Source code for netpyne.conversion.neuromlFormat

Module for importing and exporting NeuroML 2


    import neuroml
    from pyneuroml import pynml
    from pyneuroml import __version__ as pynml_ver
    from distutils.version import StrictVersion

    min_pynml_ver_required = '0.3.13'  # pyNeuroML will have a dependency on the correct version of libNeuroML...

    if not StrictVersion(pynml_ver) >= StrictVersion(min_pynml_ver_required):
        from neuron import h

        pc = h.ParallelContext()  # MPI: Initialize the ParallelContext class
        if int( == 0:
                'Note: pyNeuroML version %s is installed but at least v%s is required'
                % (pynml_ver, min_pynml_ver_required)
            neuromlExists = False
        neuromlExists = True

except ImportError:
    from neuron import h

    pc = h.ParallelContext()  # MPI: Initialize the ParallelContext class
    if False and int( == 0:  # only print for master node
            'Warning: NeuroML import failed; import/export functions for NeuroML will not be available. \n  To install the pyNeuroML & libNeuroML Python packages visit:'
    neuromlExists = False

import pprint

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=6)
import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from .. import specs

### Get connection centric network representation as used in NeuroML2
def _convertNetworkRepresentation(net, gids_vs_pop_indices):

    from .. import sim

    nn = {}

    for np_pop in list(net.pops.values()):
        print("Adding conns for: %s" % np_pop.tags)
        if 'cellModel' in np_pop.tags and not np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim':
            for cell in net.cells:
                if cell.gid in np_pop.cellGids:
                    popPost, indexPost = gids_vs_pop_indices[cell.gid]
                    # print("Cell %s: %s\n    %s[%i]\n"%(cell.gid,cell.tags,popPost, indexPost))
                    for conn in cell.conns:
                        preGid = conn['preGid']
                        if not preGid == 'NetStim':
                            popPre, indexPre = gids_vs_pop_indices[preGid]
                            loc = conn['loc']
                            weight = conn['weight']
                            delay = conn['delay']
                            sec = conn['sec']
                            synMech = conn['synMech']
                            # threshold = conn['threshold']

                            if sim.cfg.verbose:
                                    "      Conn %s[%i]->%s[%i] with %s, w: %s, d: %s"
                                    % (popPre, indexPre, popPost, indexPost, synMech, weight, delay)

                            projection_info = (popPre, popPost, synMech)
                            if not projection_info in list(nn.keys()):
                                nn[projection_info] = []

                                {'indexPre': indexPre, 'indexPost': indexPost, 'weight': weight, 'delay': delay}
                            # print("      Conn NetStim->%s[%s] with %s"%(popPost, indexPost, '??'))

    return nn

### Get stimulations in representation as used in NeuroML2
def _convertStimulationRepresentation(net, gids_vs_pop_indices, nml_doc, populations_vs_components):

    stims = {}

    for np_pop in list(net.pops.values()):
        if 'cellModel' in np_pop.tags and not np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim':
            print("Adding stims for: %s" % np_pop.tags)
            for cell in net.cells:
                if cell.gid in np_pop.cellGids:
                    pop, index = gids_vs_pop_indices[cell.gid]
                    # print("    Cell %s:\n    Tags:  %s\n    Pop:   %s[%i]\n    Stims: %s\n    Conns: %s\n"%(cell.gid,cell.tags,pop, index,cell.stims,cell.conns))
                    for stim in cell.stims:
                        if stim['type'] == 'IClamp':
                            il_id = '%s__%s' % (stim['label'], pop)
                            # print('      adding IClamp stim %s: %s '%(il_id,stim))
                            input_list = None
                            for ii in nml_doc.networks[0].input_lists:
                                if == il_id:
                                    input_list = ii
                            if not input_list:
                                input_list = neuroml.InputList(id=il_id, component=stim['source'], populations=pop)

                            input = neuroml.Input(
                                target="../%s/%i/%s" % (pop, index, populations_vs_components[pop]),

                        elif stim['type'] == 'NetStim':
                            # print('      adding NetStim stim: %s'%stim)

                            ref = stim['source']
                            rate = stim['rate']
                            noise = stim['noise']

                            netstim_found = False
                            for conn in cell.conns:
                                if conn['preGid'] == 'NetStim' and conn['preLabel'] == ref:
                                    assert not netstim_found
                                    netstim_found = True
                                    synMech = conn['synMech']
                                    # threshold = conn['threshold']
                                    delay = conn['delay']
                                    weight = conn['weight']

                            assert netstim_found
                            name_stim = 'NetStim_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (ref, pop, rate, noise, synMech)

                            stim_info = (name_stim, pop, rate, noise, synMech)
                            if not stim_info in list(stims.keys()):
                                stims[stim_info] = []

                            stims[stim_info].append({'index': index, 'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
                            # stims[stim_info].append({'index':index,'weight':weight,'delay':delay,'threshold':threshold})

