Source code for netpyne.batch.utils

Module with helper functions to set up and run batch simulations


import builtins

import numpy as np
import json
import pickle
import subprocess

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function to create a folder if it does not exist
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createFolder(folder): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.utils.createFolder`> Parameters ---------- folder : <type> <Short description of folder> **Default:** *required* """ import os # If file path does not exist, it will create the file path (parent and sub-directories) try: os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: print('%s: Exception: %s,' % (os.path.abspath(__file__), e)) raise SystemExit('Could not create %s' % (folder))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function to define template for bash submission # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def jobStringMPIDirect(custom, folder, command): return f"""#!/bin/bash {custom} cd {folder} {command} """
[docs] def jobStringHPCSlurm( jobName, allocation, walltime, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, email, reservation, custom, folder, command ): res = '#SBATCH --res=%s' % (reservation) if reservation else '' return f"""#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name={jobName} #SBATCH -A {allocation} #SBATCH -t {walltime} #SBATCH --nodes={nodes} #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={coresPerNode} #SBATCH -o {jobPath}.run #SBATCH -e {jobPath}.err #SBATCH --mail-user={email} #SBATCH --mail-type=end {res} {custom} source ~/.bashrc cd {folder} {command} wait """
[docs] def jobStringHPCTorque(jobName, walltime, queueName, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, custom, command): return f"""#!/bin/bash #PBS -N {jobName} #PBS -l walltime={walltime} #PBS -q {queueName} #PBS -l nodes={nodes}:ppn={coresPerNode} #PBS -o {jobPath}.run #PBS -e {jobPath}.err {custom} cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo $PBS_O_WORKDIR {command} """
[docs] def jobStringHPCSGE(jobName, walltime, vmem, queueName, cores, pre, command, post, log, **kwargs): """ creates string for SUN GRID ENGINE recommended optional pre and post commands rsync -a $SGE_O_WORKDIR/ $TMPDIR/ cd $TMPDIR <execute command here> rsync -a --exclude '*.run' --exclude '*.err' $TMPDIR/ $SGE_O_WORKDIR/ """ return f"""#!/bin/bash #$ -cwd #$ -N {jobName} #$ -q {queueName} #$ -pe smp {cores} #$ -l h_vmem={vmem} #$ -l h_rt={walltime} #$ -o {log}.run #$ -e {log}.err {pre} source ~/.bashrc {command} {post} """
[docs] def cp(obj, verbose=True, die=True): ''' Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.utils.cp`> Parameters ---------- obj : <type> <Short description of obj> **Default:** *required* verbose : bool <Short description of verbose> **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> die : bool <Short description of die> **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> ''' from copy import copy try: output = copy.copy(obj) except Exception as E: output = obj errormsg = 'Warning: could not perform shallow copy, returning original object: %s' % str(E) if die: raise Exception(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) return output
[docs] def dcp(obj, verbose=True, die=False): ''' Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.utils.dcp`> Parameters ---------- obj : <type> <Short description of obj> **Default:** *required* verbose : bool <Short description of verbose> **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> die : bool <Short description of die> **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> ''' import copy try: output = copy.deepcopy(obj) except Exception as E: output = cp(obj) errormsg = 'Warning: could not perform deep copy, performing shallow instead: %s' % str(E) if die: raise Exception(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) return output
[docs] def sigfig(X, sigfigs=5, SI=False, sep=False, keepints=False): ''' Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.utils.sigfig`> Parameters ---------- X : <type> <Short description of X> **Default:** *required* sigfigs : int <Short description of sigfigs> **Default:** ``5`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> SI : bool <Short description of SI> **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> sep : bool <Short description of sep> **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> keepints : bool <Short description of keepints> **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> ''' output = [] try: n = len(X) islist = True except: X = [X] n = 1 islist = False for i in range(n): x = X[i] suffix = '' formats = [(1e18, 'e18'), (1e15, 'e15'), (1e12, 't'), (1e9, 'b'), (1e6, 'm'), (1e3, 'k')] if SI: for val, suff in formats: if abs(x) >= val: x = x / val suffix = suff break # Find at most one match try: if x == 0: output.append('0') elif sigfigs is None: output.append(flexstr(x) + suffix) elif x > (10**sigfigs) and not SI and keepints: # e.g. x = 23432.23, sigfigs=3, output is 23432 roundnumber = int(round(x)) if sep: string = format(roundnumber, ',') else: string = '%0.0f' % x output.append(string) else: magnitude = np.floor(np.log10(abs(x))) factor = 10 ** (sigfigs - magnitude - 1) x = round(x * factor) / float(factor) digits = int( abs(magnitude) + max(0, sigfigs - max(0, magnitude) - 1) + 1 + (x < 0) + (abs(x) < 1) ) # one because, one for decimal, one for minus decimals = int(max(0, -magnitude + sigfigs - 1)) strformat = '%' + '%i.%i' % (digits, decimals) + 'f' string = strformat % x if sep: # To insert separators in the right place, have to convert back to a number if decimals > 0: roundnumber = float(string) else: roundnumber = int(string) string = format(roundnumber, ',') # Allow comma separator string += suffix output.append(string) except: output.append(flexstr(x)) if islist: return tuple(output) else: return output[0]
