Source code for netpyne.tests.validate_tests

Module for validating tests


from .tests import *
import netpyne.specs as specs

[docs] class ParamsObj(object): """ ParamsObj Class Set of possible parameters """ def __init__(self): self.simConfig = specs.SimConfig() # object of class SimConfig to store simulation configuration self.netParams = specs.NetParams() # object of class NetParams to store the network parameters
[docs] class RunNetPyneTests(object): """ RunNetPyneTests Class Set of possible parameters """ def __init__(self): self.paramsMap = {} self.netPyneTestObj = SimTestObj(verboseFlag=False) self.loadTestsWithParams() self.loadSimConfigTests() self.runTestsWithParams()
[docs] def loadSimConfigTests(self): # print ( " loading tests ") self.paramsMap["simConfig"] = {}
# # duration # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["durationTest"] = [] # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # # # Simulation parameters # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = simConfigParams.simConfig.tstop = 100.0 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = "a" # Internal integration timestep to use # # simConfigParams.simConfig.seeds = {'con': 0, 'stim': 0, 'loc': 0} # # simConfigParams.simConfig.createNEURONObj = 1 # create HOC objects when instantiating network # simConfigParams.simConfig.createPyStruct = 1 # create Python structure (simulator-independent) when instantiating network # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = 0 # show detailed messages # # # Recording # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordCells = ['all'] # # # Column: v_pop_pre_0_RS_v: Pop: pop_pre; cell: 0; segment id: $oc.segment_id; segment name: soma; Neuron loc: soma(0.5); value: v (v) # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces['Volts_file__pop_pre_pop_pre_0_soma_v'] = {'bla':1,'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v','conds':{'pop':'pop_pre'}}#,'cellLabel':0}} # # Column: v_pop_pre_1_RS_v: Pop: pop_pre; cell: 1; segment id: $oc.segment_id; segment name: soma; Neuron loc: soma(0.5); value: v (v) # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces['Volts_file__pop_pre_pop_pre_1_soma_v'] = {'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v','conds':{'pop':'pop_pre'}}#, 'cellLabel':1}} # # Column: v_pop_post_0_RS_v: Pop: pop_post; cell: 0; segment id: $oc.segment_id; segment name: soma; Neuron loc: soma(0.5); value: v (v) # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces['Volts_file__pop_post_pop_post_0_soma_v'] = {'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v','conds':{'pop':'pop_post'}}#, 'cellLabel':0}} # # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStim = True # record spikes of cell stims # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = simConfigParams.simConfig.dt # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # # # Analysis and plottingsimConfig.plotRaster = True # Whether or not to plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis.plotTraces = {'include': ['all']} # # # Saving # simConfigParams.simConfig.saveJson=1 # simConfigParams.simConfig.saveFileStep = simConfigParams.simConfig.dt # step size in ms to save data to disk # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["durationTest"].append(simConfigParams) # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # # invalid duration # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = "s" # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["durationTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # # duration # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["dtTest"] = [] # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["dtTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # # invalid dt # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = "s" # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["dtTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # # hParams # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["hParamsTest"] = [] # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.hParams = {'celsius': 6.3, 'clamp_resist': 0.001} # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["hParamsTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # # invalid hParams # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.hParams = {'celsius11': 6.3, 'clamp_resist': 0.001} # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 1 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["hParamsTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # # seeds # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["seedsTest"] = [] # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.hParams = {'celsius': 6.3, 'clamp_resist': 0.001} # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.seeds ={'conn': 1, 'stim': 1, 'loc': 1} # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["seedsTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # # invalid seeds # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.hParams = {'celsius11': 6.3, 'clamp_resist': 0.001} # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # # simConfigParams.simConfig.seeds ={'con': 1, 'stim': 1, 'loc': 1} # simConfigParams.simConfig.seeds ="s" # # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["seedsTest"].append(simConfigParams) # # invalid seeds # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.hParams = {'celsius11': 6.3, 'clamp_resist': 0.001} # simConfigParams.simConfig.duration = 0.5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms # simConfigParams.simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use # simConfigParams.simConfig.seeds ={'con': 1, 'stim': 1, 'loc': 1} # #simConfigParams.simConfig.seeds ="s" # # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["seedsTest"].append(simConfigParams) # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["plotRasterTest"] = [] # # invalid seeds # simConfigParams = ParamsObj() # simConfigParams.simConfig.verbose = False # Show detailed messages # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record # simConfigParams.simConfig.recordStep = 1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc) # simConfigParams.simConfig.filename = 'model_output' # Set file output name # simConfigParams.simConfig.savePickle = False # Save params, network and sim output to pickle file # # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'bla':1,'syncLines': True} # Plot a raster # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [1]} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells # simConfigParams.simConfig.analysis['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot 2D visualization of cell positions and connections # # self.paramsMap["simConfig"]["plotRasterTest"].append(simConfigParams)
[docs] def loadTestsWithParams(self): # print ( " loading tests ") self.paramsMap["pop"] = {} self.paramsMap["net"] = {} self.paramsMap["conn"] = {} self.paramsMap["cell"] = {} self.paramsMap["stimSource"] = {} self.paramsMap["stimTarget"] = {} self.paramsMap["pop"]["cellModelTest"] = [] cellModelParams = ParamsObj() cellModelParams.netParams.popParams['validCellModelParams'] = { 'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'numCells': 50, } # add dict with params for this pop self.paramsMap["pop"]["cellModelTest"].append(cellModelParams) cellModelParams = ParamsObj() cellModelParams.netParams.popParams['invalidCellModelParams'] = { 'cellType': 'PYR', 'numCells': 50, } # add dict with params for this pop self.paramsMap["pop"]["cellModelTest"].append(cellModelParams) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["volumeParamsTest"] = [] # # volumeParams = ParamsObj() # volumeParams.netParams.popParams['validVolumeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["volumeParamsTest"].append(volumeParams) # # volumeParams = ParamsObj() # volumeParams.netParams.popParams['invalidVolumeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH'} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["volumeParamsTest"].append(volumeParams) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["xNormRangeParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validxNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'xnormRange' : [0.6,0.9]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["xNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidxNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'xnormRange' : 0.6} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["xNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidxNormRangeParams1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'xnormRange' : [6,10]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["xNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yNormRangeParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validyNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'ynormRange' : [0.6,0.9]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidyNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'ynormRange' : 0.6} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidyNormRangeParams1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'ynormRange' : [6,10]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validzNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'znormRange' : [0.6,0.9]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidzNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'znormRange' : 0.6} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidzNormRangeParams1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'znormRange' : [6,10]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validzNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'znormRange' : [0.6,0.9]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidzNormRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'znormRange' : 0.6} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidzNormRangeParams1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'znormRange' : [6,10]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zNormRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # self.paramsMap["pop"]["xRangeParamsTest"] = [] params = ParamsObj() params.netParams.sizeX = 70 # max size for network params.netParams.popParams['validxRangeParams'] = { 'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density': 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'xRange': [30, 60], } # add dict with params for this pop self.paramsMap["pop"]["xRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.sizeX = 70.0 # max size for network # params.netParams.popParams['invalidxRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'xRange' : [40,90]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["xRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yRangeParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.sizeY = 70 # max size for network # params.netParams.popParams['validyRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'yRange' : [30,60]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.sizeY = 70 # max size for network # params.netParams.popParams['invalidyRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'yRange' : [40,90]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["yRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zRangeParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.sizeZ = 70 # max size for network # params.netParams.popParams['validzRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'zRange' : [30,60]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.sizeZ = 70 # max size for network # params.netParams.popParams['invalidzRangeParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50, 'zRange' : [40,90]} # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["pop"]["zRangeParamsTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validPopStimParams1'] = {'cellModel': 'IntFire2', 'taum': 100, 'noise': 0.5, 'numCells': 100} # Intfire2 # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validPopStimParams2'] = {'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'noise': 0.5, 'numCells': 100} # NetsStim # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # create custom list of spike times # spkTimes = range(0,1000,20) + [138, 155,270] # # create list of pulses (each item is a dict with pulse params) # pulses = [{'start': 10, 'end': 100, 'rate': 200, 'noise': 0.5},{'start': 400, 'end': 500, 'rate': 1, 'noise': 0.0}] # params.netParams.popParams['validPopStimParams3'] = {'cellModel': 