Module containing a compartmental cell class
from netpyne.specs.netParams import CellParams, SynMechParams
except NameError:
basestring = str
from numbers import Number
from copy import deepcopy
from neuron import h # Import NEURON
import numpy as np
from math import sin, cos, sqrt
from .cell import Cell
from ..specs import Dict
from ..specs.netParams import SynMechParams
from .. import sim
class CompartCell(Cell):
Class for/to <short description of `netpyne.cell.compartCell.CompartCell`>
def __init__(self, gid, tags, create=True, associateGid=True):
super(CompartCell, self).__init__(gid, tags)
self.secs = Dict() # dict of sections
self.secLists = Dict() # dict of sectionLists
if create:
self.create() # create cell
if associateGid:
self.associateGid() # register cell for this node
def __str__(self):
gid, cty, cmo = self.gid, self.tags['cellType'], self.tags['cellModel'] # only use if these exist
return 'compartCell_%s_%s_%d' % (cty, cmo, gid)
return 'compartCell%d' % self.gid
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def create(self, createNEURONObj=None):
from .. import sim
if createNEURONObj is None:
createNEURONObj = sim.cfg.createNEURONObj
# generate random rotation angle for each cell
if sim.net.params.rotateCellsRandomly:
if isinstance(sim.net.params.rotateCellsRandomly, list):
[rotMin, rotMax] = sim.net.params.rotateCellsRandomly
[rotMin, rotMax] = 0, 6.2832
rand = h.Random()
self.randRotationAngle = rand.uniform(0, 6.2832) # 0 to 2pi
# apply cell rules
for propLabel, prop in sim.net.params.cellParams.items(): # for each set of cell properties
conditionsMet = 1
if 'conds' in prop and len(prop['conds']) > 0:
conditionsMet = self.checkConditions(prop['conds'])
elif self.tags['cellType'] != propLabel: # simplified method for defining cell params (when no 'conds')
conditionsMet = False
if conditionsMet: # if all conditions are met, set values for this cell
# Intercept possible issue where the cell is designed to be PointCell but misclassfied as CompartCell in Pop._setCellClass()
# (may happen if .mod not compiled or mech name misspelled)
assert 'secs' in prop, \
f"""Cell rule labeled '{propLabel}' is a compartment cell, but it doesn't have required entry 'secs'.
If this cell is expected to be a point cell instead, make sure the correspondent mechanism is included and compiled."""
if sim.cfg.includeParamsLabel:
if 'label' not in self.tags:
self.tags['label'] = [propLabel] # create list of property sets
) # add label of cell property set to list of property sets for this cell
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
if createNEURONObj:
prop, propLabel
) # add sections, mechanisms, synaptic mechanisms, geometry and topolgy specified by this property set
def modify(self, prop):
from .. import sim
conditionsMet = self.checkConditions(prop['conds'])
if conditionsMet: # if all conditions are met, set values for this cell
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
# add sections, mechanisms, synaptic mechanisms, geometry and topolgy specified by this property set
def createPyStruct(self, prop):
from .. import sim
# set params for all sections
for sectName, sectParams in prop['secs'].items():
# create section
if sectName not in self.secs:
self.secs[sectName] = Dict() # create section dict
sec = self.secs[sectName] # pointer to section
# add distributed mechanisms
if 'mechs' in sectParams:
for mechName, mechParams in sectParams['mechs'].items():
if 'mechs' not in sec:
sec['mechs'] = Dict()
if mechName not in sec['mechs']:
sec['mechs'][mechName] = Dict()
for mechParamName, mechParamValue in mechParams.items(): # add params of the mechanism
sec['mechs'][mechName][mechParamName] = mechParamValue
# add ion info
if 'ions' in sectParams:
for ionName, ionParams in sectParams['ions'].items():
if 'ions' not in sec:
sec['ions'] = Dict()
if ionName not in sec['ions']:
sec['ions'][ionName] = Dict()
for ionParamName, ionParamValue in ionParams.items(): # add params of the ion
sec['ions'][ionName][ionParamName] = ionParamValue
# add synMechs
if 'synMechs' in sectParams:
for synMech in sectParams['synMechs']:
if 'label' in synMech and 'loc' in synMech:
self.addSynMech(synLabel=synMech['label'], secLabel=sectName, loc=synMech['loc'])
# add point processes
if 'pointps' in sectParams:
for pointpName, pointpParams in sectParams['pointps'].items():
# if self.tags['cellModel'] == pointpName: # only required if want to allow setting various cell models in same rule
if 'pointps' not in sec:
sec['pointps'] = Dict()
if pointpName not in sec['pointps']:
sec['pointps'][pointpName] = Dict()
for pointpParamName, pointpParamValue in pointpParams.items(): # add params of the mechanism
if pointpParamValue == 'gid':
pointpParamValue = self.gid
sec['pointps'][pointpName][pointpParamName] = pointpParamValue
# add geometry params
if 'geom' in sectParams:
for geomParamName, geomParamValue in sectParams['geom'].items():
if 'geom' not in sec:
sec['geom'] = Dict()
if not type(geomParamValue) in [list, dict]: # skip any list or dic params
sec['geom'][geomParamName] = geomParamValue
# add 3d geometry
if 'pt3d' in sectParams['geom']:
if 'pt3d' not in sec['geom']:
sec['geom']['pt3d'] = []
for ipt, pt3d in enumerate(sectParams['geom']['pt3d']):
if sim.net.params.rotateCellsRandomly == True:
"""Rotate the cell about the Z axis."""
x = pt3d[0]
z = pt3d[2]
c = cos(self.randRotationAngle)
s = sin(self.randRotationAngle)
pt3d = (x * c - z * s, pt3d[1], x * s + z * c, pt3d[3])
sectParams['geom']['pt3d'][ipt] = pt3d
# add topolopgy params
if 'topol' in sectParams:
if 'topol' not in sec:
sec['topol'] = Dict()
for topolParamName, topolParamValue in sectParams['topol'].items():
sec['topol'][topolParamName] = topolParamValue
# add other params
if 'spikeGenLoc' in sectParams:
sec['spikeGenLoc'] = sectParams['spikeGenLoc']
if 'vinit' in sectParams:
sec['vinit'] = sectParams['vinit']
if 'weightNorm' in sectParams:
sec['weightNorm'] = sectParams['weightNorm']
if 'threshold' in sectParams:
sec['threshold'] = sectParams['threshold']
# add sectionLists
if 'secLists' in prop:
self.secLists.update(prop['secLists']) # diction of section lists
def initV(self):
for sec in list(self.secs.values()):
if 'vinit' in sec:
sec['hObj'].v = sec['vinit']
# Create dictionary of section names with entries to scale section lengths to length along z-axis
def __dipoleGetSecLength(self, secName):
