Source code for netpyne.tests.checks

Module for checking the output of tests


[docs] def checkOutput(modelName, verbose=False): """ Function to compare the output of tutorials and examples with their expected output This function is used for code testing and continuous integration. Parameters ---------- modelName : string The name of the tutorial or example to be checked. **Default:** *required* verbose : bool Whether to print messages during checking. **Default:** ``False`` does not print messages. """ from .. import sim if sim.rank == 0: import neuron from packaging import version expectedSyns = { 'tut1': 1823, 'tut2': 280, 'tut3': 243, 'tut4': 73, 'tut5': 7096, 'tut6': 16, 'tut7': 2500, 'tut_import': 372, 'HHTut': 1823, 'HybridTut': 356, 'M1': 4887, 'M1detailed': 49152, 'PTcell': 1, 'cell_lfp': 1, 'saving': 1538, } # There is a descrepancy in generated time-sereies for different NEURON versions, which results in spikes mismatch ( if neuron.__version__ < '8.1.0': expectedSpikes = { 'tut1': 2053, 'tut2': 931, 'tut3': 560, 'tut4': 1186, 'tut5': 4808, 'tut6': 135, 'tut7': 332, 'tut_import': 3135, 'HHTut': 2053, 'HybridTut': 2586, 'M1': 14387, 'M1detailed': 2880, 'PTcell': 4, 'cell_lfp': 1, 'saving': 3699, } else: expectedSpikes = { 'tut1': 2053, 'tut2': 930, 'tut3': 560, 'tut4': 1186, 'tut5': 4902, 'tut6': 135, 'tut7': 334, 'tut_import': 3135, 'HHTut': 2053, 'HybridTut': 2597, 'M1': 14387, 'M1detailed': 2880, 'PTcell': 4, 'cell_lfp': 1, 'saving': 3624, } expectedAll = {'numSyns': expectedSyns, 'numSpikes': expectedSpikes} # compare all features for feature, expected in expectedAll.items(): # numCells if feature == 'numCells': for pop in expected: try: actual = len([pop]['cellGids']) assert expected[modelName][pop] == actual except: print( ( '\nMismatch: model %s population %s %s is %s but expected value is %s' % (modelName, pop, feature, actual, expected[modelName][pop]) ) ) raise # numConns if feature == 'numSyns': try: actual = sim.totalSynapses assert expected[modelName] == actual except: print( ( '\nMismatch: model %s %s is %s but expected value is %s' % (modelName, feature, actual, expected[modelName]) ) ) raise # numSpikes if feature == 'numSpikes': try: actual = sim.totalSpikes assert expected[modelName] == actual except: print( ( '\nMismatch: model %s %s is %s but expected value is %s' % (modelName, feature, actual, expected[modelName]) ) ) raise return True