Source code for netpyne.tests.tests

Module for testing code


except NameError:
    basestring = str

import unittest
import numbers
import sys
import os
import traceback
import numpy
from neuron import h
from ..conversion import mechVarList

VALID_SHAPES = ['cuboid', 'ellipsoid', 'cylinder']
POP_NUMCELLS_PARAMS = ['density', 'numCells', 'gridSpacing', 'cellsList']
VALID_GEOMETRIES = ['cm', 'L', 'diam', 'Ra', 'pt3d', 'nseg']
PT_3D = 'pt3d'
VALID_TOPOLOGY_PARAMS = ['parentSec', 'parentX', 'childX']
PULSE_KEYS = ['start', 'end', 'rate', 'noise']
POP_STIM_KEYS = ['seeds', 'start', 'end', 'rate', 'noise', 'spkTimes', 'pulses']


TEST_TYPE_EXISTS = "testExists"  # parameter must exist
TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_LIST = "Exists in list"  # ex. one of paremters number, density, gridspacing must be specified
TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE = "Is Valid Range"  # like [0,1]
TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE = "In Range"  # ex. xnormRange must be between 0 and 1

TEST_TYPE_EQ = "Equal to"  # ex. equal to

TEST_TYPE_GT = "Greater than"  # ex. greater than
TEST_TYPE_GTE = "Greater than or equal to"  # ex. greater than or equal to

TEST_TYPE_GT_ZERO = "Greater than zero"  # ex. greater than
TEST_TYPE_GTE_ZERO = "Greater than or equal to zero"  # ex. greater than or equal to

TEST_TYPE_LT = "Lesser than"  # ex. lesser than
TEST_TYPE_LTE = "Lesser than or equal to"  # ex. lesser than or equal to

TEST_TYPE_LT_ZERO = "Lesser than zero"  # ex. lesser than
TEST_TYPE_LTE_ZERO = "Lesser than or equal to zero"  # ex. lesser than or equal to

TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT = "Is dictionary"  # must be a dictionary
TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST = "Is list"  # must be a list
TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL = "Is boolean"  # must be a boolean

TEST_TYPE_IS_NUMERIC = "Is Numeric"  # must be numeric
TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT = "Is Float"  # must be float
TEST_TYPE_IS_INT = "Is Integer"  # must be integer
TEST_TYPE_IS_CHARACTER = "Is Character"  # must be char [a-z][A-Z]
TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST = "Value List"  # must be in valid values list
TEST_TYPE_ALL_VALUE_LIST = " All value list"  # every key in list must belong to list
TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_DICT = "Exists in Dict"  # input param must exist in dict
TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_NESTED_DICT = "Exists in nested dict"  # input param must exist in nested dict
TEST_TYPE_SPECIAL = "Special"  # special method, method name provided
TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_ALL_DICTS = "Exists in all dicts"
TEST_TYPE_DICT_KEY_VALID_VALUE = "Dict key is valid value"


TEST_TYPE_VALID_CONN_LIST = "Valid conn list"

TEST_TYPE_VALID_SYN_MECHS = "Valid synaptic mechanisms"
TEST_TYPE_ARRAY_IN_RANGE = "Array elements in range"

TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_POP = "Exists in pop labels"
TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST = "Valid sec list for conn"
TEST_TYPE_CONN_PARM_HIERARCHY = "Check for parameter hierarchy"
TEST_TYPE_CONN_SHAPE = "Check for shape in conn params"
TEST_TYPE_CONN_PLASTICITY = "Check for shape in conn plasticity"
TEST_TYPE_STIM_SOURCE_TEST = "Stim target test"
TEST_TYPE_STIM_TARGET_TEST = "Stim source test"
TEST_TYPE_VALID_ANALYSIS = " Valid analysis"