    # print(stims)
    return stims

#  Heaviside function, required for expressions in <inhomogeneousValue>
[docs] def H(x): """ Short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuromlFormat.H` Parameters ---------- x : Short description of x **Default:** ``Required`` **Options:** """ if x == 0: return 0.5 return 1 * (x > 0)
# if neuromlExists: ############################################################################### ### Export synapses to NeuroML2 ############################################################################### def _export_synapses(net, nml_doc): from .. import sim syn_types = {} for id, syn in net.params.synMechParams.items(): syn_types[id] = syn['mod'] if sim.cfg.verbose: print('Exporting details of syn: %s' % syn) if syn['mod'] == 'Exp2Syn': syn0 = neuroml.ExpTwoSynapse( id=id, gbase='1uS', erev='%smV' % syn['e'], tau_rise='%sms' % syn['tau1'], tau_decay='%sms' % syn['tau2'], ) nml_doc.exp_two_synapses.append(syn0) elif syn['mod'] == 'ExpSyn': syn0 = neuroml.ExpOneSynapse(id=id, gbase='1uS', erev='%smV' % syn['e'], tau_decay='%sms' % syn['tau']) nml_doc.exp_one_synapses.append(syn0) elif syn['mod'] == 'ElectSyn': syn0 = neuroml.GapJunction(id=id, conductance='%smS' % syn['g']) nml_doc.gap_junctions.append(syn0) else: raise Exception("Cannot yet export synapse type: %s" % syn['mod']) return syn_types hh_nml2_chans = """ <neuroml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="kChan"> <ionChannelHH id="leak_hh" conductance="10pS" type="ionChannelPassive"> <notes>Single ion channel in NeuroML2 format: passive channel providing a leak conductance </notes> </ionChannelHH> <ionChannelHH id="na_hh" conductance="10pS" species="na"> <notes>Single ion channel in NeuroML2 format: standard Sodium channel from the Hodgkin Huxley model</notes> <gateHHrates id="m" instances="3"> <forwardRate type="HHExpLinearRate" rate="1per_ms" midpoint="-40mV" scale="10mV"/> <reverseRate type="HHExpRate" rate="4per_ms" midpoint="-65mV" scale="-18mV"/> </gateHHrates> <gateHHrates id="h" instances="1"> <forwardRate type="HHExpRate" rate="0.07per_ms" midpoint="-65mV" scale="-20mV"/> <reverseRate type="HHSigmoidRate" rate="1per_ms" midpoint="-35mV" scale="10mV"/> </gateHHrates> </ionChannelHH> <ionChannelHH id="k_hh" conductance="10pS" species="k"> <notes>Single ion channel in NeuroML2 format: standard Potassium channel from the Hodgkin Huxley model</notes> <gateHHrates id="n" instances="4"> <forwardRate type="HHExpLinearRate" rate="0.1per_ms" midpoint="-55mV" scale="10mV"/> <reverseRate type="HHExpRate" rate="0.125per_ms" midpoint="-65mV" scale="-80mV"/> </gateHHrates> </ionChannelHH> </neuroml> """ ############################################################################### ### Export generated structure of network to NeuroML 2 ###############################################################################
[docs] def exportNeuroML2(reference, connections=True, stimulations=True, format='xml', default_cell_radius=5): """ Exports the current NetPyNE network to NeuroML format Parameters ---------- reference : str Will be used for id of the network connections : bool Should connections also be exported? **Default:** ``True`` stimulations : bool Should stimulations (current clamps etc) also be exported? **Default:** ``True`` format : str Which format, xml or hdf5 **Default:** ``'xml'`` **Options:** ``'xml'`` Export as XML format ``'hdf5'`` Export as binary HDF5 format default_cell_radius : int For abstract cells, e.g. izhikevich, what value should be used in the optional radius property of a population, which can be used in 3D visualizations, etc. **Default:** ``5`` """ from .. import sim net = import random myrandom = random.Random(12345) print( "Exporting the network to NeuroML 2, reference: %s, connections: %s, stimulations: %s, format: %s" % (reference, connections, stimulations, format) ) import neuroml import neuroml.writers as writers nml_doc = neuroml.NeuroMLDocument(id='%s' % reference) nml_net = neuroml.Network(id='%s' % reference) nml_doc.networks.append(nml_net) import netpyne nml_doc.notes = 'NeuroML 2 file exported from NetPyNE v%s' % (netpyne.__version__) gids_vs_pop_indices = {} populations_vs_components = {} cells_added = [] sim.cfg.verbose = False chans_added = [] for np_pop_id in net.pops: np_pop = net.pops[np_pop_id] if sim.cfg.verbose: print("-- Adding a population %s: %s" % (np_pop_id, np_pop.tags)) cell_param_set = {} if ( (not 'cellModel' in np_pop.tags or np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == '') and 'cellType' in np_pop.tags and np_pop.tags['cellType'] in net.params.cellParams.keys() ): ## SIMPLE POP/CELLTYPE FORMAT if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Assuming simple pop/cell type format...") cell_param_set = net.params.cellParams[np_pop.tags['cellType']] if sim.cfg.verbose: print( " -- Simple format for populations being used for pop %s with cell %s: %s" % (np_pop_id, np_pop.tags['cellType'], cell_param_set) ) np_pop.tags['cellModel'] = np_pop.tags['cellType'] else: for cell_name in list(net.params.cellParams.keys()): cell_param_set0 = net.params.cellParams[cell_name] someMatches = False someMisMatches = False if sim.cfg.verbose: print(" -- Checking whether pop %s matches %s: %s" % (np_pop_id, cell_name, cell_param_set0)) if 'conds' in cell_param_set0: for cond in cell_param_set0['conds']: if len(cell_param_set0['conds'][cond]) > 0: if cond in np_pop.tags and cell_param_set0['conds'][cond] == np_pop.tags[cond]: if sim.cfg.verbose: print(" Cond: %s matches..." % cond) someMatches = True else: if sim.cfg.verbose: print( " Cond: %s DOESN'T match (%s != %s)..." % ( cond, cell_param_set0['conds'][cond], np_pop.tags[cond] if cond in np_pop.tags else "???", ) ) someMisMatches = True if someMatches and not someMisMatches: if sim.cfg.verbose: print(" Matches: %s" % cell_param_set0) cell_param_set.update(cell_param_set0) if 'cellModel' in np_pop.tags and not np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim' and len(cell_param_set) == 0: print('Is %s in %s...?' % (np_pop_id, net.params.cellParams.keys())) if np_pop_id in net.params.cellParams: print('Proceeding with assumption %s defines which cellParams...' % np_pop) cell_param_set0 = net.params.cellParams[np_pop_id] cell_param_set.update(cell_param_set0) cell_param_set['conds'] = {} cell_param_set['conds']['cellType'] = np_pop.tags['cellType'] cell_param_set['conds']['cellModel'] = np_pop.tags['cellModel'] print('Now cell params for %s are: %s...' % (np_pop_id, cell_param_set)) else: print("Error, could not find cellParams for %s" % np_pop.tags) exit(-1) if not np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim': if 'conds' in cell_param_set and len(cell_param_set['conds']) > 0: if not 'cellModel' in cell_param_set['conds'] or cell_param_set['conds']['cellModel'] == {}: cell_id = 'CELL_%s' % (cell_param_set['conds']['cellType']) elif not 'cellType' in cell_param_set['conds'] or cell_param_set['conds']['cellType'] == {}: cell_id = 