Source code for netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc

Module for importing cells, synapses, and networks from NEURON


import os, sys, signal
from numbers import Number
from neuron import h
import importlib

# h.load_file("stdrun.hoc")

[docs] def getSecName(sec, dirCellSecNames=None): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getSecName`> Parameters ---------- sec : <type> <Short description of sec> **Default:** *required* dirCellSecNames : <``None``?> <Short description of dirCellSecNames> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ if dirCellSecNames is None: dirCellSecNames = {} if '>.' in fullSecName ='>.')[1] elif '.' in fullSecName ='.')[1] else: fullSecName = if '[' in fullSecName: # if section is array element secNameTemp = fullSecName.split('[')[0] secIndex = int(fullSecName.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]) secName = secNameTemp + '_' + str(secIndex) else: secName = fullSecName secIndex = -1 if secName in dirCellSecNames: # get sec names from python secName = dirCellSecNames[secName] return secName
[docs] def importCellParams(fileName, labels, values, key=None): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellParams`> Parameters ---------- fileName : <type> <Short description of fileName> **Default:** *required* labels : <type> <Short description of labels> **Default:** *required* values : <type> <Short description of values> **Default:** *required* key : <``None``?> <Short description of key> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ params = {} if fileName.endswith('.py'): try: filePath, fileNameOnly = os.path.split(fileName) # split path from filename if filePath not in sys.path: # add to path if not there (need to import module) sys.path.insert(0, filePath) removeFilePath = True else: removeFilePath = False moduleName = fileNameOnly.split('.py')[0] # remove .py to obtain module name tempModule = importlib.import_module(moduleName) modulePointer = tempModule paramLabels = getattr(modulePointer, labels) # tuple with labels paramValues = getattr(modulePointer, values) # variable with paramValues if key: # if paramValues = dict paramValues = paramValues[key] params = dict(list(zip(paramLabels, paramValues))) if removeFilePath: sys.path.remove(filePath) except: print("Error loading cell parameter values from " + fileName) else: print("Trying to import izhi params from a file without the .py extension") return params
[docs] def mechVarList(distinguishArtifCells=False): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.mechVarList`> """ msname = h.ref('') varList = {'mechs': {}, 'pointps': {}} if distinguishArtifCells: varList['artifcells'] = {} mechTypes = ['mechs', 'pointps'] for i, mechtype in enumerate(mechTypes): mt = h.MechanismType(i) # either distributed mechs (0) or point process (1) for j in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(msname) ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname[0], 1) # PARAMETER (modifiable) properties = [] propName = h.ref('') for var in range(int(ms.count())): k =, var) properties.append(propName[0]) if distinguishArtifCells and (mechtype == 'pointps') and mt.is_artificial(j): # if it's an ARTIFICIAL_CELL (subset of POINT_PROCESS), use dedicated dict varList['artifcells'][msname[0]] = properties else: varList[mechtype][msname[0]] = properties return varList
# def getAllGlobals (origGlob={}): # exclude = ['nseg', 'nrn_shape_changed_', 'Ra', 'L', 'cm', 'rallbranch', 'tstop'] # don't check these because crashes # glob = {} # # compare with original # for k in [x for x in dir(h) if x not in exclude]: # try: # v = getattr(h,k) # if isinstance(v, Number): # store float and int globals # if k not in origGlob or origGlob[k] != v: # glob[k] = v # except: # pass # return glob
[docs] def getGlobals(mechNames, origGlob={}): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getGlobals`> Parameters ---------- mechNames : <type> <Short description of mechNames> **Default:** *required* origGlob : dict <Short description of origGlob> **Default:** ``{}`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ includeGlobs = ['celsius', 'v_init', 'clamp_resist'] endings = tuple(['_' + name for name in mechNames]) glob = {} # compare with original for k in dir(h): if k.endswith(endings) or k in includeGlobs: try: v = float(h.__getattribute__(k)) if k not in origGlob or origGlob[k] != v: glob[k] = float(v) except: pass return glob