[docs] class TestTypeObj(object): """ Class for/to <short description of `netpyne.tests.tests.TestTypeObj`> """ def __init__(self): self.testType = '' # test name self.params = '' self.errorMessages = [] def __unicode__(self): return str(self.testType)
[docs] def testExists(self, val, params): try: assert val in params, val + " must be specified." except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testExistsInList(self, val, params): try: assert any([x in params for x in val]), ( " At least one of " + str(val) + " must be specified in " + str(params) + "." ) except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testExistsInDict(self, val, paramDict, dictKey): try: # print ( " VAL = " + str(val) + " paramDict " + str(paramDict) + " dictKey " + str(dictKey)) if val == '': return existsInDict = False for key, valueDict in list(paramDict.items()): if val == valueDict[dictKey]: existsInDict = True break assert existsInDict is True, " Value " + str(val) + "." except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testExistsInAllDicts(self, paramValues, paramKey, dictKey): try: existsInDict = True for key, valueDict in list(paramValues[paramKey].items()): if dictKey not in valueDict: existsInDict = False break assert existsInDict is True, " Value " + str(paramKey) + "." except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testExistsInPop(self, val, paramValues, pops): try: existsInPops = False popsSpecified = False paramPop = '' errorMessage = '' if isinstance(paramValues[val], dict) and 'pop' in paramValues[val]: popsSpecified = True # print( " LLL **** ") if isinstance(pops, dict) and paramValues[val]['pop'] not in list(pop.keys()): errorMessage = ( "ConnParams->'pop': Pop specified in conn params is: " + str(paramValues[val]['pop']) + ". This does not exist in list of pop keys = " + str(list(pop.keys())) + "." ) return errorMessage except Exception as e: # e.args += (e,) raise return errorMessage
[docs] def testIsValidRange(self, val, params): # TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE try: if val in params: assert isinstance(params[val], list) # chk if list assert len(params[val]) == 2 # chk if len is 2 ( is range) assert params[val][0] < params[val][1] # check if lower < upper value in range except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testInRange(self, val, range, params): # TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE try: if val in params: assert params[val][0] >= range[0] and params[val][1] <= range[1] except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testEquals(self, val, compareVal): try: assert val == compareVal except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testGt(self, val, compareVal): # TEST_TYPE_GT try: assert val > compareVal except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testGte(self, val, compareVal): # TEST_TYPE_GTE try: assert val >= compareVal except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testGteZero(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_GTE try: assert val >= 0 except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testGtZero(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_GT try: assert val > 0 except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testLt(self, val, compareVal): # TEST_TYPE_LT try: assert val < compareVal except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testLte(self, val, compareVal): # TEST_TYPE_LTE try: assert val <= compareVal except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testLteZero(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_LTE try: assert val <= 0 except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testLtZero(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_LTE try: assert val < 0 except AssertionError as e: e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testIsDict(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT try: # print (" **** val in dict = " + str(val)) if val and val != '': assert isinstance(val, dict), "Value specified is " + val + "." except AssertionError as e: # print ( " ***** " + str(e)) # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testIsList(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST try: if val and val != '': assert isinstance(val, list), "Value specified is " + str(val) + "." except AssertionError as e: # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testIsBoolean(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOLEAN try: assert isinstance(val, bool) or val in [0, 1], "Value specified is " + str(val) + "." except AssertionError as e: # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testIsNumeric(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_NUMERIC try: assert isinstance(val, numbers.Number) except AssertionError as e: # e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testIsFloat(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT try: # print (" in float *** = " + str(val)) assert isinstance(val, numbers.Real) except AssertionError as e: # print ( " !!!!! in float error ") # e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testIsInt(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_INT try: assert isinstance(val, int) except AssertionError as e: # e.args += (val,) raise
[docs] def testIsCharacter(self, val): # TEST_TYPE_IS_CHARACTER try: isascii = lambda s: len(s) == len(s.encode()) assert isascii(val) except AssertionError as e: # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testIsValueList(self, val, valList): # TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST try: # print ( " in val list test" + str(val) + " :: " + str(valList)) assert val in valList, str(val) + " must be in list " + str(valList) except AssertionError as e: print(e) # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testIsAllValueList(self, val, valList): # TEST_TYPE_ALL_VALUE_LIST try: # print ( " 1") # print ( " in val list test" + str(val) + " :: " + str(valList)) if isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(valList, list): assert all([x in valList for x in val]), ( str(val[[x in valList for x in val].index(False)]) + " must be in list " + str(valList) ) except AssertionError as e: # print (" 1" + str(e)) # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testDictKeyValidValue(self, paramDict, valList): # TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST try: # print ( "2") # print ( " in val list test" + str(paramDict) + " :: " + str(valList)) if isinstance(paramDict, dict) and isinstance(valList, list): if isinstance(valList, basestring): valList = eval(valList) assert all([x in valList for x in list(paramDict.keys())]), ( " contains invalid key '" + str(list(paramDict.keys())[[x in valList for x in list(paramDict.keys())].index(False)]) + "': Valid values are: " + str(valList) + "." ) # assert (all([x in valList for x in paramDict.keys()])), str(paramDict) + " must have keys in list " + str("") + ". Keys provided are " + str(paramDict.keys()) + "." except AssertionError as e: # print (" **** " + str(e)) # e.args += (,) raise
[docs] def testValidStim(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_STIM try: stimValid = True stimParamsAllowed = False errorMessages = [] # print ( " IN VALIDATION !!!! " + str(isinstance (paramValues, dict))) if isinstance(paramValues, dict): # for key, value in paramValues.items(): # print ( " IN VALIDATION 2222 !!!! " + str(value)) # if isinstance (value, dict): # print ( 'cellModel' + str(value['cellModel']) ) pointpsValues = [] if 'pointps' in mechVarList() and isinstance(mechVarList()['pointps'], dict): pointpsValues = list(mechVarList()['pointps'].keys()) if 'cellModel' in paramValues: if paramValues['cellModel'] in pointpsValues: stimParamsAllowed = True if not stimParamsAllowed: if any([x in POP_STIM_KEYS for x in paramValues]): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams: Any or all of the params '" + str(POP_STIM_KEYS) + "' are allowed only if cellModel in '" + str(['IntFire1', 'IntFire2', 'NetStim', 'VecStim']) + "'." ) else: # if stimParamsAllowed: # print ( " IN ELSE !!!!" + str(paramValues.keys()) + ":: " + str('pulses' in paramValues)) if 'interval' in paramValues: if not isinstance(paramValues['interval'], numbers.Real): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'interval': Must be a float if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['interval']) ) if 'rate' in paramValues: if not isinstance(paramValues['rate'], numbers.Real): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'rate': Must be a float if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['rate']) ) if 'noise' in paramValues: if not isinstance(paramValues['noise'], numbers.Real): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'noise': Must be a float between 0 and 1 if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['noise']) ) elif float(paramValues['noise']) < 0 or float(paramValues['noise']) > 1: stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'noise': Must be a float between 0 and 1 if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['noise']) ) if 'start' in paramValues: if not isinstance(paramValues['start'], numbers.Real): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'start': Must be a float if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['start']) ) if 'number' in paramValues: if not isinstance(paramValues['number'], numbers.Real): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'number': Must be a float if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['number']) ) if paramValues['cellModel'] != 'VecStim' and any([x in paramValues for x in ['spkTimes', 'pulses']]): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams: 'spkTimes' or 'pulses' can be provided if 'cellModel' is 'VecStim' " ) if 'spkTimes' in paramValues: if not isinstance(paramValues['spkTimes'], list): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'spkTimes': Must be a list if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['spkTimes']) ) if 'pulses' in paramValues: # print (" *** IN PULSES ") if not isinstance(paramValues['pulses'], list): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'pulses': Must be a list of dicts if specified. They keys for each dict are '" + str(PULSE_KEYS) + "' Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['pulses']) ) if not all([isinstance(x, dict) for x in paramValues['pulses']]): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'pulses': Must be a list of dicts if specified. Value provided is:" + str(paramValues['pulses']) ) for pulseValue in paramValues['pulses']: if not all([x in PULSE_KEYS for x in list(pulseValue.keys())]): stimValid = False errorMessages.append( "popParams->'pulses': Must be a list of dicts if specified. Value provided is:'" + str(paramValues['pulses']) + "'. Keys of each dict must be in '" + str(PULSE_KEYS) + "'." ) except Exception as e: e.args += () raise return stimValid, errorMessages
[docs] def testValidGeometries(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST geomValid = True errorMessage = '' try: if 'secs' in paramValues: for key, values in list(paramValues['secs'].items()): if 'geom' in values: if len(values['geom']) == 0: errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "'): Geom parameters must be specified." ) geomValid = False if not isinstance(values['geom'], dict): errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "'): Geom parameters must be specified as a dict." ) geomValid = False # if any ([x in values['geom'].keys() for x in VALID_GEOMETRIES_SUBSET]) and not all([x in values['geom'].keys() for x in VALID_GEOMETRIES_SUBSET]): # #print (" ----++ 999") # errorMessage = "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "'): If one of '" + str(VALID_GEOMETRIES_SUBSET) + "' are specified, then at least all of the parameters in that list needs to be specified. Values specified are: '" + str(values['geom']) + "'." # geomValid = False if not geomValid: break # assert geomValid is True for key1, values1 in list(values['geom'].items()): if key1 not in VALID_GEOMETRIES: errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> 'geom': Invalid geom parameter '" + str(key1) + "' specified. Valid values are '" + str(VALID_GEOMETRIES) + "'." ) geomValid = False if not geomValid: break # assert geomValid is True if PT_3D in values['geom']: if not isinstance(values['geom'][PT_3D], list) and not isinstance( values['geom'][PT_3D], tuple ): errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> 'geom': pt3D must be an array with each array element being a 4-element list or array of floats." ) geomValid = False elif len(values['geom'][PT_3D]) == 0: errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> 'geom': At least one element must be provided for pt3D." ) geomValid = False if not geomValid: break # assert geomValid is True for elem in values['geom'][PT_3D]: if not isinstance(elem, list) and not isinstance(elem, tuple): errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> 'geom' -> 'pt3D':Type error. pt3D must be an array with each array element being a 4-element list or array of floats.Value specified is: '" + str(elem) + "'." ) geomValid = False elif len(elem) != 4: errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> 'geom' -> 'pt3D':Length error. pt3D must be an array with each array element being a 4-element list or array of floats.Value specified is: '" + str(elem) + "'." ) geomValid = False if not geomValid: break for elem2 in elem: if not isinstance(elem2, numbers.Real): errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> 'geom' -> 'pt3D':Float error. pt3D must be an array with each array element being a 4-element list or array of floats. Value specified is: '" + str(elem2) + "'." ) geomValid = False if not geomValid: break assert geomValid is True, errorMessage except AssertionError as e: e.args += () raise
# except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # raise
[docs] def testValidTopologies(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST try: topolValid = True topolNeeded = False errorMessage = '' if 'secs' in paramValues: if len(paramValues['secs']) > 0: if len(paramValues['secs']) > 1: topolNeeded = True for key, value in list(paramValues['secs'].items()): if 'topol' not in value: if topolNeeded: topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(list(paramValues['secs'].keys())) + "'): Topology needs to be specified if more than one section." ) else: topolValid = True if not isinstance(value['topol'], dict): topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol: Topology, if specified, must be a dict. Value specified is '" + str(value['topol']) + "'." ) elif len(list(value['topol'].keys())) < 3: topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol: At least 3 parameters (parentSec, parentX and childX) must be specified for topology. Values specified are: '" + str(list(value['topol'].keys())) + "'." ) elif not any([x in list(value['topol'].keys()) for x in VALID_TOPOLOGY_PARAMS]): topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol: Invalid value specified:''" + str(value['topol']) + "'. Valid values are: '" + str(VALID_TOPOLOGY_PARAMS) + "'." ) elif value['topol']['parentSec'] not in paramValues['secs']: topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol -> parentSec: parentSec '" + str(value['topol']['parentSec']) + "' does not point to a valid section. Valid sections are ('" + str(list(paramValues['secs'].keys())) + "')." ) elif not isinstance(value['topol']['parentX'], numbers.Real): topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol -> parentX: Value should be a float." ) elif not isinstance(value['topol']['childX'], numbers.Real): topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol -> childX: Value should be a float." ) elif value['topol']['parentX'] < 0 or value['topol']['parentX'] > 1: topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol -> parentX: parentX must be between 0 and 1. Value specified is '" + str(value['topol']['parentX']) + "'." ) elif value['topol']['childX'] < 0 or value['topol']['childX'] > 1: topolValid = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> topol -> parentX: childX must be between 0 and 1. Value specified is '" + str(value['topol']['childX']) + "'." ) if topolNeeded: # print ("11 = " + str(topolValid)) assert topolValid is True, errorMessage except AssertionError as e: e.args += () raise
