_f' not in dynamicVars: dynamicVars['rate_f'] # fix for python 2 else: rate_f = param['rate_f'] # rate_b rate_b = None if 'rate_b' not in param: param['rate_b'] = None if isinstance(param['rate_b'], basestring): rate_bStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['rate_b']) exec('rate_b = ' + rate_bStr, dynamicVars) if 'rate_b' not in dynamicVars: dynamicVars['rate_b'] # fix for python 2 else: rate_b = param['rate_b'] # regions if 'regions' not in param: param['regions'] = [None] elif not isinstance(param['regions'], list): param['regions'] = [param['regions']] try: nrnRegions = [ self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] for region in param['regions'] if region is not None and self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] != None ] except: print(' Error creating %s %s: could not find regions %s' % (reactionStr, label, param['regions'])) # membrane if 'membrane' not in param: param['membrane'] = None if param['membrane'] in self.rxd['regions']: nrnMembraneRegion = self.rxd['regions'][param['membrane']]['hObj'] else: nrnMembraneRegion = None if rate_b is None and dynamicVars.get('rate_b', None) is None: # omit positional argument 'rate_b' self.rxd[reactionDictKey][label]['hObj'] = getattr(rxd, reactionStr)( dynamicVars['reactant'], dynamicVars['product'], dynamicVars['rate_f'] if 'rate_f' in dynamicVars else rate_f, regions=nrnRegions, custom_dynamics=param.get('custom_dynamics', False), membrane_flux=param.get('membrane_flux', False), scale_by_area=param.get('scale_by_area', True), membrane=nrnMembraneRegion, ) else: # include positional argument 'rate_b' self.rxd[reactionDictKey][label]['hObj'] = getattr(rxd, reactionStr)( dynamicVars['reactant'], dynamicVars['product'], dynamicVars['rate_f'] if 'rate_f' in dynamicVars else rate_f, dynamicVars['rate_b'] if 'rate_b' in dynamicVars else rate_b, regions=nrnRegions, custom_dynamics=param.get('custom_dynamics', False), membrane_flux=param.get('membrane_flux', False), scale_by_area=param.get('scale_by_area', True), membrane=nrnMembraneRegion, ) print(' Created %s %s' % (reactionStr, label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RxD reactions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addRates(self, params): from .. import sim for label, param in params.items(): dynamicVars = {'sim': sim, 'rxdmath': rxdmath, 'rxd': rxd} # species if 'species' not in param: print(' Error creating Rate %s: "species" parameter was missing' % (label)) continue if isinstance(param['species'], basestring): speciesStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['species']) exec('species = ' + speciesStr, dynamicVars) if 'species' not in dynamicVars: dynamicVars['species'] # fix for python 2 else: print(' Error creating Rate %s: "species" parameter should be a string' % (label)) continue # rate if 'rate' not in param: print(' Error creating Rate %s: "rate" parameter was missing' % (label)) continue if isinstance(param['rate'], basestring): rateStr = self._replaceRxDStr(param['rate']) exec('rate = ' + rateStr, dynamicVars) if 'rate' not in dynamicVars: dynamicVars['rate'] # fix for python 2 # regions if 'regions' not in param: # param['regions'] = [None] # Following Craig's suggestion (in concordance with the default in NEURON) try: param['regions'] = [ self.rxd['species'][species]['regions'] for species in self.rxd['species'].keys() if param['species'] == species ] if 'states' in self.rxd: param['regions'] = param['regions'] + [ self.rxd['states'][states]['regions'] for states in self.rxd['states'].keys() if param['species'] == states ] if len(param['regions']) == 1 and isinstance(param['regions'][0], list): param['regions'] = [val for elem in param['regions'] for val in elem] except: param['regions'] = [None] elif not isinstance(param['regions'], list): param['regions'] = [param['regions']] try: nrnRegions = [ self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] for region in param['regions'] if region is not None and self.rxd['regions'][region]['hObj'] != None ] except: print(' Error creating Rate %s: could not find regions %s' % (label, param['regions'])) # membrane_flux if 'membrane_flux' not in param: param['membrane_flux'] = False self.rxd['rates'][label]['hObj'] = rxd.Rate( dynamicVars['species'], dynamicVars['rate'], regions=nrnRegions, membrane_flux=param['membrane_flux'] ) print(' Created Rate %s' % (label)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Replace RxD param strings with expression # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _replaceRxDStr(self, origStr, constants=True, regions=True, species=True, parameters=True): import re replacedStr = str(origStr) mapping = {} mappingCategories = {} # replace constants if constants and 'constants' in self.rxd: constantsList = [ c for c in self.params.rxdParams['constants'] if c in origStr ] # get list of variables used (eg. post_ynorm or dist_xyz) for constantLabel in constantsList: mapping[constantLabel] = '["constants"]["%s"]' % (constantLabel) mappingCategories[constantLabel] = 'constants' # replace regions if regions and 'regions' in self.rxd: for regionLabel in self.rxd['regions']: mapping[regionLabel] = '["regions"]["%s"]["hObj"]' % (regionLabel) mappingCategories[regionLabel] = 'regions' # replace species if species and 'species' in self.rxd: for speciesLabel in self.rxd['species']: mapping[speciesLabel] = '["species"]["%s"]["hObj"]' % (speciesLabel) mappingCategories[speciesLabel] = 'species' if species and 'states' in self.rxd: for statesLabel in self.rxd['states']: mapping[statesLabel] = '["states"]["%s"]["hObj"]' % (statesLabel) mappingCategories[statesLabel] = 'states' if parameters and 'parameters' in self.rxd: for paramLabel in self.rxd['parameters']: mapping[paramLabel] = '["parameters"]["%s"]["hObj"]' % (paramLabel) mappingCategories[paramLabel] = 'parameters' _validateSyntax(origStr, mapping, mappingCategories) # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching where the longer ones should take place substrs = sorted(mapping, key=len, reverse=True) # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace regexp = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, substrs))) # For each match, look up the new string in the mapping replacedStr = regexp.sub(lambda match: mapping[], replacedStr) return replacedStr def _validateSyntax(origStr, mapping, categories): import re for key in mapping: # check if part of bigger alphanumeric token pattern = re.compile(f'.*[\w]+{key}.*|.*{key}[\w]+.*') if pattern.match(origStr): if any([(key in m) and (key != m) for m in mapping]): pass # exclude the case where key is substring in some other key else: print(f" WARNING: Potential issue in RxD specification! Key \"{key}\" of \"{categories[key]}\" appears as part of syntax in \"{origStr}\". If it leads to error, pick another name for this key.")