'CELL_%s' % (cell_param_set['conds']['cellModel']) else: cell_id = 'CELL_%s_%s' % ( cell_param_set['conds']['cellModel'], cell_param_set['conds']['cellType'], ) else: ## SIMPLE POP/CELLTYPE FORMAT cell_id = 'CELL_%s' % (np_pop.tags['cellType']) populations_vs_components[np_pop.tags['pop']] = cell_id if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Checking whether to add cell: %s; already added: %s" % (cell_param_set, cells_added)) if 'cellModel' in np_pop.tags and not np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim' and not cell_id in cells_added: if sim.cfg.verbose: print("--------------- Adding a cell from pop %s: \n%s" % (np_pop.tags, cell_param_set)) # print("===== Adding the cell %s: \n%s"%(cell_name,pp.pprint(cell_param_set))) # Single section; one known mechanism... soma = cell_param_set['secs']['soma'] if ( len(cell_param_set['secs']) == 1 and soma is not None and 'mechs' not in soma and len(soma['pointps']) == 1 ): pproc = list(soma['pointps'].values())[0] print("Assuming abstract cell with behaviour set by single point process: %s!" % pproc) if pproc['mod'] == 'Izhi2007b': izh = neuroml.Izhikevich2007Cell(id=cell_id) izh.a = '%s per_ms' % pproc['a'] izh.b = '%s nS' % pproc['b'] izh.c = '%s mV' % pproc['c'] izh.d = '%s pA' % pproc['d'] izh.v0 = '%s mV' % pproc['vr'] # Note: using vr for v0 izh.vr = '%s mV' % pproc['vr'] izh.vt = '%s mV' % pproc['vt'] izh.vpeak = '%s mV' % pproc['vpeak'] izh.C = '%s pF' % (pproc['C'] * 100) izh.k = '%s nS_per_mV' % pproc['k'] nml_doc.izhikevich2007_cells.append(izh) else: print("Unknown point process: %s; can't convert to NeuroML 2 equivalent!" % pproc['mod']) exit(1) else: print("Assuming normal cell with behaviour set by ion channel mechanisms!") cell = neuroml.Cell(id=cell_id) cell.notes = "Cell exported from NetPyNE:\n%s" % cell_param_set cell.morphology = neuroml.Morphology(id='morph_%s' % cell_id) cell.biophysical_properties = neuroml.BiophysicalProperties(id='biophys_%s' % cell_id) mp = neuroml.MembraneProperties() cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties = mp ip = neuroml.IntracellularProperties() cell.biophysical_properties.intracellular_properties = ip count = 0 import neuroml.nml.nml chans_doc = neuroml.nml.nml.parseString(hh_nml2_chans) nml_segs = {} parentDistal = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam(x=0, y=0, z=0, diameter=0) # First create all nml segs for np_sec_name in list(cell_param_set['secs'].keys()): nml_seg = neuroml.Segment(id=count, name=np_sec_name) nml_segs[np_sec_name] = nml_seg count += 1 count = 0 for np_sec_name in list(cell_param_set['secs'].keys()): parent_seg = None np_sec = cell_param_set['secs'][np_sec_name] nml_seg = nml_segs[np_sec_name] if 'topol' in np_sec and len(np_sec['topol']) > 0: parent_seg = nml_segs[np_sec['topol']['parentSec']] nml_seg.parent = neuroml.SegmentParent( if np_sec['topol']['parentX'] == 0: nml_seg.fract_along = 0 if not ( (np_sec['topol']['parentX'] == 1.0 or np_sec['topol']['parentX'] == 0.0) and np_sec['topol']['childX'] == 0.0 ): print("Currently only support cell topol with (parentX == 1 or 0) and childX == 0") exit(1) if not ( ('pt3d' not in np_sec['geom']) or len(np_sec['geom']['pt3d']) == 0 or len(np_sec['geom']['pt3d']) == 2 ): print( "Currently only support cell geoms with 2 pt3ds (or 0 and diam/L specified): %s" % np_sec['geom'] ) exit(1) if 'pt3d' not in np_sec['geom'] or len(np_sec['geom']['pt3d']) == 0: if parent_seg == None: nml_seg.proximal = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam( x=parentDistal.x, y=parentDistal.y, z=parentDistal.z, diameter=np_sec['geom']['diam'] ) nml_seg.distal = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam( x=parentDistal.x, y=(parentDistal.y + np_sec['geom']['L']), z=parentDistal.z, diameter=np_sec['geom']['diam'], ) else: prox = np_sec['geom']['pt3d'][0] nml_seg.proximal = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam(x=prox[0], y=prox[1], z=prox[2], diameter=prox[3]) dist = np_sec['geom']['pt3d'][1] nml_seg.distal = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam(x=dist[0], y=dist[1], z=dist[2], diameter=dist[3]) nml_seg_section = neuroml.SegmentGroup(id='%s_SECTION' % np_sec_name, neuro_lex_id="sao864921383") nml_seg_section.members.append(neuroml.Member(segments=count)) cell.morphology.segment_groups.append(nml_seg_section) nml_seg_group = neuroml.SegmentGroup(id='%s_group' % np_sec_name) nml_seg_group.includes.append(neuroml.Include( cell.morphology.segment_groups.append(nml_seg_group) cell.morphology.segments.append(nml_seg) count += 1 ip.resistivities.append( neuroml.Resistivity(value="%s ohm_cm" % np_sec['geom']['Ra'], ) ''' See ''' cm = np_sec['geom']['cm'] if 'cm' in np_sec['geom'] else 1 if isinstance(cm, dict) and len(cm) == 0: cm = 1 mp.specific_capacitances.append( neuroml.SpecificCapacitance(value="%s uF_per_cm2" % cm, ) vinit = np_sec['vinit'] if 'vinit' in np_sec else -65 if isinstance(vinit, dict) and len(vinit) == 0: vinit = -65 if len(mp.init_memb_potentials) == 0: mp.init_memb_potentials.append(neuroml.InitMembPotential(value="%s mV" % vinit)) if len(mp.spike_threshes) == 0: mp.spike_threshes.append(neuroml.SpikeThresh(value="%s mV" % # While testing HNN... mechs_to_ignore = [ 'dipole', 'dipole_pp', 'ar_hnn', 'ca_hnn', 'cat_hnn', 'cad', 'kca', 'km', 'ar', 'ca', 'cat', 'vecevent', ] # mechs_to_ignore = [] for mech_name in list(np_sec['mechs'].keys()): mech = np_sec['mechs'][mech_name] if mech_name in mechs_to_ignore: print('Ignoring mechanism: %s' % mechs_to_ignore) elif mech_name == 'hh' or mech_name == 'hh2': for chan in chans_doc.ion_channel_hhs: if == 'leak_hh' or == 'na_hh' or == 'k_hh': if not in chans_added: print(" > Adding %s since it's not in %s" % (, chans_added)) nml_doc.ion_channel_hhs.append(chan) chans_added.append( leak_cd = neuroml.ChannelDensity( id='leak_%s' %, ion_channel='leak_hh', cond_density='%s S_per_cm2' % mech['gl'], erev='%s mV' % mech['el'], ion='non_specific', ) mp.channel_densities.append(leak_cd) k_cd = neuroml.ChannelDensity( id='k_%s' %, ion_channel='k_hh', cond_density='%s S_per_cm2' % mech['gkbar'], erev='%s mV' % '-77', ion='k', ) mp.channel_densities.append(k_cd) na_cd = neuroml.ChannelDensity( id='na_%s' %, ion_channel='na_hh', cond_density='%s S_per_cm2' % mech['gnabar'], erev='%s mV' % '50', ion='na', ) mp.channel_densities.append(na_cd) elif mech_name == 'pas': for chan in chans_doc.ion_channel_hhs: if == 'leak_hh': if not in chans_added: nml_doc.ion_channel_hhs.append(chan) chans_added.append( leak_cd = neuroml.ChannelDensity( id='leak_%s' %, ion_channel='leak_hh', cond_density='%s mS_per_cm2' % mech['g'], erev='%s mV' % mech['e'], ion='non_specific', ) mp.channel_densities.append(leak_cd) else: print("Currently NML2 export only supports mech hh, not: %s" % mech_name) exit(1) nml_doc.cells.append(cell) cells_added.append(cell_id) for np_pop in list(net.pops.values()): index = 0 print("Adding population: %s" % np_pop.tags) type = 'populationList' if 'cellModel' in np_pop.tags and not