[docs] def testValidMechs(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_MECHS errorMessages = [] mechsValidFlagList = [] mechsWarningFlagList = [] try: mechs = mechVarList()["mechs"] if 'secs' in paramValues: for key, value in list(paramValues['secs'].items()): if 'mechs' in value: for key1, values1 in list(paramValues['secs'][key].items()): if key1 == "mechs": # errorMessage = str(paramValues['secs'][key][key1]) for key2, values2 in list(paramValues['secs'][key][key1].items()): keys_suffixed = [] mechsValidFlag = True mechsWarningFlag = False errorMessage = '' if key2.find("_ion") != -1: ionName = key2.split('_ion')[0] mechs[key2] = [x.replace(ionName, "") for x in mechs[key2]] keys_suffixed = [x for x in list(values2.keys())] if not any([x in mechs[key2] for x in list(values2.keys())]): mechsValidFlag = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> mechs ('" + str(key2) + "') -> ions ('" + str(ionName) + "'): Invalid ions (" + str(list(values2.keys())) + ") specified. Valid value are: " + str(mechs[key2]) + ". Values specified are " + str(list(values2.keys())) + "." ) elif not all([x in list(values2.keys()) for x in mechs[key2]]): mechsWarningFlag = True errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> mechs ('" + str(key2) + "') -> ions ('" + str(ionName) + "'): Ion specifications incomplete (" + str(list(values2.keys())) + "). Complete list is: " + str(mechs[key2]) + ". Values specified are " + str(list(values2.keys())) + "." ) else: keys_suffixed = [x + "_" + key2 for x in list(values2.keys())] mechs_unsuffixed = [x.replace("_" + key2, "") for x in mechs[key2]] if not all([x in mechs[key2] for x in keys_suffixed]): mechsValidFlag = False errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> mechs ('" + str(key2) + "'): Invalid mechs (" + str(list(values2.keys())) + ") specified . Valid value are: " + str(mechs_unsuffixed) + ". Values specified are " + str(list(values2.keys())) + "." ) elif not all([x in keys_suffixed for x in mechs[key2]]): mechsWarningFlag = True errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> mechs ('" + str(key2) + "'): Incomplete list provided. Complete list is: " + str(mechs_unsuffixed) + ". Values specified are " + str(list(values2.keys())) + "." ) mechsValidFlagList.append(mechsValidFlag) mechsWarningFlagList.append(mechsWarningFlagList) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) except: raise return errorMessages, mechsValidFlagList, mechsWarningFlagList
[docs] def testValidPointps(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_POINTPS errorMessages = [] try: pointpsValid = True mechs = mechVarList()["mechs"] if 'secs' in paramValues: for key, value in list(paramValues['secs'].items()): if 'pointps' in value: for key1, values1 in list(paramValues['secs'][key].items()): if key1 == "pointps": for key2, values2 in list(paramValues['secs'][key][key1].items()): # print (" ** keys2, values2 = " + str(key2) + ":: " + str(values2)) if 'mod' not in list(values2.keys()): errorMessages.append( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> pointps ('" + str(key2) + "'): mod must be specified" ) pointpsValid = False elif 'loc' in list(values2.keys()): loc = values2['loc'] if not isinstance(loc, numbers.Real): errorMessages.append( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> pointps ('" + str(key2) + "'): Loc must be a float. Value provided is " + str(loc) ) elif loc < 0 or loc > 1: errorMessages.append( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> pointps ('" + str(key2) + "'): Loc must be a between 0 and 1. Value provided is " + str(loc) ) elif 'synList' in list(values2.keys()): if not isinstance('synList', list): errorMessages.append( "cellParams -> secs ('" + str(key) + "') -> pointps ('" + str(key2) + "'): SynList must be a list. Value provided is " + str(values2['synList']) ) except AssertionError as e: e.args += () raise return errorMessages
[docs] def testArrayInRange(self, val, range, params): # TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE try: if val in params: if isinstance(params[val], list): flattenedList = numpy.ravel(params[val]) for x in flattenedList: assert x >= range[0] and x <= range[1] elif isinstance(params[val], numbers.Real): assert params[val] >= range[0] and params[val] <= range[1] except AssertionError as e: e.args += (e,) raise
[docs] def checkSyncMechs(self, paramValue, values, dimValues, dimSynMechs, synsPerConn): # check syncMechs errorMessage = '' synMechsValid = True try: if dimSynMechs == 1: if synsPerConn != 1: if dimValues not in [0, 1]: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "' can only be a number, function or 1d list if only one 1 synMech and synsPerConn > 1." ) synMechsValid = False elif dimValues == 1 and len(values) != synsPerConn: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "': Dimension of " + str(paramValue) + " locs array must be same as synsPerConn." ) synMechsValid = False else: # only 1 synsPerConn if dimValues != 0: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "' can only be a number if 1 synMech and synsPerConn = 1." ) synMechsValid = False else: # more than 1 synMech if synsPerConn != 1: if dimValues not in [0, 1, 2]: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "' can only be a number or 1d or 2D list if more than 1 synMech and synsPerConn > 1." ) synMechsValid = False elif dimValues == 1 and len(values) != dimSynMechs: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "' can only be a number or 1d or 2D list if more than 1 synMech and synsPerConn > 1." ) synMechsValid = False elif dimValues == 2: if numpy.array(locs).shape[1] != synsPerConn: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "' can only be a number or 1d or 2D list if more than 1 synMech and synsPerConn > 1." ) synMechsValid = False elif numpy.array(values).shape[0] != dimSynMechs: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> '" + str(paramValue) + "': Invalid " + str(paramValue) + " for synMechs and synsPerConn. If specifying 2D array, please ensure that the array of arrays has the number of elements as # of synMechs, with each array having the number of elements as specified by synsPerConn." ) synMechsValid = False else: # only 1 synsPerConn if dimValues not in [0, 1]: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> " + str(paramValue) + " can only be a number or 1 D list if more than 1 synMech and synsPerConn = 1." ) synMechsValid = False elif dimValues == 1 and len(values) != dimSynMechs: errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> " + sstr(paramValue) + " can only be a number or 1d or 2D list if more than 1 synMech and synsPerConn = 1." ) synMechsValid = False except Exception as e: return errorMessage, synMechsValid return errorMessage, synMechsValid
[docs] def checkConnList(self, paramValue, values, dimValues, dimSynMechs, synsPerConn): # check syncMechs errorMessage = '' try: if not isinstance(values, list): errorMessage = "ConnParams -> connList must be a list." return errorMessage if not isinstance(values, list): flattenedList = numpy.ravel(values) if not all([isinstance(x, numbers.Real) for x in flattenedList]): errorMessage = "ConnParams -> connList can only contain floats." return errorMessage if dimValues not in [2, 3]: errorMessage = "ConnParams -> connList can only be 2D or 3D list." return errorMessage except Exception as e: return errorMessage return errorMessage
[docs] def checkValidSyncMechs(self, synMechs, netParams): errorMessage = '' synMechsValid = True # print ( " syn mech params = " + str(netParams.synMechParams)) try: if isinstance(synMechs, list): for synMech in synMechs: if not synMech in netParams.synMechParams: errorMessage = "ConnParams -> synMechs -> " + synMech + ": Synaptic mechanism is not valid." synMechsValid = False except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise return errorMessage, synMechsValid
[docs] def testValidSynMechs(self, parameterName, paramValues, netParams): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_SYN_MECHS errorMessage = '' try: synMechsValid = True synsPerConn = 1 synMechs = '' dimSynMechs = 1 values = [] dimValues = 0 if 'synMech' in paramValues: synMechs = paramValues['synMech'] # print (" *** synmechs " + str(synMechs)) if isinstance(synMechs, list): dimSynMechs = len(synMechs) else: dimSynMechs = 1 if 'synsPerConn' in paramValues: synsPerConn = paramValues['synsPerConn'] if parameterName in paramValues: values = paramValues[parameterName] dimValues = numpy.array(values).ndim if parameterName == 'loc': flattenedValues = numpy.ravel(values) if not all([isinstance(x, numbers.Real) for x in flattenedValues]): errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> " + str(parameterName) + " must be a number with values between 0 and 1." ) synMechsValid = False elif not all([x >= 0 and x <= 1 for x in flattenedValues]): # print ( " *** " + str(flattenedValues)) errorMessage = ( "ConnParams -> " + str(parameterName) + " must be a number with values between 0 and 1." ) synMechsValid = False errorMessage += ( "Supplied values are: " + str(parameterName) + " = " + str(values) + " synMech = " + str(synMechs) + " synPerConn = " + str(synsPerConn) + "." ) assert synMechsValid is True # print ( " in check 1 synsPerConn 222 dimSynMechs = " + str(dimSynMechs) + " synsPerConn = " + str(synsPerConn)) errorMessage, synMechsValid = self.checkValidSyncMechs(synMechs, netParams) errorMessage += ( "Supplied values are: " + str(parameterName) + " = " + str(values) + " synMech = " + str(synMechs) + " synPerConn = " + str(synsPerConn) + "." ) assert synMechsValid is True # print ( " in check 1 synsPerConn 222 dimSynMechs = " + str(dimSynMechs) + " synsPerConn = " + str(synsPerConn)) errorMessage, synMechsValid = self.checkSyncMechs( parameterName, values, dimValues, dimSynMechs, synsPerConn ) errorMessage += ( "Supplied values are: " + str(parameterName) + " = " + str(values) + " synMech = " + str(synMechs) + " synPerConn = " + str(synsPerConn) + "." ) assert synMechsValid is True # return errorMessage except AssertionError as e: e.args += (errorMessage,) raise
[docs] def testValidConnList(self, paramValues, netParams): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_CONN_LIST # print ( " parameterName " + str(parameterName)) errorMessage = '' try: synsPerConn = 1 synMechs = '' dimSynMechs = 1 values = [] dimValues = 1 if 'synMech' in paramValues: synMechs = paramValues['synMech'] # print (" *** synmechs " + str(synMechs)) if isinstance(synMechs, list): dimSynMechs = len(synMechs) else: dimSynMechs = 1 if 'synsPerConn' in paramValues: synsPerConn = paramValues['synsPerConn'] if 'connList' in paramValues: values = paramValues['connList'] dimValues = numpy.array(values).ndim # print ( " in check 1 synsPerConn 222 dimSynMechs = " + str(dimSynMechs) + " synsPerConn = " + str(synsPerConn)) errorMessage = self.checkConnList(parameterName, values, dimValues, dimSynMechs, synsPerConn) except Exception as e: e.args += (e,) raise return errorMessage
[docs] def testValidSecLists(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST errorMessage = '' try: cellParams = paramValues validSections = [] secList = '' if isinstance(cellParams, dict): for key, value in list(cellParams.items()): if key == "secs" and isinstance(value, dict): # print (" value### = " + str(value.keys())) validSections.extend(list(value.keys())) # print ( " @@@@ valid sections = " + str(validSections)) if 'secList' in cellParams: secList = cellParams['secList'] # print ( " seclist = " + str(secList)) if not isinstance(secList, dict): errorMessage = "cellParams -> seclist must be a dict." else: for key, value in list(secList.items()): # print ( " ^^^^^^^^ value = " + str(value)) if not isinstance(value, list): errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secList ('" + str(key) + "'):Each element of seclist must be a list. Value specified is: " + str(value) + "." ) elif any([x not in validSections for x in value]): errorMessage = ( "cellParams -> secList ('" + str(key) + "'): " + str(value) + " - Sections specified in secList keys must be specified in cells. Valid list is " + str(validSections) + "." ) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += (errorMessage,) raise return errorMessage
[docs] def testTypeHierarchy(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_CONN_PARM_HIERARCHY # probability > convergence > divergenece > connList errorMessage = '' # print ( "::: in hierarchy ") try: probability = '' convergence = '' divergence = '' connList = '' if 'probability' in paramValues: probability = paramValues['probability'] if 'convergence' in paramValues: convergence = paramValues['convergence'] if 'divergence' in paramValues: divergence = paramValues['divergence'] if 'connList' in paramValues: connList = paramValues['connList'] # print (" paramValues " + str(paramValues)) # print (" probability " + str(probability)) # print (" convergence " + str(convergence)) # print (" divergence " + str(divergence)) # print (" connList " + str(connList)) if probability != '': if convergence != '' or divergence != '' or connList != '': errorMessage = "ConnParams -> probability: If probability is specified, then convergence and divergence and connList parameters will be ignored." elif convergence != '': if divergence != '' or connList != '': errorMessage = "ConnParams -> convergence: If convergence is specified, then divergence and connList parameters will be ignored." elif divergence != '': if connList != '': errorMessage = "ConnParams -> divergence: If divergence is specified, then connList parameters will be ignored." except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += (errorMessage,) raise return errorMessage