'VecStim', 'numCells': 100, 'spkTimes': spkTimes, 'pulses': pulses} # VecStim with spike times # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidPopStimParams1'] = {'cellModel': 'IntFire2', 'taum': 100, 'noise': 2, 'numCells': 100} # Intfire2 # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['invalidPopStimParams2'] = {'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': '2', 'noise': 0.5, 'numCells': 100} # NetsStim # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # create custom list of spike times # spkTimes = 1000 # # create list of pulses (each item is a dict with pulse params) # pulses = [{'start': 10, 'end': 100, 'rate': 200, 'noise': 0.5},{'start': 400, 'end': 500, 'rate': 1, 'noise': 0.0}] # params.netParams.popParams['invalidPopStimParams3'] = {'cellModel': 'VecStim', 'numCells': 100, 'spkTimes': spkTimes, 'pulses': pulses} # VecStim with spike times # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # create custom list of spike times # spkTimes = range(0,1000,20) + [138, 155,270] # # create list of pulses (each item is a dict with pulse params) # pulses = [{'start': 10, 'end ': 100, 'rate': 200, 'noise': 0.5}, {'start': 400, 'end': 500, 'rate': 1, 'noise': 0.0}] # params.netParams.popParams['invalidPopStimParams4'] = {'cellModel': 'VecStim', 'numCells': 100, 'spkTimes': spkTimes, 'pulses': pulses} # VecStim with spike times # self.paramsMap["pop"]["popStimParamsTest"].append(params) # # #net params test self.paramsMap["net"]["sizeXParamsTest"] = [] params = ParamsObj() params.netParams.sizeX = 70 # max size for network self.paramsMap["net"]["sizeXParamsTest"].append(params) params = ParamsObj() params.netParams.sizeX = "abc" # max size for network self.paramsMap["net"]["sizeXParamsTest"].append(params) params = ParamsObj() params.netParams.sizeX = -44 # max size for network self.paramsMap["net"]["sizeXParamsTest"].append(params)
# # self.paramsMap["net"]["shapeTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.shape = "cuboid" # max size for network # self.paramsMap["net"]["shapeTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.shape = "ellipsoid" # max size for network # self.paramsMap["net"]["shapeTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.shape = "cylinder" # max size for network # self.paramsMap["net"]["shapeTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.shape = "sphere" # max size for network # self.paramsMap["net"]["shapeTest"].append(params) # # # # # # cell params test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["condsTest"] = [] # # # valid cell conds rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellType': 'E2', 'cellModel': 'simple'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validConds'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # #print ( str(cellRule["conds"]) ) # self.paramsMap["cell"]["condsTest"].append(params) # # # valid cell conds rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': 'test', 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['inValidConds1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # #print ( str(cellRule["conds"]) ) # self.paramsMap["cell"]["condsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid cell conds rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = { 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['inValidConds2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["condsTest"].append(params) # # # # cell params test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["secsTest"] = [] # # # invalid sec type rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = { 'secs': 'test'} # cell rule dict # params.netParams.cellParams['inValidSecs1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["secsTest"].append(params) # # # cell types test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["cellTypesTest"] = [] # # # valid cell type rule # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validCellModelParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellType': 'PYR'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validCellTypes'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["cellTypesTest"].append(params) # # # invalid cell type rule # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validCellModelParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # cellRule = { 'conds': {'cellType': 'PY1'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['inValidCellTypes'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["cellTypesTest"].append(params) # # # cell params test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["cellModelsTest"] = [] # # # valid cell model rule # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validCellModelParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validCellModel'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["cellModelsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid cell model rule # params = ParamsObj() # params.netParams.popParams['validCellModelParams'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # cellRule = { 'conds': {'cellModel': 'H1' }, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['inValidCellModel'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["cellModelsTest"].append(params) # # # # geom test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"] = [] # # # # # valid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validGeom'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = { 'conds': {'cellModel': 'H1' }, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = { 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # params.netParams.cellParams['inValidGeom'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # #valid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validGeom1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # valid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0, 'pt3d' : [] } # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validGeom2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # valid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'pt3d' : [] } # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validGeom3'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # valid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'pt3d' : [[1,2,3,4],[3,4,5,6]] } # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['validGeom4'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'pt3d' : 