Source code for

Module defining Population class and methods


except NameError:
    basestring = str

from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, arccos
import numpy as np
from neuron import h  # Import NEURON
from netpyne import sim


[docs] class Pop(object): """ Class for/to <short description of ``> """ def __init__(self, label, tags): self.tags = tags # list of tags/attributes of population (eg. numCells, cellModel,...) self.tags['pop'] = label self.cellGids = [] # list of cell gids beloging to this pop self._setCellClass() # set type of cell if self.cellModelClass == sim.PointCell: self.__handlePointCellParams() self.rand = h.Random() # random number generator def _distributeCells(self, numCellsPop): """ Distribute cells across compute nodes using round-robin """ hostCells = {} for i in range(sim.nhosts): hostCells[i] = [] for i in range(numCellsPop): hostCells[sim.nextHost].append(i) sim.nextHost += 1 if sim.nextHost >= sim.nhosts: sim.nextHost = 0 if sim.cfg.verbose: print( ( "Distributed population of %i cells on %s hosts: %s, next: %s" % (numCellsPop, sim.nhosts, hostCells, sim.nextHost) ) ) return hostCells
[docs] def createCells(self): """ Function to instantiate Cell objects based on the characteristics of this population """ # add individual cells if 'cellsList' in self.tags: cells = self.createCellsList() # create cells based on fixed number of cells elif 'numCells' in self.tags: cells = self.createCellsFixedNum() # create cells based on density (optional ynorm-dep) elif 'density' in self.tags: cells = self.createCellsDensity() # create cells based on density (optional ynorm-dep) elif 'gridSpacing' in self.tags: cells = self.createCellsGrid() # not enough tags to create cells else: self.tags['numCells'] = 1 print( 'Warninig: number or density of cells not specified for population %s; defaulting to numCells = 1' % (self.tags['pop']) ) cells = self.createCellsFixedNum() return cells
[docs] def createCellsFixedNum(self): """ Create population cells based on fixed number of cells """ cells = [] self.rand.Random123(self.tags['numCells'],, sim.cfg.seeds['loc']) self.rand.uniform(0, 1) vec = h.Vector(self.tags['numCells'] * 3) vec.setrand(self.rand) randLocs = np.array(vec).reshape(self.tags['numCells'], 3) # create random x,y,z locations if == 'cylinder': # Use the x,z random vales rho = randLocs[:, 0] # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1) phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:, 2] # use z rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) x = (1 + sqrt(rho) * cos(phi)) / 2.0 z = (1 + sqrt(rho) * sin(phi)) / 2.0 randLocs[:, 0] = x randLocs[:, 2] = z elif == 'ellipsoid': # Use the x,y,z random vales rho = np.power( randLocs[:, 0], 1.0 / 3.0 ) # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1); cuberoot phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:, 1] # use y rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) costheta = ( 2 * randLocs[:, 2] ) - 1 # use z rand value as cos(theta) in the interval [-1, 1); ensures uniform dist theta = arccos(costheta) # obtain theta from cos(theta) x = (1 + rho * cos(phi) * sin(theta)) / 2.0 y = (1 + rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta)) / 2.0 z = (1 + rho * cos(theta)) / 2.0 randLocs[:, 0] = x randLocs[:, 1] = y randLocs[:, 2] = z for icoord, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): if coord + 'Range' in self.tags: # if user provided absolute range, convert to normalized self.tags[coord + 'normRange'] = [ float(point) / getattr(, 'size' + coord.upper()) for point in self.tags[coord + 'Range'] ] # constrain to range set by user if coord + 'normRange' in self.tags: # if normalized range, rescale random locations minv = self.tags[coord + 'normRange'][0] maxv = self.tags[coord + 'normRange'][1] randLocs[:, icoord] = randLocs[:, icoord] * (maxv - minv) + minv numCells = int( * self.tags['numCells']) diversityFractions = self._diversityFractions(numCells) for i in self._distributeCells(numCells)[sim.rank]: gid = + i self.cellGids.append(gid) # add gid list of cells belonging to this population - not needed? cellTags = self._createCellTags(i, diversityFractions) cellTags['xnorm'] = randLocs[i, 0] # set x location (um) cellTags['ynorm'] = randLocs[i, 1] # set y location (um) cellTags['znorm'] = randLocs[i, 2] # set z location (um) cellTags['x'] = * randLocs[i, 0] # set x location (um) cellTags['y'] = * randLocs[i, 1] # set y location (um) cellTags['z'] = * randLocs[i, 2] # set z location (um) if 'spkTimes' in self.tags: # if VecStim, copy spike times to params if isinstance(self.tags['spkTimes'][0], list): try: cellTags['params']['spkTimes'] = self.tags['spkTimes'][i] # 2D list except: pass else: cellTags['params']['spkTimes'] = self.tags['spkTimes'] # 1D list (same for all) if 'dynamicRates' in self.tags: # if NetStim, copy rates array to params if 'rates' in self.tags['dynamicRates'] and 'times' in self.tags['dynamicRates']: if isinstance(self.tags['dynamicRates']['rates'][0], list): try: cellTags['params']['rates'] = [ self.tags['dynamicRates']['rates'][i], self.tags['dynamicRates']['times'], ] # 2D list except: pass else: cellTags['params']['rates'] = [ self.tags['dynamicRates']['rates'], self.tags['dynamicRates']['times'], ] # 1D list (same for all) cells.append(self.cellModelClass(gid, cellTags)) # instantiate Cell object if sim.cfg.verbose: print( ( 'Cell %d/%d (gid=%d) of pop %s, on node %d, ' % (i, * self.tags['numCells'] - 1, gid, self.tags['pop'], sim.rank) ) ) = + self.tags['numCells'] return cells
[docs] def createCellsDensity(self): """ Create population cells based on density """ cells = [] shape = sizeX = sizeY = sizeZ = # calculate volume if shape == 'cuboid': volume = sizeY / 1e3 * sizeX / 1e3 * sizeZ / 1e3 elif shape == 'cylinder': volume = sizeY / 1e3 * sizeX / 1e3 / 2 * sizeZ / 1e3 / 2 * pi elif shape == 'ellipsoid': volume = sizeY / 1e3 / 2.0 * sizeX / 1e3 / 2.0 * sizeZ / 1e3 / 2.0 * pi * 4.0 / 3.0 for coord in ['x', 'y', 'z']: if coord + 'Range' in self.tags: # if the user provided absolute range: 'xRange', 'yRange', 'zRange' self.tags[coord + 'normRange'] = [ # as a tag, convert to normalized range. point / getattr(, 'size' + coord.upper()) for point in self.tags[coord + 'Range'] ] if coord + 'normRange' in self.tags: # if normalized range, rescale volume minv = self.tags[coord + 'normRange'][0] maxv = self.tags[coord + 'normRange'][1] volume = volume * (maxv - minv) funcLocs = None # start with no locations as a function of density function if isinstance(self.tags['density'], basestring): # check if density is given as a function if shape == 'cuboid': # only available for cuboids strFunc = self.tags['density'] # string containing function strVars = [var for var in ['xnorm', 'ynorm', 'znorm'] if var in strFunc] # get list of variables used if not len(strVars) == 1: print( 'Error: density function (%s) for population %s does not include "xnorm", "ynorm" or "znorm"' % (strFunc, self.tags['pop']) ) return coordFunc = strVars[0] lambdaStr = 'lambda ' + coordFunc + ': ' + strFunc # convert to lambda function densityFunc = eval(lambdaStr) minRange = self.tags[coordFunc + 'Range'][0] maxRange = self.tags[coordFunc + 'Range'][1] interval = 0.001 # interval of location values to evaluate func in order to find the max cell density maxDensity = max(list(map(densityFunc, (np.arange(minRange, maxRange, interval))))) # max cell density maxCells = volume * maxDensity # max number of cells based on max value of density func self.rand.Random123(int(maxDensity),, sim.cfg.seeds['loc']) locsAll = minRange + ((maxRange - minRange)) * np.array( [self.rand.uniform(0, 1) for i in range(int(maxCells))] ) # random location values locsProb = ( np.array(list(map(densityFunc, locsAll))) / maxDensity ) # calculate normalized density for each location value (used to prune) allrands = np.array( [self.rand.uniform(0, 1) for i in range(len(locsProb))] ) # create an array of random numbers for checking each location pos makethiscell = ( locsProb > allrands ) # perform test to see whether or not this cell should be included (pruning based on density func) funcLocs = [ locsAll[i] for i in range(len(locsAll)) if i in np.array(makethiscell.nonzero()[0], dtype='int') ] # keep only subset of yfuncLocs based on density func self.tags['numCells'] = len( funcLocs ) # final number of cells after pruning of location values based on density func if sim.cfg.verbose: print( 'Volume=%.2f, maxDensity=%.2f, maxCells=%.0f, numCells=%.0f' % (volume, maxDensity, maxCells, self.tags['numCells']) ) else: print('Error: Density