[docs] def testValidConnShape(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_CONN_SHAPE errorMessages = [] # print ( " in shape --- ") try: shape = {} if 'shape' in paramValues: shape = paramValues['shape'] if not isinstance(shape, dict): errorMessage = "Shape must be a dict." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) return errorMessages # - times at which to switch on and off the weight - # this is a list of times (numbers) switchOnOff = '' if 'switchOnOff' in shape: switchOnOff = shape["switchOnOff"] # Other options error pulseType = '' if 'pulseType' in shape: pulseType = shape["pulseType"] # - period (in ms) of the pulse pulsePeriod = '' if 'pulsePeriod' in shape: pulsePeriod = shape["pulsePeriod"] # Floats # - width (in ms) of the pulse pulseWidth = '' if 'pulseWidth' in paramValues: pulseWidth = paramValues["pulseWidth"] # print ( paramValues) if switchOnOff != '': if not isinstance(switchOnOff, list): errorMessage = "connList -> shape: SwitchOnOff, if specified, must be a list." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) elif not all([isinstance(x, numbers.Real) for x in switchOnOff]): errorMessage = "connList -> shape: SwitchOnOff values must be numeric." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) if pulseType != '': if pulseType not in ['square', 'gaussian']: errorMessage = ( "connList -> shape: Pulse type, if specified, can only be square or gaussian. Value specified is " + str(pulseType) + "." ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) if pulsePeriod != '': if not isinstance(pulsePeriod, numbers.Real): errorMessage = ( "connList -> shape: Pulse period, if specified, must be a float. Value specified is " + str(pulsePeriod) + "." ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) if pulseWidth != '': if not isinstance(pulseWidth, numbers.Real): errorMessage = ( "connList -> shape: Pulse width, if specified, must be a float. Value specified is " + str(pulseWidth) + "." ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += () raise return errorMessages
[docs] def testValidConnPlasticity(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_CONN_PLASTICITY errorMessages = [] try: plasticity = {} # print ( paramValues) if 'plasticity' in paramValues: plasticity = paramValues['plasticity'] else: return errorMessages if not isinstance(plasticity, dict): errorMessage = "connParams -> 'plasticity': Plasticity must be a dict." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) return errorMessages if 'mech' not in plasticity: errorMessage = ( "connParams -> 'plasticity':'mech' must be specified in plasticity in connParams with label." ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) if 'params' not in plasticity: errorMessage = "connParams -> 'plasticity': 'params' must be specified in plasticity." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) elif not isinstance(plasticity['params'], dict): errorMessage = "connParams -> 'plasticity': 'params' for plasticity must be a dict." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += () raise return errorMessages
[docs] def testValidSpikeGenLoc(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST errorMessages = [] try: cellParams = paramValues validSections = [] secList = '' # print (cellParams) if isinstance(cellParams, dict): # print (cellParams) for key, value in list(cellParams.items()): # for key, value in value0.items(): if key == "secs" and isinstance(value, dict): # print (" value### = " + str(value.keys())) for key1, value1 in list(value.items()): if isinstance(value1, dict) and 'spikeGenLoc' in value1: spikeGenLoc = value1['spikeGenLoc'] if not isinstance(spikeGenLoc, numbers.Real): errorMessages.append("cellParams -> secs -> spikeGenLoc must be a float.") return errorMessages elif spikeGenLoc < 0 or spikeGenLoc > 1: errorMessages.append("cellParams -> secs -> spikeGenLoc must be between 0 and 1.") return errorMessages except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += () raise return errorMessages
[docs] def testValidStimSource(self, paramValues): # TEST_TYPE_STIM_SOURCE_TEST errorMessages = [] try: simType = '' mechVarList = mechVarList() allKeys = [] validTypes = [] if simType in paramValues['type']: simType = paramValues['type'] allKeys = list(paramValues.keys()) allKeys.remove('type') if 'pointps' in mechVarList: validTypes = list(mechVarList['pointps'].keys()) + ['rate'] if simType not in validTypes: errorMessage = ( " StimSourceParams -> type: Invalid simtype " + str(simType) + ". Valied values are: " + str(validTypes) + "." ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) else: allowedValues = mechVarList['pointps'][simType] + ['rate'] allowedValues += ['label'] # Required for NeuroML handling allowedValues += ['originalFormat'] # Required for NeuroML handling if any([x not in allowedValues for x in allKeys]): errorMessage = ( "StimSourceParams: Invalid parameter specified. Values specified are " + str(allKeys) + ", while allowed values are: " + str(allowedValues) ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += () raise return errorMessages
[docs] def testValidStimTarget(self, paramValues, netParams): # TEST_TYPE_STIM_TARGET_TEST errorMessages = [] stimSourceParams = netParams.stimSourceParams source = [] if isinstance(stimSourceParams, dict): sources = list(stimSourceParams.keys()) try: if 'source' not in paramValues: errorMessage = "stimTargetParams -> source: Source must be specified in stimTargetParams." errorMessages.append(errorMessage) return errorMessages elif paramValues['source'] not in sources: errorMessage = ( "StimTargetParams -> source:" + str(paramValues['source']) + ": Invalid source specified in stimTargetParams. The source must exist in stimSourceParams." ) errorMessages.append(errorMessage) return errorMessages except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += () raise return errorMessages
[docs] def testValidAnalysis(self, simConfig): # TEST_TYPE_VALID_ANALYSIS errorMessages = [] # print ( " *** in analysis test" ) try: if simConfig and simConfig.analysis: analysis = simConfig.analysis if not isinstance(simConfig.analysis, dict): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis': Must be a dict. Value provided is " + str(simConfig.analysis) + "." ) return errorMessages # print (" before ") validList = [ 'plotRaster', 'plotSpikeHist', 'plotSpikePSD', 'plotTraces', 'plotConn', 'plotConn', 'plot2Dnet', 'nTE', 'granger', 'plotSpikeStats', ] # print ( [x in validList for x in analysis.keys()] ) if not all([x in validList for x in list(analysis.keys())]): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis': Valid analysis functions are 'plotRaster','plotSpikeHist', 'plotTraces', 'plotShape', 'plotConn', 'plot2DNet', 'nTE', 'granger', 'plotSpikeStats'. Keys specified are " + str(list(analysis.keys())) + "." ) # print (" after ") if 'plotRaster' in analysis: # print ( " in plot raster ") plotRaster = analysis['plotRaster'] if not isinstance(plotRaster, dict) and not isinstance(plotRaster, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster) + "." ) elif isinstance(plotRaster, dict): # print ( " in plot raster 2 " + str(plotRaster.keys())) validList = [ 'include', 'timeRange', 'maxSpikes', 'orderBy', 'orderInverse', 'labels', 'popRates', 'spikeHist', 'spikeHistBin', 'syncLines', 'figSize', 'saveData', 'saveFig', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(plotRaster.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster': plotRaster must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(plotRaster.keys())) + "." ) if 'include' in plotRaster and not isinstance(plotRaster['include'], dict): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'include': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['include']) + "." ) # if 'timeRange' in plotRaster and not isinstance( plotRaster['timeRange'], dict): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'timeRange': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['timeRange']) + ".") if 'maxSpikes' in plotRaster and not isinstance(plotRaster['maxSpikes'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'maxSpikes': Must be an integer. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['maxSpikes']) + "." ) if 'orderBy' in plotRaster: # if not isinstance( plotRaster['orderBy'], list): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'orderBy': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['orderBy']) + ".") # else: # if any ( [x not in ['gid', 'ynorm', 'y'] for x in plotRaster['orderBy'] ] ): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'orderBy': Valid values are " + str(['gid', 'ynorm', 'y'])+ ". Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['orderBy']) + ".") if plotRaster['orderBy'] not in ['gid', 'ynorm', 'y']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'orderBy': Valid values are " + str(['gid', 'ynorm', 'y']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['orderBy']) + "." ) if 'orderInverse' in plotRaster: if not isinstance(plotRaster['orderInverse'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'orderInverse': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['orderInverse']) + "." ) if 'labels' in plotRaster: # if not isinstance( plotRaster['labels'], list): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'labels': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['labels']) + ".") # else: if any([x not in ['legend', 'overlay', 'y'] for x in plotRaster['labels']]): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'labels': Valid values are " + str(['legend', 'overlay']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['labels']) + "." ) if 'popRates' in plotRaster: if not isinstance(plotRaster['popRates'], basestring) and not isinstance( plotRaster['popRates'], bool ): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'popRates': Must be a string or boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['popRates']) + "." ) else: if (isinstance(plotRaster['popRates'], basestring)) and ( x not in ['legend', 'overlay'] ): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'popRates': Valid values are " + str(['legend', 'overlay']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['labels']) + "." ) # if 'popRates' in plotRaster: # # if not isinstance( plotRaster['popRates'], list): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'popRates': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['popRates']) + ".") # else: # if any ( [x not in ['legend', 'overlay', 'y'] for x in plotRaster['popRates'] ] ): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'popRates': Valid values are " + str(['legend', 'overlay'])+ ". Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['labels']) + ".") if 'spikeHist' in plotRaster: if not isinstance(plotRaster['spikeHist'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'spikeHist': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['spikeHist']) + "." ) else: if any([x not in ['legend', 'overlay', 'y'] for x in plotRaster['spikeHist']]): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'spikeHist': Valid values are " + str(['legend', 'overlay']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['labels']) + "." ) if 'plotSpikeHist' in analysis: plotSpikeHist = analysis['plotSpikeHist'] if not isinstance(plotSpikeHist, dict) and not isinstance(plotSpikeHist, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist) + "." ) elif isinstance(plotSpikeHist, dict): if 'include' in plotSpikeHist and not isinstance(plotSpikeHist['include'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'include': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['include']) + "." ) # if 'timeRange' in plotRaster and not isinstance( plotRaster['timeRange'], dict): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'timeRange': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['timeRange']) + ".") if 'orderInverse' in plotSpikeHist: if not isinstance(plotSpikeHist['orderInverse'], bool) and not isinstance( plotSpikeHist, dict ): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'orderInverse': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['orderInverse']) + "." ) if 'overlay' in plotSpikeHist: if not isinstance(plotSpikeHist['overlay'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'overlay': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['overlay']) + "." ) if 'graphType' in plotSpikeHist and plotSpikeHist['graphType'] not in ['line', 'bar']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'graphType': GraphType must be in " + str(['line', 'bar']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['graphType']) + "." ) if 'yaxis' in plotSpikeHist and plotSpikeHist['yaxis'] not in ['rate', 'count']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'yaxis': yaxis must be in " + str(['rate', 'count']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['yaxis']) + "." ) if 'figSize' in plotSpikeHist and not isinstance(plotSpikeHist['figSize'], tuple): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'figSize': figSize must be tuple if specified. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['figSize']) + "." ) if 'binSize' in plotSpikeHist and not isinstance(plotSpikeHist['binSize'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'binSize': Must be an integer. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['binSize']) + "." ) if 'showFig' in plotSpikeHist: if not isinstance(plotSpikeHist['showFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikeHist'->'showFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikeHist['showFig']) + "." ) if 'plotSpikePSD' in analysis: plotSpikePSD = analysis['plotSpikePSD'] if not isinstance(plotSpikePSD, dict) and not isinstance(plotSpikePSD, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD) + "." ) elif isinstance(plotSpikePSD, dict): validList = [ 'include', 'timeRange', 'binSize', 'Fs', 'spikeHist', 'overlay', 'yaxis', 'figSize', 'saveData', 'saveFig', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(plotSpikePSD.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD': plotSpikePSD must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(plotSpikePSD.keys())) + "." ) if 'include' in plotSpikePSD and not isinstance(plotSpikePSD['include'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD'->'include': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD['include']) + "." ) # if 'timeRange' in plotRaster and not isinstance( plotRaster['timeRange'], dict): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'timeRange': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['timeRange']) + ".") if 'overlay' in plotSpikePSD: if not isinstance(plotSpikePSD['overlay'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD'->'overlay': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD['overlay']) + "." ) if 'Fs' in plotSpikePSD and not isinstance(plotSpikePSD['Fs'], numbers.Real): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD'->'Fs': Fs must be float. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD['Fs']) + "." ) if 'figSize' in plotSpikePSD and not isinstance(plotSpikePSD['figSize'], tuple): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD'->'figSize': figSize must be tuple if specified. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD['figSize']) + "." ) if 'binSize' in plotSpikePSD and not isinstance(plotSpikePSD['binSize'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD'->'binSize': Must be an integer. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD['binSize']) + "." ) if 'showFig' in plotSpikePSD: if not isinstance(plotSpikePSD['showFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotSpikePSD'->'showFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotSpikePSD['showFig']) + "." ) if 'plotTraces' in analysis: plotTraces = analysis['plotTraces'] if not isinstance(plotTraces, dict) and not isinstance(plotTraces, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces) + "." ) elif isinstance(plotTraces, dict): validList = [ 'include', 'timeRange', 'overlay', 'oneFigPer', 'rerun', 'figSize', 'saveData', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(plotTraces.