Source code for netpyne.plotting.plotter

Module for plotting analysed data


from netpyne import __gui__

if __gui__:
    import matplotlib as mpl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import pickle, json
import os

except NameError:
    basestring = str

colorList = [
    [0.42, 0.67, 0.84],
    [0.90, 0.76, 0.00],
    [0.42, 0.83, 0.59],
    [0.90, 0.32, 0.00],
    [0.34, 0.67, 0.67],
    [0.90, 0.59, 0.00],
    [0.42, 0.82, 0.83],
    [1.00, 0.85, 0.00],
    [0.33, 0.67, 0.47],
    [1.00, 0.38, 0.60],
    [0.57, 0.67, 0.33],
    [0.50, 0.20, 0.00],
    [0.71, 0.82, 0.41],
    [0.00, 0.20, 0.50],
    [0.70, 0.32, 0.10],
] * 3

[docs] class MetaFigure: """NetPyNE object to hold a figure along with its axes, settings, and standardized methods Parameters ---------- kind : str The kind of figure, used in saving subplots : int, list The number of subplots in the figure. If an ``int``, it is the number of rows of subplots. If a ``list``, specifies ``[nrows, ncols]``. *Default:* ``None`` creates a figure with one axis. sharex, sharey : bool or {'none', 'all', 'row', 'col'} Controls sharing of properties among x (sharex) or y (sharey) axes: True or 'all': x- or y-axis will be shared among all subplots. False or 'none': each subplot x- or y-axis will be independent. 'row': each subplot row will share an x- or y-axis. 'col': each subplot column will share an x- or y-axis. When subplots have a shared x-axis along a column, only the x tick labels of the bottom subplot are created. Similarly, when subplots have a shared y-axis along a row, only the y tick labels of the first column subplot are created. To later turn other subplots' ticklabels on, use tick_params. *Default:* ``False`` rcParams : dict A dictionary containing any or all Matplotlib settings to use for this figure. To see all settings and their defaults, execute ``import matplotlib; matplotlib.rcParams``. autosize : float Automatically increases figure size by this fraction when there are multiple subplots to reduce white space between axes. Set to ``False`` or ``0.0`` to turn off. *Default:* ``0.35`` increases figure size. figSize : list Size of figure in inches ``[width, height]``. *Default:* Matplotlib default. dpi : int Resolution of figure in dots per inch. *Default:* Matplotlib default. """ def __init__(self, kind, sim=None, subplots=None, sharex=False, sharey=False, autosize=0.35, **kwargs): if not sim: from .. import sim self.sim = sim self.kind = kind # Make a copy of the current matplotlib rcParams and update them self.orig_rcParams = deepcopy(mpl.rcParams) if 'rcParams' in kwargs: new_rcParams = kwargs['rcParams'] if type(new_rcParams) == dict: for rcParam in new_rcParams: if rcParam in mpl.rcParams: mpl.rcParams[rcParam] = new_rcParams[rcParam] else: print( ' Not found in matplotlib.rcParams:', rcParam, ) self.rcParams = mpl.rcParams else: print('Ignoring rcParams argument, since it has to be of type dict') else: self.rcParams = self.orig_rcParams # Set up any subplots if not subplots: nrows = 1 ncols = 1 elif type(subplots) == int: nrows = subplots ncols = 1 elif type(subplots) == list: nrows = subplots[0] ncols = subplots[1] # Accept figure inputs if 'figSize' in kwargs: figSize = kwargs['figSize'] else: figSize = self.rcParams['figure.figsize'] if 'dpi' in kwargs: dpi = kwargs['dpi'] else: dpi = self.rcParams['figure.dpi'] if 'constrained_layout' in kwargs: constrained_layout = kwargs['constrained_layout'] else: constrained_layout = False if autosize: maxplots = np.max([nrows, ncols]) figSize0 = figSize[0] + (maxplots - 1) * (figSize[0] * autosize) figSize1 = figSize[1] + (maxplots - 1) * (figSize[1] * autosize) figSize = [figSize0, figSize1] gridspec_kw = None # if 'height_ratios' in kwargs: # gridspec_kw = {'height_ratios': kwargs['height_ratios'], 'right': 0.3} if 'gridspec_kw' in kwargs: gridspec_kw = kwargs['gridspec_kw'] self.fig, = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, figsize=figSize, dpi=dpi, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, constrained_layout=constrained_layout) # Add a metafig attribute to the figure self.fig.metafig = self # Add a metafig attribute to each axis if (type( != np.ndarray) and (type( != list): = self else: for eachAx in eachAx.metafig = self self.plotters = []