2.3 } # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam' : 2.3 } # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'xy' : 2.3 } # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom3'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom4'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'pt3d':[2,3,4]} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom5'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'pt3d':[[2,3,4],[3,4,5]]} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom6'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # invalid geom rule # params = ParamsObj() # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'pt3d':[[2,3,4,4],[3,4,"a",3]]} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidGeom7'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["geomTest"].append(params) # # # # topology test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"] = [] # # # valid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['validTopology1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # invalid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidTopology1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # invalid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidTopology2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # invalid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidTopology3'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # invalid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma1', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidTopology4'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # invalid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 2.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidTopology5'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # invalid topology rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 2.0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidTopology6'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["topologyTest"].append(params) # # # mechs test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["mechsTest"] = [] # # # valid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['validMechs1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["mechsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidMechs1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["mechsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidMechs2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["mechsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl1': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidMechs3'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["mechsTest"].append(params) # # # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e1': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidMechs4'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["mechsTest"].append(params) # # # ions test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["ionsTest"] = [] # # # valid ions rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['k_ion'] = {'i':10,'e':20,'o':30} # potassium ions # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['na_ion'] = {'o':3,'i':4,'e':5} # sodium ions # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['validIons1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["ionsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid ions rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['k_ion'] = {'x':10} # potassium ions # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['na_ion'] = {'y':3} # sodium ions # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidIons1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["ionsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['k_ion'] = {'i':10} # potassium ions # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['na_ion'] = {'o':3} # sodium ions # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'e': 0.0000357, 'g':0.3} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidIons2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["ionsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl1': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['mg_ion'] = {'mg1':10} # mg ions # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidIons3'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["ionsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e1': -70} # dend mechanisms # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidIons4'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["ionsTest"].append(params) # # # pointps test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["pointpsTest"] = [] # # # valid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # params.netParams.cellParams['validPointPs1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["pointpsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = { 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidPointPs1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["pointpsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1,'synList' :'q'} # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidPointPs2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["pointpsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1,'loc' :4} # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidPointPs2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["pointpsTest"].append(params) # # # secList test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["secListTest"] = [] # # # valid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # # cellRule['secList'] = {'apicdend': ['soma','dend'], 'basaldend':['dend']} # # params.netParams.cellParams['validSecList'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["secListTest"].append(params) # # # valid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # # cellRule['secList'] = {'apicdend': ['somax','dend'], 'basaldend':['dend']} # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidSecList1'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["secListTest"].append(params) # # # valid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # # cellRule['secList'] = {'apicdend': 