np_pop.tags['cellModel'] == 'NetStim': comp_id = populations_vs_components[np_pop.tags['pop']] # print(net.params.cellParams) if np_pop.tags['pop'] in net.params.cellParams: cell_param_set = net.params.cellParams[np_pop.tags['pop']] else: cell_param_set = net.params.cellParams[np_pop.tags['cellType']] print('Population (%s) has comp: %s (%s)' % (np_pop.tags, comp_id, cell_param_set)) pop = neuroml.Population(id=np_pop.tags['pop'], component=comp_id, type=type) # Is it an abstract cell? If so set radius... if 'pointps' in cell_param_set['secs']['soma'] and len(cell_param_set['secs']['soma']['pointps']) == 1:'radius', default_cell_radius)) neuroml.Property('color', '%s %s %s' % (myrandom.random(), myrandom.random(), myrandom.random())) ) nml_net.populations.append(pop) for cell in net.cells: if cell.gid in np_pop.cellGids: gids_vs_pop_indices[cell.gid] = (np_pop.tags['pop'], index) inst = neuroml.Instance(id=index) index += 1 pop.instances.append(inst) inst.location = neuroml.Location(cell.tags['x'], cell.tags['y'], cell.tags['z']) pop.size = index syn_types = _export_synapses(net, nml_doc) if connections: nn = _convertNetworkRepresentation(net, gids_vs_pop_indices) half_elect_conns_added = [] for proj_info in list(nn.keys()): prefix = "NetConn" popPre, popPost, synMech = proj_info if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Adding proj: %s->%s (%s)" % (popPre, popPost, synMech)) if syn_types[synMech] != 'ElectSyn': projection = neuroml.Projection( id="%s_%s_%s_%s" % (prefix, popPre, popPost, synMech), presynaptic_population=popPre, postsynaptic_population=popPost, synapse=synMech, ) nml_net.projections.append(projection) else: projection = neuroml.ElectricalProjection( id="%s_%s_%s_%s" % (prefix, popPre, popPost, synMech), presynaptic_population=popPre, postsynaptic_population=popPost, ) nml_net.electrical_projections.append(projection) index = 0 for conn in nn[proj_info]: if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Adding conn %s" % conn) if syn_types[synMech] != 'ElectSyn': connection = neuroml.ConnectionWD( id=index, pre_cell_id="../%s/%i/%s" % (popPre, conn['indexPre'], populations_vs_components[popPre]), pre_segment_id=0, pre_fraction_along=0.5, post_cell_id="../%s/%i/%s" % (popPost, conn['indexPost'], populations_vs_components[popPost]), post_segment_id=0, post_fraction_along=0.5, delay='%s ms' % conn['delay'], weight=conn['weight'], ) projection.connection_wds.append(connection) else: '''<electricalConnectionInstance id="0" preCell="../iafPop1/0/iaf" postCell="../iafPop2/0/iaf" preSegment="0" preFractionAlong="0.5" postSegment="0" postFractionAlong="0.5" synapse="gj1"/>''' weight = conn['weight'] if weight != 1: raise Exception('Cannot yet support electrical connections where weight !=1!') connection = neuroml.ElectricalConnectionInstance( id=index, pre_cell="../%s/%i/%s" % (popPre, conn['indexPre'], populations_vs_components[popPre]), pre_segment=0, pre_fraction_along=0.5, post_cell="../%s/%i/%s" % (popPost, conn['indexPost'], populations_vs_components[popPost]), post_segment=0, post_fraction_along=0.5, synapse=synMech, ) other_half_elect_conn = "%s_%s_%s_%s -> %s_%s_%s_%s" % ( popPost, connection.post_cell, connection.post_segment, connection.post_fraction_along, popPre, connection.pre_cell, connection.pre_segment, connection.pre_fraction_along, ) if not other_half_elect_conn in half_elect_conns_added: projection.electrical_connection_instances.append(connection) half_elect_conns_added.append( "%s_%s_%s_%s -> %s_%s_%s_%s" % ( popPre, connection.pre_cell, connection.pre_segment, connection.pre_fraction_along, popPost, connection.post_cell, connection.post_segment, connection.post_fraction_along, ) ) index += 1 if stimulations: for ssp in net.params.stimSourceParams: ss = net.params.stimSourceParams[ssp] print('Adding the stim source: %s = %s' % (ssp, ss)) if ss['type'] == 'IClamp': pg = neuroml.PulseGenerator( id=ssp, delay="%sms" % ss['del'], duration="%sms" % ss['dur'], amplitude="%f nA" % ss['amp'] ) nml_doc.pulse_generators.append(pg) stims = _convertStimulationRepresentation(net, gids_vs_pop_indices, nml_doc, populations_vs_components) for stim_info in list(stims.keys()): name_stim, post_pop, rate, noise, synMech = stim_info if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Adding a NetStim stim: %s" % [stim_info]) if noise == 0: source = neuroml.SpikeGenerator(id=name_stim, period="%ss" % (1.0 / rate)) nml_doc.spike_generators.append(source) elif noise == 1: source = neuroml.SpikeGeneratorPoisson(id=name_stim, average_rate="%s Hz" % (rate)) nml_doc.spike_generator_poissons.append(source) else: raise Exception("Noise = %s in a spike generator is not yet supported for NeuroML export!" % noise) stim_pop = neuroml.Population(id='Pop_%s' % name_stim,, size=len(stims[stim_info])) nml_net.populations.append(stim_pop) proj = neuroml.Projection( id="NetConn_%s__%s" % (name_stim, post_pop),, postsynaptic_population=post_pop, synapse=synMech, ) nml_net.projections.append(proj) count = 0 for stim in stims[stim_info]: # print(" Adding stim: %s"%stim) connection = neuroml.ConnectionWD( id=count, pre_cell_id="../%s[%i]" % (, count), pre_segment_id=0, pre_fraction_along=0.5, post_cell_id="../%s/%i/%s" % (post_pop, stim['index'], populations_vs_components[post_pop]), post_segment_id=0, post_fraction_along=0.5, delay='%s ms' % stim['delay'], weight=stim['weight'], ) count += 1 proj.connection_wds.append(connection) nml_file_name = '' % reference if format == 'xml': print("Writing %s to %s (%s)" % (nml_doc, nml_file_name, nml_file_name.__class__)) writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_doc, nml_file_name) elif format == 'hdf5': nml_file_name += '.h5' writers.NeuroMLHdf5Writer.write(nml_doc, nml_file_name) import pyneuroml.lems pyneuroml.lems.generate_lems_file_for_neuroml( "Sim_%s" % reference, nml_file_name, reference, sim.cfg.duration, sim.cfg.dt, 'LEMS_%s.xml' % reference, '.', copy_neuroml=False, include_extra_files=[], gen_plots_for_all_v=False, gen_plots_for_only_populations=list(populations_vs_components.keys()), gen_saves_for_all_v=False, plot_all_segments=False, gen_saves_for_only_populations=list(populations_vs_components.keys()), save_all_segments=False, )
############################################################################### ### Class for handling NeuroML2 constructs and generating the equivalent in ### NetPyNE's internal representation ############################################################################### #### NOTE: commented out because generated error when running via mpiexec #### maybe find way to check if exectued via mpi try: from neuroml.hdf5.DefaultNetworkHandler import DefaultNetworkHandler