[docs] def saveFig(self, sim=None, fileName=None, fileDesc=True, fileType='png', fileDir=None, overwrite=True, **kwargs): """Method to save the figure Parameters ---------- fileName : str Name of the file to be saved. *Default:* ``None`` uses the name of the simulation from ``simConfig.filename``. fileDesc: str Description of the file to be saved. *Default:* ``True`` uses ``metaFig.kind``. fileType : str Type of file to save figure as. *Default:* ``'png'`` *Options:* ``'eps'``: 'Encapsulated Postscript', ``'jpg'``: 'Joint Photographic Experts Group', ``'jpeg'``: 'Joint Photographic Experts Group', ``'pdf'``: 'Portable Document Format', ``'pgf'``: 'PGF code for LaTeX', ``'png'``: 'Portable Network Graphics', ``'ps'``: 'Postscript', ``'raw'``: 'Raw RGBA bitmap', ``'rgba'``: 'Raw RGBA bitmap', ``'svg'``: 'Scalable Vector Graphics', ``'svgz'``: 'Scalable Vector Graphics', ``'tif'``: 'Tagged Image File Format', ``'tiff'``: 'Tagged Image File Format' fileDir : str Directory where figure is to be saved. *Default:* ``None`` uses the current directory. overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite an existing figure with the same name. *Default:* ``True`` overwrites. """ if not sim: from .. import sim if 'saveFig' in kwargs: saveFig = kwargs['saveFig'] if not saveFig: return elif type(saveFig) == str: fileDesc = False if '.' in saveFig: fileName, fileType = os.path.splitext(saveFig) fileType = fileType[1:] # drop the dot elif saveFig == 'movie': from neuron import h fileName = sim.cfg.filename + '_shape_movie_' + str(round(h.t, 1)) + '.png' else: fileName = saveFig if fileType: # 'png' by default if fileType not in self.fig.canvas.get_supported_filetypes(): raise Exception('fileType not recognized in saveFig') else: fileExt = '.' + fileType if fileDesc is True: fileDesc = '_' + self.kind elif fileDesc: fileDesc = '_' + str(fileDesc) else: fileDesc = '' if not fileName or not isinstance(fileName, basestring): fileName = self.sim.cfg.filename + fileDesc + fileExt else: if fileName.endswith(fileExt): fileName = fileName.split(fileExt)[0] + fileDesc + fileExt else: fileName = fileName + fileDesc + fileExt if fileDir is not None: fileName = os.path.join(fileDir, fileName) if not overwrite: while os.path.isfile(fileName): try: fileNumStr = fileName.split(fileExt)[0].split('_')[-1] fileNumStrNew = str(int(fileNumStr) + 1).zfill(2) fileName = fileName.split('_' + fileNumStr)[0] except: fileNumStr = fileNumStrNew = '01' fileName = fileName.split(fileExt)[0] fileName = fileName.split(fileNumStr)[0] + '_' + fileNumStrNew + fileExt self.fig.savefig(fileName) self.fileName = fileName return fileName
[docs] def showFig(self, **kwargs): """Method to display the figure""" try: except:
[docs] def reshowFig(self, **kwargs): """Method to display the figure after it has been closed""" plt.close(self.fig) figsize = self.fig.get_size_inches() dummy = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager new_manager.canvas.figure = self.fig self.fig.set_canvas(new_manager.canvas) try: except:
[docs] def addSuptitle(self, **kwargs): """Method to add a super title to the figure Parameters ---------- t : str The suptitle text. x : float The x location of the text in figure coordinates. *Default:* 0.5 y : float The y location of the text in figure coordinates. *Default:* 0.98 horizontalalignment, ha : {'center', 'left', 'right'} The horizontal alignment of the text relative to (x, y). *Default:* 'center' verticalalignment, va : {'top', 'center', 'bottom', 'baseline'} The vertical alignment of the text relative to (x, y). *Default:* 'top' fontsize, sizedefault: rcParams["figure.titlesize"] The font size of the text. See Text.set_size for possible values. *Default:* 'large' fontweight, weightdefault: rcParams["figure.titleweight"] The font weight of the text. See Text.set_weight for possible values. *Default:* 'normal' """ self.fig.suptitle(**kwargs)
