Source code for netpyne.plotting.plotCSD


from netpyne import __gui__
if __gui__:
    import matplotlib
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ..analysis.utils import exception, _showFigure
import numpy as np
import scipy

[docs] def getPaddedCSD (CSDData, pad): # pad the first/last row of CSDData by replication (to avoid edge artifacts when drawing colors plots) npcsd = [] for i in range(pad): npcsd.append(CSDData[0,:]) for i in range(CSDData.shape[0]): npcsd.append(CSDData[i,:]) for i in range(pad): npcsd.append(CSDData[-1,:]) npcsd=np.array(npcsd) return npcsd
[docs] @exception def plotCSD( CSDData=None, LFPData=None, pop=None, timeRange=None, dt=None, sampr=None, spacing_um=None, fontSize=12, ymax=None, figSize=(8, 8), overlay=None, hlines=False, layerBounds=None, stimTimes=None, saveFig=True, dpi=200, showFig=False, smooth=True, colorbar=True, pad=1, **kwargs ): """ Function to plot CSD values extracted from simulated LFP data Parameters ---------- CSDData : list or array CSDData for plotting. **Default:** ``None`` LFPData : list or numpy array LFP data provided by user (mV). Each element of the list/array must be a list/array containing LFP data for an electrode. **Default:** ``None`` pulls the data from the current NetPyNE sim object. pop : str Plot CSD data from a specific cell population **Default:** ``None``plots overall CSD data timeRange : list Time range to plot [start, stop]. **Default:** ``None`` plots entire time range dt : float Time between recording points (ms). **Default:** ``None`` uses ``sim.cfg.recordStep`` from the current NetPyNE sim object. sampr : float Sampling rate for data recording (Hz). **Default:** ``None`` uses ``1.0/sim.cfg.recordStep`` from the current NetPyNE sim object. spacing_um : float Electrode contact spacing in units of microns. **Default:** ``None`` pulls the information from the current NetPyNE sim object. If the data is empirical, defaults to ``100`` (microns). fontSize : int **Default:** 12 ymax : float The upper y-limit. **Default:** ``None`` figSize: tuple Size of CSD plot figure **Default:** (8,8) overlay : str Option to include LFP data overlaid on CSD color map plot. **Default:** ``None`` provides no overlay OPTIONS are 'LFP' or 'CSD' hlines : bool Option to include horizontal lines on plot to indicate electrode positions. **Default:** ``False`` layerBounds : dict #### <-- SHOULD FIX THIS SO L1 IS A LIST Dictionary containing layer labels as keys, and layer boundaries as values, e.g. {'L1':100, 'L2': 160, 'L3': 950, 'L4': 1250, 'L5A': 1334, 'L5B': 1550, 'L6': 2000} **Default:** ``None`` stimTimes : list OR float / int Time(s) when stimulus is applied (ms) **Default:** ``None`` does not add anything to plot **Options:** Adds vertical dashed line(s) to the plot at stimulus onset(s) saveFig : bool or str Whether and where to save the figure. **Default:** ``True`` autosaves the figure. **Options:** ``'/path/filename.ext'`` saves to a custom path and filename, valid file extensions are ``'.png'``, ``'.jpg'``, ``'.eps'``, and ``'.tiff'``. dpi : int Resolution for saving figures. **Default:** 200 showFig : bool Whether to show the figure. **Default:** ``True`` smooth : bool Whether or not to plot the smoothed interpoloation **Default:** ``True`` colorbar : bool Whether or not to plot the colorbar **Default:** ``True`` pad : int Amount to pad CSDData on top/bottom for more accurate interpolation at edges **Default:** ``1`` """ # If there is no input data, get the data from the NetPyNE sim object if CSDData is None: if 'sim' not in kwargs: from .. import sim else: sim = kwargs['sim'] CSDData, LFPData, sampr, spacing_um, dt = sim.analysis.prepareCSD( sim=sim, timeRange=timeRange, pop=pop, dt=dt, sampr=sampr, spacing_um=spacing_um, getAllData=True, **kwargs) else: pass # TODO: ensure time slicing works properly in case CSDData is passed as an argument npcsd = CSDData if pad > 0: npcsd = getPaddedCSD(CSDData, pad) # apply padding (replicate first,last rows) if timeRange is None: timeRange = [0, sim.cfg.duration] ##################################################### print('Plotting CSD... ') # PLOTTING X = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], dt) # X == tt Y = np.arange(npcsd.shape[0]) # interpolation fctr = int(1000 / CSDData.shape[0]) CSD_spline = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Y, X, npcsd) Y_plot = np.linspace(-pad, npcsd.shape[0] + pad, num=int(1000*npcsd.shape[0]/CSDData.shape[0])) Z = CSD_spline(Y_plot, X)[pad*fctr:pad*fctr+1000,:] # plotting options plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontSize}) xmin = int(X[0]) xmax = int(X[-1]) + 1 ymin = 0 if ymax is None: ymax = sim.cfg.recordLFP[-1][1] + spacing_um + pad extent_xy = [xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin] # set up figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize) # create plots w/ common axis labels and tick marks axs = [] if colorbar: numplots = 2 gs_outer = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[20,3]) else: numplots = 1 gs_outer = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) for i in range(numplots): if colorbar: axs.append(plt.Subplot(fig, gs_outer[i, 0:2]))#i * 2 : i * 2 + 2])) fig.add_subplot(axs[i]) else: axs.append(plt.Subplot(fig, gs_outer[i * 2 : i * 2 + 2])) fig.add_subplot(axs[i]) axs[i].set_xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontSize) axs[i].tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=fontSize) axs[i].tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=fontSize) # plot interpolated CSD color map if smooth: Z = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(Z, sigma=smooth, mode='nearest') spline = axs[0].imshow( Z, extent=extent_xy, interpolation='none', aspect='auto', origin='upper', cmap='jet_r', alpha=0.9 ) axs[0].set_ylabel('Contact depth (um)', fontsize=fontSize) # OVERLAY DATA ('LFP', 'CSD', or None) & Set title of plot if pop is None: csdTitle = 'Current Source Density (CSD)' else: csdTitle = 'Current Source Density (CSD) for ' + str(pop) + ' Population' if overlay is None: print('No overlay') axs[0].set_title(csdTitle, fontsize=fontSize) elif overlay == 'CSD' or overlay == 'LFP': nrow = LFPData.shape[1] if colorbar: gs_inner = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrow, 1, subplot_spec=gs_outer[0, 0:2], wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0 ) subaxs = [] else: gs_inner = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrow, 1, subplot_spec=gs_outer[0:2], wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0 ) subaxs = [] if overlay == 'CSD': print('Overlaying with CSD time series data') axs[0].set_title(csdTitle, fontsize=fontSize) legendLabel = True for chan in range(nrow): subaxs.append(plt.Subplot(fig, gs_inner[chan], frameon=False)) fig.add_subplot(subaxs[chan]) subaxs[chan].margins(0.0, 0.01) subaxs[chan].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) subaxs[chan].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) subaxs[chan].plot(X, npcsd[pad+chan, :], color='green', linewidth=0.3, label='CSD time series') if legendLabel: subaxs[chan].legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=fontSize) legendLabel = False elif overlay == 'LFP': print('Overlaying with LFP time series data') axs[0].set_title(csdTitle, fontsize=fontSize) legendLabel = True for chan in range(nrow): subaxs.append(plt.Subplot(fig, gs_inner[chan], frameon=False)) fig.add_subplot(subaxs[chan]) subaxs[chan].margins(0.0, 0.01) subaxs[chan].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) subaxs[chan].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) subaxs[chan].plot(X, LFPData[:, chan], color='gray', linewidth=0.3, label='LFP time series') if legendLabel: subaxs[chan].legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=fontSize) legendLabel = False else: print(f'Invalid option specified for overlay argument ({overlay}) -- no data overlaid') axs[0].set_title('Current Source Density (CSD)', fontsize=fontSize) # add horizontal lines at electrode locations if hlines: for i in range(len(sim.cfg.recordLFP)): axs[0].hlines(sim.cfg.recordLFP[i][1], xmin, xmax, colors='pink', linewidth=1, linestyles='dashed') ## colorbar at the bottom using unsmoothed data for values if colorbar: ax_bottom = plt.subplot(gs_outer[1,0:1]) # gs_outer[1,0:1] ax_bottom.axis('off') cbar_min = round(np.min(Z)) cbar_max = round(np.max(Z)) cbar_ticks = np.linspace(cbar_min, cbar_max, 3, endpoint=True) cbar = plt.colorbar(spline, ax=ax_bottom, ticks=cbar_ticks, orientation='horizontal', shrink=1.0) cbar.set_label(label=r'CSD (mV/mm$^2$)', fontsize=fontSize) # ,use_gridspec=True, # if layerBounds: if layerBounds is None: print('No layer boundaries given -- will not overlay layer boundaries on CSD plot') else: layerKeys = [] for i in layerBounds.keys(): axs[0].hlines(layerBounds[i][1], xmin, xmax, colors='black', linewidth=1, linestyles='dotted') layerKeys.append(i) # makes a list with names of each layer, as specified in layerBounds dict argument for n in range(len(layerKeys)): # label the horizontal layer lines with the proper layer label if n == 0: axs[0].text(xmax + 5, layerBounds[layerKeys[n]][1] / 2, layerKeys[n], color='black', fontsize=fontSize) else: axs[0].text( xmax + 5, (layerBounds[layerKeys[n]][1] + layerBounds[layerKeys[n - 1]][1]) / 2, layerKeys[n], color='black', fontsize=fontSize, verticalalignment='center', ) # set vertical line(s) at stimulus onset(s) if type(stimTimes) is int or type(stimTimes) is float: axs[0].vlines(stimTimes, ymin, ymax, colors='red', linewidth=1, linestyles='dashed') elif type(stimTimes) is list: for stimTime in stimTimes: axs[0].vlines(stimTime, ymin, ymax, colors='red', linewidth=1, linestyles='dashed') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, str): filename = saveFig else: filename = str(sim.cfg.filename) + '_CSD.png' try: plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) except: plt.savefig('CSD_fig.png', dpi=dpi) # display figure if showFig: _showFigure() return fig, axs