Source code for netpyne.sim.wrappers

Module containing wrappers to create, load, simulate, analyze networks


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wrapper to create network
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create(netParams=None, simConfig=None, output=False, clearAll=False): """ Wrapper function to create a simulation Parameters ---------- netParams : ``netParams object`` NetPyNE netParams object specifying network parameters. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. output : bool Whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns ``(pops, cells, conns, rxd, stims, simData)`` """ from .. import sim if clearAll: sim.clearAll() import __main__ as top if not netParams: netParams = top.netParams if not simConfig: simConfig = top.simConfig sim.initialize(netParams, simConfig) # create network object and set cfg and net params pops = # instantiate network populations cells = # instantiate network cells based on defined populations conns = # create connections between cells based on params stims = # add external stimulation to cells (IClamps etc) rxd = # add reaction-diffusion (RxD) simData = sim.setupRecording() # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc) if output: return (pops, cells, conns, rxd, stims, simData)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to simulate network # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def simulate(): """ Wrapper function to run a simulation and gather the data """ from .. import sim sim.runSim() sim.gatherData() # gather spiking data and cell info from each node
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to simulate network # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def intervalSimulate(interval): """ Wrapper function to run a simulation at intervals and gather the data from files Parameters ---------- interval : number The time interval at which to save data files. **Default:** *required*. """ from .. import sim sim.runSimWithIntervalFunc(interval, sim.intervalSave) # run parallel Neuron simulation sim.gatherData() # gather spiking data and cell info from saved file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to simulate network # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def distributedSimulate(filename=None, includeLFP=True): """ Wrapper function to run a simulation and save/load data to/from files by node Parameters ---------- filename : str name of saved data files. **Default:** ``None`` uses the name of the simulation. includeLFP : bool whether or not to include LFP data **Default:** ``True`` includes LFP data if available. """ from .. import sim sim.runSim() sim.saveDataInNodes(filename=filename, saveLFP=includeLFP, removeTraces=False) sim.gatherDataFromFiles(gatherLFP=includeLFP)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to analyze network # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def analyze(): """ Wrapper function to analyze and plot simulation data """ from .. import sim sim.saveData() sim.analysis.plotData()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to create, simulate, and analyse network # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createSimulate(netParams=None, simConfig=None, output=False): """ Wrapper function to create and run a simulation Parameters ---------- netParams : ``netParams object`` NetPyNE netParams object specifying network parameters. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. output : bool Whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns ``(pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)`` """ from .. import sim (pops, cells, conns, rxd, stims, simData) = sim.create(netParams, simConfig, output=True) sim.simulate() if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to create, simulate, and analyse network # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createSimulateAnalyze(netParams=None, simConfig=None, output=False): """ Wrapper function run and analyze a simulation Parameters ---------- netParams : ``netParams object`` NetPyNE netParams object specifying network parameters. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. output : bool Whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns ``(pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)`` """ from .. import sim (pops, cells, conns, rxd, stims, simData) = sim.create(netParams, simConfig, output=True) sim.simulate() sim.analyze() if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to create, simulate, and analyse network, while saving to master in intervals # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createSimulateAnalyzeInterval(netParams, simConfig, output=False, interval=None): """ Wrapper function to run a simulation saving data at time intervals Parameters ---------- netParams : ``netParams object`` NetPyNE netParams object specifying network parameters. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. output : bool Whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. interval : number The time interval (in ms) to record for. **Default:** ``None`` records the entire simulation in one file. **Options:** ``number`` records the simulation into multiple files split at ``number`` ms. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns ``(pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)`` """ import os from .. import sim (pops, cells, conns, rxd, stims, simData) = sim.create(netParams, simConfig, output=True) try: if sim.rank == 0: if os.path.exists('temp'): for f in os.listdir('temp'): os.unlink('temp/{}'.format(f)) else: os.mkdir('temp') sim.intervalSimulate(interval) except Exception as e: print(e) return sim.pc.barrier() sim.analyze() if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to create, simulate, and analyse network, while saving to master in intervals # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createSimulateAnalyzeDistributed(netParams, simConfig, output=False, filename=None, includeLFP=True): """ Wrapper function to run a simulation saving data in each node Parameters ---------- netParams : ``netParams object`` NetPyNE netParams object specifying network parameters. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. output : bool Whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. filename : str name of saved data files. **Default:** ``None`` uses the name of the simulation. dataDir : str name of directory to save data to. **Default:** ``None`` uses the simulation name. includeLFP : bool whether or not to include LFP data **Default:** ``True`` includes LFP data if available. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns ``(pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)`` """ import os from .. import sim (pops, cells, conns, rxd, stims, simData) = sim.create(netParams, simConfig, output=True) sim.runSim() sim.saveDataInNodes(filename=filename, saveLFP=includeLFP, removeTraces=False) sim.gatherDataFromFiles(gatherLFP=includeLFP, saveMerged=True) sim.analysis.plotData() if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)