[docs] def finishFig(self, **kwargs): """Method to finalize a figure Adds supertitle, tight_layout, saves fig, shows fig as per kwarg inputs. Parameters ---------- suptitle : dict Dictionary with values for supertitle. tightLayout : bool Whether to apply tight_layout. *Default:* ``True`` saveFig : bool Whether to save the figure. *Default:* ``False`` showFig : bool Whether to display the figure. *Default:* ``False`` """ if 'suptitle' in kwargs: if kwargs['suptitle']: self.addSuptitle(**kwargs['suptitle']) if 'tightLayout' not in kwargs: plt.tight_layout() elif kwargs['tightLayout']: plt.tight_layout() if 'saveFig' in kwargs: if kwargs['saveFig']: self.saveFig(**kwargs) if 'showFig' in kwargs: if kwargs['showFig']: self.showFig(**kwargs) else: plt.close(self.fig) # Reset the matplotlib rcParams to their original settings
[docs] class MultiPlotter: """NetPyNE object to generate line plots on multiple axes""" def __init__(self, data, kind, metafig=None, **kwargs): self.kind = kind = data numLines = len(['y']) if metafig is None: metafig = MetaFigure(kind=kind, subplots=numLines, **kwargs) self.metafig = metafig
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): x = np.array('x')) y = np.array('y')) color ='color') marker ='marker') markersize ='markersize') linewidth ='linewidth') alpha ='alpha') label ='label') if len(np.shape(y)) == 1: numLines = 1 y = [y] else: numLines = len(y) if type(color) != list: colors = [color for line in range(numLines)] else: colors = color if type(marker) != list: markers = [marker for line in range(numLines)] else: markers = marker if type(markersize) != list: markersizes = [markersize for line in range(numLines)] else: markersizes = markersize if type(linewidth) != list: linewidths = [linewidth for line in range(numLines)] else: linewidths = linewidth if type(alpha) != list: alphas = [alpha for line in range(numLines)] else: alphas = alpha if label is None: labels = [None for line in range(numLines)] else: labels = label for index, line in enumerate(y): curAx =[index] curData = {} curData['x'] = x curData['y'] = [y[index]] curData['color'] = colors[index] curData['marker'] = markers[index] curData['markersize'] = markersizes[index] curData['linewidth'] = linewidths[index] curData['alpha'] = alphas[index] curData['label'] = labels[index] curPlotter = LinesPlotter(data=curData, kind='LFPPSD', axis=curAx, **kwargs) curPlotter.plot(**kwargs) self.metafig.finishFig(**kwargs) if 'returnPlotter' in kwargs and kwargs['returnPlotter']: return self.metafig else: return self.metafig.fig
[docs] class GeneralPlotter: """NetPyNE object to hold a Matplotlib axis along with its settings and standardized methods Parameters ---------- data : dict, str The data to be used in the plot. If a ``str``, it must be the path and filename of a previously saved data set. kind : str The kind of figure, used in saving. axis : matplotlib axis The axis to plot into. If axis is set to ``None``, a new figure and axis are created and plotted into. twinx : bool If plotting into an existing axis, whether to twin that x axis (i.e. allow plotting at a different y scale). *Default:* ``False`` twiny : bool If plotting into an existing axis, whether to twin that y axis (i.e. allow plotting at a different x scale). *Default:* ``False`` rcParams : dict A dictionary containing any or all Matplotlib settings to use for this figure. To see all settings and their defaults, execute ``import matplotlib; matplotlib.rcParams``. """ def __init__(self, data, kind, axis=None, twinx=False, twiny=False, sim=None, metafig=None, **kwargs): self.kind = kind # Load data if type(data) == str: if os.path.isfile(data): = self.loadData(data) else: raise Exception('In Plotter, if data is a string, it must be the path to a data file.') else: = data if not sim: from .. import sim self.sim = sim self.axis = axis self.metafig = metafig # If an axis is input, plot