'soma', 'basaldend':['dend']} # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidSecList2'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["secListTest"].append(params) # # # secList test # self.paramsMap["cell"]["spikeGenLocTest"] = [] # # # # valid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # # cellRule['secs']['axon'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # cellRule['secs']['axon']['spikeGenLoc'] = 0.7 # # params.netParams.cellParams['validSpikeGneLoc'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["spikeGenLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid pointps rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['pointps']['Izhi'] = {'mod':'Izhi2007b', 'C':1, 'k':0.7, 'vr':-60, 'vt':-40, 'vpeak':35, 'a':0.03, 'b':-2, 'c':-50, 'd':100, 'celltype':1} # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # # cellRule['secs']['axon'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # cellRule['secs']['axon']['spikeGenLoc'] = 1.7 # # params.netParams.cellParams['invalidSpikeGneLoc'] = cellRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["cell"]["spikeGenLocTest"].append(params) # # # # # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["preCondsTest"] = [] # # # valid mechs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['validPreConds1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["preCondsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid conds rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': 2.3 , 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidPreConds1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["preCondsTest"].append(params) # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["postCondsTest"] = [] # # # invalid conds rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['validPostConds1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["postCondsTest"].append(params) # # # invalid conds rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': 2.3, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidPostConds1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["postCondsTest"].append(params) # # # loc (optional) - Location of target synaptic mechanism (e.g. 0.3) # # If omitted, defaults to 0.5. # # If have list of synMechs, can have single loc for all, or list of locs (one per synMech, e.g. for 2 synMechs: [0.4, 0.7]). # # If have synsPerConn > 1, can have single loc for all, or list of locs (one per synapse, e.g. if synsPerConn = 3: [0.4, 0.5, 0.7]) # # If have both a list of synMechs and synsPerConn > 1, can have a 2D list for each synapse of each synMech (e.g. for 2 synMechs and synsPerConn = 3: [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]]) # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"] = [] # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : 1, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsLoc0'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [0.5,0.7], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsLoc1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsLoc2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsLoc1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsLoc2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # invalid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : 1.5, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsLoc3'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"] = [] # # # valid weights rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight' : 1, # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsWeight0'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight' : [0.5,0.7], # 'loc': 1.0, # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsWeight1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsWeight2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsWeight1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsWeight2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"].append(params) # # # invalid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight' : 1.5, # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsWeight3'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsWeightTest"].append(params) # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"] = [] # # # valid weights rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'delay' : 1, # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # } # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validconnsDelay0'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'delay' : [0.5,0.7], # 'loc': 1.0, # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # } # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validconnsDelay1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"].append(params) # # # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'delay' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'loc': 0.0, # delay of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # } # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validconnsDelay2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'delay' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'loc': 0.0, # delay of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # } # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidconnsDelay1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'delay' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'loc': 0.0, # delay of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # } # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidconnsDelay2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"].append(params) # # # invalid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'delay' : 1.5, # 