L = 1
# basal_2 and basal_3 at 45 degree angle to z-axis.
if 'basal_2' in secName:
L = np.sqrt(2) / 2.0
elif 'basal_3' in secName:
L = np.sqrt(2) / 2.0
# apical_oblique at 90 perpendicular to z-axis
elif 'apical_oblique' in secName:
L = 0.0
# All basalar dendrites extend along negative z-axis
if 'basal' in secName:
L = -L
return L
# insert dipole in section
def __dipoleInsert(self, secName, sec):
# insert dipole mech (dipole.mod)
print('Error inserting dipole mechanism')
return -1
# insert Dipole point process (dipole_pp.mod)
sec['hDipole_pp'] = h.Dipole(1.0, sec=sec['hObj'])
print('Error inserting Dipole point process')
return -1
dpp = sec['hDipole_pp']
# assign internal resistance values to dipole point process (dpp)
dpp.ri = h.ri(1, sec=sec['hObj'])
# sets pointers in dipole mod file to the correct locations -- h.setpointer(ref, ptr, obj)
h.setpointer(sec['hObj'](0.99)._ref_v, 'pv', dpp)
h.setpointer(self.dipole['hRef']._ref_x[0], 'Qtotal', dpp)
# gives INTERNAL segments of the section, non-endpoints
# creating this because need multiple values simultaneously
loc = np.array([seg.x for seg in sec['hObj']])
# these are the positions, including 0 but not L
pos = np.array([seg.x for seg in sec['hObj'].allseg()])
# diff in yvals, scaled against the pos np.array. y_long as in longitudinal
y_scale = (self.__dipoleGetSecLength(secName) * sec['hObj'].L) * pos
# y_long = (h.y3d(1, sec=sect) - h.y3d(0, sec=sect)) * pos
# diff values calculate length between successive section points
y_diff = np.diff(y_scale)
for i in range(len(loc)):
# assign the ri value to the dipole
sec['hObj'](loc[i]).dipole.ri = h.ri(loc[i], sec=sec['hObj'])
# range variable 'dipole'
# set pointers to previous segment's voltage, with boundary condition
if i > 0:
h.setpointer(sec['hObj'](loc[i - 1])._ref_v, 'pv', sec['hObj'](loc[i]).dipole)
h.setpointer(sec['hObj'](0)._ref_v, 'pv', sec['hObj'](loc[i]).dipole)
# set aggregate pointers
h.setpointer(dpp._ref_Qsum, 'Qsum', sec['hObj'](loc[i]).dipole)
h.setpointer(self.dipole['hRef']._ref_x[0], 'Qtotal', sec['hObj'](loc[i]).dipole)
# add ztan values
sec['hObj'](loc[i]).dipole.ztan = y_diff[i]
# set the pp dipole's ztan value to the last value from y_diff
dpp.ztan = y_diff[-1]
def createNEURONObj(self, prop, propLabel=None):
from .. import sim
mechInsertError = False # flag to print error inserting mechanisms
if propLabel and propLabel in sim.net.params.cellParams:
cellType = propLabel
cellType = self.tags['cellType']
cellVars = {}
cvars = sim.net.params.cellParams[cellType].get('vars', {})
# cellVars get evaluated once per cell. If there are multiple sections or segments referring to it, all they will use this same value
for name, val in cvars.items():
func, vars = CellParams.stringFuncAndVarsForCellVar(cellType, name)
if func:
val = self.__evaluateCellParamsStringFunc(func, vars)
cellVars[name] = val
# set params for all sections
for sectName, sectParams in prop['secs'].items():
# create section
if sectName not in self.secs:
self.secs[sectName] = Dict() # create sect dict if doesn't exist
if 'hObj' not in self.secs[sectName] or self.secs[sectName]['hObj'] in [None, {}, []]:
self.secs[sectName]['hObj'] = h.Section(name=sectName, cell=self) # create h Section object
# set topology
for sectName, sectParams in prop['secs'].items(): # iterate sects again for topology (ensures all exist)
sec = self.secs[sectName] # pointer to section # pointer to child sec
if 'topol' in sectParams:
if sectParams['topol']:
) # make topol connection
for sectName, sectParams in prop['secs'].items():
sec = self.secs[sectName] # pointer to section
if 'geom' in sectParams:
self._setGeometryParams(sectName, sectParams, cellType, cellVars)
# add distributed mechanisms
if 'mechs' in sectParams:
mechInsertError |= self._addDistributedMechs(sectName, sectParams, cellType, cellVars)
# add ions
if 'ions' in sectParams:
mechInsertError |= self._addIons(sectName, sectParams)
# add synMechs (only used when loading because python synMechs already exist)
if 'synMechs' in sectParams:
for synMech in sectParams['synMechs']:
if 'label' in synMech and 'loc' in synMech:
synMechParams = sim.net.params.synMechParams.get(
) # get params for this synMech
self.addSynMechNEURONObj(synMech, synMech['label'], synMechParams, sec, synMech['loc'])
# add point processes
if 'pointps' in sectParams:
self._addPointProcesses(sectName, sectParams, cellType, cellVars)
# add dipoles
if sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN:
# create a 1-element Vector to store the dipole value for this cell and record from this Vector
self.dipole = {'hRef': h.Vector(1)} # _ref_[0]} #h._ref_dpl_ref} #h.Vector(1)
self.dipole['hRec'] = h.Vector((sim.cfg.duration / sim.cfg.recordStep) + 1)
for sectName, sectParams in prop['secs'].items():
sec = self.secs[sectName]
if 'mechs' in sectParams and 'dipole' in sectParams['mechs']:
self.__dipoleInsert(sectName, sec) # add dipole mechanisms to each section
# Print message about error inserting mechanisms
if mechInsertError:
"ERROR: Some mechanisms and/or ions were not inserted (for details run with cfg.verbose=True). Make sure the required mod files are compiled."
def _setGeometryParams(self, sectName, sectParams, cellType, cellVars):
sec = self.secs[sectName]
for geomParamName, geomParamValue in sectParams['geom'].items():
if not type(geomParamValue) in [list, dict]: # skip any list or dic params
func, vars = CellParams.stringFuncAndVarsForGeom(cellType, sectName, geomParamName)
if func:
geomParamValue = self.__evaluateCellParamsStringFunc(func, vars, sec, cellVars=cellVars)
setattr(sec['hObj'], geomParamName, geomParamValue)
# set 3d geometry
if 'pt3d' in sectParams['geom']:
if sim.cfg.pt3dRelativeToCellLocation:
x = self.tags['x']
y = (
-self.tags['y'] if sim.cfg.invertedYCoord else self.tags['y']
) # Neuron y-axis positive = upwards, so assume pia=0 and cortical depth = neg
z = self.tags['z']
x = y = z = 0
for pt3d in sectParams['geom']['pt3d']:
h.pt3dadd(x + pt3d[0], y + pt3d[1], z + pt3d[2], pt3d[3], sec=sec['hObj'])
def _addDistributedMechs(self, sectName, sectParams, cellType, cellVars):
mechInsertError = False
excludeMechs = ['dipole'] # dipole is special case
sec = self.secs[sectName]
mechsInclude = {k: v for k, v in sectParams['mechs'].items() if k not in excludeMechs}
for mechName, mechParams in mechsInclude.items():
if mechName not in sec['mechs']:
sec['mechs'][mechName] = Dict()
mechInsertError = True
if sim.cfg.verbose:
'# Error inserting %s mechanims in %s section! (check mod files are compiled)'
% (mechName, sectName)
for mechParamName, mechParamValue in mechParams.items(): # add params of the mechanism
for iseg, seg in enumerate(sec['hObj']): # set mech params for each segment
if type(mechParamValue) in [list]:
if len(mechParamValue) == 1:
mechParamValueFinal = mechParamValue[0]
mechParamValueFinal = mechParamValue[iseg]
mechParamValueFinal = mechParamValue
if mechParamValueFinal is not None: # avoid setting None values
if isinstance(mechParamValueFinal, basestring):
func, vars = CellParams.stringFuncAndVarsForMod(
cellType, sectName, 'mechs', mechName, mechParamName
if func:
mechParamValueFinal = self.__evaluateCellParamsStringFunc(
func, vars, sec, seg.x, cellVars
setattr(getattr(seg, mechName), mechParamName, mechParamValueFinal)
except Exception as e:
# if it's not a global raise AttributeError
if getattr(h, "%s_%s".format(mechParamName, mechName), AttributeError) is AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
"Error setting %s.%s.%s = %s\nmechanism parameter is neither a mechanism attribute nor a mechanism global" % (sectName, mechName, mechParamName, mechParamValueFinal)
else: #
return mechInsertError
def _addIons(self, sectName, sectParams):
mechInsertError = False
sec = self.secs[sectName]
for ionName, ionParams in sectParams['ions'].items():
if ionName not in sec['ions']:
sec['ions'][ionName] = Dict()
sec['hObj'].insert(ionName + '_ion') # insert mechanism
mechInsertError = True
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print('# Error inserting %s ion in %s section!' % (ionName, sectName))
for ionParamName, ionParamValue in ionParams.items(): # add params of the mechanism
ionParamValueFinal = ionParamValue
for iseg, seg in enumerate(sec['hObj']): # set ion params for each segment
if type(ionParamValue) in [list]:
ionParamValueFinal = ionParamValue[iseg]
if ionParamName == 'e':
setattr(seg, ionParamName + ionName, ionParamValueFinal)
elif ionParamName == 'o':
setattr(seg, '%so' % ionName, ionParamValueFinal)
'%so0_%s_ion = %s' % (ionName, ionName, ionParamValueFinal)
) # e.g. cao0_ca_ion, the default initial value
elif ionParamName == 'i':
setattr(seg, '%si' % ionName, ionParamValueFinal)
'%si0_%s_ion = %s' % (ionName, ionName, ionParamValueFinal)
) # e.g. cai0_ca_ion, the default initial value
# if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Updated ion: %s in %s, e: %s, o: %s, i: %s" % \
# (ionName, sectName, seg.__getattribute__('e'+ionName), seg.__getattribute__(ionName+'o'), seg.__getattribute__(ionName+'i')))
return mechInsertError
def _addPointProcesses(self, sectName, sectParams, cellType, cellVars):
sec = self.secs[sectName]
for pointpName, pointpParams in sectParams['pointps'].items():