there; otherwise make a new figure and axis if self.axis is None: if self.metafig is None: if self.kind == 'raster&signal': kwargs.update({'constrained_layout': True}) kwargs.update({'gridspec_kw': {'height_ratios': [2,1], 'right': 0.2}}) # 'left':0.2, # 'top':0.3, # 'bottom':0.2}}) self.metafig = MetaFigure(kind=self.kind, subplots=2, sharex=True, **kwargs) else: self.metafig = MetaFigure(kind=self.kind, **kwargs) self.fig = self.metafig.fig self.axis = else: self.fig = self.axis.figure if hasattr(self.axis, 'metafig'): self.metafig = self.axis.metafig if twinx: if twiny: self.axis = axis.twinx().twiny() else: self.axis = axis.twinx() elif twiny: self.axis = axis.twiny() # Attach plotter to its MetaFigure if self.metafig: self.metafig.plotters.append(self)
[docs] def loadData(self, fileName, fileDir=None, sim=None): """Method to load data from file Parameters ---------- fileName : str Name of the file to be loaded. fileDir : str Path of the file to be loaded. *Default:* ``None`` uses the current directory. """ from ..analysis import loadData = loadData(fileName=fileName, fileDir=fileDir, sim=None)
[docs] def saveData(self, fileName=None, fileDesc=None, fileType=None, fileDir=None, sim=None, **kwargs): """Method to save data to file Parameters ---------- fileName : str Name of the file to be saved. *Default:* ``None`` uses ``simConfig.filename``. fileDesc : str String to be appended to fileName. *Default:* ``None`` adds the 'kind' of MetaFigure. fileType : str Extension of file type to save. *Default:* ``None`` chooses automatically. fileDir : str Path to save the file to. *Default:* ``None`` uses the current directory. """ from ..analysis import saveData as saveFigData saveFigData(, fileName=fileName, fileDesc=fileDesc, fileType=fileType, fileDir=fileDir, sim=sim, **kwargs )
[docs] def formatAxis(self, axis=None, **kwargs): """Method to format the axis Parameters ---------- axis : None or object the axis to format title : str Title to add to the axis. xlabel : str Label to add to the x axis. ylabel : str Label to add to the y axis. ylabelRight : bool Whether to move y label to the right side. *Default:* ``False`` keeps the y label on the left. xlim : list ``[min, max]`` for x axis. ylim : list ``[min, max]`` for y axis. invert_yaxis : bool Whether to invert the y axis. """ curAx = axis if curAx==None: curAx = self.axis if 'title' in kwargs: curAx.set_title(kwargs['title']) if 'xlabel' in kwargs: curAx.set_xlabel(kwargs['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in kwargs: curAx.set_ylabel(kwargs['ylabel']) if 'xlim' in kwargs: if kwargs['xlim'] is not None: curAx.set_xlim(kwargs['xlim']) if 'ylim' in kwargs: if kwargs['ylim'] is not None: curAx.set_ylim(kwargs['ylim']) if 'invert_yaxis' in kwargs: if kwargs['invert_yaxis'] is True: curAx.invert_yaxis()
[docs] def addLegend(self, handles=None, labels=None, **kwargs): """Method to add a legend to the axis Parameters ---------- axis : None or object the axis to add the legends handles : list List of Matplotlib legend handles. *Default:* ``None`` finds handles in the current axis. labels : list List of Matplotlib legend labels. *Default:* ``None`` finds labels in the current axis. legendKwargs : dict Dictionary of Matplotlib legend parameters with their values. kwargs : str You can enter any Matplotlib legend parameter as a kwarg. See """ legendParams = [ 'loc', 'bbox_to_anchor', 'fontsize', 'numpoints', 'scatterpoints', 'scatteryoffsets', 'markerscale', 'markerfirst', 'frameon', 'fancybox', 'shadow', 'framealpha', 'facecolor', 'edgecolor', 'mode', 'bbox_transform', 'title', 'title_fontsize', 'borderpad', 'labelspacing', 'handlelength', 'handletextpad', 'borderaxespad', 'columnspacing', 'handler_map', ] # Check for and apply any legend parameters in the kwargs legendKwargs = {} for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg in legendParams: legendKwargs[kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] # If 'legendKwargs' is found in kwargs, use those values instead of the defaults if 'legendKwargs' in kwargs: legendKwargs_new = kwargs['legendKwargs'] for key in legendKwargs_new: if key in legendParams: legendKwargs[key] = legendKwargs_new[key] cur_handles, cur_labels = self.axis.get_legend_handles_labels() if not handles: handles = cur_handles if not labels: labels = cur_labels self.axis.legend(handles, labels, **legendKwargs)