functions are only implemented for cuboid shaped networks') exit(0) else: # NO ynorm-dep self.tags['numCells'] = int(self.tags['density'] * volume) # = density (cells/mm^3) * volume (mm^3) # calculate locations of cells self.rand.Random123(self.tags['numCells'],, sim.cfg.seeds['loc']) self.rand.uniform(0, 1) vec = h.Vector(self.tags['numCells'] * 3) vec.setrand(self.rand) try: randLocs = np.array(vec).reshape(self.tags['numCells'], 3) # create random x,y,z locations except Exception as e: if 'numCells' in self.tags and self.tags['numCells'] == 0 or self.tags['numCells'] < 1: print(f"Unable to create network, please validate that '{self.tags['pop']}' population size is > 0 ") raise e if == 'cylinder': # Use the x,z random vales rho = randLocs[:, 0] # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1) phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:, 2] # use z rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) x = (1 + sqrt(rho) * cos(phi)) / 2.0 z = (1 + sqrt(rho) * sin(phi)) / 2.0 randLocs[:, 0] = x randLocs[:, 2] = z elif == 'ellipsoid': # Use the x,y,z random vales rho = np.power( randLocs[:, 0], 1.0 / 3.0 ) # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1); cuberoot phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:, 1] # use y rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) costheta = ( 2 * randLocs[:, 2] ) - 1 # use z rand value as cos(theta) in the interval [-1, 1); ensures uniform dist theta = arccos(costheta) # obtain theta from cos(theta) x = (1 + rho * cos(phi) * sin(theta)) / 2.0 y = (1 + rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta)) / 2.0 z = (1 + rho * cos(theta)) / 2.0 randLocs[:, 0] = x randLocs[:, 1] = y randLocs[:, 2] = z for icoord, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): if coord + 'normRange' in self.tags: # if normalized range, rescale random locations minv = self.tags[coord + 'normRange'][0] maxv = self.tags[coord + 'normRange'][1] randLocs[:, icoord] = randLocs[:, icoord] * (maxv - minv) + minv if ( funcLocs and coordFunc == coord + 'norm' ): # if locations for this coordinate calculated using density function randLocs[:, icoord] = funcLocs if sim.cfg.verbose and not funcLocs: print('Volume=%.4f, density=%.2f, numCells=%.0f' % (volume, self.tags['density'], self.tags['numCells'])) numCells = self.tags['numCells'] diversityFractions = self._diversityFractions(numCells) for i in self._distributeCells(numCells)[sim.rank]: gid = + i self.cellGids.append(gid) # add gid list of cells belonging to this population - not needed? cellTags = self._createCellTags(i, diversityFractions) cellTags['xnorm'] = randLocs[i, 0] # calculate x location (um) cellTags['ynorm'] = randLocs[i, 1] # calculate y location (um) cellTags['znorm'] = randLocs[i, 2] # calculate z location (um) cellTags['x'] = sizeX * randLocs[i, 0] # calculate x location (um) cellTags['y'] = sizeY * randLocs[i, 1] # calculate y location (um) cellTags['z'] = sizeZ * randLocs[i, 2] # calculate z location (um) cells.append(self.cellModelClass(gid, cellTags)) # instantiate Cell object if sim.cfg.verbose: print( ( 'Cell %d/%d (gid=%d) of pop %s, pos=(%2.f, %2.f, %2.f), on node %d, ' % ( i, numCells - 1, gid, self.tags['pop'], cellTags['x'], cellTags['y'], cellTags['z'], sim.rank, ) ) ) = + self.tags['numCells'] return cells
[docs] def createCellsList(self): """ Create population cells based on list of individual cells """ cells = [] cellsList = self.tags['cellsList'] numCells = len(cellsList) self.tags['numCells'] = numCells diversityFractions = self._diversityFractions(numCells) for i in self._distributeCells(numCells)[sim.rank]: # if 'cellModel' in self.tags['cellsList'][i]: # self.cellModelClass = getattr(f, self.tags['cellsList'][i]['cellModel']) # select cell class to instantiate cells based on the cellModel tags gid = + i self.cellGids.append(gid) # add gid list of cells belonging to this population - not needed? cellTags = self._createCellTags(i, diversityFractions) cellTags.update(cellsList[i]) # add tags specific to this cells for coord in ['x', 'y', 'z']: if coord in cellTags: # if absolute coord exists cellTags[coord + 'norm'] = cellTags[coord] / getattr(, 'size' + coord.upper() ) # calculate norm coord elif coord + 'norm' in cellTags: # elif norm coord exists cellTags[coord] = cellTags[coord + 'norm'] * getattr(, 'size' + coord.upper() ) # calculate norm coord else: cellTags[coord + 'norm'] = cellTags[coord] = 0 if ( 'cellModel' in self.tags.keys() and self.tags['cellModel'] == 'VecStim' ): # if VecStim, copy spike times to params cellTags['params']['spkTimes'] = cellsList[i]['spkTimes'] cells.append(self.cellModelClass(gid, cellTags)) # instantiate Cell object if sim.cfg.verbose: print( ('Cell %d/%d (gid=%d) of pop %d, on node %d, ' % (i, self.tags['numCells'] - 1, gid, i, sim.rank)) ) = + numCells return cells