# if self.tags['cellModel'] == pointpParams: # only required if want to allow setting various cell models in same rule
# warning: `pointpParams object is the same as `sec['pointps'][pointpName]` if came here from `loadNet()` (see also TODO there)
# beware of implicit modification
if pointpName not in sec['pointps']:
sec['pointps'][pointpName] = Dict()
loc = pointpParams['loc'] if 'loc' in pointpParams else 0.5 # set location
Pointp = getattr(h, pointpParams['mod'])
pointpObj = Pointp(loc, sec=sec['hObj']) # create h Pointp object (eg. h.Izhi2007b)
for pointpParamName, pointpParamValue in pointpParams.items(): # add params of the point process
if pointpParamValue == 'gid':
pointpParamValue = self.gid
if pointpParamName not in CellParams.pointpParamsReservedKeys() and not pointpParamName.startswith(
func, vars = CellParams.stringFuncAndVarsForMod(
cellType, sectName, 'pointps', pointpName, pointpParamName
if func:
pointpParamValue = self.__evaluateCellParamsStringFunc(func, vars, sec, cellVars=cellVars)
setattr(pointpObj, pointpParamName, pointpParamValue)
if 'params' in self.tags.keys(): # modify cell specific params
for pointpParamName, pointpParamValue in self.tags['params'].items():
setattr(pointpObj, pointpParamName, pointpParamValue)
sec['pointps'][pointpName]['hObj'] = pointpObj
def addSynMechNEURONObj(self, synMech, synMechLabel, synMechParams, sec, loc, preLoc=None):
if not synMech.get('hObj'): # if synMech doesn't have NEURON obj, then create
synObj = getattr(h, synMechParams['mod'])
synMech['hObj'] = synObj(loc, sec=sec['hObj']) # create h Syn object (eg. h.Exp2Syn)
for synParamName, synParamValue in synMechParams.items(): # add params of the synaptic mechanism
if synParamName == 'selfNetcon': # create self netcon required for some synapses (eg. homeostatic)
secLabelNetCon = synParamValue.get('sec', 'soma')
locNetCon = synParamValue.get('loc', 0.5)
secNetCon = self.secs.get(secLabelNetCon, None)
synMech['hObj'] = h.NetCon(secNetCon['hObj'](locNetCon)._ref_v, synMech[''], sec=secNetCon['hObj'])
for paramName, paramValue in synParamValue.items():
if paramName == 'weight':
synMech['hObj'].weight[0] = paramValue
elif paramName not in ['sec', 'loc']:
setattr(synMech['hObj'], paramName, paramValue)
elif synParamName not in SynMechParams.reservedKeys():
func, vars = SynMechParams.stringFunctionAndVars(synMechLabel, synParamName)
if func:
synParamValue = self.__evaluateSynMechStringFuncs(func, vars, sec, loc, preLoc)
setattr(synMech['hObj'], synParamName, synParamValue)
def stringFuncVarNames():
return list(CompartCell.__stringFuncVarsEvaluators().keys())
def stringFuncVarNamesForCellVars():
# segment-specific vars are not applicable for cellVars
return [v for v in CompartCell.stringFuncVarNames() if v not in ['dist_path', 'dist_euclidean']]
def __stringFuncVarsEvaluators():
return {
'rand': lambda cell, dist, rand: rand,
'dist_path': lambda cell, dist, rand: dist,
'dist_euclidean': lambda cell, dist, rand: dist,
'x': lambda cell, dist, rand: cell.tags['x'],
'y': lambda cell, dist, rand: cell.tags['y'],
'z': lambda cell, dist, rand: cell.tags['z'],
'xnorm': lambda cell, dist, rand: cell.tags['xnorm'],
'ynorm': lambda cell, dist, rand: cell.tags['ynorm'],
'znorm': lambda cell, dist, rand: cell.tags['znorm'],
def __evaluateCellParamsStringFunc(self, func, varNames, sec=None, loc=0.5, cellVars={}):
from ..network.subconn import pathDistance, posFromLoc
args = {}
for varName in varNames:
if varName in cellVars:
# cellVars are already evaluated
args[varName] = cellVars[varName]
# rest of vars should be evaluated
if varName == 'dist_euclidean':
# euclidian distance
x0, y0, z0 = posFromLoc(self.originSec(), 0.5)
x, y, z = posFromLoc(sec, sec['hObj'](loc).x)
dist = sqrt((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2 + (z - z0) ** 2)
elif varName == 'dist_path':
# distance based on the topology
segOrigObj = self.originSec()['hObj'](0.5)
dist = pathDistance(segOrigObj, sec['hObj'](loc))
dist = None
varEvaluator = CompartCell.__stringFuncVarsEvaluators()[varName]
args[varName] = varEvaluator(self, dist, self._randomizer())
# once vars are evaluated, evaluate function value
return func(**args)
def __evaluateSynMechStringFuncs(self, func, varNames, sec, loc, preLoc=None):
from .. import sim
from ..network.subconn import pathDistance, posFromLoc
args = {}
for varName in varNames:
if not preLoc and varName in SynMechParams.stringFuncVarsReferringPreLoc():
preLoc = 0.5
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print('No preLoc for synMech string function provided. Defaulting to 0.5')
if varName == 'post_dist_euclidean':
# euclidian distance
x0, y0, z0 = posFromLoc(self.originSec(), 0.5)
x, y, z = posFromLoc(sec, sec['hObj'](loc).x)
dist = sqrt((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2 + (z - z0) ** 2)
elif varName == 'post_dist_path':
# distance based on the topology
segOrigObj = self.originSec()['hObj'](0.5)
dist = pathDistance(segOrigObj, sec['hObj'](loc))
dist = None
varEvaluator = SynMechParams.stringFuncVarsEvaluators()[varName]
args[varName] = varEvaluator(self, dist, self._randomizer())
return func(**args)
def addSynMechsNEURONObj(self):
# set params for all sections
for sectName, sectParams in self.secs.items():
sec = self.secs[sectName] # pointer to section
# add synMechs (only used when loading)
if 'synMechs' in sectParams:
for synMech in sectParams['synMechs']:
if 'label' in synMech and 'loc' in synMech:
synMechParams = sim.net.params.synMechParams.get(
) # get params for this synMech
self.addSynMechNEURONObj(synMech, synMech['label'], synMechParams, sec, synMech['loc'])
# Create NEURON objs for conns and syns if included in prop (used when loading)
def addStimsNEURONObj(self):
# assumes python structure exists
for stimParams in self.stims:
if stimParams['type'] == 'NetStim':
self.addNetStim(stimParams, stimContainer=stimParams)
else: # if stimParams['type'] in ['IClamp', 'VClamp', 'SEClamp', 'AlphaSynapse']:
stim = getattr(h, stimParams['type'])(self.secs[stimParams['sec']]['hObj'](stimParams['loc']))
stimProps = {
k: v for k, v in stimParams.items() if k not in ['label', 'type', 'source', 'loc', 'sec', 'hObj']
for stimPropName, stimPropValue in stimProps.items(): # set mechanism internal stimParams
if isinstance(stimPropValue, list):
if stimPropName == 'amp':
for i, val in enumerate(stimPropValue):
stim.amp[i] = val
elif stimPropName == 'dur':
for i, val in enumerate(stimPropValue):
stim.dur[i] = val
# setattr(stim, stimParamName._ref_[0], stimParamValue[0])
setattr(stim, stimPropName, stimPropValue)
stimParams['hObj'] = stim # add stim object to dict in stims list
# Create NEURON objs for conns and syns if included in prop (used when loading)
def addConnsNEURONObj(self):
# Note: loading connections to point process (eg. Izhi2007a) not yet supported
# Note: assumes weight is in index 0 (netcon.weight[0])
from .. import sim
# assumes python structure exists
for conn in self.conns:
# set postsyn target
if sim.cfg.oneSynPerNetcon:
synMech = None
synMech = next(
for synMech in self.secs[conn['sec']]['synMechs']
if synMech['label'] == conn['synMech'] and synMech['loc'] == conn['loc']
if not synMech:
synMech = self.addSynMech(conn['synMech'], conn['sec'], conn['loc'])
# continue # go to next conn
postTarget = synMech['hObj']
print('\nError: no synMech available for conn: ', conn)
print(' cell tags: ', self.tags)
print(' cell synMechs: ', self.secs[conn['sec']]['synMechs'])
import sys
# create NetCon
if conn['preGid'] == 'NetStim':
netstim = next((stim['hObj'] for stim in self.stims if stim['source'] == conn['preLabel']), None)
if netstim:
netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget)
# cell = next((c for c in sim.net.cells if c.gid == conn['preGid']), None)
netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(conn['preGid'], postTarget)
netcon.weight[0] = conn['weight']
netcon.delay = conn['delay']
# netcon.threshold = conn.get('threshold', sim.net.params.defaultThreshold)
conn['hObj'] = netcon
# Add plasticity
if conn.get('plast'):
self._addConnPlasticity(conn['plast'], self.secs[conn['sec']], netcon, 0)
def spikeGenLocAndSec(secs):
sec = next(
(secParams for secName, secParams in secs.items() if 'spikeGenLoc' in secParams), None
) # check if any section has been specified as spike generator
if sec:
loc = sec['spikeGenLoc'] # get location of spike generator within section
# sec = self.secs['soma'] if 'soma' in self.secs else self.secs[self.secs.keys()[0]] # use soma if exists, otherwise 1st section
sec = next(
(sec for secName, sec in secs.items() if len(sec['topol']) == 0), secs[list(secs.keys())[0]]
) # root sec (no parents)
loc = 0.5
return loc, sec
def associateGid(self, threshold=None):
from .. import sim
if self.secs:
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
if hasattr(sim, 'rank'):
self.gid, sim.rank
) # this is the key call that assigns cell gid to a particular node
sim.pc.set_gid2node(self.gid, 0)
loc, sec = CompartCell.spikeGenLocAndSec(self.secs)
nc = None
if 'pointps' in sec: # if no syns, check if point processes with 'vref' (artificial cell)
for pointpName, pointpParams in sec['pointps'].items():
if 'vref' in pointpParams:
nc = h.NetCon(
getattr(sec['pointps'][pointpName]['hObj'], '_ref_' + pointpParams['vref']),
if not nc: # if still haven't created netcon
nc = h.NetCon(sec['hObj'](loc)._ref_v, None, sec=sec['hObj'])
if 'threshold' in sec:
threshold = sec['threshold']