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces': plotTraces must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(plotTraces.keys())) + "." ) if 'include' in plotTraces and not isinstance(plotTraces['include'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'include': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['include']) + "." ) # if 'timeRange' in plotRaster and not isinstance( plotRaster['timeRange'], dict): # errorMessages.append("SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotRaster'->'timeRange': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotRaster['timeRange']) + ".") if 'overlay' in plotTraces and not isinstance(plotTraces['overlay'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'overlay': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['overlay']) + "." ) if 'binSize' in plotTraces and not isinstance(plotTraces['binSize'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'binSize': Must be an integer. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['binSize']) + "." ) if 'oneFigPer' in plotTraces and plotTraces['oneFigPer'] not in ['cell', 'trace']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'oneFigPer': oneFigPer must be in " + str(['rate', 'count']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['oneFigPer']) + "." ) if 'rerun' in plotTraces and not isinstance(plotTraces['rerun'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'rerun': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['rerun']) + "." ) if 'figSize' in plotTraces and not isinstance(plotTraces['figSize'], tuple): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'figSize': figSize must be tuple if specified. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['figSize']) + "." ) if 'saveFig' in plotTraces and not isinstance(plotTraces['saveFig'], tuple): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotTraces'->'saveFig': saveFig must be tuple if specified. Value provided is " + str(plotTraces['saveFig']) + "." ) if 'plotShape' in analysis: plotShape = analysis['plotShape'] if not isinstance(plotShapes, dict) and not isinstance(plotShapes, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotShape': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plotShape) + "." ) elif isinstance(plotShape, dict): validList = [ 'showSyns', 'include', 'style', 'siz', 'figSize', 'saveData', 'saveFig', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(plotShape.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotShape': plotShape must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(plotShape.keys())) + "." ) if 'showSyns' in plotShapes and not isinstance(plotShape['showSyns'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotShape'->'showSyns': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotShape['showSyns']) + "." ) if 'showFig' in plotShapes and not isinstance(plotShape['showFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotShape'->'showFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotShape['showFig']) + "." ) if 'plotConn' in analysis: plotConn = analysis['plotConn'] if not isinstance(plotConn, dict) and not isinstance(plotConn, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plotConn) + "." ) elif isinstance(plotConn, dict): validList = [ 'include', 'feature', 'orderBy', 'figSize', 'groupBy', 'saveData', 'saveFig', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(plotConn.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn': plotConn must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(plotConn.keys())) + "." ) if 'include' in plotConn and not isinstance(plotConn['include'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn'->'include': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plotConn['include']) + "." ) if 'feature' in plotConn: if plotConn['spikeHist'] not in ['weight', 'delay', 'numConns']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn'->'feature': Valid values are " + str(['weight', 'delay', 'numConns']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotConn['feature']) + "." ) if 'groupBy' in plotConn: if plotConn['spikeHist'] not in ['pop', 'cell']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn'->'groupBy': Valid values are " + str(['pop', 'cell']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotConn['groupBy']) + "." ) if 'orderBy' in plotConn: if plotConn['spikeHist'] not in ['gid', 'ynorm', 'y']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn'->'orderBy': Valid values are " + str(['gid', 'ynorm', 'y']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plotConn['orderBy']) + "." ) if 'showFig' in plotConn and not isinstance(plotConn['showFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plotConn'->'showFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plotConn['showFig']) + "." ) if 'plot2DNet' in analysis: plot2DNet = analysis['plot2DNet'] if not isinstance(plot2DNet, dict) and not isinstance(plot2DNet, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet) + "." ) elif isinstance(plot2DNet, dict): validList = [ 'include', 'feature', 'orderBy', 'figSize', 'groupBy', 'saveData', 'saveFig', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(plot2DNet.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet': plot2DNet must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(plot2DNet.keys())) + "." ) if 'include' in plot2DNet and not isinstance(plot2DNet['include'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'include': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['include']) + "." ) if 'orderBy' in plot2DNet: if plot2DNet['spikeHist'] not in ['gid', 'ynorm', 'y']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'orderBy': Valid values are " + str(['gid', 'ynorm', 'y']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['orderBy']) + "." ) if 'view' in plot2DNet: if plot2DNet['spikeHist'] not in ['xy', 'xz']: errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'view': Valid values are " + str(['xy', 'xz']) + ". Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['view']) + "." ) if 'showConns' in plot2DNet and not isinstance(plot2DNet['showConns'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'showConns': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['showConns']) + "." ) if 'showFig' in plot2DNet and not isinstance(plot2DNet['showFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'showFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['showFig']) + "." ) if 'nTE' in analysis: nTE = analysis['nTE'] if not isinstance(nTE, dict) and not isinstance(nTE, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(nTE) + "." ) elif isinstance(nTE, dict): validList = ['cells1', 'cells2', 'spks1', 'spks2', 'timeRange', 'binSize', 'numShuffle'] if not all(x in validList for x in list(nTE.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE': nTE must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(nTE.keys())) + "." ) if 'cells1' in nTE and not isinstance(nTE['cells1'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE'->'cells1': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(nTE['cells1']) + "." ) if 'cells2' in nTE and not isinstance(nTE['cells2'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE'->'cells2': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(nTE['cells2']) + "." ) if 'spks1' in nTE and not isinstance(nTE['spks1'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE'->'spks1': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(nTE['spks1']) + "." ) if 'spks2' in nTE and not isinstance(nTE['spks2'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE'->'spks2': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(nTE['spks2']) + "." ) if 'binSize' in nTE and not isinstance(nTE['binSize'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE'->'binSize': Must be an int. Value provided is " + str(nTE['binSize']) + "." ) if 'numShuffle' in nTE and not isinstance(nTE['numShuffle'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'nTE'->'numShuffle': Must be an int. Value provided is " + str(nTE['numShuffle']) + "." ) if 'granger' in analysis: granger = analysis['granger'] if not isinstance(granger, dict) and not isinstance(granger, bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger': Must be a dict or bool. Value provided is " + str(granger) + "." ) elif isinstance(granger, dict): validList = [ 'cells1', 'cells2', 'spks1', 'spks2', 'label1', 'label2', 'timeRange', 'binSize', 'plotFig', 'saveData', 'saveFig', 'showFig', ] if not all(x in validList for x in list(granger.keys())): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger': granger must be a bool or dict with keys in list " + str(validList) + ". Keys supplied are " + str(list(granger.keys())) + "." ) if 'cells1' in granger and not isinstance(granger['cells1'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger'->'cells1': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(granger['cells1']) + "." ) if 'cells2' in granger and not isinstance(granger['cells2'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger'->'cells2': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(granger['cells2']) + "." ) if 'spks1' in granger and not isinstance(granger['spks1'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger'->'spks1': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(granger['spks1']) + "." ) if 'spks2' in granger and not isinstance(granger['spks2'], list): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger'->'spks2': Must be a list. Value provided is " + str(granger['spks2']) + "." ) if 'binSize' in granger and not isinstance(granger['binSize'], int): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'granger'->'binSize': Must be an int. Value provided is " + str(granger['binSize']) + "." ) if 'plotFig' in plot2DNet and not isinstance(plot2DNet['plotFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'plotFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['plotFig']) + "." ) if 'showFig' in plot2DNet and not isinstance(plot2DNet['showFig'], bool): errorMessages.append( "SimConfig->'analysis'->'plot2DNet'->'showFig': Must be boolean. Value provided is " + str(plot2DNet['showFig']) + "." ) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) e.args += () raise return errorMessages
# Tests that are defined for each set of parameters
[docs] class TestObj(object): """ Class for/to <short description of `netpyne.tests.tests.TestObj`> """ def __init__(self): self.testName = '' # test name self.testParameterType = '' # test parameter, type string, list self.testParameterValue = '' # test parameter value, like 'shape' self.testParameterValue1 = ( '' # test parameter value, like 'shape'. Used for nested dicts like cellParams['conds']['cellType'] ) self.testParameterValueList = '' # test parameter value list, like ['density', 'numCells','gridSpacing'] self.testParameterDictString = '' # for nested dicts like ['shape']['geom'] self.testTypes = [] # list of be multiple tests self.testValueList = [] # could be restricted list like ['cuboid','ellipsoid','cylinder'] self.testValueRange = [] # could be restricted range like [0,1] self.compareValueString = "" # variable name - like netParams.sizeX, or value self.compareValueDataType = "" # data type of compare value ( string or list or dict self.compareValueType = "" # eval (if compareValueString is string or int or float self.conditionString = "" # condition for test self.messageText = [] # error message text - array for each test self.errorMessageLevel = [] # info, warn, error - array for each test def __unicode__(self): return str(self.testName)
# Tests that are defined for each set of parameters
[docs] class ErrorMessageObj(object): """ Class for/to <short description of `netpyne.tests.tests.ErrorMessageObj`> """ def __init__(self): self.messageText = '' # text self.errorMessageLevel = '' # info, warn, error self.errorMessageValue = '' # value def __unicode__(self): return str(self.messageText)
[docs] class SimTestObj(object): """ Class for/to <short description of `netpyne.tests.tests.SimTestObj`> """ def __init__(self, verboseFlag=False): # The tests to be conducted on the netpyne params self.testParamsMap = {} self.simConfig = '' # object of class SimConfig to store simulation configuration self.netParams = '' self.testTypeObj = TestTypeObj() self.verboseFlag = verboseFlag self.errorMessageObjList = [] self.loadTests()
[docs] def loadTests(self): if self.verboseFlag: print(" *** Loading tests *** ") self.loadPopTests() # load pop tests self.loadNetTests() # load net tests self.loadCellTests() # load cell tests self.loadConnTests() # load conn tests self.loadStimSourceTests() # load stimSource tests self.loadStimTargetTests() # load stimTarget tests self.loadSimConfigTests() # load simConfig tests if self.verboseFlag: print(" *** Finish loading tests *** ")
[docs] def runTests(self): if self.verboseFlag: print(" *** Running tests *** ") self.runPopTests() # run pop tests self.runNetTests() # run net tests self.runCellTests() # run cell tests self.runConnTests() # run conn tests self.runStimSourceTests() # load stimSource tests self.runStimTargetTests() # load stimTarget tests self.runSimConfigTests() # load simConfig tests if self.verboseFlag: print(" *** Finished running tests *** ")