[docs] def createCellsGrid(self): """ Create population cells based on fixed number of cells """ cells = [] rangeLocs = [[0, getattr(, 'size' + coord)] for coord in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']] for icoord, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): # constrain to range set by user if coord + 'normRange' in self.tags: # if normalized range, convert to normalized self.tags[coord + 'Range'] = [ float(point) * getattr(, 'size' + coord.upper()) for point in self.tags[coord + 'normRange'] ] if coord + 'Range' in self.tags: # if user provided absolute range, calculate range self.tags[coord + 'normRange'] = [ float(point) / getattr(, 'size' + coord.upper()) for point in self.tags[coord + 'Range'] ] rangeLocs[icoord] = [self.tags[coord + 'Range'][0], self.tags[coord + 'Range'][1]] gridSpacing = self.tags['gridSpacing'] gridLocs = [] if isinstance(gridSpacing, list): for x in np.arange(rangeLocs[0][0], rangeLocs[0][1] + 1, gridSpacing[0]): for y in np.arange(rangeLocs[1][0], rangeLocs[1][1] + 1, gridSpacing[1]): for z in np.arange(rangeLocs[2][0], rangeLocs[2][1] + 1, gridSpacing[2]): gridLocs.append((x, y, z)) else: for x in np.arange(rangeLocs[0][0], rangeLocs[0][1] + 1, gridSpacing): for y in np.arange(rangeLocs[1][0], rangeLocs[1][1] + 1, gridSpacing): for z in np.arange(rangeLocs[2][0], rangeLocs[2][1] + 1, gridSpacing): gridLocs.append((x, y, z)) numCells = len(gridLocs) diversityFractions = self._diversityFractions(numCells, shuffled=True) for i in self._distributeCells(numCells)[sim.rank]: gid = + i self.cellGids.append(gid) # add gid list of cells belonging to this population - not needed? cellTags = self._createCellTags(i, diversityFractions) cellTags['xnorm'] = gridLocs[i][0] / # set x location (um) cellTags['ynorm'] = gridLocs[i][1] / # set y location (um) cellTags['znorm'] = gridLocs[i][2] / # set z location (um) cellTags['x'] = gridLocs[i][0] # set x location (um) cellTags['y'] = gridLocs[i][1] # set y location (um) cellTags['z'] = gridLocs[i][2] # set z location (um) cells.append(self.cellModelClass(gid, cellTags)) # instantiate Cell object if sim.cfg.verbose: print(('Cell %d/%d (gid=%d) of pop %s, on node %d, ' % (i, numCells, gid, self.tags['pop'], sim.rank))) = + numCells return cells
def _diversityFractions(self, numCells, shuffled=False): """ Calculates diversity fraction (0 to 1) for each cell. Returns list of fractions or None, if no diversity involved """ if not self.tags.get('diversity', False): return None rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=sim.cfg.seeds['cell']) diversityFractions = np.arange(0, numCells, dtype=np.float64) / numCells if shuffled: rng.shuffle(diversityFractions) return diversityFractions def _createCellTags(self, ind=None, diversityFractions=None): # copy all pop tags to cell tags, except those that are pop-specific cellTags = {k: v for (k, v) in self.tags.items() if k in} cellTags['pop'] = self.tags['pop'] if diversityFractions is not None: cellTags['fraction'] = diversityFractions[ind] return cellTags def _setCellClass(self): """ Set cell class (CompartCell, PointCell, etc) """ # Check whether it's a NeuroML2 based cell # ! needs updating to read cellModel info from cellParams if 'originalFormat' in self.tags: if self.tags['originalFormat'] == 'NeuroML2': self.cellModelClass = sim.NML2Cell if self.tags['originalFormat'] == 'NeuroML2_SpikeSource': self.cellModelClass = sim.NML2SpikeSource else: # obtain cellModel either from popParams.. cellModel = self.tags.get('cellModel') if cellModel is None: # .. or from cellParams cellType = self.tags.get('cellType') if cellType: cellRule =, {}) cellModel = cellRule.get('cellModel') else: # TODO: or throw error? pass # set cell class: CompartCell for compartmental