threshold = threshold if threshold is not None else sim.net.params.defaultThreshold
nc.threshold = threshold
sim.pc.cell(self.gid, nc, 1) # associate a particular output stream of events
del nc # discard netcon
sim.net.gid2lid[self.gid] = len(sim.net.gid2lid)
def addSynMech(self, synLabel, secLabel, loc, preLoc=None):
from .. import sim
synMechParams = sim.net.params.synMechParams.get(synLabel) # get params for this synMech
sec = self.secs.get(secLabel, None)
# add synaptic mechanism to python struct
if 'synMechs' not in sec or not isinstance(sec['synMechs'], list):
sec['synMechs'] = []
if synMechParams and sec: # if both the synMech and the section exist
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct and sim.cfg.addSynMechs:
if sim.cfg.oneSynPerNetcon:
synMech = None
synMech = next(
for synMech in sec['synMechs']
if synMech['label'] == synLabel and synMech['loc'] == loc
if not synMech: # if synMech not in section, or need multiple synMech per section, then create
synMech = Dict({'label': synLabel, 'loc': loc})
for paramName, paramValue in synMechParams.items():
synMech[paramName] = paramValue
synMech = None
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj and sim.cfg.addSynMechs:
# add synaptic mechanism NEURON objectes
if not synMech: # if pointer not created in createPyStruct, then check
synMech = next(
for synMech in sec['synMechs']
if synMech['label'] == synLabel and synMech['loc'] == loc
if not synMech: # if still doesnt exist, then create
synMech = Dict()
# add the NEURON object
self.addSynMechNEURONObj(synMech, synLabel, synMechParams, sec, loc, preLoc)
synMech = None
synMech = None
return synMech
def modifySynMechs(self, params):
from .. import sim
conditionsMet = 1
if 'cellConds' in params:
conditionsMet = self.checkConditions(params['cellConds'])
if conditionsMet:
for secLabel, sec in self.secs.items():
for synMech in sec['synMechs']:
conditionsMet = 1
if 'conds' in params:
# first check if section matches
secLabelInConds = params['conds'].get('sec')
if secLabelInConds and (secLabelInConds != secLabel):
# skip to next section
# then check the rest of conds
synMechConds = deepcopy(params['conds'])
conditionsMet = sim.utils.checkConditions(synMechConds, against=synMech)
if conditionsMet: # if all conditions are met, set values for this cell
exclude = ['conds', 'cellConds'] + SynMechParams.reservedKeys()
paramsToModify = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in exclude}
for synParamName, synParamValue in paramsToModify.items():
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
synMech[synParamName] = synParamValue
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
setattr(synMech['hObj'], synParamName, synParamValue)
print('Error setting %s=%s on synMech' % (synParamName, str(synParamValue)))
def addConn(self, params, netStimParams=None):
from .. import sim
# try getting params of pointer-based connection (if applicable)
pointerParams, isPreToPostPointerConn = self.__parsePointerParams(params)
if pointerParams and not pointerParams['bidirectional'] and not isPreToPostPointerConn:
# If this is a second iteration and connection is unidirectional (pre->post only), use appropriate variable of this cell (normally, voltage)
# as a source of pointer connection.
# see comments in `__parsePointerParams()` for more details
sec = self.secs[params['sec']]
self.__setPointerSource(pointerParams['source_var'], pointerParams['postToPreId'], sec, params['loc'])
return # the rest was already done on postCell side (firs step)
# threshold = params.get('threshold', sim.net.params.defaultThreshold) # depreacated -- use threshold in preSyn cell sec
if params.get('weight') is None:
params['weight'] = sim.net.params.defaultWeight # if no weight, set default
if params.get('delay') is None:
params['delay'] = sim.net.params.defaultDelay # if no delay, set default
if params.get('preLoc') is None:
params['preLoc'] = 0.5 # if no preLoc, set default
# same logic for `loc` is no longer here, it will be processed later in `_setConnSynMechs()` (see `isExplicitLoc` there)
if params.get('synsPerConn') is None:
params['synsPerConn'] = 1 # if no synsPerConn, set default
# Get list of section labels
secLabels = self._setConnSections(params)
if secLabels == -1:
return # if no section available exit func
# Warning or error if self connections
if params['preGid'] == self.gid:
# Only allow self connections if option selected by user
# !!!! AD HOC RULE FOR HNN!!! - or 'soma' in secLabels and not self.tags['cellType'] == 'L5Basket' (removed)
if sim.cfg.allowSelfConns:
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Warning: creating self-connection on cell gid=%d, section=%s '
% (self.gid, params.get('sec'))
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Error: attempted to create self-connection on cell gid=%d, section=%s '
% (self.gid, params.get('sec'))
return # if self-connection return
# Weights and delays:
weights, delays = self._connWeightsAndDelays(params, netStimParams)
weightIndex = 0 # set default weight matrix index
# Check if target is point process (artificial cell) with V not in section
pointp, weightIndex = self._setConnPointP(params, secLabels, weightIndex)
if pointp == -1:
# Add synaptic mechanisms
if not pointp: # check not a point process
synMechs, synMechSecs, synMechLocs = self._setConnSynMechs(params, secLabels)
if synMechs == -1:
# Adapt weight based on section weightNorm (normalization based on section location)
for i, (sec, loc) in enumerate(zip(synMechSecs, synMechLocs)):
if 'weightNorm' in self.secs[sec] and isinstance(self.secs[sec]['weightNorm'], list):
nseg = self.secs[sec]['geom']['nseg']
weights[i] = weights[i] * self.secs[sec]['weightNorm'][int(round(loc * nseg)) - 1]
# Create connections
for i in range(params['synsPerConn']):
if not sim.cfg.allowConnsWithWeight0 and weights[i] == 0.0:
if netStimParams:
netstim = self.addNetStim(netStimParams)
if pointerParams:
if isPreToPostPointerConn:
# generate new ids
# TODO: will it even works with synsPerConn > 1? (in particular, loc in params now can be None)
preToPostPointerId, postToPrePointerId = self.__generatePointerIds(pointerParams, params)
# use pre-generated
preToPostPointerId = pointerParams['preToPostId']
postToPrePointerId = pointerParams.get('postToPreId')
# Python Structure
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
connParams = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['synsPerConn']}
connParams['weight'] = weights[i]
connParams['delay'] = delays[i]
if not pointp:
connParams['sec'] = synMechSecs[i]
connParams['loc'] = synMechLocs[i]
if netStimParams:
connParams['preGid'] = 'NetStim'
connParams['preLabel'] = netStimParams['source']
if pointerParams:
connParams['hObj'] = synMechs[i]['hObj']
connParams['pointer'] = {
'id': preToPostPointerId,
'source': 'pre' if isPreToPostPointerConn else 'post',
'sourceVar': pointerParams['source_var'],
'targetVar': pointerParams['target_var'],
if postToPrePointerId is not None:
connParams['pointer']['reverseConnId'] = postToPrePointerId
else: # do not fill in python structure (just empty dict for NEURON obj)
# NEURON objects
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
# pointer-based connection (e.g. gap junctions)
if pointerParams:
sec = self.secs[synMechSecs[i]]
netcon = None
# set appropriate synMech's variable as target of pointer connection (see comments in `__parsePointerParams()` for more details)
self.__setPointerTarget(pointerParams['target_var'], preToPostPointerId, synMechs[i], weights[i])
if postToPrePointerId is not None: # i.e. connection is bidirectional
# set this cell as a source of inverse pointer connection
self.__setPointerSource(pointerParams['source_var'], postToPrePointerId, sec, synMechLocs[i])
# connections using NetCons
if pointp:
sec = self.secs[secLabels[0]]
postTarget = sec['pointps'][pointp]['hObj'] # local point neuron
sec = self.secs[synMechSecs[i]]
postTarget = synMechs[i]['hObj'] # local synaptic mechanism
if netStimParams:
netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget) # create Netcon between netstim and target
netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(
params['preGid'], postTarget
) # create Netcon between global gid and target
netcon.weight[weightIndex] = weights[i] # set Netcon weight
netcon.delay = delays[i] # set Netcon delay
# netcon.threshold = threshold # set Netcon threshold
self.conns[-1]['hObj'] = netcon # add netcon object to dict in conns list
# Add time-dependent weight shaping
if 'shape' in params and params['shape']:
temptimevecs = []
tempweightvecs = []
# Default shape
pulsetype = params['shape']['pulseType'] if 'pulseType' in params['shape'] else 'square'
pulsewidth = params['shape']['pulseWidth'] if 'pulseWidth' in params['shape'] else 100.0
pulseperiod = params['shape']['pulsePeriod'] if 'pulsePeriod' in params['shape'] else 100.0
# Determine on-off switching time pairs for stimulus, where default is always on
if 'switchOnOff' not in params['shape']:
switchtimes = [0, sim.cfg.duration]
if not params['shape']['switchOnOff'] == sorted(params['shape']['switchOnOff']):
raise Exception('On-off switching times for a particular stimulus are not monotonic')
switchtimes = deepcopy(params['shape']['switchOnOff'])
switchiter = iter(switchtimes)
switchpairs = list(zip(switchiter, switchiter))
for pair in switchpairs:
# Note: Cliff's makestim code is in seconds, so conversions from ms to s occurs in the args.
stimvecs = self._shapeStim(
width=float(pulsewidth) / 1000.0,
isi=float(pulseperiod) / 1000.0,
start=float(pair[0]) / 1000.0,
finish=float(pair[1]) / 1000.0,
self.conns[-1]['shapeTimeVec'] = h.Vector().from_python(temptimevecs)
self.conns[-1]['shapeWeightVec'] = h.Vector().from_python(tempweightvecs)
netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], self.conns[-1]['shapeTimeVec']
# Add plasticity
self._addConnPlasticity(params, sec, netcon, weightIndex)
if sim.cfg.verbose:
sec = params['sec'] if pointp else synMechSecs[i]
loc = params['loc'] if pointp else synMechLocs[i]
preGid = netStimParams['source'] + ' NetStim' if netStimParams else params['preGid']
' Created connection preGid=%s, postGid=%s, sec=%s, loc=%.4g, synMech=%s, weight=%.4g, delay=%.2f'
% (preGid, self.gid, sec, loc, params['synMech'], weights[i], delays[i])
print((' Created connection preGid=%s' % (preGid)))
def __parsePointerParams(self, params):
from .. import sim
# Establishing pointer connection requires two steps, performed in separate iterations of `addConn()`
# On first step, appropriate variable of current postsynaptic cell's synapse is used as a target for forward pointer connection (pre->post),
# Additionally, if connection is bidirectional, variable of current cell (normally, voltage) is used as a source of reverse connection (post->pre).
# On the second step, variable of presynaptic cell is used as a source of forward connection,
# and if connection is bidirectional, var of synapse of presynaptic cell is set as a target of reverse connection.
# Try getting prepopulated params, created on previous step. If it's there, then this is the second step.
if '__preCellSidePointerParams__' in params:
return params['__preCellSidePointerParams__'], False
# if no, this is the first step. Try getting pointer params from synMechParams
synLabel = params['synMech']
synMech = sim.net.params.synMechParams.get(synLabel, {})
pointerParams = synMech.get('pointerParams', None)
# if no, try to get from connParams (deprecated) for backward compatibility
if pointerParams is None and params.get('gapJunction'):
pointerParams = {'source_var': 'v', 'target_var': 'vpeer'}
# populate absent params with default values
if isinstance(pointerParams, dict):
if 'source_var' not in pointerParams:
pointerParams['source_var'] = 'v'
if 'bidirectional' not in pointerParams:
pointerParams['bidirectional'] = True
return pointerParams, True
def __generatePointerIds(self, pointerParams, params):
from .. import sim
# see comments in `__parsePointerParams()` for more details
if sim.net.lastPointerId > sim.net.maxPointerIdForGivenNode:
print(f"WARNING: potential overflow of pointer connection id!")
preToPostId = sim.net.lastPointerId
sim.net.lastPointerId += 1 # keep track of num of gap juncs in this node
if pointerParams['bidirectional']:
postToPreId = preToPostId + 1 # global index for postsyn gap junc
sim.net.lastPointerId += 1 # keep track of num of gap juncs in this node
postToPreId = None
# save to be used on second step (see comments in `__parsePointerParams()` above)
preCellSideParams = deepcopy(pointerParams)
# at the preCell side, source and target are swapped
preCellSideParams['postToPreId'] = preToPostId
if postToPreId is not None: # i.e. connection is bidirectional
preCellSideParams['preToPostId'] = postToPreId
preGapParams = {
'gid': params['preGid'],
'preGid': self.gid,
'sec': params.get('preSec', 'soma'),
'loc': params.get('preLoc', 0.5),
'preSec': params.get('sec', 'soma'),
'preLoc': params.get('loc', 0.5),
'weight': params.get('weight', 0.0),
'synMech': params['synMech'],
'__preCellSidePointerParams__': preCellSideParams,
if not getattr(sim.net, 'preCellPointerConns', False):
sim.net.preCellPointerConns = (
) # if doesn't exist, create list to store pointer connections targeting presynaptic cells
return preToPostId, postToPreId
def __setPointerTarget(self, ref, id, synMech, weight):
synObj = synMech['hObj']
try: # weight is optional
synObj.weight = weight
targetVar = getattr(synObj, '_ref_' + ref)
sim.pc.target_var(synObj, targetVar, id)
def __setPointerSource(self, ref, id, sec, loc):
secObj = sec['hObj']
sourceVar = getattr(secObj(loc), '_ref_' + ref)
sim.pc.source_var(sourceVar, id)
def modifyConns(self, params):
from .. import sim
for conn in self.conns:
conditionsMet = 1
if 'conds' in params:
conds = params['conds']
# `conds` may contain `postGid` key, which is deprecated in favour of having `gid` key in `postConds`,
# but for backward compatibility, try to detect it here and replace with `gid`, so checkConditions() can process it:
if 'postGid' in conds:
conds['gid'] = conds.pop('postGid')
conditionsMet = sim.utils.checkConditions(conds, against=conn, cellGid=self.gid)
if conditionsMet and 'postConds' in params:
conditionsMet = self.checkConditions(params['postConds'])
if conditionsMet and 'preConds' in params:
cell = sim.net.cells[conn['preGid']]
if cell:
conditionsMet = cell.checkConditions(params['preConds'])
# print('Warning: modifyConns() does not yet support conditions of presynaptic cells when running parallel sims')
if conditionsMet: # if all conditions are met, set values for this cell
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
for paramName, paramValue in {
k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['conds', 'preConds', 'postConds']
conn[paramName] = paramValue
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
for paramName, paramValue in {
k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['conds', 'preConds', 'postConds']
if paramName == 'weight':
conn['hObj'].weight[0] = paramValue
setattr(conn['hObj'], paramName, paramValue)
print('Error setting %s=%s on Netcon' % (paramName, str(paramValue)))
def modifyStims(self, params):
from .. import sim
conditionsMet = 1
if 'cellConds' in params:
if conditionsMet:
conditionsMet = self.checkConditions(params['cellConds'])
if conditionsMet == 1:
for stim in self.stims:
conditionsMet = 1
if 'conds' in params:
conditionsMet = sim.utils.checkConditions(params['conds'], against=stim)
if conditionsMet: # if all conditions are met, set values for this cell
if stim['type'] == 'NetStim': # for netstims, find associated netcon
conn = next((conn for conn in self.conns if conn['source'] == stim['source']), None)
if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
for paramName, paramValue in {
k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['conds', 'cellConds']
if stim['type'] == 'NetStim' and paramName in ['weight', 'delay']:
conn[paramName] = paramValue
stim[paramName] = paramValue
if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
for paramName, paramValue in {
k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['conds', 'cellConds']
if stim['type'] == 'NetStim':
if paramName == 'weight':
conn['hObj'].weight[0] = paramValue
elif paramName in ['delay']:
setattr(conn['hObj'], paramName, paramValue)
elif paramName in ['rate']:
stim['interval'] = 1.0 / paramValue
setattr(stim['hObj'], 'interval', stim['interval'])
elif paramName in ['interval']:
stim['rate'] = 1.0 / paramValue
setattr(stim['hObj'], 'interval', stim['interval'])
setattr(stim['hObj'], paramName, paramValue)
setattr(stim['hObj'], paramName, paramValue)
print('Error setting %s=%s on stim' % (paramName, str(paramValue)))
def addStim(self, params):
from .. import sim
if not params['sec'] or (
isinstance(params['sec'], basestring)
and not params['sec'] in list(self.secs.keys()) + list(self.secLists.keys())
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Warning: no valid sec specified for stim on cell gid=%d so using soma or 1st available. Existing secs: %s; params: %s'
% (self.gid, list(self.secs.keys()), params)