'loc': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # } # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidconnsDelay3'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsDelayTest"].append(params) # # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["synMechsTest"] = [] # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [0.5,0.7], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['validSynMechs1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["synMechsTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['validSynMechs1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["synMechsTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'XYZ', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidSynMechs1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["synMechsTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'loc' : [[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['XYZ','ABC'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidSynMechs2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["synMechsTest"].append(params) # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["popLabelsTest"] = [] # # # valid pop labels rule # params = ParamsObj() # # params.netParams.popParams['popLabel1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # params.netParams.popParams['popLabel2'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel1'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel2'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['validPopLabels1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["popLabelsTest"].append(params) # # # valid pop labels rule # params = ParamsObj() # # params.netParams.popParams['popLabel1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # params.netParams.popParams['popLabel2'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel2'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel3'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidPopLabels1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["popLabelsTest"].append(params) # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["popLabelsTest"] = [] # # # valid pop labels rule # params = ParamsObj() # # params.netParams.popParams['popLabel1'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # params.netParams.popParams['popLabel2'] = {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'HH', 'density' : 0.8, 'numCells': 50} # add dict with params for this pop # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel1'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel2'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.connParams['validPopLabels1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["popLabelsTest"].append(params) # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["secListTest"] = [] # # # valid pop labels rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl1': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # cellRule['secList'] = {'apicdend': ['soma','dend'], 'basaldend':['dend']} # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel2'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel3'}, # 'sec': 'apicdend', # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.cellParams["cellParams1"] = cellRule # # params.netParams.connParams['validSecList1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["secListTest"].append(params) # # # valid pop labels rule # params = ParamsObj() # # cellRule = {'conds': {'cellModel': 'HH'}, 'secs': {}} # cell rule dict # cellRule['secs']['soma'] = {'geom': {}, 'mechs': {}} # soma params dict # cellRule['secs']['soma']['geom'] = {'diam': 18.8, 'L': 18.8, 'Ra': 123.0} # soma geometry # cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['hh'] = {'gnabar': 0.12, 'gkbar': 0.036, 'gl1': 0.003, 'el': -70} # soma hh mechanism # # cellRule['secs']['dend'] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # dend params dict # cellRule['secs']['dend']['geom'] = {'diam': 5.0, 'L': 150.0, 'Ra': 150.0, 'cm': 1} # dend geometry # cellRule['secs']['dend']['topol'] = {'parentSec': 'soma', 'parentX': 1.0, 'childX': 0} # dend topology # cellRule['secs']['dend']['mechs']['pas'] = {'g': 0.0000357, 'e': -70} # dend mechanisms # # cellRule['secList'] = {'apicdend': ['soma','dend'], 'basaldend':['dend']} # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel2'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'popLabel3'}, # 'sec': 'apicdend1', # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'inh', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # params.netParams.cellParams["cellParams1"] = cellRule # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidSecList1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["secListTest"].append(params) # # # # # conn test # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connListTest"] = [] # # # valid pop labels rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'connList' : [[0,1],[2,1]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsLoc1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connListTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'connList' : [[[0.1,0.2], [0.1,0.3], [0.1,0.5]], [[0.5,0.1], [0.1,0.6], [0.1,0.7]]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 3, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsLoc2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'connList' : [0.1,0.2], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # delay # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['validConnsLoc3'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'connList' : [[[0.1,0.2], [0.1,0.3], [0.1,0.5]], [[0.5,0.1], [0.1,0.6], [0.1,0.7]]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': ['AMPA','NMDA'], # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsLoc1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # # valid locs rule # params = ParamsObj() # # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'connList' : [[0.1,0.2], [0.1,0.3]], # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5} # # # Synaptic mechanism parameters # params.netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3, 'e': 0} # AMPA # params.netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.15, 'tau2': 15, 'e': 0} # NMDA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAA # params.netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod': 'Exp2Syn', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 9.1, 'e': -80} # GABAB # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidConnsLoc2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsLocTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsHierarchyTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'probability':0.5, # 