[docs] def loadSimConfigTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading pop tests *** ") # initialiase list of test objs self.testParamsMap["simConfig"] = {} ## duration test ## duration - Duration of the simulation, in ms (default: 1000) testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "durationTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.duration" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'duration': Value should be a float."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["durationTest"] = testObj ## dt test ## dt - Internal integration timestep to use (default: 0.025) testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "dtTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.dt" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'dt': Value should be a float."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["dtTest"] = testObj # hParams test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "hParamsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.hParams" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT, TEST_TYPE_DICT_KEY_VALID_VALUE] testObj.testValueList = "h.__dict__.keys()" testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'hParams':hParams is not a dict.", "simConfig->'hParams':"] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["hParamsTest"] = testObj ## cache_efficient test ## cache_efficient - Use CVode cache_efficient option to optimize load when running on many cores (default: False) testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "cacheEfficientTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.cache_efficient" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'cacheEfficient':cacheEfficient is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["cacheEfficientTest"] = testObj ## cvode_active test ## cvode_active - Use CVode variable time step (default: False) testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "cvodeActiveTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.cvode_active" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'cvodeActive':cvodeActive is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["cvodeActiveTest"] = testObj # ## seeds test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "seedsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.seeds" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT, TEST_TYPE_DICT_KEY_VALID_VALUE] testObj.testValueList = ['conn', 'stim', 'loc'] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'seeds':seeds is not a dict.", "SimConfig->'seeds':"] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["seedsTest"] = testObj ## createNEURONObj test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "createNEURONObjTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.createNEURONObj" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'createNEURONObj':createNEURONObj is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["createNEURONObjTest"] = testObj ## createPyStruct test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "createPyStructTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.createPyStruct" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'createPyStruct':createPyStruct is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["createPyStructTest"] = testObj ## gatherOnlySimData test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "gatherOnlySimDataTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.gatherOnlySimData" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'gatherOnlySimData':gatherOnlySimData is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["gatherOnlySimDataTest"] = testObj ## printRunTime test ## printRunTime - Print run time at interval (in sec) specified here (eg. 0.1) (default: False) testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "printRunTimeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.printRunTime" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'printRunTime':printRunTime is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["printRunTimeTest"] = testObj ## printPopAvgRates test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "printPopAvgRatesTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.printPopAvgRates" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'printPopAvgRates':printPopAvgRates is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["printPopAvgRatesTest"] = testObj ## includeParamsLabel test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "includeParamsLabelTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.includeParamsLabel" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'includeParamsLabel':includeParamsLabel is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["includeParamsLabelTest"] = testObj ## timing test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "timingTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.timing" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'timing':timing is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["timingTest"] = testObj ## saveTiming test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveTimingTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveTiming" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'saveTiming':saveTiming is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveTimingTest"] = testObj ## verbose test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "verboseTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.verbose" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'verbose':verbose is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["verboseTest"] = testObj ## recordCells test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "recordCellsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.recordCells" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST] testObj.messageText = ["simConfig->'recordCells':recordCells is not a list."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["recordCellsTest"] = testObj ## recordTraces test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "recordTracesTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "recordTraces" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT, TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST] testObj.testValueList = ['sec', 'loc', 'var'] testObj.messageText = [ "simConfig->'recordTraces':recordTraces is not a dict.", "simConfig->'recordTracesTest':is not a valid value. Valid values are 'netParams', 'netCells', 'netPops', 'simConfig', 'simData'.", ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["recordTracesTest"] = testObj # testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveDataInclude" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveDataInclude" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST, TEST_TYPE_ALL_VALUE_LIST] testObj.testValueList = ['net', 'netParams', 'netCells', 'netPops', 'simConfig', 'simData'] testObj.messageText = [ "simConfig->'saveDataInclude':saveDataInclude is not a dict.", "SimConfig->'saveDataInclude':is not a valid value. Valid values are 'netParams', 'netCells', 'netPops', 'simConfig', 'simData'.", ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["recordTracesTest"] = testObj ## recordStim test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "recordStimTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.recordStim" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'recordStim':recordStim is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["recordStimTest"] = testObj ## recordStep test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "recordStepTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.recordStep" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'recordStep': Value should be a float."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["recordStepTest"] = testObj ## saveDataInclude test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveDataIncludeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveDataInclude" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'saveDataInclude': Value should be a float."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveDataIncludeTest"] = testObj ## savePickle test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "savePickleTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.savePickle" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'savePickle':savePickle is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["savePickleTest"] = testObj ## saveJson test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveJsonTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveJson" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'saveJson':saveJson is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveJsonTest"] = testObj ## saveMat test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveMatTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveMat" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'saveMat':saveMat is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveMatTest"] = testObj # ## saveTxt test # testObj = TestObj() # testObj.testName = "saveTxtTest" # testObj.testParameterType = "string" # testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveTxt" # testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] # testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'saveTxt':saveTxt is not a boolean."] # testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] # # self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveTxtTest"] = testObj ## saveDpk test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveDpkTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveDpk" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'saveDpk':saveDpk is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveDpkTest"] = testObj ## saveHDF5 test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "saveHDF5Test" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.saveHDF5" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'saveHDF5':saveHDF5 is not a boolean."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["saveHDF5Test"] = testObj ## backupCfgFile test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "backupCfgFileTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.simConfig.backupCfgFile" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST] testObj.messageText = ["SimConfig->'backupCfgFile':backupCfgFile is not a list."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["backupCfgFileTest"] = testObj ## analysisTest test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "analysisTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "analysis" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_ANALYSIS] self.testParamsMap["simConfig"]["analysisTest"] = testObj
[docs] def loadStimSourceTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading pop tests *** ") # initialiase list of test objs self.testParamsMap["stimSource"] = {} ##cellModel test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "stimSourceTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "type" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_STIM_SOURCE_TEST] testObj.messageText = ["Invalid stim source specified."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["stimSource"]["stimSourceTest"] = testObj
[docs] def loadStimTargetTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading pop tests *** ") # initialiase list of test objs self.testParamsMap["stimTarget"] = {} ##cellModel test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "stimTargetTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "type" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_STIM_TARGET_TEST] testObj.messageText = ["Invalid stim target specified."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["stimTarget"]["stimTargetTest"] = testObj
[docs] def loadPopTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading pop tests *** ") # initialiase list of test objs self.testParamsMap["pop"] = {} ##cellModel test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "cellModelTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "cellModel" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS] testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'cellModel': No cellModel specified in population parameters."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["cellModelTest"] = testObj ##volume params test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "volumeParamsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "list" testObj.testParameterValueList = ['density', 'numCells', 'gridSpacing'] testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_LIST] testObj.messageText = [ "popParams: One of the following must be specified in parameters: " + str(testObj.testParameterValueList) ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["volumeParamsTest"] = testObj # xnormrange test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "xNormRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "xnormRange" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,1]" testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'xnormRange': XNormRange invalid range."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["xNormRangeTest"] = testObj # ynormrange test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "yNormRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "ynormRange" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,1]" testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'ynormRange': YNormRange invalid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["yNormRangeTest"] = testObj # znormrange test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "zNormRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "znormRange" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,1]" testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'znormRange': ZNormRange invalid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeTest"] = testObj # xrange test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "xRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "xRange" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE, TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,self.netParams.sizeX]" testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'xRange': xRange invalid.", "popParams->'xRange': xRange not in range."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["xRangeTest"] = testObj # yrange test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "yRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "yRange" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE, TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,self.netParams.sizeY]" testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'yRange': yRange invalid.", "popParams->'yRange': yRange not in range."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["yRangeTest"] = testObj # zrange test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "zRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "zRange" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE, TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,self.netParams.sizeX]" testObj.messageText = ["popParams->'zRange': zRange invalid.", "popParams->'zRange': zRange not in range."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["zRangeTest"] = testObj # stim test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "stimTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_STIM] self.testParamsMap["pop"]["stimTest"] = testObj
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished loading pop tests *** ")
[docs] def loadNetTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading net tests *** ") self.testParamsMap["net"] = {} # sizeX test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "sizeXTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.netParams.sizeX" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT, TEST_TYPE_GT_ZERO] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = [ "NetParams->'sizeX': Value should be a float.", "NetParams->'sizeX': sizeX is not greater than 0.", ] self.testParamsMap["net"]["sizeXTest"] = testObj # sizeY test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "sizeYTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.netParams.sizeY" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT, TEST_TYPE_GT_ZERO] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = [ "NetParams->'sizeY': Value should be a float.", "NetParams->'sizeY': sizeY is not greater than 0.", ] self.testParamsMap["net"]["sizeYTest"] = testObj # sizeZ test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "sizeZTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.netParams.sizeZ" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT, TEST_TYPE_GT_ZERO] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = [ "NetParams->'sizeZ': Value should be a float.", "NetParams->'sizeZ': sizeZ is not greater than 0.", ] self.testParamsMap["net"]["sizeZTest"] = testObj # shape test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "shapeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "self.netParams.shape" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST] testObj.testValueList = VALID_SHAPES testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = ["NetParams->'shape': Shape is not valid."] self.testParamsMap["net"]["shapeTest"] = testObj