[docs] def addScalebar( self, axis=None, matchx=True, matchy=True, hidex=True, hidey=True, unitsx=None, unitsy=None, scalex=1.0, scaley=1.0, xmax=None, ymax=None, space=None, **kwargs ): """Method to add a scale bar to the axis Parameters ---------- axis : None or object the axis to add the scalebar matchx : bool If True, set size of scale bar to spacing between ticks, if False, set size using sizex params. *Default:* ``True`` matchy : bool If True, set size of scale bar to spacing between ticks, if False, set size using sizey params. *Default:* ``True`` sizex : float The size of the x scale bar if matchx is False. sizey : float The size of the y scale bar if matchy is False. hidex : bool Whether to hide the x-axis labels and ticks. *Default:* ``True`` hidey : bool Whether to hide the x-axis labels and ticks. *Default:* ``True`` unitsx : str The units to use on the scale bar label. *Default:* ``None`` unitsy : str The units to use on the scale bar label. *Default:* ``None`` scalex : float Desired scaling in x direction. *Default:* ``1.0`` scaley : float Desired scaling in y direction. *Default:* ``1.0`` xmax : float Maximum size of x scale bar. *Default:* ``None`` ymax : float Maximum size of y scale bar. *Default:* ``None`` space : float Amount of space to add to y axis for scale bar. *Default:* ``None`` """ curAx = axis if curAx==None: curAx = self.axis _add_scalebar( curAx, matchx=matchx, matchy=matchy, hidex=hidex, hidey=hidey, unitsx=unitsx, unitsy=unitsy, scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, space=space, **kwargs )
[docs] def addColorbar(self, axis=None, **kwargs): """Method to add a color bar to the axis Parameters ---------- axis : None or object the axis to add the colorbar kwargs : str You can enter any Matplotlib colorbar parameter as a kwarg. See """ curAx = axis if curAx==None: curAx = self.axis if 'vmin' in kwargs.keys(): vmin = kwargs['vmin'] kwargs.pop('vmin') if 'vmax' in kwargs.keys(): vmax = kwargs['vmax'] kwargs.pop('vmax') if 'vmin' in locals() and 'vmax' in locals(): cbar = plt.colorbar(, vmax=vmax), cmap=self.cmap), ax=curAx, ticks=[vmin, vmin/2, 0, vmax/2, vmax], **kwargs) cbar.set_label('Phase', rotation=270) else: plt.colorbar(mappable=self.axis.get_images()[0], ax=curAx, **kwargs)
[docs] def addBackground(self, axis=None, **kwargs): """Method to add striped gray background to populations - used in plotRaster with "colorbyPhase" Parameters ---------- axis : None or object the axis to add the background kwargs : str You can enter any Matplotlib colorbar parameter as a kwarg. See """ from matplotlib.pyplot import yticks, barh curAx = axis if curAx==None: curAx = self.axis if 'popNumCells' in kwargs.keys(): popSizes = kwargs['popNumCells'] yTicksPos = [] accum = 0 for i, size in enumerate(popSizes): yTicksPos.append(accum + popSizes[i] / 2) # yCenter of pop accum += popSizes[i] curAx.set_yticks(np.array(yTicksPos)) curAx.set_yticklabels(kwargs['popLabels']) curAx.set_xlim(kwargs['timeRange']) curAx.set_ylim([0,accum]) curAx.barh(yTicksPos, left=kwargs['timeRange'][0], width=kwargs['timeRange'][1]-kwargs['timeRange'][0]-1, height=popSizes, align='center', color=['#E3E3E3', 'w'], alpha=0.5)