[docs] class NetPyNEBuilder(DefaultNetworkHandler): """ Works with libNeuroML's NeuroMLXMLParser and/or NeuroMLHdf5Parser to parse the NML & build equivalent in NetPyNE """ cellParams = OrderedDict() popParams = OrderedDict() pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs = {} pop_ids_vs_components = {} pop_ids_vs_use_segment_groups_for_neuron = {} pop_ids_vs_ordered_segs = {} pop_ids_vs_cumulative_lengths = {} projection_infos = OrderedDict() connections = OrderedDict() popStimSources = OrderedDict() stimSources = OrderedDict() popStimLists = OrderedDict() stimLists = OrderedDict() gids = OrderedDict() next_gid = 0 stochastic_input_count = 0 def __init__(self, netParams, simConfig=None, verbose=False): self.netParams = netParams self.simConfig = simConfig self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def finalise(self): for popParam in list(self.popParams.keys()): self.netParams.popParams[popParam] = self.popParams[popParam] for cellParam in list(self.cellParams.keys()): self.netParams.cellParams[cellParam] = self.cellParams[cellParam] for proj_id in list(self.projection_infos.keys()): projName, prePop, postPop, synapse, ptype = self.projection_infos[proj_id] self.netParams.synMechParams[synapse] = {'mod': synapse} for stimName in list(self.stimSources.keys()): self.netParams.stimSourceParams[stimName] = self.stimSources[stimName] self.netParams.stimTargetParams[stimName] = self.stimLists[stimName]
def _get_prox_dist(self, seg, seg_ids_vs_segs): prox = None if seg.proximal: prox = seg.proximal else: parent_seg = seg_ids_vs_segs[seg.parent.segments] prox = parent_seg.distal dist = seg.distal # Spherical root segment if seg.parent == None and prox.x == dist.x and prox.y == dist.y and prox.z == dist.z: if prox.diameter == dist.diameter: dist.y = prox.diameter else: raise Exception('Unsupported geometry in segment: %s of cell' % ( return prox, dist # # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_network(self, network_id, notes, temperature=None): if temperature: self.simConfig.hParams['celsius'] = pynml.convert_to_units(temperature, 'degC') print("Setting global temperature to %s" % self.simConfig.hParams['celsius'])
# # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_population(self, population_id, component, size, component_obj, properties={}): if self.verbose: print( "A population: %s with %i of %s (%s) " % (population_id, size, component, str(component_obj).strip()) ) self.pop_ids_vs_components[population_id] = component_obj assert component == popInfo = OrderedDict() popInfo['pop'] = population_id # popInfo['cellModel'] = component ## SIMPLE POP/CELLTYPE FORMAT popInfo['cellType'] = component popInfo[ 'originalFormat' ] = 'NeuroML2' # This parameter is required to distinguish NML2 "point processes" from abstract cells popInfo['cellsList'] = [] popInfo['numCells'] = size if population_id == 'pop': print( "\n\n*****************************\nReconsider calling your population 'pop'; it leads to some errors in NetPyNE!\nGiving up...\n*****************************\n\n" ) quit() self.popParams[population_id] = popInfo from neuroml import Cell, BaseCell if isinstance(component_obj, Cell): # popInfo['cellType'] = component cell = component_obj ''' cellRule = {'conds':{'cellType': component, 'cellModel': component}, 'secs': {}, 'secLists':{}}''' cellRule = {'secs': {}, 'secLists': {}} seg_ids_vs_segs = cell.get_segment_ids_vs_segments() seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections = {} seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections['all'] = [] use_segment_groups_for_neuron = False if len(cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.spike_threshes) > 0: st = cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.spike_threshes[0] # Ensure threshold is same everywhere on cell assert st.segment_groups == 'all' assert len(cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.spike_threshes) == 1 threshold = pynml.convert_to_units(st.value, 'mV') else: threshold = 0 for seg_grp in cell.morphology.segment_groups: if hasattr(seg_grp, 'neuro_lex_id') and seg_grp.neuro_lex_id == "sao864921383": use_segment_groups_for_neuron = True cellRule['secs'][] = {'geom': {'pt3d': []}, 'mechs': {}, 'ions': {}} for prop in if prop.tag == "numberInternalDivisions": cellRule['secs'][]['geom']['nseg'] = int(prop.value) # seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[] = seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections['all'].append( cellRule['secs'][]['threshold'] = threshold self.pop_ids_vs_use_segment_groups_for_neuron[population_id] = use_segment_groups_for_neuron if not use_segment_groups_for_neuron: for seg in cell.morphology.segments: seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections['all'].append( cellRule['secs'][] = {'geom': {'pt3d': []}, 'mechs': {}, 'ions': {}} prox, dist = self._get_prox_dist(seg, seg_ids_vs_segs) cellRule['secs'][]['geom']['pt3d'].append((prox.x, prox.y, prox.z, prox.diameter)) cellRule['secs'][]['geom']['pt3d'].append((dist.x, dist.y, dist.z, dist.diameter)) if seg.parent: parent_seg = seg_ids_vs_segs[seg.parent.segments] cellRule['secs'][]['topol'] = { 'parentSec':, 'parentX': float(seg.parent.fraction_along), 'childX': 0, } else: ordered_segs, cumulative_lengths = cell.get_ordered_segments_in_groups( list(cellRule['secs'].keys()), include_cumulative_lengths=True ) self.pop_ids_vs_ordered_segs[population_id] = ordered_segs self.pop_ids_vs_cumulative_lengths[population_id] = cumulative_lengths for section in list(cellRule['secs'].keys()): # print("ggg %s: %s"%(section,ordered_segs[section])) for seg in ordered_segs[section]: prox, dist = self._get_prox_dist(seg, seg_ids_vs_segs) if == ordered_segs[section][0].id: cellRule['secs'][section]['geom']['pt3d'].append( (prox.x, prox.y, prox.z, prox.diameter) ) if seg.parent: parent_seg = seg_ids_vs_segs[seg.parent.segments] parent_sec = None # TODO: optimise for sec in list(ordered_segs.keys()): if in [ for s in ordered_segs[sec]]: parent_sec = sec fract = float(seg.parent.fraction_along) assert fract == 1.0 or fract == 0.0 cellRule['secs'][section]['topol'] = { 'parentSec': parent_sec, 'parentX': fract, 'childX': 0, } cellRule['secs'][section]['geom']['pt3d'].append((dist.x, dist.y, dist.z, dist.diameter)) inhomogeneous_parameters = {} for seg_grp in cell.morphology.segment_groups: seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[] = [] if not use_segment_groups_for_neuron: for member in seg_grp.members: seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[].append(seg_ids_vs_segs[member.segments].name) for inc in seg_grp.includes: if not use_segment_groups_for_neuron: for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[inc.segment_groups]: seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[].append(section_name) else: seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[].append(inc.segment_groups) if not in cellRule['secLists']: cellRule['secLists'][] = [] cellRule['secLists'][].append(inc.segment_groups) if not seg_grp.neuro_lex_id or seg_grp.neuro_lex_id != "sao864921383": cellRule['secLists'][] = seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[] for ip in seg_grp.inhomogeneous_parameters: # print("=====================\ninhomogeneousParameter: %s"%ip) inhomogeneous_parameters[] = {} ## Some checks here to ensure the defaults/recommended values are selected # Can be made more general assert ip.metric == "Path Length from root" assert ip.variable == "p" if ip.proximal: assert float(ip.proximal.translation_start) == 0.0 ordered_segs, cumulative_lengths, path_prox, path_dist = cell.get_ordered_segments_in_groups( [], include_cumulative_lengths=True, include_path_lengths=True ) nrn_secs = seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[] for nrn_sec in nrn_secs: sec_segs = cell.get_ordered_segments_in_groups(nrn_sec) first = sec_segs[nrn_sec][0] last = sec_segs[nrn_sec][-1] start_len = path_prox[][] end_len = path_dist[][] # print(" Seg: %s (%s) -> %s (%s)"%(first,start_len,last,end_len)) inhomogeneous_parameters[][nrn_sec] = (start_len, end_len) for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_densities: group = 'all' if not cm.segment_groups else cm.