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished loading net tests *** ")
[docs] def loadCellTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading cell tests *** ") self.testParamsMap["cell"] = {} # condsTest test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "condsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "conds" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS, TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = [ "cellParams->'conds': Conds does not exist.", "cellParams->'conds': Conds is not a dict.", ] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["condsTest"] = testObj # secs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "secsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = ["cellParams->'secs': Secs is not a dict."] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["secsTest"] = testObj # cellTypes test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "cellTypesTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "conds" testObj.testParameterValue1 = "cellType" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_DICT] testObj.compareDict = "self.netParams.popParams" testObj.messageText = [ "cellParams->'cellType': cellType does not match the cellType specified in pop parameters." ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["cellTypeTest"] = testObj # cellModel test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "cellModelTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "conds" testObj.testParameterValue1 = "cellModel" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_DICT] testObj.compareDict = "self.netParams.popParams" testObj.messageText = [ "cellParams->'cellModel': cellModel does not match the cellModel specified in pop parameters." ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["cellModelTest"] = testObj # geom test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "geomExistTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testParameterDictString = "geom" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_ALL_DICTS] testObj.messageText = ["cellParams->'secs'->'geom': Geom is not specified in section "] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["geomExistTest"] = testObj # geom test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "geomValidTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "geom" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_GEOMETRIES] # testObj.testValueList = VALID_GEOMETRIES, testObj.messageText = ["cellParams->'secs'->'geom': Geom is not valid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["geomValidTest"] = testObj # topol test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "topologyTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "topol" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_TOPOLOGIES] testObj.messageText = ["cellParams->'secs'->'topol':Topology is not valid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["toplogyValidTest"] = testObj # mechs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "mechsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "mechs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_MECHS] testObj.messageText = ["Mechs are not valid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["mechsValidTest"] = testObj # pointps test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "pointpsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "pointps" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_POINTPS] testObj.messageText = ["Pointps are not valid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["pointpsValidTest"] = testObj # secList test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "secListTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secList" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST] testObj.messageText = ["SecList is not valid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["secListTest"] = testObj # secList test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "spikeGenLocTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "spikeGenLoc" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_SPIKE_GENLOC] # testObj.testValueRange = "[0,1]" # testObj.messageText = ["range specified for spikeGenLoc is invalid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["cell"]["spikeGenLocTest"] = testObj
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished loading cell tests *** ")
[docs] def loadConnTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Loading conn tests *** ") self.testParamsMap["conn"] = {} # # pop Labels test # testObj = TestObj() # testObj.testName = "popLabelsTest" # testObj.testParameterType = "string" # testObj.testParameterValue = "preConds" # testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_POP] # testObj.messageText = ["ConnParams->'pop': Pop specified for preConds not listed in pop parameters."] # testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING] # self.testParamsMap["conn"]["preCondsPopTest"] = testObj # # # pop Labels test # testObj = TestObj() # testObj.testName = "popLabelsTest" # testObj.testParameterType = "string" # testObj.testParameterValue = "postConds" # testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_POP] # testObj.messageText = ["ConnParams->'pop': Pop specified for postConds not listed in pop parameters."] # testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING] # self.testParamsMap["conn"]["postCondsPopTest"] = testObj # condsTest test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "preCondsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "preConds" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS, TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = [ "ConnParams->'preConds': Preconds does not exist.", "ConnParams->'preConds': Preconds is not a dict.", ] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["preCondsTest"] = testObj # condsTest test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "postCondsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "postConds" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS, TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] testObj.messageText = [ "ConnParams->'postConds': Postconds does not exist.", "ConnParams->'postConds': Postconds is not a dict.", ] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["postCondsTest"] = testObj # secs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connsSecsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_EXISTS, TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT] testObj.messageText = [ "ConnParams->'secs': Secs, is specified, needs to be a dict.", "ConnParams->'secs': Secs is not specified. Will use 'soma' by default otherwise first available section.", ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = ["MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING", "MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR"] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connsSecsTest"] = testObj # locs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connLocsRangeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "loc" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_ARRAY_IN_RANGE] testObj.testValueRange = "[0,1]" testObj.messageText = ["ConnParams->'loc': Loc is not in range."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["locsRangeTest"] = testObj # weights synMechs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connWeightSynMechTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "weight" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_SYN_MECHS] testObj.messageText = ["Syn Mechs are invalid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = ["MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR"] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["weightsMechsTest"] = testObj # delay synMechs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connDelaySynMechTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "delay" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_SYN_MECHS] testObj.messageText = ["Syn Mechs are invalid."] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["delayMechsTest"] = testObj # secs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connsSecsTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT, TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST] testObj.messageText = [ "ConnParams->'secs': Secs is not specified. Will use 'soma' by default otherwise first available section.", "ConnParams->'secs': Invalid sec.", ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connsSecsTest"] = testObj # secs test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connsSecsListTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST] testObj.messageText = [ "If synsPerConn > 1, a list of sections or sectionList can be specified. These secs need to be specified in the cell parameters." ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connsSecsListTest"] = testObj # conn list test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "connsListTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_VALID_CONN_LIST] testObj.messageText = [ "If synsPerConn > 1, a list of sections or sectionList can be specified. These secs need to be specified in the cell parameters." ] testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connsListTest"] = testObj # conn list test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "hierarchyTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" # testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_CONN_PARM_HIERARCHY] # testObj.messageText = ["If synsPerConn > 1, a list of sections or sectionList can be specified. These secs need to be specified in the cell parameters."] # testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connHierarchyTest"] = testObj # conn list test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "shapeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" # testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_CONN_SHAPE] # testObj.messageText = ["If synsPerConn > 1, a list of sections or sectionList can be specified. These secs need to be specified in the cell parameters."] # testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] # self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connShapeTest"] = testObj # conn plasticity test testObj = TestObj() testObj.testName = "shapeTest" testObj.testParameterType = "string" # testObj.testParameterValue = "secs" testObj.testTypes = [TEST_TYPE_CONN_PLASTICITY] # testObj.messageText = ["If synsPerConn > 1, a list of sections or sectionList can be specified. These secs need to be specified in the cell parameters."] # testObj.errorMessageLevel = [MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR] # self.testParamsMap["conn"]["connPlasticityTest"] = testObj if self.verboseFlag: print(" *** Finished loading conn tests *** ")
[docs] def runPopTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print ( "::: flag is " + str(self.verboseFlag)) # print (" *** Running pop tests *** ") popParams = self.netParams.popParams for testName, popTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["pop"].items()): self.execRunTests(popTestObj, popParams)
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished running pop tests *** ")
[docs] def runNetTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Running net tests *** ") netParams = self.netParams for testName, netTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["net"].items()): self.execRunTests(netTestObj, netParams)
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished running net tests *** ")
[docs] def runCellTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Running cell tests *** ") cellParams = self.netParams.cellParams # print ( " *** in run cell tests " + str(cellParams)) for testName, cellTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["cell"].items()): # print ( " ^^^ running test " + cellParams) self.execRunTests(cellTestObj, cellParams)
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished running cell tests *** ")
[docs] def runConnTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Running conn tests *** ") connParams = self.netParams.connParams # print (" ** " + str(self.testParamsMap["conn"])) for testName, connTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["conn"].items()): self.execRunTests(connTestObj, connParams)
# if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Finished running conn tests *** ")
[docs] def runStimSourceTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Running stim source tests *** ") stimSourceParams = self.netParams.stimSourceParams for testName, stimSourceTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["stimSource"].items()): self.execRunTests(stimSourceTestObj, stimSourceParams)
[docs] def runStimTargetTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Running stim target tests *** ") stimTargetParams = self.netParams.stimTargetParams for testName, stimTargetTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["stimTarget"].items()): self.execRunTests(stimTargetTestObj, stimTargetParams)
[docs] def runSimConfigTests(self): # if self.verboseFlag: # print (" *** Running stim target tests *** ") simConfigParams = self.simConfig for testName, simConfigTestObj in list(self.testParamsMap["simConfig"].items()): self.execRunTests(simConfigTestObj, simConfigParams)