[docs] def finishAxis(self, axis=None, **kwargs): """Method to finalize an axis Parameters ---------- saveData : bool Whether to save the data. *Default:* ``False`` legend : bool, dict Whether to add a legend. If a ``dict``, must be legend parameters and their values. *Default:* ``False`` scalebar : bool, dict Whether to add a scale bar. If a ``dict``, must be scalebar parameters and their values. *Default:* ``False`` colorbar : bool, dict Whether to add a color bar. If a ``dict``, must be colorbar parameters and their values. *Default:* ``False`` grid : bool, dict Whether to add a grid lines to the axis. If a ``dict``, must be grid parameters and their values. *Default:* ``False`` """ curAx = axis if curAx==None: curAx = self.axis self.formatAxis(axis=curAx, **kwargs) if 'saveData' in kwargs: if kwargs['saveData']: self.saveData(**kwargs) if 'legend' in kwargs: if kwargs['legend'] is True: self.addLegend(axis=curAx,**kwargs) elif type(kwargs['legend']) == dict: self.addLegend(axis=curAx,**kwargs['legend']) if 'scalebar' in kwargs: if kwargs['scalebar'] is True: self.addScalebar(axis=curAx) elif type(kwargs['scalebar']) == dict: self.addScalebar(axis=curAx,**kwargs['scalebar']) if 'colorbar' in kwargs: if kwargs['colorbar'] is True: self.addColorbar(axis=curAx) elif type(kwargs['colorbar']) == dict: self.addColorbar(axis=curAx, **kwargs['colorbar']) if 'grid' in kwargs: curAx.minorticks_on() if kwargs['grid'] is True: curAx.grid() elif type(kwargs['grid']) == dict: curAx.grid(**kwargs['grid']) if 'background' in kwargs: if type(kwargs['background']) == dict: self.addBackground(axis=curAx, **kwargs['background']) # If this is the only axis on the figure, finish the figure if (type( != np.ndarray) and (type( != list): self.metafig.finishFig(**kwargs) # Reset the matplotlib rcParams to their original settings
[docs] class ScatterPlotter(GeneralPlotter): """NetPyNE plotter for scatter plots""" def __init__(self, data, axis=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(data=data, axis=axis, **kwargs) self.kind = 'scatter' if 'signal' in data: self.kind = 'scatter&signal' self.time = data.get('time') self.signal = data.get('signal') self.timeRange = data.get('timeRange') self.x = data.get('x') self.y = data.get('y') self.s = data.get('s') self.c = data.get('c') self.marker = data.get('marker') self.linewidth = data.get('linewidth') self.cmap = data.get('cmap') self.norm = data.get('norm') self.alpha = data.get('alpha') self.linewidths = data.get('linewidths')
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): if self.kind=='scatter': scatterPlot = self.axis.scatter( x=self.x, y=self.y, s=self.s, c=self.c, marker=self.marker, linewidth=self.linewidth, cmap=self.cmap, norm=self.norm, alpha=self.alpha, linewidths=self.linewidths, ) self.finishAxis(**kwargs) elif self.kind=='scatter&signal': scatterPlot = self.axis[0].scatter( x=self.x, y=self.y, s=self.s, c=self.c, marker=self.marker, linewidth=self.linewidth, cmap=self.cmap, norm=self.norm, alpha=self.alpha, linewidths=self.linewidths, ) linePlot = self.axis[1].plot( self.time, self.signal, ) self.finishAxis(axis=self.axis[0],**kwargs) self.axis[0].set_xlabel('') self.axis[0].set_ylabel('Cells (grouped by populations)') self.axis[1].set_xlabel('Time (ms)') self.axis[1].set_ylabel('Filtered signal') self.metafig.finishFig(**kwargs) return self.fig
[docs] class LinePlotter(GeneralPlotter): """NetPyNE plotter for plotting one line per axis""" def __init__(self, data, axis=None, options={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(data=data, axis=axis, **kwargs) self.kind = 'line' self.x = np.array(data.get('x')) self.y = np.array(data.get('y')) self.color = data.get('color') self.marker = data.get('marker') self.markersize = data.get('markersize') self.linewidth = data.get('linewidth') self.alpha = data.get('alpha')
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): linePlot = self.axis.plot( self.x, self.y, color=self.color, marker=self.marker, markersize=self.markersize, linewidth=self.linewidth, alpha=self.alpha, ) self.finishAxis(**kwargs) return self.fig
[docs] class LinesPlotter(GeneralPlotter): """NetPyNE plotter for plotting multiple lines on the same axis""" def __init__(self, data, axis=None, options={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(data=data, axis=axis, **kwargs) self.kind = 'lines' self.x = np.array(data.get('x')) self.y = np.array(data.get('y')) self.color = data.get('color') self.marker = data.get('marker') self.markersize = data.get('markersize') self.linewidth = data.get('linewidth') self.alpha = data.get('alpha') self.label = data.get('label')