[docs] def setGlobals(glob): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.setGlobals`> Parameters ---------- glob : <type> <Short description of glob> **Default:** *required* """ for k, v in glob.items(): try: setattr(h, k, v) except: pass
# # remove vars are not in glob ? # for k in [x for x in dir(h) if x not in exclude]: # if k not in glob: # try: # setattr(h, k, None) # except: # print k def _equal_dicts(d1, d2, ignore_keys): ignored = set(ignore_keys) for k1, v1 in d1.items(): if k1 not in ignored and (k1 not in d2 or d2[k1] != v1): return False for k2, v2 in d2.items(): if k2 not in ignored and k2 not in d1: return False return True def _delete_module(modname): from sys import modules try: thismod = modules[modname] del modules[modname] except KeyError: pass for mod in list(modules.values()): try: delattr(mod, modname) except: pass
[docs] def importCell(fileName, cellName, cellArgs=None, cellInstance=False): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCell`> Parameters ---------- fileName : <type> <Short description of fileName> **Default:** *required* cellName : <type> <Short description of cellName> **Default:** *required* cellArgs : <``None``?> <Short description of cellArgs> **Default:** ``None`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> cellInstance : bool <Short description of cellInstance> **Default:** ``False`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ h.initnrn() varList = mechVarList() # list of properties for all density mechanisms and point processes origGlob = getGlobals(list(varList['mechs'].keys()) + list(varList['pointps'].keys())) origGlob['v_init'] = -65 # add by hand since won't be set unless load h.load_file('stdrun') if cellArgs is None: cellArgs = [] # Define as empty list if not otherwise defined if fileName.endswith('.hoc') or fileName.endswith('.tem'): resultCode = h.load_file(fileName) if resultCode == 0: # error raise Exception(f"Error occured in h.load_file() when loading {fileName}. See above for details.") if not cellInstance: if isinstance(cellArgs, dict): cell = getattr(h, cellName)(**cellArgs) # create cell using template, passing dict with args else: cell = getattr(h, cellName)(*cellArgs) # create cell using template, passing list with args else: try: cell = getattr(h, cellName) except: cell = None elif fileName.endswith('.py'): filePath, fileNameOnly = os.path.split(fileName) # split path from filename if filePath not in sys.path: # add to path if not there (need to import module) sys.path.insert(0, filePath) removeFilePath = True else: removeFilePath = False moduleName = fileNameOnly.split('.py')[0] # remove .py to obtain module name tempModule = importlib.import_module(moduleName) modulePointer = tempModule if isinstance(cellArgs, dict): cell = getattr(modulePointer, cellName)(**cellArgs) # create cell using template, passing dict with args else: cell = getattr(modulePointer, cellName)(*cellArgs) # create cell using template, passing list with args if removeFilePath: sys.path.remove(filePath) elif fileName.endswith('.swc'): from import load cell = load(fileName) else: raise Exception("File name should end in '.hoc', '.py', or '.swc'") secDic, secListDic, synMechs, globs = getCellParams(cell, varList, origGlob) if fileName.endswith('.py'): _delete_module(moduleName) _delete_module('tempModule') del modulePointer elif fileName.endswith('.hoc'): for sec in h.allsec(): try: if h.cas() != sec: sec.push() h.delete_section() h.pop_section() except: pass h.initnrn() setGlobals(origGlob) # restore original globals return secDic, secListDic, synMechs, globs