# func needs to be outside of class
[docs] def runJob(nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath, simDataPath, rankId): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.batch.utils.runJob`> Parameters ---------- script : <type> <Short description of script> **Default:** *required* cfgSavePath : <type> <Short description of cfgSavePath> **Default:** *required* netParamsSavePath : <type> <Short description of netParamsSavePath> **Default:** *required* simDataPath : <type> <Short description of simDataPath> **Default:** *required* """ import os print('\nJob in rank id: ', rankId) command = '%s %s simConfig=%s netParams=%s' % (nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath) print(command) with open(simDataPath + '.run', 'w') as outf, open(simDataPath + '.err', 'w') as errf: pid = subprocess.Popen(command.split(' '), stdout=outf, stderr=errf, start_new_session=True).pid with open('./', 'a') as file: file.write(str(pid) + ' ')
[docs] def evaluator(batch, candidates, args, ngen, pc, **kwargs): import os import signal from time import sleep total_jobs = 0 # options slurm, mpi type = args.get('type', 'mpi_direct') # paths to required scripts script = args.get('script', '') netParamsSavePath = args.get('netParamsSavePath') genFolderPath = batch.saveFolder + '/gen_' + str(ngen) # mpi command setup nodes = args.get('nodes', 1) paramLabels = args.get('paramLabels', []) coresPerNode = args.get('coresPerNode', 1) executor = batch.runCfg.get("executor", "sh") mpiCommand = args.get('mpiCommand', batch.mpiCommandDefault) nrnCommand = args.get('nrnCommand', 'nrniv') numproc = nodes * coresPerNode # slurm setup custom = args.get('custom', '') folder = args.get('folder', '.') email = args.get('email', 'a@b.c') walltime = args.get('walltime', '00:01:00') reservation = args.get('reservation', None) allocation = args.get('allocation', 'csd403') # NSG account # fitness function fitnessFunc = args.get('fitnessFunc') fitnessFuncArgs = args.get('fitnessFuncArgs') if batch.method == 'evol': indexToRerun = args.get('defaultFitness') else: indexToRerun = args.get('maxFitness') # summary statistics collectSummaryStats = batch.method == 'sbi' if collectSummaryStats: summaryStatsFunc = args.get('summaryStats') summaryStatsArgs = args.get('summaryStatisticArg') summaryStatsLength = args.get('summaryStatisticLength') # read params or set defaults sleepInterval = args.get('sleepInterval', 0.2) # create folder if it does not exist createFolder(genFolderPath) # remember pids and jobids in a list pids = [] jobids = {} def jobPathAndNameForCand(index): if batch.method in ['optuna', 'sbi']: jobName = "trial_" + str(ngen) else: jobName = "gen_" + str(ngen) + "_cand_" + str(candidate_index) return jobName, genFolderPath + '/' + jobName # create a job for each candidate for candidate_index, candidate in enumerate(candidates): # required for slurm sleep(sleepInterval) # name and path jobName, jobPath = jobPathAndNameForCand(candidate_index) # set initial cfg initCfg if len(batch.initCfg) > 0: for paramLabel, paramVal in batch.initCfg.items(): batch.setCfgNestedParam(paramLabel, paramVal) # modify cfg instance with candidate values print(paramLabels, candidate) for label, value in zip(paramLabels, candidate): print('set %s=%s' % (label, value)) batch.setCfgNestedParam(label, value) # self.setCfgNestedParam("filename", jobPath) batch.cfg.simLabel = jobName batch.cfg.saveFolder = genFolderPath # save cfg instance to file cfgSavePath = jobPath + '_cfg.json' if type == 'mpi_bulletin': # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MPI master-slaves # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pc.submit(runJob, nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath, jobPath, print('-' * 80) else: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MPI job command # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if mpiCommand == '': command = '%s %s simConfig=%s netParams=%s ' % (nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath) else: command = '%s -n %d %s -python -mpi %s simConfig=%s netParams=%s ' % ( mpiCommand, numproc, nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath, ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # run on local machine with <nodes*coresPerNode> cores # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if type == 'mpi_direct': #executer = '/bin/bash' executer = executor jobString = jobStringMPIDirect(custom, folder, command) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create script to