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): if len(np.shape(self.y)) == 1: numLines = 1 else: numLines = len(self.y) if type(self.color) != list: colors = [self.color for line in range(numLines)] else: colors = self.color if len(self.color) == 3 and type(self.color[0] == float): colors = [self.color] if type(self.marker) != list: markers = [self.marker for line in range(numLines)] else: markers = self.marker if type(self.markersize) != list: markersizes = [self.markersize for line in range(numLines)] else: markersizes = self.markersize if type(self.linewidth) != list: linewidths = [self.linewidth for line in range(numLines)] else: linewidths = self.linewidth if type(self.alpha) != list: alphas = [self.alpha for line in range(numLines)] else: alphas = self.alpha if self.label is None: labels = [None for line in range(numLines)] else: labels = self.label if type(self.label) != list: labels = [self.label] for index in range(numLines): self.axis.plot( self.x, self.y[index], color=colors[index], marker=markers[index], markersize=markersizes[index], linewidth=linewidths[index], alpha=alphas[index], label=labels[index], ) self.finishAxis(**kwargs) return self.fig
[docs] class HistPlotter(GeneralPlotter): """NetPyNE plotter for histogram plotting""" def __init__(self, data, axis=None, options={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(data=data, axis=axis, **kwargs) self.kind = 'histogram' self.x = data.get('x') self.bins = data.get('bins', None) self.range = data.get('range', None) self.density = data.get('density', False) self.weights = data.get('weights', None) self.cumulative = data.get('cumulative', False) self.bottom = data.get('bottom', None) self.histtype = data.get('histtype', 'bar') self.align = data.get('align', 'mid') self.orientation = data.get('orientation', 'vertical') self.rwidth = data.get('rwidth', None) self.log = data.get('log', False) self.color = data.get('color', None) self.alpha = data.get('alpha', None) self.label = data.get('label', None) self.stacked = data.get('stacked', False) = data.get('data', None) self.linewidth = data.get('linewidth', None)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): histPlot = self.axis.hist( self.x, bins=self.bins, range=self.range, density=self.density, weights=self.weights, cumulative=self.cumulative, bottom=self.bottom, histtype=self.histtype, align=self.align, orientation=self.orientation, rwidth=self.rwidth, log=self.log, color=self.color, alpha=self.alpha, label=self.label, stacked=self.stacked, linewidth=self.linewidth,, ) self.finishAxis(**kwargs) return self.fig
[docs] class ImagePlotter(GeneralPlotter): """NetPyNE plotter for image plotting using plt.imshow""" def __init__(self, data, axis=None, options={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(data=data, axis=axis, **kwargs) self.kind = 'image' self.X = data.get('X') self.cmap = data.get('cmap', None) self.norm = data.get('norm', None) self.aspect = data.get('aspect', None) self.interpolation = data.get('interpolation', None) self.alpha = data.get('alpha', None) self.vmin = data.get('vmin', None) self.vmax = data.get('vmax', None) self.origin = data.get('origin', None) self.extent = data.get('extent', None) self.aspect = data.get('aspect', None) self.interpolation = data.get('interpolation', None) self.filternorm = data.get('filternorm', True) self.filterrad = data.get('filterrad', 4.0) self.resample = data.get('resample', None) self.url = data.get('url', None) = data.get('data', None)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): imagePlot = self.axis.imshow( self.X, cmap=self.cmap, norm=self.norm, aspect=self.aspect, interpolation=self.interpolation, alpha=self.alpha, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, origin=self.origin, extent=self.extent, filternorm=self.filternorm, filterrad=self.filterrad, resample=self.resample, url=self.url,, ) self.finishAxis(**kwargs) return self.fig
