Source code for

Module to handle cell morphology in networks


from neuron import h

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate segment coordinates from 3d point coordinates
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def calcSegCoords(self): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- self : <type> <Short description of self> **Default:** *required* """ from .. import sim if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: # Calculate relative seg coords for 1 cell per pop, for pop in list(self.pops.values()): if pop.cellModelClass == sim.CompartCell: pop.calcRelativeSegCoords() # Calculate abs seg coords for all cells for cell in cell.calcAbsSegCoords()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add 3D points to sections with simplified geometry # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def defineCellShapes(self): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- self : <type> <Short description of self> **Default:** *required* """ from .. import sim if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: = [c for c in if type(c) is sim.CompartCell] h.define_shape() for cell in cell.updateShape()