[docs] def importCellsFromNet(netParams, fileName, labelList, condsList, cellNamesList, importSynMechs): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellsFromNet`> Parameters ---------- netParams : <type> <Short description of netParams> **Default:** *required* fileName : <type> <Short description of fileName> **Default:** *required* labelList : <type> <Short description of labelList> **Default:** *required* condsList : <type> <Short description of condsList> **Default:** *required* cellNamesList : <type> <Short description of cellNamesList> **Default:** *required* importSynMechs : <type> <Short description of importSynMechs> **Default:** *required* """ h.initnrn() if fileName.endswith('.hoc') or fileName.endswith('.tem'): print('Importing from .hoc network not yet supported') return # h.load_file(fileName) # for cellName in cellNames: # cell = getattr(h, cellName) # create cell using template, passing dict with args # secDic, secListDic, synMechs = getCellParams(cell) elif fileName.endswith('.py'): origDir = os.getcwd() filePath, fileNameOnly = os.path.split(fileName) # split path from filename if filePath not in sys.path: # add to path if not there (need to import module) sys.path.insert(0, filePath) removeFilePath = True else: removeFilePath = False moduleName = fileNameOnly.split('.py')[0] # remove .py to obtain module name os.chdir(filePath) print('\nRunning network in %s to import cells into NetPyNE ...\n' % (fileName)) from neuron import load_mechanisms load_mechanisms(filePath) tempModule = importlib.import_module(moduleName) modulePointer = tempModule if removeFilePath: sys.path.remove(filePath) else: print("File name should be either .hoc or .py file") return for label, conds, cellName in zip(labelList, condsList, cellNamesList): print('\nImporting %s from %s ...' % (cellName, fileName)) exec('cell = tempModule' + '.' + cellName) # cell = getattr(modulePointer, cellName) # get cell object varList = mechVarList() origGlob = getGlobals(list(varList['mechs'].keys()) + list(varList['pointps'].keys())) secs, secLists, synMechs = getCellParams(cell, varList, origGlob) cellRule = {'conds': conds, 'secs': secs, 'secLists': secLists} netParams.addCellParams(label, cellRule) if importSynMechs: for synMech in synMechs: netParams.addSynMechParams(synMech.pop('label'), synMech)
[docs] def getCellParams(cell, varList={}, origGlob={}): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getCellParams`> Parameters ---------- cell : <type> <Short description of cell> **Default:** *required* varList : dict <Short description of varList> **Default:** ``{}`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> origGlob : dict <Short description of origGlob> **Default:** ``{}`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ dirCell = dir(cell) if 'all_sec' in dirCell: secs = cell.all_sec elif 'sec' in dirCell: secs = [cell.sec] elif 'allsec' in dir(h): secs = [sec for sec in h.allsec()] elif 'soma' in dirCell: secs = [cell.soma] else: secs = [] # create dict with hname of each element in dir(cell) dirCellHnames = {} for dirCellName in [d for d in dirCell if not d.startswith('__')]: # avoid attributes starting with '__' dirCellObject = getattr(cell, dirCellName) if isinstance(dirCellObject, list): for i, dirCellObjectItem in enumerate(dirCellObject): try: if dirCellObjectItem.hname() not in dirCellHnames: # give preference to dict entries dirCellHnames.update({dirCellObjectItem.hname(): dirCellName + '_' + str(i)}) except: pass elif isinstance(dirCellObject, dict): for k, v in dirCellObject.items(): try: dirCellHnames.update({v.hname(): k}) except: pass else: try: dirCellHnames.update({dirCellObject.hname(): dirCellName}) except: pass # create dict with dir(cell) name corresponding to each hname dirCellSecNames = {} for sec in secs: dirCellSecNames.update({hname: name for hname, name in dirCellHnames.items() if hname == sec.hname()}) secDic = {} synMechs = [] for sec in secs: # create new section dict with name of section secName = getSecName(sec, dirCellSecNames) # if len(secs) == 1: secName = 'soma' # if just one section rename to 'soma' -- REMOVED, doesn't always apply secDic[secName] = {'geom': {}, 'topol': {}, 'mechs': {}} # create dictionary to store sec info # store geometry properties standardGeomParams = ['L', 'nseg', 'diam', 'Ra', 'cm'] secDir = dir(sec) for geomParam in standardGeomParams: # if geomParam in secDir: try: secDic[secName]['geom'][geomParam] = sec.