'shape': {'switchOnOff': [200, 800], 'pulseType': 'square', 'pulsePeriod': 100, 'pulseWidth': 50}, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['validHierarchy1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsHierarchyTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'probability':0.5, # 'convergence': 0.5, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidHierarchy1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsHierarchyTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'convergence': 0.5, # 'divergence':0.5, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidHierarchy2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsHierarchyTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsShapeTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'shape': {'switchOnOff': [200, 800], 'pulseType': 'square', 'pulsePeriod': 100, 'pulseWidth': 50}, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['validShape1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsShapeTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'shape': {'switchOnOff': 200, 'pulseType': 'square', 'pulsePeriod': 100, 'pulseWidth': 50}, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidShape1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsShapeTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'shape': {'switchOnOff': ['200','300'], 'pulseType': 'square', 'pulsePeriod': 100, 'pulseWidth': 50}, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidShape2'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsShapeTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsPlasticityTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': {'mech': 'STDP', 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['validPlasticity1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsPlasticityTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': { 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidPlasticity1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["conn"]["connsPlasticityTest"].append(params) # # self.paramsMap["stimSource"]["stimSourceTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': { 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_1'] = {'type': 'IClamp', 'delay': 10, 'dur': 800, 'amp': 'uniform(0.05,0.5)'} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_2'] = {'type': 'VClamp', 'dur':[0,1,1], 'amp':[1,1,1],'gain':1, 'rstim':0, 'tau1':1, 'tau2':1, 'i':1} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_3'] = {'type': 'AlphaSynapse', 'onset': 'uniform(1,500)', 'tau': 5, 'gmax': 'post_ynorm', 'e': 0} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_4'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'interval': 'uniform(20,100)', 'number': 1000, 'start': 5, 'noise': 0.1} # # # Stimulation mapping parameters # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input1->PYR'] = { # 'source': 'Input_1', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR', 'cellList': range(8)}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input3->Basket'] = { # 'source': 'Input_3', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'cellType':'Basket'}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input4->PYR3'] = { # 'source': 'Input_4', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'weight': '0.1+gauss(0.2,0.05)', # 'delay': 1, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR3', 'cellList': [0,1,2,5,10,14,15]}} # # params.netParams.connParams['validStimSource1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["stimSource"]["stimSourceTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': { 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_1'] = {'type': 'XYClamp', 'delay': 10, 'dur': 800, 'amp': 'uniform(0.05,0.5)'} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_2'] = {'type': 'VClamp', 'dur':[0,1,1], 'amp':[1,1,1],'gain':1, 'rstim':0, 'tau1':1, 'tau2':1, 'i':1} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_3'] = {'type': 'AlphaSynapse', 'onset': 'uniform(1,500)', 'tau': 5, 'gmax': 'post_ynorm', 'e': 0} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_4'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'interval': 'uniform(20,100)', 'number': 1000, 'start': 5, 'noise': 0.1} # # # Stimulation mapping parameters # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input1->PYR'] = { # 'source': 'Input_1', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR', 'cellList': range(8)}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input3->Basket'] = { # 'source': 'Input_3', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'cellType':'Basket'}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input4->PYR3'] = { # 'source': 'Input_4', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'weight': '0.1+gauss(0.2,0.05)', # 'delay': 1, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR3', 'cellList': [0,1,2,5,10,14,15]}} # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidStimSource1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["stimSource"]["stimSourceTest"].append(params) # # # self.paramsMap["stimTarget"]["stimTargetTest"] = [] # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': { 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_1'] = {'type': 'IClamp', 'delay': 10, 'dur': 800, 'amp': 'uniform(0.05,0.5)'} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_2'] = {'type': 'VClamp', 'dur':[0,1,1], 'amp':[1,1,1],'gain':1, 'rstim':0, 'tau1':1, 'tau2':1, 'i':1} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_3'] = {'type': 'AlphaSynapse', 'onset': 'uniform(1,500)', 'tau': 5, 'gmax': 'post_ynorm', 'e': 0} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_4'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'interval': 'uniform(20,100)', 'number': 1000, 'start': 5, 'noise': 0.1} # # # Stimulation mapping parameters # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input1->PYR'] = { # 'source': 'Input_1', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR', 'cellList': range(8)}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input3->Basket'] = { # 'source': 'Input_3', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'cellType':'Basket'}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input4->PYR3'] = { # 'source': 