try: class _AnchoredScaleBar(AnchoredOffsetbox): """ A class used for adding scale bars to plots Modified from here: """ def __init__( self, axis, sizex=0, sizey=0, labelx=None, labely=None, loc=4, pad=0.1, borderpad=0.1, sep=2, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=None, **kwargs ): """ Draw a horizontal and/or vertical bar with the size in data coordinate of the give axes. A label will be drawn underneath (center-aligned). - transform : the coordinate frame (typically axes.transData) - sizex,sizey : width of x,y bar, in data units. 0 to omit - labelx,labely : labels for x,y bars; None to omit - loc : position in containing axes - pad, borderpad : padding, in fraction of the legend font size (or prop) - sep : separation between labels and bars in points. - **kwargs : additional arguments passed to base class constructor """ from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.offsetbox import AuxTransformBox, VPacker, HPacker, TextArea, DrawingArea bars = AuxTransformBox(axis.transData) if sizex: if axis.xaxis_inverted(): sizex = -sizex bars.add_artist(Rectangle((0, 0), sizex, 0, ec=barcolor, lw=barwidth, fc="none")) if sizey: if axis.yaxis_inverted(): sizey = -sizey bars.add_artist(Rectangle((0, 0), 0, sizey, ec=barcolor, lw=barwidth, fc="none")) if sizex and labelx: self.xlabel = TextArea(labelx) bars = VPacker(children=[bars, self.xlabel], align="center", pad=0, sep=sep) if sizey and labely: self.ylabel = TextArea(labely) bars = HPacker(children=[self.ylabel, bars], align="center", pad=0, sep=sep) AnchoredOffsetbox.__init__( self, loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=bars, prop=prop, frameon=False, **kwargs ) except NameError: print("-nogui passed, matplotlib is unavailable") def _add_scalebar( axis, matchx=True, matchy=True, hidex=True, hidey=True, unitsx=None, unitsy=None, scalex=1.0, scaley=1.0, xmax=None, ymax=None, space=None, **kwargs ): """ Add scalebars to axes Adds a set of scale bars to *ax*, matching the size to the ticks of the plot and optionally hiding the x and y axes - axis : the axis to attach ticks to - matchx,matchy : if True, set size of scale bars to spacing between ticks, if False, set size using sizex and sizey params - hidex,hidey : if True, hide x-axis and y-axis of parent - **kwargs : additional arguments passed to AnchoredScaleBars Returns created scalebar object Modified from here: """ def get_tick_size(subaxis): tick_size = None tick_locs = subaxis.get_majorticklocs() if len(tick_locs) > 1: tick_size = np.abs(tick_locs[1] - tick_locs[0]) return tick_size if matchx: sizex = get_tick_size(axis.xaxis) if matchy: sizey = get_tick_size(axis.yaxis) if 'sizex' in kwargs: sizex = kwargs['sizex'] if 'sizey' in kwargs: sizey = kwargs['sizey'] def autosize(value, maxvalue, scale, n=1, m=10): round_to_n = ( lambda value, n, m: int(np.ceil(round(value, -int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(value)))) + (n - 1)) / m)) * m ) while value > maxvalue: try: value = round_to_n(0.8 * maxvalue * scale, n, m) / scale except: value /= 10.0 m /= 10.0 return value if ymax is not None and sizey > ymax: sizey = autosize(sizey, ymax, scaley) if xmax is not None and sizex > xmax: sizex = autosize(sizex, xmax, scalex) kwargs['sizex'] = sizex kwargs['sizey'] = sizey if unitsx is None: unitsx = '' if unitsy is None: unitsy = '' if 'labelx' not in kwargs or kwargs['labelx'] is None: kwargs['labelx'] = '%.3g %s' % (kwargs['sizex'] * scalex, unitsx) if 'labely' not in kwargs or kwargs['labely'] is None: kwargs['labely'] = '%.3g %s' % (kwargs['sizey'] * scaley, unitsy) # add space for scalebar if space is not None: ylim0, ylim1 = axis.get_ylim() ylim = (ylim0 - space, ylim1) if ylim0 > ylim1: # if y axis is inverted ylim = (ylim0 + space, ylim1) axis.set_ylim(ylim) scalebar = _AnchoredScaleBar(axis, **kwargs) axis.add_artist(scalebar) if hidex: axis.xaxis.set_visible(False) if hidey: axis.yaxis.set_visible(False) if hidex and hidey: axis.set_frame_on(False) return scalebar