cells of PointCell for point neurons (NetStims, IntFire1,...) if cellModel and hasattr(h, cellModel): # check if cellModel corresponds to an existing point process mechanism; if so, use PointCell self.cellModelClass = sim.PointCell else: # otherwise assume has sections and some cellParam rules apply to it; use CompartCell self.cellModelClass = sim.CompartCell # if model is known but wasn't recognized, issue warning knownPointps = ['NetStim', 'DynamicNetStim', 'VecStim', 'IntFire1', 'IntFire2', 'IntFire4'] if getattr(self.tags, 'cellModel', None) in knownPointps: print( 'Warning: could not find %s point process mechanism required for population %s' % (cellModel, self.tags['pop']) ) def __handlePointCellParams(self): if 'params' in self.tags and isinstance(self.tags['params'], dict): # in some cases, params for point cell may already be grouped in the nested 'params' dict. params = self.tags['params'] else: # otherwise, try extracting them from the top level of tags dict excludeTags = [ 'pop', 'cellModel', 'cellType', 'numCells', 'density', 'cellsList', 'gridSpacing', 'xRange', 'yRange', 'zRange', 'xnormRange', 'ynormRange', 'znormRange', 'vref', 'spkTimes', 'dynamicRates', ] params = {k: v for k, v in self.tags.items() if k not in excludeTags} self.tags['params'] = params for k in self.tags['params']: self.tags.pop(k)'params') # if point cell params defined directly in pop params, need to scan them for string functions if len(params): from ..specs.netParams import CellParams CellParams.updateStringFuncsWithPopParams(self.tags['pop'], params)
[docs] def calcRelativeSegCoords(self): """Calculate segment coordinates from 3d point coordinates Used for LFP calc (one per population cell; assumes same morphology)""" localPopGids = list(set( if localPopGids: cell =[[localPopGids[0]]] else: return -1 ix = 0 # segment index p3dsoma = cell.getSomaPos() nseg = sum([sec['hObj'].nseg for sec in list(cell.secs.values())]) p0 = np.zeros((3, nseg)) # hold the coordinates of segment starting points p1 = np.zeros((3, nseg)) # hold the coordinates of segment end points d0 = np.zeros(nseg) d1 = np.zeros(nseg) for sec in list(cell.secs.values()): hSec = sec['hObj'] hSec.push() n3d = int(h.n3d()) # get number of n3d points in each section p3d = np.zeros((3, n3d)) # to hold locations of 3D morphology for the current section l3d = np.zeros(n3d) # to hold locations of 3D morphology for the current section diam3d = np.zeros(n3d) # to diameters for i in range(n3d): p3d[0, i] = h.x3d(i) - p3dsoma[0] p3d[1, i] = h.y3d(i) - p3dsoma[1] # shift coordinates such to place soma at the origin. p3d[2, i] = h.z3d(i) - p3dsoma[2] diam3d[i] = h.diam3d(i) l3d[i] = h.arc3d(i) l3d /= hSec.L # normalize nseg = hSec.nseg l0 = np.zeros(nseg) # keep range of segment starting point l1 = np.zeros(nseg) # keep range of segment ending point for iseg, seg in enumerate(hSec): l0[iseg] = ( seg.x - 0.5 * 1 / nseg ) # x (normalized distance along the section) for the beginning of the segment l1[iseg] = seg.x + 0.5 * 1 / nseg # x for the end of the segment p0[0, ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l0, l3d, p3d[0, :]) p0[1, ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l0, l3d, p3d[1, :]) p0[2, ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l0, l3d, p3d[2, :]) d0[ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l0, l3d, diam3d[:]) p1[0, ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l1, l3d, p3d[0, :]) p1[1, ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l1, l3d, p3d[1, :]) p1[2, ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l1, l3d, p3d[2, :]) d1[ix : ix + nseg] = np.interp(l1, l3d, diam3d[:]) ix += nseg h.pop_section() self._morphSegCoords = {} self._morphSegCoords['p0'] = p0 self._morphSegCoords['p1'] = p1 self._morphSegCoords['d0'] = d0 self._morphSegCoords['d1'] = d1 return self._morphSegCoords
def __getstate__(self): """Removes non-picklable h objects so can be pickled and sent via py_alltoall""" odict = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the dict since we change it odict = sim.replaceFuncObj(odict) # replace h objects with None so can be pickled # odict['cellModelClass'] = str(odict['cellModelClass']) if 'cellModelClass' in odict: del odict['cellModelClass'] if 'rand' in odict: del odict['rand'] return odict