'Input_4', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'weight': '0.1+gauss(0.2,0.05)', # 'delay': 1, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR3', 'cellList': [0,1,2,5,10,14,15]}} # # params.netParams.connParams['validStimTarget1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["stimTarget"]["stimTargetTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': { 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_1'] = {'type': 'IClamp', 'delay': 10, 'dur': 800, 'amp': 'uniform(0.05,0.5)'} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_2'] = {'type': 'VClamp', 'dur':[0,1,1], 'amp':[1,1,1],'gain':1, 'rstim':0, 'tau1':1, 'tau2':1, 'i':1} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_3'] = {'type': 'AlphaSynapse', 'onset': 'uniform(1,500)', 'tau': 5, 'gmax': 'post_ynorm', 'e': 0} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_4'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'interval': 'uniform(20,100)', 'number': 1000, 'start': 5, 'noise': 0.1} # # # Stimulation mapping parameters # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input1->PYR'] = { # 'source': 'Input_1', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR', 'cellList': range(8)}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input3->Basket'] = { # 'source': 'Input_3', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'cellType':'Basket'}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input4->PYR3'] = { # 'source': 'Input_4', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'weight': '0.1+gauss(0.2,0.05)', # 'delay': 1, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR3', 'cellList': [0,1,2,5,10,14,15]}} # # params.netParams.connParams['validStimTarget1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["stimTarget"]["stimTargetTest"].append(params) # # params = ParamsObj() # # Connectivity parameters # connRule = { # 'preConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'hop'}, # 'weight': 0.0, # weight of each connection # 'synMech': 'AMPA', # target inh synapse # 'synsPerConn': 1, # 'delay': 5, # 'plasticity': { 'params': {'hebbwt': 0.01, 'antiwt':-0.01, 'wmax': 50, 'RLon': 1 ,'tauhebb': 10}}, # } # # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_1'] = {'type': 'IClamp', 'delay': 10, 'dur': 800, 'amp': 'uniform(0.05,0.5)'} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_2'] = {'type': 'VClamp', 'dur':[0,1,1], 'amp':[1,1,1],'gain':1, 'rstim':0, 'tau1':1, 'tau2':1, 'i':1} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_3'] = {'type': 'AlphaSynapse', 'onset': 'uniform(1,500)', 'tau': 5, 'gmax': 'post_ynorm', 'e': 0} # params.netParams.stimSourceParams['Input_4'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'interval': 'uniform(20,100)', 'number': 1000, 'start': 5, 'noise': 0.1} # # # Stimulation mapping parameters # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input1->PYR'] = { # 'source': 'Input_11', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR', 'cellList': range(8)}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input3->Basket'] = { # 'source': 'Input_3', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'conds': {'cellType':'Basket'}} # params.netParams.stimTargetParams['Input4->PYR3'] = { # 'source': 'Input_4', # 'sec':'soma', # 'loc': 0.5, # 'weight': '0.1+gauss(0.2,0.05)', # 'delay': 1, # 'conds': {'pop':'PYR3', 'cellList': [0,1,2,5,10,14,15]}} # # params.netParams.connParams['invalidStimTarget1'] = connRule # add dict with params for this pop # self.paramsMap["stimTarget"]["stimTargetTest"].append(params)
[docs] def runTestsWithParams(self): self.runPopTestsWithParams() self.runNetTestsWithParams() self.runCellTestsWithParams() self.runConnTestsWithParams() self.runStimSourceTests() self.runStimTargetTests() self.runSimConfigTests()
[docs] def runPopTestsWithParams(self): popParamsMap = self.paramsMap["pop"] # run the different tests for pop for testName, paramObjList in list(popParamsMap.items()): # run the test with different params for paramsObj in paramObjList: self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
[docs] def runNetTestsWithParams(self): netParamsMap = self.paramsMap["net"] # run the different tests for net for testName, paramObjList in list(netParamsMap.items()): # run the test with different params for paramsObj in paramObjList: self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
[docs] def runCellTestsWithParams(self): # print ( " run cell tests ") cellParamsMap = self.paramsMap["cell"] # run the different tests for cell for testName, paramObjList in list(cellParamsMap.items()): for paramsObj in paramObjList: self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
[docs] def runConnTestsWithParams(self): # print ( " #### running conn tests " ) connParamsMap = self.paramsMap["conn"] # print (" connParamsMap = " + str(connParamsMap)) # run the different tests for conn for testName, paramObjList in list(connParamsMap.items()): for paramsObj in paramObjList: # print ( " calling tests") self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
[docs] def runStimSourceTests(self): # print ( " running conn tests " ) stimSourceParamsMap = self.paramsMap["stimSource"] # run the different tests for conn for testName, paramObjList in list(stimSourceParamsMap.items()): for paramsObj in paramObjList: # print ( " calling tests") self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
[docs] def runStimTargetTests(self): # print ( " running conn tests " ) stimTargetParamsMap = self.paramsMap["stimTarget"] # run the different tests for conn for testName, paramObjList in list(stimTargetParamsMap.items()): for paramsObj in paramObjList: # print ( " calling tests") self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
[docs] def runSimConfigTests(self): # print ( " running conn tests " ) simConfigParamsMap = self.paramsMap["simConfig"] # run the different tests for conn for testName, paramObjList in list(simConfigParamsMap.items()): # print ( " calling tests 00 " + testName) for paramsObj in paramObjList: # print ( " calling tests " + testName) self.netPyneTestObj.netParams = paramsObj.netParams self.netPyneTestObj.simConfig = paramsObj.simConfig self.netPyneTestObj.runTests()
runNetPyneTests = RunNetPyneTests() # runNetPyneTests.runTestsWithParams()