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: gmax = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.cond_density, 'S_per_cm2') if cm.ion_channel == 'pas': mech = {'g': gmax} else: mech = {'gmax': gmax} erev = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.erev, 'mV') cellRule['secs'][section_name]['mechs'][cm.ion_channel] = mech ion = self._determine_ion(cm) if ion == 'non_specific': mech['e'] = erev else: if ion not in cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions']: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion] = {} cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion]['e'] = erev for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_v_shifts: group = 'all' if not cm.segment_groups else cm.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: gmax = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.cond_density, 'S_per_cm2') if cm.ion_channel == 'pas': mech = {'g': gmax} else: mech = {'gmax': gmax} erev = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.erev, 'mV') cellRule['secs'][section_name]['mechs'][cm.ion_channel] = mech ion = self._determine_ion(cm) if ion == 'non_specific': mech['e'] = erev else: if ion not in cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions']: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion] = {} cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion]['e'] = erev mech['vShift'] = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.v_shift, 'mV') for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_nernsts: group = 'all' if not cm.segment_groups else cm.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: gmax = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.cond_density, 'S_per_cm2') if cm.ion_channel == 'pas': mech = {'g': gmax} else: mech = {'gmax': gmax} cellRule['secs'][section_name]['mechs'][cm.ion_channel] = mech # TODO: erev!! ion = self._determine_ion(cm) if ion == 'non_specific': pass ##mech['e'] = erev else: if ion not in cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions']: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion] = {} ##cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion]['e'] = erev for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_ghk2s: group = 'all' if not cm.segment_groups else cm.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: gmax = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.cond_density, 'S_per_cm2') if cm.ion_channel == 'pas': mech = {'g': gmax} else: mech = {'gmax': gmax} ##erev = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.erev,'mV') cellRule['secs'][section_name]['mechs'][cm.ion_channel] = mech ion = self._determine_ion(cm) if ion == 'non_specific': pass # mech['e'] = erev else: if ion not in cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions']: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion] = {} ##cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion]['e'] = erev for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_non_uniforms: for vp in cm.variable_parameters: if vp.parameter == "condDensity": iv = vp.inhomogeneous_value grp = vp.segment_groups path_vals = inhomogeneous_parameters[grp] expr = iv.value.replace('exp(', 'math.exp(') # print("variable_parameter: %s, %s, %s"%(grp,iv, expr)) for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[grp]: path_start, path_end = inhomogeneous_parameters[grp][section_name] p = path_start gmax_start = pynml.convert_to_units('%s S_per_m2' % eval(expr), 'S_per_cm2') p = path_end gmax_end = pynml.convert_to_units('%s S_per_m2' % eval(expr), 'S_per_cm2') nseg = ( cellRule['secs'][section_name]['geom']['nseg'] if 'nseg' in cellRule['secs'][section_name]['geom'] else 1 ) # print(" Cond dens %s: %s S_per_cm2 (%s um) -> %s S_per_cm2 (%s um); nseg = %s"%(section_name,gmax_start,path_start,gmax_end,path_end, nseg)) gmax = [] for fract in [(2 * i + 1.0) / (2 * nseg) for i in range(nseg)]: p = path_start + fract * (path_end - path_start) gmax_i = pynml.convert_to_units('%s S_per_m2' % eval(expr), 'S_per_cm2') # print(" Point %s at %s = %s"%(p,fract, gmax_i)) gmax.append(gmax_i) if cm.ion_channel == 'pas': mech = {'g': gmax} else: mech = {'gmax': gmax} erev = pynml.convert_to_units(cm.erev, 'mV') cellRule['secs'][section_name]['mechs'][cm.ion_channel] = mech ion = self._determine_ion(cm) if ion == 'non_specific': mech['e'] = erev else: if ion not in cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions']: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion] = {} cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][ion]['e'] = erev for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_ghks: raise Exception("<channelDensityGHK> not yet supported!") for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_non_uniform_nernsts: raise Exception("<channelDensityNonUniformNernst> not yet supported!") for cm in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.channel_density_non_uniform_ghks: raise Exception("<channelDensityNonUniformGHK> not yet supported!") for vi in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.init_memb_potentials: group = 'all' if not vi.segment_groups else vi.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['vinit'] = pynml.convert_to_units(vi.value, 'mV') for sc in cell.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.specific_capacitances: group = 'all' if not sc.segment_groups else sc.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['geom']['cm'] = pynml.convert_to_units(sc.value, 'uF_per_cm2') for ra in cell.biophysical_properties.intracellular_properties.resistivities: group = 'all' if not ra.segment_groups else ra.