Source code for netpyne.analysis.utils

Module for utilities to help analyze and plot results


# required to make json saving work in Python 2/3
    to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    to_unicode = str
except NameError:
    basestring = str

from netpyne import __gui__

if __gui__:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import functools
import sys

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define list of colors
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    from bokeh.themes import built_in_themes

colorListType = 'alternate'  # 'graded'

if colorListType == 'alternate':
    colorList = [
        [0.42, 0.67, 0.84],
        [0.90, 0.76, 0.00],
        [0.42, 0.83, 0.59],
        [0.90, 0.32, 0.00],
        [0.34, 0.67, 0.67],
        [0.90, 0.59, 0.00],
        [0.42, 0.82, 0.83],
        [1.00, 0.85, 0.00],
        [0.33, 0.67, 0.47],
        [1.00, 0.38, 0.60],
        [0.57, 0.67, 0.33],
        [0.5, 0.2, 0.0],
        [0.71, 0.82, 0.41],
        [0.0, 0.2, 0.5],
        [0.70, 0.32, 0.10],
    ] * 3
elif colorListType == 'graded' and __gui__:
    import matplotlib

    cmap ='jet')
    colorList = [cmap(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, 12)]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Exception decorator
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def exception(function): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.utils.exception`> Parameters ---------- function : <type> <Short description of function> **Default:** *required* """ @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: import traceback print(f"\nThere was an exception in {function.__name__}()") traceback.print_exc() return -1 return wrapper
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Round to n sig figures # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _roundFigures(x, n): return round(x, -int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(x)))) + (n - 1)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## show figure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _showFigure(): try: except: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Save figure data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _saveFigData(figData, fileName=None, type=''): from .. import sim if not fileName or not isinstance(fileName, basestring): fileName = sim.cfg.filename + '_' + type + '.pkl' if fileName.endswith('.pkl'): # save to pickle import pickle print(('Saving figure data as %s ... ' % (fileName))) with open(fileName, 'wb') as fileObj: pickle.dump(figData, fileObj) elif fileName.endswith('.json'): # save to json print(('Saving figure data as %s ... ' % (fileName))) sim.saveJSON(fileName, figData) else: print('File extension to save figure data not recognized') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Smooth 1d signal # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _smooth1d(x, window_len=11, window='hanning'): """smooth the data using a window with requested size. This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal. input: x: the input signal window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. output: the smoothed signal example: t=linspace(-2,2,0.1) x=sin(t)+randn(len(t))*0.1 y=smooth(x) see also: np.hanning, np.hamming, np.bartlett, np.blackman, np.convolve scipy.signal.lfilter TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string NOTE: length(output) != length(input), to correct this: return y[(window_len/2-1):-(window_len/2)] instead of just y. """ if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.") if x.size < window_len: raise ValueError("Input vector needs to be bigger than window size.") if window_len < 3: return x if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']: raise ValueError("Window is on of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'") s = np.r_[x[window_len - 1 : 0 : -1], x, x[-1:-window_len:-1]] # print(len(s)) if window == 'flat': # moving average w = np.ones(window_len, 'd') else: w = np.__getattribute__(window)(window_len) # TODO: vs prev. -> eval('np.'+ window+ '(window_len)') y = np.convolve(w / w.sum(), s, mode='valid') return y[int((window_len / 2 - 1)) : int(-(window_len / 2))] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get subset of cells and netstims indicated by include list # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getCellsInclude(include, sim=None): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.utils.getCellsInclude`> Parameters ---------- include : <type> <Short description of include> **Default:** *required* sim : <``None``?> <Short description of sim> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ if not sim: from .. import sim allCells = allNetStimLabels = list( cellGids = [] cells = [] netStimLabels = [] for condition in include: if condition == 'all': # all cells + Netstims cellGids = [c['gid'] for c in allCells] cells = list(allCells) netStimLabels = list(allNetStimLabels) return cells, cellGids, netStimLabels elif condition == 'allCells': # all cells cellGids = [c['gid'] for c in allCells] cells = list(allCells) elif condition == 'allNetStims': # all cells + Netstims netStimLabels = list(allNetStimLabels) elif isinstance(condition, int): # cell gid cellGids.append(condition) elif isinstance(condition, basestring): # entire pop if condition in allNetStimLabels: netStimLabels.append(condition) else: cellGids.extend([c['gid'] for c in allCells if c['tags']['pop'] == condition]) # subset of a pop with relative indices # when load from json gets converted to list (added as exception) elif ( isinstance(condition, (list, tuple)) and len(condition) == 2 and isinstance(condition[0], basestring) and isinstance(condition[1], (list, int)) ): cellsPop = [c['gid'] for c in allCells if c['tags']['pop'] == condition[0]] if isinstance(condition[1], list): cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i in condition[1]]) elif isinstance(condition[1], int): cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i == condition[1]]) elif isinstance(condition, (list, tuple)): # subset for subcond in condition: if isinstance(subcond, int): # cell gid cellGids.append(subcond) elif isinstance(subcond, basestring): # entire pop if subcond in allNetStimLabels: netStimLabels.append(subcond) else: cellGids.extend([c['gid'] for c in allCells if c['tags']['pop'] == subcond]) cellGids = sim.unique(cellGids) # unique values cells = [cell for cell in allCells if cell['gid'] in cellGids] cells = sorted(cells, key=lambda k: k['gid']) return cells, cellGids, netStimLabels