[docs] def execRunTests(self, testObj, params): # print ( " !!!!!!!! for test " + str(testObj.testTypes)) for testIndex, testType in enumerate(testObj.testTypes): # print ( " !!!!!!!! for test " + str(testType)) if testType == TEST_TYPE_EXISTS: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testExists(testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) else: try: self.testTypeObj.testExists(testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_LIST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testExistsInList(testObj.testParameterValueList, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) else: try: self.testTypeObj.testExistsInList(testObj.testParameterValueList, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_DICT: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: if ( testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues and testObj.testParameterValue1 in paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue] and paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue][testObj.testParameterValue1] ): self.testTypeObj.testExistsInDict( paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue][testObj.testParameterValue1], eval(testObj.compareDict), testObj.testParameterValue1, ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue][testObj.testParameterValue1]) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(eval(testObj.compareDict)) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test " + testObj.testParameterValue + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(eval(testObj.compareDict)) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str( testObj.messageText[testIndex] + " Value provided is '" + paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue][testObj.testParameterValue1] + "'." ) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IN_RANGE: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testInRange( testObj.testParameterValue, eval(testObj.testValueRange), paramValues ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) else: try: self.testTypeObj.testInRange( testObj.testParameterValue, eval(testObj.testValueRange), paramValues ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + " Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_ARRAY_IN_RANGE: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: testParamValue = self.testTypeObj.testArrayInRange( testObj.testParameterValue, eval(testObj.testValueRange), paramValues ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) paramValue = '' if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: paramValue = paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue] print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + " Value = " + str(paramValue)) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_RANGE: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testIsValidRange(testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) else: try: self.testTypeObj.testIsValidRange(testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_INT: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: # print (" in int = " + str(paramValues)) self.testTypeObj.testIsInt(testObj.testParameterValue) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) else: try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) # print (" in int 2 = " + str(paramName)) self.testTypeObj.testIsInt(paramName) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) try: print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + " Value specified is " + str(paramName) + "." + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues) ) except: pass elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_FLOAT: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: # print (" in float = " + str(paramValues)) self.testTypeObj.testIsFloat(testObj.testParameterValue) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex] + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues)) ) else: try: paramName = '' try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: pass if paramName != '': # print (" in float 2 = " + str(paramName)) self.testTypeObj.testIsFloat(paramName) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + "." ) ) try: print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + " Value specified is " + str(paramName) + "." + ".Values provided are: " + str(paramValues) ) except: pass elif testType == TEST_TYPE_GTE_ZERO: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testGteZero(testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) try: print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) except: pass else: try: paramName = '' try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: pass if paramName != '': self.testTypeObj.testGteZero(paramName) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + ". Value specified is " + str(paramName) + " ." ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_DICT: # print (" in dict test type ") if isinstance(params, dict): # print (" in dict test type 2 ") for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: self.testTypeObj.testIsDict(paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue]) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) else: try: paramName = '' try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: pass self.testTypeObj.testIsDict(paramName) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(e[0]) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_LIST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: self.testTypeObj.testIsList(paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue]) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) else: try: paramName = '' try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: # print ( " 333 " ) pass if paramName != '': # print (" ee ") self.testTypeObj.testIsList(paramName) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(" -- " + e[0]) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: self.testTypeObj.testIsBoolean(paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue]) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) else: try: # print (" --- " + str(testObj.testParameterValue)) paramName = '' try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: pass if paramName != '': self.testTypeObj.testIsBoolean(paramName) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(e[0]) ) # elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_BOOL: # # if isinstance(params, dict): # # for paramLabel, paramValues in params.items(): # # try: # if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: # self.testTypeObj.testIsBoolean(paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue]) # if self.verboseFlag: # print ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType)+ " value: " + str(paramValues)) # print ( "PASSED" ) # # except Exception as e: # if self.verboseFlag: # print ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType)+ " value: " + str(paramValues)) # print str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) # else: # try: # paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) # # self.testTypeObj.testIsBoolean(paramName) # if self.verboseFlag: # print ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType)+ " value: " + str(paramName)) # print ( "PASSED" ) # # except Exception as e: # if self.verboseFlag: # print ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType)+ " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue)) # print str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(e[0]) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALUE_LIST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: self.testTypeObj.testIsValueList( paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue], testObj.testValueList ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) else: try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) self.testTypeObj.testIsValueList(paramName, testObj.testValueList) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(e) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_ALL_VALUE_LIST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: if testObj.testParameterValue in paramValues: self.testTypeObj.testIsAllValueList( paramValues[testObj.testParameterValue], testObj.testValueList ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) else: try: paramName = '' try: paramName = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: pass if paramName != '': self.testTypeObj.testIsAllValueList(paramName, testObj.testValueList) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramName) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(e) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_ALL_DICTS: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testExistsInAllDicts( paramValues, testObj.testParameterValue, testObj.testParameterDictString ) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramValues) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_DICT_KEY_VALID_VALUE: try: paramDict = '' try: paramDict = eval(testObj.testParameterValue) except: pass if paramDict != '': self.testTypeObj.testDictKeyValidValue(paramDict, testObj.testValueList) if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(paramDict) ) ) print("PASSED") except Exception as e: if self.verboseFlag: print( ( "Test: " + str(testObj.testParameterValue) + " for: " + str(testType) + " value: " + str(testObj.testParameterValueList) ) ) print( str(testObj.errorMessageLevel[testIndex]) + ": " + str(testObj.messageText[testIndex]) + str(e) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_GEOMETRIES: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testValidGeometries(paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid geometry in cell") print("PASSED") except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid geometry in cell") # print (str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": Geometry is invalid. ") print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ":" + str(e))) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_TOPOLOGIES: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testValidTopologies(paramValues) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid topology in cell") print("PASSED") except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid topology in cell") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e))) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_MECHS: errorMessage = '' mechsValid = True mechsWarning = False mechVarListString = '' if 'mechs' in mechVarList(): mechVarListString = str(mechVarList()['mechs']) if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages, mechsValidFlagList, mechsWarningFlagList = self.testTypeObj.testValidMechs( paramValues ) # print ( " *******###### errorMessage = " + errorMessage + " mechsValid = " + str(mechsValid) + " mechsWarning " + str(mechsWarning)) for errorIndex, errorMessage in enumerate(errorMessages): if errorMessage == '': if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid mechanisms in cell") print("PASSED") continue if mechsValidFlagList[errorIndex]: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid mechanisms in cell") print((MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING + ": " + errorMessage)) elif mechVarListString[errorIndex]: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid mechanisms in cell") print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid mechanisms in cell") print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": Mechanism specified is invalid.")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_POINTPS: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidPointps(paramValues) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for pointps in cell params.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for pointps in cell params.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid pointps in cell params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print( ( str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": Pointps in cell params specified is invalid. Please check against utils.mechVarlist." ) ) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_SYN_MECHS: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: self.testTypeObj.testValidSynMechs(testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues, self.netParams) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid parameters in conn params.") print("PASSED") except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid parameters in conn params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e))) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_POP: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessage = self.testTypeObj.testExistsInPop( testObj.testParameterValue, paramValues, self.netParams.popParams ) if errorMessage != '': if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid pop label in conn params.") print((MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING + ": " + errorMessage)) elif self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid pop label in conn params.") print("PASSED") except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid pop label in conn params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_SEC_LIST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessage = self.testTypeObj.testValidSecLists(paramValues) if errorMessage != '': if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid sec list in conn params.") print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) elif self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid sec list in conn params.") print("PASSED") except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid sec list in conn params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_CONN_PARM_HIERARCHY: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessage = self.testTypeObj.testTypeHierarchy(paramValues) if errorMessage != '': if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid hierarchy in conn params.") print((MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING + ": " + errorMessage)) elif self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid hierarchy in conn params.") print("PASSED") except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid hierarchy in conn params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_CONN_SHAPE: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidConnShape(paramValues) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid shape in conn params.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid shape in conn params.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid conn shape in conn params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_CONN_PLASTICITY: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidConnPlasticity(paramValues) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid plasticity in conn params.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid plasticity in conn params.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid plasticity in conn params.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_STIM_SOURCE_TEST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidStimSource(paramValues) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim source.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim source.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim source.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_STIM_TARGET_TEST: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidStimTarget(paramValues, self.netParams) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_IS_VALID_SPIKE_GENLOC: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidSpikeGenLoc(paramValues) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid spike gen loc target.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid spike gen loc target.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid spike gen loc target.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_STIM: if isinstance(params, dict): for paramLabel, paramValues in list(params.items()): try: stimValid, errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidStim(paramValues) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + ".")) elif testType == TEST_TYPE_VALID_ANALYSIS: try: errorMessages = self.testTypeObj.testValidAnalysis(params) if len(errorMessages) == 0: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") print("PASSED") else: if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") for errorMessage in errorMessages: print((MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR + ": " + errorMessage)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if self.verboseFlag: print("Test: for valid stim target.") # print ( "paramvalues = " + str(paramValues)) print((str(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR) + ": " + str(e) + "."))