Source code for

Module defining Network class and methods


from ..specs import ODict
from neuron import h  # import NEURON
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] class Network(object): """ Class for/to <short description of ``> """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize variables # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, params=None): from .. import sim self.params = params # params that can be expressed using string-based functions in connections self.connStringFuncParams = ['weight', 'delay', 'synsPerConn', 'loc'] # params that can be expressed using string-based functions in stims self.stimStringFuncParams = [ 'del', 'dur', 'amp', 'gain', 'rstim', 'tau1', 'tau2', 'onset', 'tau', 'gmax', 'e', 'interval', 'rate', 'number', 'start', 'noise', ] self.rand = h.Random() # random number generator self.pops = ODict() # list to store populations ('Pop' objects) self.cells = [] # list to store cells ('Cell' objects) self.cells_dpls = {} # dict with vectors of dipole over time for each cell self.cells_dpl = {} # dict with vectors of dipole at one time for each cell self.gid2lid = ( {} ) # Empty dict for storing GID -> local index (key = gid; value = local id) -- ~x6 faster than .index() self.lastGid = 0 # keep track of last cell gid # keep track of last gap junction gid intMax = 2**(32-1) # pointer connection id in NEURON is signed 32-bit int maxPointerIdPerNode = int(intMax / sim.nhosts) self.lastPointerId = sim.rank * maxPointerIdPerNode # to avoid overlap of gids from different nodes self.maxPointerIdForGivenNode = self.lastPointerId + maxPointerIdPerNode # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set network params # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setParams(self, params): self.params = params
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instantiate network populations (objects of class 'Pop') # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createPops(self): from .. import sim for popLabel, popParam in self.params.popParams.items(): # for each set of population paramseters self.pops[popLabel] = sim.Pop( popLabel, popParam ) # instantiate a new object of class Pop and add to list pop return self.pops
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create Cells # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createCells(self): from .. import sim sim.pc.barrier() sim.timing('start', 'createTime') if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.verbose: print(("\nCreating network of %i cell populations on %i hosts..." % (len(self.pops), sim.nhosts))) self._setDiversityRanges() # update fractions for rules if sim.rank == 0 and not sim.cfg.verbose: pbar = tqdm(total=len(self.pops.values()), ascii=True, desc="\nCreating network of %i cell populations on %i hosts..." % (len(self.pops), sim.nhosts), position=-1, leave=True, bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}|') #{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} populations created on node %i' % sim.rank) for ipop in list(self.pops.values()): # For each pop instantiate the network cells (objects of class 'Cell') if sim.rank == 0 and not sim.cfg.verbose: pbar.update(1) newCells = ipop.createCells() # create cells for this pop using Pop method self.cells.extend(newCells) # add to list of cells sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.verbose: print(('Instantiated %d cells of population %s' % (len(newCells), ipop.tags['pop']))) if sim.rank == 0 and not sim.cfg.verbose: pbar.close() if self.params.defineCellShapes: self.defineCellShapes() print((' Number of cells on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, len(self.cells)))) sim.pc.barrier() sim.timing('stop', 'createTime') if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.timing: print((' Done; cell creation time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['createTime'])) return self.cells
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set fraction of cells for populations with cell diversity # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _setDiversityRanges(self): from .. import sim condFracs = {} for cellRule in if 'diversityFraction' in cellRule: divFrac = cellRule['diversityFraction'] cellType = cellRule['conds'].get('cellType', None) cellModel = cellRule['conds'].get('cellModel', None) pop = cellRule['conds'].get('pop', None) correction = 1e-12 if (cellType, cellModel, pop) in condFracs: startFrac = float(condFracs[(cellType, cellModel, pop)]) endFrac = startFrac + divFrac cellRule['conds']['fraction'] = [startFrac - correction, endFrac - correction] condFracs[(cellType, cellModel, pop)] = endFrac else: startFrac = 0 endFrac = startFrac + divFrac cellRule['conds']['fraction'] = [startFrac, endFrac - correction] condFracs[(cellType, cellModel, pop)] = endFrac # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import stim methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .stim import addStims, _addCellStim, _stimStrToFunc # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import conn methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .conn import ( connectCells, _findPrePostCellsCondition, _connStrToFunc, fullConn, generateRandsPrePost, probConn, randUniqueInt, convConn, divConn, fromListConn, _addCellConn, _disynapticBiasProb, _disynapticBiasProb2, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import subconn methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .subconn import pathDistance, posFromLoc, _interpolateSegmentSigma, subcellularConn # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import rxd methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .netrxd import ( addRxD, _addRegions, _addExtracellularRegion, _addSpecies, _addStates, _addReactions, _addRates, _replaceRxDStr, _addParameters, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import shape methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .shape import calcSegCoords, defineCellShapes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import modify methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .modify import modifyCells, modifySynMechs, modifyConns, modifyStims