if 'soma' in self.secs:
params['sec'] = 'soma' # use 'soma' if exists
elif self.secs:
params['sec'] = list(self.secs.keys())[0] # if no 'soma', use first sectiona available
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(' Error: no Section available on cell gid=%d to add stim' % (self.gid))
if not 'loc' in params:
params['loc'] = 0.5 # default stim location
if params['type'] == 'NetStim':
if not 'start' in params:
params['start'] = 0 # add default start time
if not 'number' in params:
params['number'] = 1e9 # add default number
connParams = {
'preGid': params['type'],
'sec': params.get('sec'),
'loc': params.get('loc'),
'synMech': params.get('synMech'),
'weight': params.get('weight'),
'delay': params.get('delay'),
'synsPerConn': params.get('synsPerConn'),
# if 'threshold' in params: connParams['threshold'] = params.get('threshold') # depreacted, set threshold in preSyn cell
if 'shape' in params:
connParams['shape'] = params.get('shape')
if 'plast' in params:
connParams['plast'] = params.get('plast')
netStimParams = {
'source': params['source'],
'type': params['type'],
'rate': params['rate'] if 'rate' in params else 1000.0 / params['interval'],
'noise': params['noise'] if 'noise' in params else 0.0,
'number': params['number'],
'start': params['start'],
'seed': params['seed'] if 'seed' in params else sim.cfg.seeds['stim'],
self.addConn(connParams, netStimParams)
elif params['type'] in ['IClamp', 'VClamp', 'SEClamp', 'AlphaSynapse']:
sec = self.secs[params['sec']]
stim = getattr(h, params['type'])(sec['hObj'](params['loc']))
stimParams = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['type', 'source', 'loc', 'sec', 'label']}
stringParams = ''
for stimParamName, stimParamValue in stimParams.items(): # set mechanism internal params
if isinstance(stimParamValue, list):
if stimParamName == 'amp':
for i, val in enumerate(stimParamValue):
stim.amp[i] = val
elif stimParamName == 'dur':
for i, val in enumerate(stimParamValue):
stim.dur[i] = val
# setattr(stim, stimParamName._ref_[0], stimParamValue[0])
setattr(stim, stimParamName, stimParamValue)
stringParams = stringParams + ', ' + stimParamName + '=' + str(stimParamValue)
self.stims.append(Dict(params)) # add to python structure
self.stims[-1]['hObj'] = stim # add stim object to dict in stims list
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Added %s %s to cell gid=%d, sec=%s, loc=%.4g%s'
% (params['source'], params['type'], self.gid, params['sec'], params['loc'], stringParams)
elif params['type'] == 'XStim':
# Addition of extracellular mechanism in all sections/segments
segCoords = params['segCoords']
r05 = (segCoords['p0'] + segCoords['p1']) / 2
nseg = r05.shape[1]
if isinstance(params['field'],dict):
if params['field']['class'] == 'pointSource':
from math import pi
if 'sigma' in params['field']:
sigma = params['field']['sigma']
sigma = 0.3 # mS/mm --- same value used in LFP calculations
if 'location' in params['field']:
electrodePos = params['field']['location']
print(" Electrode position not defined for extracellular stimulation")
# set at the midpoint
electrodePos = [sim.net.params.sizeX/2, -sim.net.params.sizeY/2, sim.net.params.sizeZ/2]
# transfer resistance
tr = np.zeros(nseg) # single electrode (for now)
# Segment position relative to the point source
rel_05 = r05 - np.expand_dims(electrodePos, axis=1)
r2 = np.einsum('ij,ij->j', rel_05, rel_05) # compute dot product column-wise, the resulting array has as many columns as original
r = np.sqrt(r2)
tr += 1. / r
tr *= 1 / (4 * pi * sigma)
elif params['field']['class'] == 'uniform':
from math import pi
# set a nominal transfer resistance based on the shortcut depicted by Ted Carnevale
# see discussion in https://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=20131&hilit=Applying+Sinusoidal+Voltage+to+Membrane#p20131
# and relevant code in https://modeldb.science/239006
# BUT ... the direction of the field is incorporated here (transfer resistance is a scalar value)
if 'referencePoint' in params['field']:
referencePoint = params['field']['referencePoint']
# set at the midpoint
referencePoint = [sim.net.params.sizeX/2, -sim.net.params.sizeY/2, sim.net.params.sizeZ/2]
if 'fieldDirection' in params['field']:
phi, theta = [val*pi/180 for val in params['field']['fieldDirection']]
# default values
phi, theta = [val*pi/180 for val in [0, 180]] # vertical field, pointing down
# transfer resistance
tr = np.zeros(nseg) # single electrode (for now)
# Segment position relative to the point source
rel_05 = r05 - np.expand_dims(referencePoint, axis=1)
Ex = sin(theta)*cos(phi)
Ey = cos(theta)
Ez = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
E_field = np.expand_dims([Ex, Ey, Ez], axis=1)
tr = -np.einsum('ij,ij->j', E_field, rel_05) # compute dot product column-wise, the resulting array has as many columns as original
tr *= 1e-9
print(" Extracellular stimulation not defined")
print(" Extracellular stimulation not defined")
## Addition of extracellular mechanisms in all segments
## Running through all segments
nseg = 0
self.hvec = []
for secLabel,sec in self.secs.items():
hSec = sec['hObj']
if not h.ismembrane('extracellular',sec = hSec):
# if the extracellular mechanism is associated to the xtra.mod, then
if 'mod_based' in params and params['mod_based']==True:
# not using .mod
# saving in case we have multiple stimulations (only defined with params['mod_based'] == False)
self.secs[secLabel]['geom']['xtra_stim'] = []
# for development (only saves properly for single stimulation)
for ns, seg in enumerate(hSec):
# if the extracellular mechanism is associated to the xtra.mod, then
if 'mod_based' in params and params['mod_based']==True:
# using xtra.mod - link extracellular and xtra
sourceVar = seg.xtra._ref_ex
targetVar = seg._ref_e_extracellular
sim.pc.source_var(sourceVar, sim.net.lastPointerId)
sim.pc.target_var(targetVar, sim.net.lastPointerId)
sim.net.lastPointerId += 1
# # setting coordinates in xtra (not neccesary)
# seg.xtra.x = r05[0,nseg]
# seg.xtra.y = r05[1,nseg]
# seg.xtra.z = r05[2,nseg]
# # setting transfer resistance in xtra
seg.xtra.rx = tr[nseg]
# not using .mod
vec = [val*tr[nseg]*(1e6) for val in params['stim']]
hStim = h.Vector(vec) # add stim object to dict in stims list
self.stims.append(Dict(params)) # add to python structure
self.stims[-1]['sec_xtra'] = secLabel
self.stims[-1]['seg_xtra'] = ns
self.stims[-1]['hObj'] = hStim
self.secs[secLabel]['geom']['xtra_stim'][ns].update({'vec' : vec,
'stim_index': len(self.stims)-1})
self.hvec[nseg].play(seg._ref_e_extracellular, params['time'],1)
nseg += 1
else: ## Extracellular mechanism already inserted: Putatively multiple stimulation
#print("Multiple stimulation")
for ns, seg in enumerate(hSec):
vec_previous = self.secs[secLabel]['geom']['xtra_stim'][ns]['vec']
vec_new = [val*tr[nseg]*(1e6) for val in params['stim']]
if len(vec_previous)==len(vec_new):
vec = [vec_previous[ii] + vec_new[ii] for ii in range(len(vec_new))]
print('Loading multiple Xtra stimulation failed')
vec = vec_previous
# saving in case we have more multiple stimulations
#self.secs[secLabel]['geom']['xtra_stim'][ns].update({'old_vec': vec_previous})
self.secs[secLabel]['geom']['xtra_stim'][ns]['vec'] = vec
# update the value in the vector to be play for extracellular stimulation
for index in range(len(vec)):
nst = self.secs[secLabel]['geom']['xtra_stim'][ns]['stim_index']
self.stims[nst]['hObj'].x[index] = vec[index]
nseg += 1
if nseg != r05.shape[1]:
print('We have an issue setting extracellular mechanism at segments')
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(('Adding exotic stim (NeuroML 2 based?): %s' % params))
sec = self.secs[params['sec']]
stim = getattr(h, params['type'])(sec['hObj'](params['loc']))
stimParams = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ['type', 'source', 'loc', 'sec', 'label']}