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['geom']['Ra'] = pynml.convert_to_units(ra.value, 'ohm_cm') for specie in cell.biophysical_properties.intracellular_properties.species: group = 'all' if not specie.segment_groups else specie.segment_groups for section_name in seg_grps_vs_nrn_sections[group]: cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][specie.ion]['o'] = pynml.convert_to_units( specie.initial_ext_concentration, 'mM' ) cellRule['secs'][section_name]['ions'][specie.ion]['i'] = pynml.convert_to_units( specie.initial_concentration, 'mM' ) cellRule['secs'][section_name]['mechs'][specie.concentration_model] = {} self.cellParams[component] = cellRule # for cp in self.cellParams.keys(): # pp.pprint(self.cellParams[cp]) self.pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs[population_id] = seg_ids_vs_segs else: # Abstract cell # popInfo['cellType'] = component if self.verbose: print("Abstract cell: %s" % (isinstance(component_obj, BaseCell))) if hasattr(component_obj, 'thresh'): threshold = pynml.convert_to_units(component_obj.thresh, 'mV') elif hasattr(component_obj, 'v_thresh'): threshold = float(component_obj.v_thresh) # PyNN cells... else: threshold = 0.0 if not isinstance(component_obj, BaseCell): popInfo['originalFormat'] = 'NeuroML2_SpikeSource' cellRule = { 'label': component, 'secs': {}, } # This parameter is required to distinguish NML2 "point processes" from artificial cells soma = {'geom': {}, 'pointps': {}} # soma properties default_diam = 10 soma['geom'] = {'diam': default_diam, 'L': default_diam} soma['threshold'] = threshold # TODO: add correct hierarchy to Schema for baseCellMembPotCap etc. and use this... if hasattr(component_obj, 'C'): capTotSI = pynml.convert_to_units(component_obj.C, 'F') area = math.pi * default_diam * default_diam specCapNeu = 10e13 * capTotSI / area # print("c: %s, area: %s, sc: %s"%(capTotSI, area, specCapNeu)) soma['geom']['cm'] = specCapNeu # PyNN cells elif hasattr(component_obj, 'cm') and 'IF_c' in str(type(component_obj)): capTotSI = * 1e-9 area = math.pi * default_diam * default_diam specCapNeu = 10e13 * capTotSI / area soma['geom']['cm'] = specCapNeu else: soma['geom']['cm'] = 318.319 # print("sc: %s"%(soma['geom']['cm'])) soma['pointps'][component] = {'mod': component} cellRule['secs'] = {'soma': soma} # add sections to dict self.cellParams[component] = cellRule self.gids[population_id] = [-1] * size
def _determine_ion(self, channel_density): ion = channel_density.ion if not ion: if 'na' in channel_density.ion_channel.lower(): ion = 'na' elif 'k' in channel_density.ion_channel.lower(): ion = 'k' elif 'ca' in channel_density.ion_channel.lower(): ion = 'ca' else: ion = 'non_specific' return ion def _convert_to_nrn_section_location(self, population_id, seg_id, fract_along): if ( population_id not in self.pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs or seg_id not in self.pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs[population_id] ): return 'soma', 0.5 if not self.pop_ids_vs_use_segment_groups_for_neuron[population_id]: return self.pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs[population_id][seg_id].name, fract_along else: fract_sec = -1 for sec in list(self.pop_ids_vs_ordered_segs[population_id].keys()): ind = 0 for seg in self.pop_ids_vs_ordered_segs[population_id][sec]: if == seg_id: nrn_sec = sec if len(self.pop_ids_vs_ordered_segs[population_id][sec]) == 1: fract_sec = fract_along else: lens = self.pop_ids_vs_cumulative_lengths[population_id][sec] to_start = 0.0 if ind == 0 else lens[ind - 1] to_end = lens[ind] tot = lens[-1] # print to_start, to_end, tot, ind, seg, seg_id fract_sec = (to_start + fract_along * (to_end - to_start)) / (tot) ind += 1 # print("============= Converted %s:%s on pop %s to %s on %s"%(seg_id, fract_along, population_id, nrn_sec, fract_sec)) return nrn_sec, fract_sec # # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_location(self, id, population_id, component, x, y, z): DefaultNetworkHandler.print_location_information(self, id, population_id, component, x, y, z) cellsList = self.popParams[population_id]['cellsList'] cellsList.append({'cellLabel': id, 'x': x if x else 0, 'y': y if y else 0, 'z': z if z else 0}) self.gids[population_id][id] = self.next_gid self.next_gid += 1
# # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_projection( self, projName, prePop, postPop, synapse, hasWeights=False, hasDelays=False, type="projection", synapse_obj=None, pre_synapse_obj=None, ): if self.verbose: print("A projection: %s (%s) from %s -> %s with syn: %s" % (projName, type, prePop, postPop, synapse)) self.projection_infos[projName] = (projName, prePop, postPop, synapse, type) self.connections[projName] = []
# # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_connection( self, projName, id, prePop, postPop, synapseType, preCellId, postCellId, preSegId=0, preFract=0.5, postSegId=0, postFract=0.5, delay=0, weight=1, ): pre_seg_name, pre_fract = self._convert_to_nrn_section_location(prePop, preSegId, preFract) post_seg_name, post_fract = self._convert_to_nrn_section_location(postPop, postSegId, postFract) # self.log.debug("A connection "+str(id)+" of: "+projName+": "+prePop+"["+str(preCellId)+"]."+pre_seg_name+"("+str(pre_fract)+")" \ # +" -> "+postPop+"["+str(postCellId)+"]."+post_seg_name+"("+str(post_fract)+")"+", syn: "+ str(synapseType) \ # +", weight: "+str(weight)+", delay: "+str(delay)) self.connections[projName].append( ( self.gids[prePop][preCellId], pre_seg_name, pre_fract, self.gids[postPop][postCellId], post_seg_name, post_fract, delay, weight, ) )
# # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_input_list(self, inputListId, population_id, component, size, input_comp_obj=None): DefaultNetworkHandler.print_input_information(self, inputListId, population_id, component, size) import neuroml format = 'NeuroML2' # TODO Make better check for stoch/poisson/noisy inputs! if ( isinstance(input_comp_obj, neuroml.PoissonFiringSynapse) or isinstance(input_comp_obj, neuroml.TransientPoissonFiringSynapse) or 'noisy' in component.lower() or 'poisson' in component.lower() ): format = 'NeuroML2_stochastic_input' self.popStimSources[inputListId] = {'label': inputListId, 'type': component, 'originalFormat': format} self.popStimLists[inputListId] = {'source': inputListId, 'conds': {'pop': population_id}} if component == 'IClamp': print( "\n\n*****************************\nReconsider calling your input 'IClamp' in NeuroML; it leads to some errors due to clash with native NEURON IClamp!\n*****************************\n\n" ) exit() # TODO: build just one stimLists/stimSources entry for the inputList # Issue: how to specify the sec/loc per individual stim?? ''' self.stimSources[inputListId] = {'label': inputListId, 'type': component} self.stimLists[inputListId] = { 'source': inputListId, 'sec':'soma', 'loc': 0.5, 'conds': {'pop':population_id, 'cellList': []}}'''
# # Overridden from DefaultNetworkHandler #
[docs] def handle_single_input(self, inputListId, id, cellId, segId=0, fract=0.5, weight=1.0): pop_id = self.popStimLists[inputListId]['conds']['pop'] nrn_sec, nrn_fract = self._convert_to_nrn_section_location(pop_id, segId, fract) # seg_name = self.pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs[pop_id][segId].name if self.pop_ids_vs_seg_ids_vs_segs.has_key(pop_id) else 'soma' stimId = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (inputListId, id, pop_id, cellId, nrn_sec, (str(fract)).replace('.', '_')) self.stimSources[stimId] = { 'label': stimId, 'type': self.popStimSources[inputListId]['type'], 'originalFormat': self.popStimSources[inputListId]['originalFormat'], } if self.popStimSources[inputListId]['originalFormat'] == 'NeuroML2_stochastic_input': # self.stimSources[stimId]['stim_count'] = self.stochastic_input_count self.stochastic_input_count += 1 self.stimLists[stimId] = { 'source': stimId, 'sec': nrn_sec, 'loc': nrn_fract, 'conds': {'pop': pop_id, 'cellList': [cellId]}, } if weight != 1: self.stimLists[stimId]['weight'] = weight if self.verbose: print( "Input: %s[%s] on %s, cellId: %i, seg: %i (nrn: %s), fract: %f (nrn: %f); ref: %s; weight: %s" % (inputListId, id, pop_id, cellId, segId, nrn_sec, fract, nrn_fract, stimId, weight) )
