
Module with helper functions to set up and run batch simulations



Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.createFolder>

jobStringMPIDirect(custom, folder, command)

jobStringHPCSlurm(jobName, allocation, ...)

jobStringHPCTorque(jobName, walltime, ...)

jobStringHPCSGE(jobName, walltime, vmem, ...)

creates string for SUN GRID ENGINE recommended optional pre and post commands rsync -a $SGE_O_WORKDIR/ $TMPDIR/ cd $TMPDIR <execute command here> rsync -a --exclude '.run' --exclude '.err' $TMPDIR/ $SGE_O_WORKDIR/

cp(obj[, verbose, die])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.cp>

dcp(obj[, verbose, die])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.dcp>

sigfig(X[, sigfigs, SI, sep, keepints])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.sigfig>

runJob(nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, ...)

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.runJob>

evaluator(batch, candidates, args, ngen, pc, ...)


Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.createFolder>


folder (<type>) – <Short description of folder> Default: required

netpyne.batch.utils.jobStringMPIDirect(custom, folder, command)[source]
netpyne.batch.utils.jobStringHPCSlurm(jobName, allocation, walltime, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, email, reservation, custom, folder, command)[source]
netpyne.batch.utils.jobStringHPCTorque(jobName, walltime, queueName, nodes, coresPerNode, jobPath, custom, command)[source]
netpyne.batch.utils.jobStringHPCSGE(jobName, walltime, vmem, queueName, cores, pre, command, post, log, **kwargs)[source]

creates string for SUN GRID ENGINE recommended optional pre and post commands rsync -a $SGE_O_WORKDIR/ $TMPDIR/ cd $TMPDIR <execute command here> rsync -a –exclude ‘.run’ –exclude ‘.err’ $TMPDIR/ $SGE_O_WORKDIR/

netpyne.batch.utils.cp(obj, verbose=True, die=True)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.cp>

  • obj (<type>) – <Short description of obj> Default: required

  • verbose (bool) – <Short description of verbose> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

  • die (bool) – <Short description of die> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

netpyne.batch.utils.dcp(obj, verbose=True, die=False)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.dcp>

  • obj (<type>) – <Short description of obj> Default: required

  • verbose (bool) – <Short description of verbose> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

  • die (bool) – <Short description of die> Default: False Options: <option> <description of option>

netpyne.batch.utils.sigfig(X, sigfigs=5, SI=False, sep=False, keepints=False)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.sigfig>

  • X (<type>) – <Short description of X> Default: required

  • sigfigs (int) – <Short description of sigfigs> Default: 5 Options: <option> <description of option>

  • SI (bool) – <Short description of SI> Default: False Options: <option> <description of option>

  • sep (bool) – <Short description of sep> Default: False Options: <option> <description of option>

  • keepints (bool) – <Short description of keepints> Default: False Options: <option> <description of option>

netpyne.batch.utils.runJob(nrnCommand, script, cfgSavePath, netParamsSavePath, simDataPath, rankId)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.batch.utils.runJob>

  • script (<type>) – <Short description of script> Default: required

  • cfgSavePath (<type>) – <Short description of cfgSavePath> Default: required

  • netParamsSavePath (<type>) – <Short description of netParamsSavePath> Default: required

  • simDataPath (<type>) – <Short description of simDataPath> Default: required

netpyne.batch.utils.evaluator(batch, candidates, args, ngen, pc, **kwargs)[source]