stringParams = ''
for stimParamName, stimParamValue in stimParams.items(): # set mechanism internal params
if isinstance(stimParamValue, list):
print("Can't set point process paramaters of type vector eg. VClamp.amp[3]")
# setattr(stim, stimParamName._ref_[0], stimParamValue[0])
elif 'originalFormat' in params and stimParamName == 'originalFormat':
if params['originalFormat'] == 'NeuroML2_stochastic_input':
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print((' originalFormat: %s' % (params['originalFormat'])))
rand = h.Random()
stim_ref = params['label'][: params['label'].rfind(self.tags['pop'])]
# e.g. Stim3_2_popPyrS_2_soma_0_5 -> 2
index_in_stim = int(stim_ref.split('_')[-2])
stim_id = stim_ref.split('_')[0]
sim._init_stim_randomizer(rand, stim_id, index_in_stim, sim.cfg.seeds['stim'])
params['h%s' % params['originalFormat']] = rand
if stimParamName in ['weight']:
setattr(stim, stimParamName, stimParamValue)
stringParams = stringParams + ', ' + stimParamName + '=' + str(stimParamValue)
setattr(stim, stimParamName, stimParamValue)
self.stims.append(params) # add to python structure
self.stims[-1]['hObj'] = stim # add stim object to dict in stims list
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Added %s %s to cell gid=%d, sec=%s, loc=%.4g%s'
% (params['source'], params['type'], self.gid, params['sec'], params['loc'], stringParams)
def _setConnSections(self, params):
from .. import sim
# if no section specified or single section specified does not exist
if not params.get('sec') or (
isinstance(params.get('sec'), basestring)
and not params.get('sec') in list(self.secs.keys()) + list(self.secLists.keys())
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Warning: no valid sec specified for connection to cell gid=%d so using soma or 1st available'
% (self.gid)
if 'soma' in self.secs:
params['sec'] = 'soma' # use 'soma' if exists
elif self.secs:
params['sec'] = list(self.secs.keys())[0] # if no 'soma', use first sectiona available
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(' Error: no Section available on cell gid=%d to add connection' % (self.gid))
sec = -1 # if no Sections available print error and exit
return sec
secLabels = [params['sec']]
# if sectionList or list of sections
elif isinstance(params.get('sec'), list) or params.get('sec') in self.secLists:
secList = list(params['sec']) if isinstance(params['sec'], list) else list(self.secLists[params['sec']])
secLabels = []
for i, section in enumerate(secList):
if section not in self.secs: # remove sections that dont exist; and corresponding weight and delay
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Error: Section %s not available so removing from list of sections for connection to cell gid=%d'
% (section, self.gid)
if isinstance(params['weight'], list):
if isinstance(params['delay'], list):
# if section is string
secLabels = [params['sec']]
return secLabels
def _setConnPointP(self, params, secLabels, weightIndex):
from .. import sim
# Find if any point process with V not calculated in section (artifical cell, eg. Izhi2007a)
pointp = None
if (
len(secLabels) == 1 and 'pointps' in self.secs[secLabels[0]]
): # check if point processes with 'vref' (artificial cell)
for pointpName, pointpParams in self.secs[secLabels[0]]['pointps'].items():
if 'vref' in pointpParams: # if includes vref param means doesn't use Section v or synaptic mechanisms
pointp = pointpName
if 'synList' in pointpParams:
if params.get('synMech') in pointpParams['synList']:
if isinstance(params.get('synMech'), list):
weightIndex = [
pointpParams['synList'].index(synMech) for synMech in params.get('synMech')
weightIndex = pointpParams['synList'].index(
) # udpate weight index based pointp synList
if pointp and params['synsPerConn'] > 1: # only single synapse per connection rule allowed
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Error: Multiple synapses per connection rule not allowed for cells where V is not in section (cell gid=%d) '
% (self.gid)
return -1, weightIndex
return pointp, weightIndex
def _setConnSynMechs(self, params, secLabels):
from .. import sim
connRandomSecFromList = params.get('connRandomSecFromList', sim.cfg.connRandomSecFromList)
distributeSynsUniformly = params.get('distributeSynsUniformly', sim.cfg.distributeSynsUniformly)
synsPerConn = params['synsPerConn']
if not params.get('synMech'):
if sim.net.params.synMechParams: # if no synMech specified, but some synMech params defined
# select first synMech from net params and add syn:
synLabel = list(sim.net.params.synMechParams.keys())[0]
params['synMech'] = synLabel
if sim.cfg.verbose:
' Warning: no synaptic mechanisms specified for connection to cell gid=%d so using %s '
% (self.gid, synLabel)
else: # if no synaptic mechanism specified and no synMech params available
_ensure(False, params, f"no synaptic mechanisms available to add conn on cell gid={self.gid}")
# make difference between loc explicitly specified by user vs set by default
if params.get('loc') is None:
params['loc'] = 0.5
isExplicitLoc = False
isExplicitLoc = True
if synsPerConn > 1: # if more than 1 synapse
synMechSecs, synMechLocs = self._secsAndLocsForMultisynapse(params, isExplicitLoc, secLabels, connRandomSecFromList, distributeSynsUniformly)
else: # if 1 synapse
synMechSecs, synMechLocs = self._secsAndLocsForSingleSynapse(params, isExplicitLoc, secLabels, connRandomSecFromList)
# add synaptic mechanism to section based on synMechSecs and synMechLocs (if already exists won't be added unless nonLinear set to True)
synMechs = []
for i in range(synsPerConn):
synMech = self.addSynMech(synLabel=params['synMech'], secLabel=synMechSecs[i], loc=synMechLocs[i], preLoc=params['preLoc'])
return synMechs, synMechSecs, synMechLocs
def _secsAndLocsForSingleSynapse(self, params, isExplicitLoc, secLabels, connRandomSecFromList):
# by default place on 1st section of list and location available
synMechSecs = secLabels
loc = params['loc']
synMechLocs = loc if isinstance(loc, list) else [loc]
# randomize the section to connect to and move it to beginning of list
if connRandomSecFromList and len(synMechSecs) > 1:
if isExplicitLoc: # if loc was specified explicitly by user, they should've provided correct number of locs
_ensure(len(synMechSecs) == len(synMechLocs), params, "With connRandomSecFromList == True and synsPerConn == 1 (defaults), the lengths of the list of locations and the list of sections must be the same, in order to use the same randomly generated index for both")
else: # if using defaults, adjust it to match the number of sections
synMechLocs = synMechLocs * len(synMechSecs)
rand = h.Random()
preGid = params['preGid'] if isinstance(params['preGid'], int) else 0
rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('connSynMechsSecs'), self.gid, preGid) # initialize randomizer
pos = int(rand.discunif(0, len(synMechSecs) - 1))
synMechSecs = [synMechSecs[pos]]
synMechLocs = [synMechLocs[pos]]
return synMechSecs, synMechLocs
def _secsAndLocsForMultisynapse(self, params, isExplicitLoc, secLabels, connRandomSecFromList, distributeSynsUniformly):
synsPerConn = params['synsPerConn']
loc = params['loc']
if len(secLabels) == 1: # if single section, create all syns there
synMechSecs = [secLabels[0]] * synsPerConn # same section for all
if isinstance(loc, list):
_ensure(len(loc) == synsPerConn, params, "The length of the list of locations does not match synsPerConn")
synMechLocs = loc
else: # single value or no value
_ensure(isExplicitLoc == False, params, f"specifiyng the `loc` as single value when synsPerConn > 1 ({synsPerConn} in your case) is deprecated. To silence this warning, remove `loc` from the connection parameters or provide a list of {synsPerConn} values (per each synMech if they are several).")