[docs] def runFromIndexFile(index): import json with open(index, 'r') as fileObj: indexData = json.load(fileObj) pathToScript = indexData.get('python_run', None) # e.g. 'src/' if pathToScript is None: from netpyne import sim cfg, netParams = sim.loadModel(index) sim.createSimulateAnalyze(simConfig=cfg, netParams=netParams) else: import os, sys, importlib # TODO: handle json case sys.argv.append('netParams=' + indexData['netParams']) sys.argv.append('simConfig=' + indexData['simConfig']) dir, _ = os.path.split(pathToScript) # e.g. 'src' module, _ = os.path.splitext(pathToScript) module = module.replace('/', '.') # e.g. 'src.init' sys.path.append(dir) importlib.import_module(module)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to load all, ready for simulation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load( filename, simConfig=None, output=False, instantiate=True, instantiateCells=True, instantiateConns=True, instantiateStims=True, instantiateRxD=True, createNEURONObj=True, ): """ Wrapper function to load a simulation from file Parameters ---------- filename : str name of data file to load. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** ``None`` uses the current ``simConfig``. output : bool whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. instantiate : bool whether or not to instantiate the model. **Default:** ``True`` instantiates the model. instantiateCells : bool whether or not to instantiate the cells. **Default:** ``True`` instantiates the cells. instantiateConns : bool whether or not to instantiate the connections. **Default:** ``True`` instantiates the connections. instantiateStims: bool whether or not to instantiate the stimulations. **Default:** ``True`` instantiates the stimulations. instantiateRxD : bool whether or not to instantiate the reaction-diffusion. **Default:** ``True`` instantiates the reaction-diffusion. createNEURONObj : bool whether or not to create NEURON objects for the simulation. **Default:** ``True`` creates NEURON objects. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData) """ from .. import sim netParams = None ext = filename.split('.')[-1] if ext == 'npjson' or ext == 'np': config, netParams = sim.loadFromIndexFile(filename) if simConfig is None: simConfig = config sim.initialize(netParams=netParams, simConfig=simConfig) sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = createNEURONObj else: sim.initialize() # create network object and set cfg and net params sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = createNEURONObj sim.loadAll(filename, instantiate=instantiate, createNEURONObj=createNEURONObj) if simConfig: sim.setSimCfg(simConfig) # set after to replace potentially loaded cfg if len( == 0 and instantiate: pops = # instantiate network populations if instantiateCells: cells = # instantiate network cells based on defined populations if instantiateConns: conns = # create connections between cells based on params if instantiateStims: stims = # add external stimulation to cells (IClamps etc) if instantiateRxD: rxd = # add reaction-diffusion (RxD) simData = sim.setupRecording() # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc) if output: try: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData) except: pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to load net and simulate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def loadSimulate(filename, simConfig=None, output=False): """ Wrapper function to load a simulation from file and simulate it Parameters ---------- filename : str name of data file to load. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** ``None`` uses the current ``simConfig``. output : bool whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData) """ from .. import sim sim.load(filename, simConfig) sim.simulate() if output: try: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData) except: pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to load net and simulate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def loadSimulateAnalyze(filename, simConfig=None, output=False): """ Wrapper function to load a simulation from file and simulate and anlyze it Parameters ---------- filename : str name of data file to load. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** ``None`` uses the current ``simConfig``. output : bool whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns ``(pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)`` """ from .. import sim sim.load(filename, simConfig) sim.simulate() sim.analyze() if output: try: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData) except: pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to create and export network to NeuroML2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createExportNeuroML2( netParams=None, simConfig=None, output=False, reference=None, connections=True, stimulations=True, format='xml' ): """ Wrapper function create and export a NeuroML2 simulation Parameters ---------- netParams : ``netParams object`` NetPyNE netParams object specifying network parameters. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. output : bool Whether or not to return output from the simulation. **Default:** ``False`` does not return anything. **Options:** ``True`` returns output. reference : str Will be used for id of the network connections : bool Should connections also be exported? **Default:** ``True`` stimulations : bool Should stimulations (current clamps etc) also be exported? **Default:** ``True`` format : str Which format, xml or hdf5 **Default:** ``'xml'`` **Options:** ``'xml'`` Export as XML format ``'hdf5'`` Export as binary HDF5 format Returns ------- data : tuple If ``output`` is ``True``, returns (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData) """ from .. import sim import __main__ as top if not netParams: netParams = top.netParams if not simConfig: simConfig = top.simConfig sim.initialize(netParams, simConfig) # create network object and set cfg and net params pops = # instantiate network populations cells = # instantiate network cells based on defined populations conns = # create connections between cells based on params stims = # add external stimulation to cells (IClamps etc) rxd = # add reaction-diffusion (RxD) simData = sim.setupRecording() # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc) sim.exportNeuroML2( reference, connections, stimulations, format ) # export cells and connectivity to NeuroML 2 format if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, rxd, simData)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper to import network from NeuroML2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def importNeuroML2SimulateAnalyze(fileName, simConfig): """ Wrapper function to import, simulate, and analyze from a NeuroML2 file Parameters ---------- filename : str name of data file to load. **Default:** *required*. simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** *required*. """ from .. import sim return sim.importNeuroML2(fileName, simConfig, simulate=True, analyze=True)
[docs] def runSimIntervalSaving(interval=1000): """ Wrapper function to run a simulation while saving data at intervals """ from .. import sim sim.runSimWithIntervalFunc(interval, sim.intervalSave)