run on HPC through slurm # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- elif type == 'hpc_slurm': executer = 'sbatch' jobString = jobStringHPCSlurm( jobName, allocation, walltime, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, email, reservation, custom, folder, command, ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create script to run on HPC through PBS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- elif type == 'hpc_torque': executer = 'qsub' queueName = args.get('queueName', 'default') jobString = jobStringHPCTorque( jobName, walltime, queueName, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, custom, command ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create script to run on HPC through SGE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- elif type == 'hpc_sge': executer = 'qsub' queueName = args.get('queueName', 'default') command = '%s -n $NSLOTS -hosts $(hostname) %s -python -mpi %s simConfig=%s netParams=%s' % ( mpiCommand, nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath) jobString = jobStringHPCSGE( jobName, walltime, queueName, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, custom, command ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # save job and run # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- print('Submitting job ', jobName) print(jobString) print('-' * 80) # save file batchfile = '%s.sbatch' % (jobPath) with open(batchfile, 'w') as text_file: text_file.write("%s" % jobString) if type == 'mpi_direct': with open(jobPath + '.run', 'a+') as outf, open(jobPath + '.err', 'w') as errf: pids.append(subprocess.Popen([executer, batchfile], stdout=outf, stderr=errf, start_new_session=True).pid) else: with open(jobPath + '.jobid', 'w') as outf, open(jobPath + '.err', 'w') as errf: pids.append(subprocess.Popen([executer, batchfile], stdout=outf, stderr=errf, start_new_session=True).pid) # proc = subprocess.Popen(command.split([executer, batchfile]), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) sleep(0.1) # read = if type == 'mpi_direct': with open('./', 'a') as file: file.write(str(pids)) else: with open(jobPath + '.jobid', 'r') as outf: read = outf.readline() print(read) if len(read) > 0: jobid = int(read.split()[-1]) jobids[candidate_index] = jobid print('jobids', jobids) total_jobs += 1 sleep(0.1) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # gather data and compute fitness # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if type == 'mpi_bulletin': # wait for pc bulletin board jobs to finish try: while pc.working(): sleep(1) # pc.done() except: pass num_iters = 0 jobs_completed = 0 fitness = [None for cand in candidates] # print outfilestem if batch.method == 'evol': totalGen = args.get('max_generations') else: totalGen = args.get('maxiters') print(f"Waiting for jobs from generation {ngen}/{totalGen} ...") # print "PID's: %r" %(pids) # start fitness calculation while jobs_completed < total_jobs: unfinished = [i for i, x in enumerate(fitness) if x is None] for candidate_index in unfinished: try: # load simData and evaluate fitness _, jobPath = jobPathAndNameForCand(candidate_index) dataPath = jobPath + '_data.json' simData = None if os.path.isfile(dataPath): with open(dataPath) as file: simData = json.load(file)['simData'] else: dataPath = jobPath + '_data.pkl' if os.path.isfile(dataPath): with open(dataPath, 'rb') as file: simData = pickle.load(file)['simData'] if simData: fitness[candidate_index] = fitnessFunc(simData, **fitnessFuncArgs) if collectSummaryStats: sum_statistics = summaryStatsFunc(simData, **summaryStatsArgs) jobs_completed += 1 print(' Candidate %d fitness = %.1f' % (candidate_index, fitness[candidate_index])) except Exception as e: err = "There was an exception evaluating candidate %d:" % (candidate_index) print(("%s \n %s" % (err, e))) num_iters += 1 print('completed: %d' % (jobs_completed)) if num_iters >= args.get('maxiter_wait', 5000): print( "Max iterations reached, the %d unfinished jobs will be canceled and set to default fitness" % (len(unfinished)) ) for canditade_index in unfinished: fitness[canditade_index] = indexToRerun # rerun those that didn't complete; if collectSummaryStats: sum_statistics = [ -1 * indexToRerun for _ in range(summaryStatsLength) ] # -indexToRerun (i.e. -maxFitness) for size of summ stats jobs_completed += 1 try: if 'scancelUser' in kwargs: os.system('scancel -u %s' % (kwargs['scancelUser'])) else: os.system( 'scancel %d' % (jobids[candidate_index]) ) # terminate unfinished job (resubmitted jobs not terminated!) except: pass sleep(args.get('time_sleep', 1)) # kill all processes if type == 'mpi_bulletin': try: with open("./", 'r') as file: # read pids for mpi_bulletin pids = [int(i) for i in' ')[:-1]] with open("./", 'w') as file: # delete content pass for pid in pids: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(pid), signal.SIGTERM) except: pass except: pass elif type == 'mpi_direct': import psutil PROCNAME = "nrniv" for proc in psutil.process_iter(): # check whether the process name matches try: if == PROCNAME: proc.kill() except: pass print("-" * 80) print(" Completed a generation ") print("-" * 80) if collectSummaryStats: return fitness, sum_statistics else: return fitness