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get subset of cells and netstims indicated by include list # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getCellsIncludeTags(include, tags, tagsFormat=None): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.utils.getCellsIncludeTags`> Parameters ---------- include : <type> <Short description of include> **Default:** *required* tags : <type> <Short description of tags> **Default:** *required* tagsFormat : <``None``?> <Short description of tagsFormat> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ allCells = tags.copy() cellGids = [] # using list with indices if tagsFormat or 'format' in allCells: if not tagsFormat: tagsFormat = allCells.pop('format') popIndex = tagsFormat.index('pop') for condition in include: if condition in ['all', 'allCells']: # all cells cellGids = list(allCells.keys()) return cellGids elif isinstance(condition, int): # cell gid cellGids.append(condition) elif isinstance(condition, basestring): # entire pop cellGids.extend([gid for gid, c in allCells.items() if c[popIndex] == condition]) elif isinstance(condition, tuple): # subset of a pop with relative indices cellsPop = [gid for gid, c in allCells.items() if c[popIndex] == condition[0]] if isinstance(condition[1], list): cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i in condition[1]]) elif isinstance(condition[1], int): cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i == condition[1]]) # using dict with keys else: for condition in include: if condition in ['all', 'allCells']: # all cells cellGids = list(allCells.keys()) return cellGids elif isinstance(condition, int): # cell gid cellGids.append(condition) elif isinstance(condition, basestring): # entire pop cellGids.extend([gid for gid, c in allCells.items() if c['pop'] == condition]) elif isinstance(condition, tuple): # subset of a pop with relative indices cellsPop = [gid for gid, c in allCells.items() if c['pop'] == condition[0]] if isinstance(condition[1], list): cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i in condition[1]]) elif isinstance(condition[1], int): cellGids.extend([gid for i, gid in enumerate(cellsPop) if i == condition[1]]) cellGids = [int(x) for x in set(cellGids)] # unique values return cellGids
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Synchrony measure # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def syncMeasure(): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.utils.syncMeasure`> """ from .. import sim t0 = -1 width = 1 cnt = 0 for spkt in sim.allSimData['spkt']: if spkt >= t0 + width: t0 = spkt cnt += 1 return 1 - cnt / (sim.cfg.duration / width)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Invert mapping of dict # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def invertDictMapping(d): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.utils.invertDictMapping`> Parameters ---------- d : <type> <Short description of d> **Default:** *required* """ inv_map = {} for k, v in d.items(): inv_map[v] = inv_map.get(v, []) inv_map[v].append(k) return inv_map
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get subset of spkt, spkid based on a timeRange and cellGids list; ~10x speedup over list iterate # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getSpktSpkid(cellGids=[], timeRange=None, sim=None): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.analysis.utils.getSpktSpkid`> Parameters ---------- cellGids : list <Short description of cellGids> **Default:** ``[]`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> timeRange : <``None``?> <Short description of timeRange> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> sim : <``None``?> <Short description of sim> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ if not sim: from .. import sim import pandas as pd try: # Pandas 1.4.0 from pandas._libs import lib as pandaslib except: try: # Pandas 0.24 and later from pandas import _lib as pandaslib except: # Pandas 0.23 and earlier from pandas import lib as pandaslib df = pd.DataFrame( pandaslib.to_object_array([sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid']]).transpose(), columns=['spkt', 'spkid'], ) # df = pd.DataFrame(pd.lib.to_object_array([sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid']]).transpose(), columns=['spkt', 'spkid']) if timeRange: min, max = [int(df['spkt'].searchsorted(timeRange[i])) for i in range(2)] # binary search faster than query else: # timeRange None or empty list means all times min, max = 0, len(df) if len(cellGids) == 0: sel = df[min:max] else: sel = df[min:max].query('spkid in @cellGids') return sel, sel['spkt'].tolist(), sel['spkid'].tolist() # will want to return sel as well for further sorting
[docs] def checkAvailablePlots(requireCfg=False): """ Function to check which plots are available for the GUI Returns ---------- requireCfg : <Bool> <Whether a plot configuration in sim.cfg.analysis is required to return True for each plot> **Default:** False Returns ---------- dict <Keys indicate the name of the analysis function and values whether they are available or not (Boolean)> """ from .. import sim avail = { 'plotConn': False, 'plot2Dnet': False, 'plotTraces': False, 'plotRaster': False, 'plotSpikeHist': False, 'plotSpikeStats': False, 'plotLFP': False, 'granger': False, 'plotRxDConcentration': False, 'plotDipole': False, 'plotEEG': False, 'plotRateSpectrogram': False, } # plot conn if hasattr(sim, 'net') and hasattr(, 'allCells') and len( > 0: avail['plotConn'] = True avail['plot2Dnet'] = True # plot traces traces = list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys()) if len(traces) > 0 and hasattr(sim, 'allSimData'): for trace in traces: if trace in sim.allSimData and len(sim.allSimData.get(trace)): avail['plotTraces'] = True break # raster, spike