# TODO: build just one stimLists/stimSources entry for the inputList # Issue: how to specify the sec/loc per individual stim?? # self.stimLists[inputListId]['conds']['cellList'].append(cellId) # self.stimLists[inputListId]['conds']['secList'].append(seg_name) # self.stimLists[inputListId]['conds']['locList'].append(fract) ############################################################################### # Import network from NeuroML2 ###############################################################################
[docs] def importNeuroML2(fileName, simConfig, simulate=True, analyze=True, return_net_params_also=False): """ Import network from NeuroML2 and convert internally to NetPyNE format Parameters ---------- fileName : str The filename of the NeuroML file **Default:** ``Required`` simConfig : ``simConfig object`` NetPyNE simConfig object specifying simulation configuration. **Default:** ``Required`` simulate : bool Go ahead and run a simulation of it already **Default:** ``True`` analyze : bool Run sim.saveData() and sim.analysis.plotData() **Default:** ``True`` """ from .. import sim netParams = specs.NetParams() import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print("Importing NeuroML 2 network from: %s" % fileName) nmlHandler = None verbose = True if fileName.endswith(".nml"): import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(name)-19s %(levelname)-5s - %(message)s") from neuroml.hdf5.NeuroMLXMLParser import NeuroMLXMLParser nmlHandler = NetPyNEBuilder(netParams, simConfig=simConfig, verbose=verbose) currParser = NeuroMLXMLParser( nmlHandler ) # The XML handler knows of the structure of NeuroML and calls appropriate functions in NetworkHandler currParser.parse(fileName) nmlHandler.finalise() print('Finished import of NeuroML2; populations vs gids NML has calculated: ') for pop in nmlHandler.gids: g = nmlHandler.gids[pop] print(' %s: %s' % (pop, g if len(g) < 10 else str(g[:8]).replace(']', ', ..., %s]' % g[-1]))) # print('Connections: %s'%nmlHandler.connections) if fileName.endswith(".h5"): import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(name)-19s %(levelname)-5s - %(message)s") from neuroml.hdf5.NeuroMLHdf5Parser import NeuroMLHdf5Parser nmlHandler = NetPyNEBuilder(netParams, simConfig=simConfig, verbose=verbose) currParser = NeuroMLHdf5Parser( nmlHandler ) # The HDF5 handler knows of the structure of NeuroML and calls appropriate functions in NetworkHandler currParser.parse(fileName) nmlHandler.finalise() print('Finished import: %s' % nmlHandler.gids) # print('Connections: %s'%nmlHandler.connections) sim.initialize(netParams, simConfig) # create network object and set cfg and net params # pp.pprint(netParams) # pp.pprint(simConfig) cells = # instantiate network cells based on defined populations # Check gids equal.... for popLabel, pop in if sim.cfg.verbose: print("gid: %s: %s, %s" % (popLabel, pop, pop.cellGids)) for gid in pop.cellGids: assert gid in nmlHandler.gids[popLabel] for proj_id in list(nmlHandler.projection_infos.keys()): projName, prePop, postPop, synapse, ptype = nmlHandler.projection_infos[proj_id] if sim.cfg.verbose: print("Creating connections for %s (%s): %s->%s via %s" % (projName, ptype, prePop, postPop, synapse)) preComp = nmlHandler.pop_ids_vs_components[prePop] from neuroml import Cell ''' No longer used in connections, defined in section on cell... if isinstance(preComp,Cell): if len(preComp.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.spike_threshes)>0: st = preComp.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.spike_threshes[0] # Ensure threshold is same everywhere on cell assert(st.segment_groups=='all') assert(len(preComp.biophysical_properties.membrane_properties.spike_threshes)==1) threshold = pynml.convert_to_units(st.value,'mV') else: threshold = 0 elif hasattr(preComp,'thresh'): threshold = pynml.convert_to_units(preComp.thresh,'mV') elif hasattr(preComp,'v_thresh'): threshold = float(preComp.v_thresh) # PyNN cells... else: threshold = 0.0''' for conn in nmlHandler.connections[projName]: pre_id, pre_seg, pre_fract, post_id, post_seg, post_fract, delay, weight = conn # connParam = {'delay':delay,'weight':weight,'synsPerConn':1, 'sec':post_seg, 'loc':post_fract, 'threshold':threshold} connParam = {'delay': delay, 'weight': weight, 'synsPerConn': 1, 'sec': post_seg, 'loc': post_fract} if ptype == 'electricalProjection': if weight != 1: raise Exception('Cannot yet support inputs where weight !=1!') connParam = { 'synsPerConn': 1, 'sec': post_seg, 'loc': post_fract, 'gapJunction': True, 'weight': weight, } else: connParam = { 'delay': delay, 'weight': weight, 'synsPerConn': 1, 'sec': post_seg, 'loc': post_fract, } #'threshold': threshold} connParam['synMech'] = synapse if post_id in # check if postsyn is in this node's list of gids, pre_id, post_id, preCellsTags={}) # add gap junctions of presynaptic cells (need to do separately because could be in different ranks) for preGapParams in getattr(, 'preCellPointerConns', []): if preGapParams['gid'] in # only cells in this rank cell =[[preGapParams['gid']]] cell.addConn(preGapParams) print(' Number of connections on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, sum([len(cell.conns) for cell in]))) # conns = # create connections between cells based on params stims = # add external stimulation to cells (IClamps etc) simData = sim.setupRecording() # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc) if simulate: sim.runSim() # run parallel Neuron simulation sim.gatherData() # gather spiking data and cell info from each node if analyze: sim.saveData() # save params, cell info and sim output to file (pickle,mat,txt,etc) sim.analysis.plotData() # plot spike raster ''' h('forall psection()') h('forall if (ismembrane("na_ion")) { print "Na ions: ", secname(), ": ena: ", ena, ", nai: ", nai, ", nao: ", nao } ') h('forall if (ismembrane("k_ion")) { print "K ions: ", secname(), ": ek: ", ek, ", ki: ", ki, ", ko: ", ko } ') h('forall if (ismembrane("ca_ion")) { print "Ca ions: ", secname(), ": eca: ", eca, ", cai: ", cai, ", cao: ", cao } ')''' if return_net_params_also: return nmlHandler.gids, netParams else: return nmlHandler.gids
except: pass # print(' Warning: An Exception occurred when loading NeuroML ...')