synMechLocs = [i / synsPerConn + 1 / synsPerConn / 2 for i in range(synsPerConn)]
# if multiple sections, distribute syns uniformly
if distributeSynsUniformly:
_ensure(isExplicitLoc == False, params, f"specifiyng the `loc` explicitly when distributeSynsUniformly is True and multiple sections provided is deprecated. To silence this warning, remove `loc` from the connection parameters or set distributeSynsUniformly to False.")
synMechSecs, synMechLocs = self._distributeSynsUniformly(secList=secLabels, numSyns=synsPerConn)
if connRandomSecFromList:
synMechSecs, synMechLocs = self._randomSecAndLocFromList(params, synsPerConn, secLabels, loc, isExplicitLoc)
# Deterministic. Need to have lists of secs and locs that matches num syns
if not isinstance(loc, list):
loc = [loc] * synsPerConn
_ensure(synsPerConn == len(secLabels), params,
f"With connRandomSecFromList = False, the length of the list of sections should match synsPerConn")
_ensure(synsPerConn == len(loc), params,
f"The length of the list of locations does not match synsPerConn (with distributeSynsUniformly = False, connRandomSecFromList = False)")
synMechSecs = secLabels
synMechLocs = loc
return synMechSecs, synMechLocs
def _randomSecAndLocFromList(self, params, synsPerConn, secLabels, loc, isExplicitLoc):
rand = h.Random()
preGid = params['preGid'] if isinstance(params['preGid'], int) else 0
rand.Random123(sim.hashStr('connSynMechsSecs'), self.gid, preGid) # initialize randomizer
from ..network.conn import randInt
maxval = len(secLabels) - 1
isUnique = synsPerConn <= maxval + 1
randSecPos = randInt(rand, N=synsPerConn, vmin=0, vmax=maxval, unique=isUnique)
synMechSecs = [secLabels[i] for i in randSecPos]
if isinstance(loc, list):
maxval = len(loc) - 1
isUnique = synsPerConn <= maxval + 1
randLocPos = randInt(rand, N=synsPerConn, vmin=0, vmax=maxval, unique=isUnique)
synMechLocs = [loc[i] for i in randLocPos]
_ensure(isExplicitLoc == False, params, f"specifiyng the `loc` explicitly when distributeSynsUniformly is False and connRandomSecFromList is True (with multiple sections provided) is deprecated. To silence this warning, remove `loc` from the connection parameters.")
rand.uniform(0, 1)
synMechLocs = h.Vector(synsPerConn).setrand(rand).to_python()
return synMechSecs, synMechLocs
def _distributeSynsUniformly(self, secList, numSyns):
from .. import sim
from numpy import cumsum
if 'L' in self.secs[secList[0]]['geom']:
secLengths = [self.secs[s]['geom']['L'] for s in secList]
elif getattr(self.secs[secList[0]]['hObj'], 'L', None):
secLengths = [self.secs[s]['hObj'].L for s in secList]
secLengths = [1.0 for s in secList]
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print((' Section lengths not available to distribute synapses in cell %d' % self.gid))
secLengths = [x for x in secLengths if isinstance(x, Number)]
totLength = sum(secLengths)
cumLengths = list(cumsum(secLengths))
absLocs = [i * (totLength / numSyns) + totLength / numSyns / 2 for i in range(numSyns)]
inds = [cumLengths.index(next(x for x in cumLengths if x >= absLoc)) for absLoc in absLocs]
secs = [secList[ind] for ind in inds]
locs = [(cumLengths[ind] - absLoc) / secLengths[ind] for absLoc, ind in zip(absLocs, inds)]
secs, locs = [], []
return secs, locs
def _addConnPlasticity(self, params, sec, netcon, weightIndex):
from .. import sim
plasticity = params.get('plast')
if plasticity and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
plastMech = getattr(h, plasticity['mech'], None)(
0, sec=sec['hObj']
) # create plasticity mechanism (eg. h.STDP)
for plastParamName, plastParamValue in plasticity[
].items(): # add params of the plasticity mechanism
setattr(plastMech, plastParamName, plastParamValue)
if plasticity['mech'] == 'STDP': # specific implementation steps required for the STDP mech
precon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], plastMech)
precon.weight[0] = 1 # Send presynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
pstcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(self.gid, plastMech)
pstcon.weight[0] = -1 # Send postsynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], 'synweight', plastMech
) # Associate the STDP adjuster with this weight
# self.conns[-1]['hPlastSection'] = plastSection
self.conns[-1]['hSTDP'] = plastMech
self.conns[-1]['hSTDPprecon'] = precon
self.conns[-1]['hSTDPpstcon'] = pstcon
self.conns[-1]['STDPdata'] = {
'preGid': params['preGid'],
'postGid': self.gid,
'receptor': weightIndex,
} # Not used; FYI only; store here just so it's all in one place
if sim.cfg.verbose:
print(' Added STDP plasticity to synaptic mechanism')
print('Error: exception when adding plasticity using %s mechanism' % (plasticity['mech']))
def getSomaPos(self):
Get soma position;
Used to calculate seg coords for LFP calc (one per population cell; assumes same morphology)
n3dsoma = 0
r3dsoma = np.zeros(3)
for sec in [sec for secName, sec in self.secs.items() if 'soma' in secName]:
n3d = int(h.n3d()) # get number of n3d points in each section
r3d = np.zeros((3, n3d)) # to hold locations of 3D morphology for the current section
n3dsoma += n3d
for i in range(n3d):
r3dsoma[0] += h.x3d(i)
r3dsoma[1] += h.y3d(i)
r3dsoma[2] += h.z3d(i)
r3dsoma /= n3dsoma
return r3dsoma
def calcAbsSegCoords(self):
Calculate absolute seg coords by translating the relative seg coords -- used for LFP calc
from .. import sim
p3dsoma = self.getSomaPos()
pop = self.tags['pop']
self._segCoords = {}
p3dsoma = p3dsoma[np.newaxis].T # trasnpose 1d array to enable matrix calculation
if hasattr(sim.net.pops[pop], '_morphSegCoords'):
# check whether there is a single cell per pop or multiple subpopulations (diversity)
if 'diversity' not in sim.net.pops[pop].tags.keys():
# rotated coordinates around z axis first then shift relative to the soma
morphSegCoords = sim.net.pops[pop]._morphSegCoords
label = self.tags['label'][0]
morphSegCoords = sim.net.pops[pop]._morphSegCoords[label]
self._segCoords['p0'] = p3dsoma + morphSegCoords['p0']
self._segCoords['p1'] = p3dsoma + morphSegCoords['p1']
# moved here, as morphSegCoords are defined here exclusively
self._segCoords['d0'] = morphSegCoords['d0']
self._segCoords['d1'] = morphSegCoords['d1']
# rotated coordinates around z axis
self._segCoords['p0'] = p3dsoma
self._segCoords['p1'] = p3dsoma
def setImembPtr(self):
"""Set PtrVector to point to the `i_membrane_`"""
jseg = 0
for sec in list(self.secs.values()):
hSec = sec['hObj']
for iseg, seg in enumerate(hSec):
self.imembPtr.pset(jseg, seg._ref_i_membrane_) # notice the underscore at the end (in nA)
'Error setting Vector to point to i_membrane_'
jseg += 1
def getImemb(self):
"""Gather membrane currents from PtrVector into imVec (does not need a loop!)"""
return self.imembVec.as_numpy() # (nA)
def updateShape(self):
"""Call after h.define_shape() to update cell coords"""
x = self.tags['x']
y = -self.tags['y'] # Neuron y-axis positive = upwards, so assume pia=0 and cortical depth = neg
z = self.tags['z']
for sec in list(self.secs.values()):
if (
'geom' in sec and 'pt3d' not in sec['geom'] and isinstance(sec['hObj'], type(h.Section()))
): # only cells that didn't have pt3d before
sec['geom']['pt3d'] = []
n3d = int(h.n3d()) # get number of n3d points in each section
for i in range(n3d):
# by default L is added in x-axis; shift to y-axis; z increases 100um for each cell so set to 0
pt3d = [h.y3d(i), h.x3d(i), 0, h.diam3d(i)]
h.pt3dchange(i, x + pt3d[0], y + pt3d[1], z + pt3d[2], pt3d[3], sec=sec['hObj'])
def originSecName(self):
if 'soma' in self.secs:
secOrig = 'soma'
elif any([secName.startswith('som') for secName in list(self.secs.keys())]):
secOrig = next(secName for secName in list(self.secs.keys()) if secName.startswith('soma'))
secOrig = list(self.secs.keys())[0]
return secOrig
def originSec(self):
return self.secs[self.originSecName()]
def _ensure(condition, params, message):
connLabel = params.get('label')
connLabelStr = f'[{connLabel}]' if connLabel else ''
assert condition, f" Error in connParams{connLabelStr}: {message}"