hist, spike stats, rate psd and granger if ( hasattr(sim, 'allSimData') and 'spkid' in sim.allSimData and 'spkt' in sim.allSimData and len(sim.allSimData['spkid']) > 0 and len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) > 0 ): avail['plotRaster'] = True avail['plotSpikeHist'] = True avail['plotSpikeStats'] = True avail['plotRatePSD'] = True avail['granger'] = True avail['plotRateSpectrogram'] = True # plot lfp if hasattr(sim, 'allSimData') and 'LFP' in sim.allSimData and len(sim.allSimData['LFP']) > 0: avail['plotLFP'] = True # plot dipole/EEG if hasattr(sim, 'allSimData') and 'dipoleSum' in sim.allSimData and len(sim.allSimData['dipoleSum']) > 0: avail['plotDipole'] = True avail['plotEEG'] = True # rxd concentation if ( hasattr(sim, 'net') and hasattr(, 'rxd') and 'species' in and 'regions' in and len(['species']) > 0 and len(['regions']) > 0 ): avail['plotRxDConcentration'] = True # require config of plots in sim.cfg.analysis if requireCfg: for k in avail: if k not in sim.cfg.analysis: avail[k] = False return avail
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default NetPyNE Bokeh theme -- based on dark_minimal # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: The Bokeh plotting APIs defaults override some theme properties. Namely: fill_alpha, # fill_color, line_alpha, line_color, text_alpha and text_color. Those properties should # therefore be set explicitly when using the plotting API. _guiTheme = { "attrs": { "Figure": { "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#20262B", "border_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C", "outline_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "outline_line_alpha": 0.25, }, "Grid": {"grid_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "grid_line_alpha": 0.25}, "Axis": { "major_tick_line_alpha": 0, "major_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "minor_tick_line_alpha": 0, "minor_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "axis_line_alpha": 0, "axis_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "axis_label_standoff": 10, "axis_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "axis_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "axis_label_text_font_size": "1.25em", "axis_label_text_font_style": "normal", }, "Legend": { "spacing": 8, "glyph_width": 15, "label_standoff": 8, "label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "label_text_font": "Helvetica", "label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "border_line_alpha": 0, "background_fill_alpha": 0.5, # 0.25, "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#20262B" }, "ColorBar": { "title_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "title_text_font": "Helvetica", "title_text_font_size": "1.025em", "title_text_font_style": "normal", "major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C", "major_tick_line_alpha": 0, "bar_line_alpha": 0, }, "Title": {"text_color": "#E0E0E0", "text_font": "Helvetica", "text_font_size": "1.15em"}, } } _guiBlack = { "attrs": { "Figure": { "background_fill_color": "#000000", "border_fill_color": "#434343", "outline_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "outline_line_alpha": 0.25, }, "Grid": {"grid_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "grid_line_alpha": 0.25}, "Axis": { "major_tick_line_alpha": 0, "major_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "minor_tick_line_alpha": 0, "minor_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "axis_line_alpha": 0, "axis_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "axis_label_standoff": 10, "axis_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "axis_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "axis_label_text_font_size": "1.25em", "axis_label_text_font_style": "normal", }, "Legend": { "spacing": 8, "glyph_width": 15, "label_standoff": 8, "label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "label_text_font": "Helvetica", "label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "border_line_alpha": 0, "background_fill_alpha": 0.5, # 0.25, "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#20262B" }, "ColorBar": { "title_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "title_text_font": "Helvetica", "title_text_font_size": "1.025em", "title_text_font_style": "normal", "major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C", "major_tick_line_alpha": 0, "bar_line_alpha": 0, }, "Title": {"text_color": "#E0E0E0", "text_font": "Helvetica", "text_font_size": "1.15em"}, } } _guiWhite = { "attrs": { "Figure": { "background_fill_color": "#ffffff", # "#20262B", "border_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C", "outline_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "outline_line_alpha": 0.25, }, "Grid": {"grid_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "grid_line_alpha": 0.25}, "Axis": { "major_tick_line_alpha": 0, "major_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "minor_tick_line_alpha": 0, "minor_tick_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "axis_line_alpha": 0, "axis_line_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "axis_label_standoff": 10, "axis_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "axis_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "axis_label_text_font_size": "1.25em", "axis_label_text_font_style": "normal", }, "Legend": { "spacing": 8, "glyph_width": 15, "label_standoff": 8, "label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "label_text_font": "Helvetica", "label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "border_line_alpha": 0, "background_fill_alpha": 0.5, # 0.25, "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#20262B" }, "ColorBar": { "title_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "title_text_font": "Helvetica", "title_text_font_size": "1.025em", "title_text_font_style": "normal", "major_label_text_color": "#E0E0E0", "major_label_text_font": "Helvetica", "major_label_text_font_size": "1.025em", "background_fill_color": "#434343", # "#15191C", "major_tick_line_alpha": 0, "bar_line_alpha": 0, }, "Title": {"text_color": "#E0E0E0", "text_font": "Helvetica", "text_font_size": "1.15em"}, } }