__getattribute__(geomParam) except: pass # store 3d geometry sec.push() # access current section so ismembrane() works numPoints = int(h.n3d()) if numPoints: points = [] for ipoint in range(numPoints): x = h.x3d(ipoint) y = h.y3d(ipoint) z = h.z3d(ipoint) diam = h.diam3d(ipoint) points.append((x, y, z, diam)) secDic[secName]['geom']['pt3d'] = points # store mechanisms # varList = mechVarList() # list of properties for all density mechanisms and point processes ignoreMechs = ['dist'] # dist only used during cell creation ignoreVars = [] # mechDic = {} ionDic = {} for mech in dir(sec(0.5)): if h.ismembrane(mech) and mech not in ignoreMechs: # check if membrane mechanism if not mech.endswith('_ion'): # exclude ions mechDic[mech] = {} # create dic for mechanism properties varNames = [varName.replace('_' + mech, '') for varName in varList['mechs'][mech]] varVals = [] for varName in varNames: if varName not in ignoreVars: try: varVals = [seg.__getattribute__(mech).__getattribute__(varName) for seg in sec] if len(set(varVals)) == 1: varVals = varVals[0] mechDic[mech][varName] = varVals except: pass # print 'Could not read variable %s from mechanism %s'%(varName,mech) # store ions elif mech.endswith('_ion'): ionName = mech.split('_ion')[0] varNames = [ varName.replace('_' + mech, '').replace(ionName, '') for varName in varList['mechs'][mech] ] varNames.append('e') varVals = [] ionDic[ionName] = {} # create dic for mechanism properties for varName in varNames: varNameSplit = varName if varName not in ignoreVars: try: if varNameSplit in ['i', 'o']: # var name after ion name (eg. 'nai', 'nao') varVals = [seg.__getattribute__(ionName + varNameSplit) for seg in sec] else: # var name before ion name (eg. 'ena') varVals = [seg.__getattribute__(varNameSplit + ionName) for seg in sec] if len(set(varVals)) == 1: varVals = varVals[0] ionDic[ionName][varNameSplit] = varVals except: pass # print 'Could not read variable %s from mechanism %s'%(varName,mech) secDic[secName]['mechs'] = mechDic if len(ionDic) > 0: secDic[secName]['ions'] = ionDic # add synapses and point neurons # for now read fixed params, but need to find way to read only synapse params pointps = {} for seg in sec: for ipoint, point in enumerate(seg.point_processes()): pointpMod = point.hname().split('[')[0] varNames = varList['pointps'][pointpMod] if any([s in pointpMod.lower() for s in ['syn', 'ampa', 'gaba', 'nmda', 'glu']]): # if 'synMech' in pptype.lower(): # if syn in name of point process then assume synapse synMech = {} synMech['label'] = pointpMod + '_' + str(len(synMechs)) synMech['mod'] = pointpMod # synMech['loc'] = seg.x for varName in varNames: try: synMech[varName] = point.__getattribute__(varName) except: print('Could not read variable %s from synapse %s' % (varName, synMech['label'])) if not any([_equal_dicts(synMech, synMech2, ignore_keys=['label']) for synMech2 in synMechs]): synMechs.append(synMech) else: # assume its a non-synapse point process pointpName = pointpMod + '_' + str(len(pointps)) pointps[pointpName] = {} pointps[pointpName]['mod'] = pointpMod pointps[pointpName]['loc'] = seg.x for varName in varNames: try: pointps[pointpName][varName] = point.__getattribute__(varName) # special condition for Izhi model, to set vinit=vr # if varName == 'vr': secDic[secName]['vinit'] = point.__getattribute__(varName) except: print('Could not read %s variable from point process %s' % (varName, pointpName)) if pointps: secDic[secName]['pointps'] = pointps # store topology (keep at the end since h.SectionRef messes remaining loop) secRef = h.SectionRef(sec=sec) if secRef.has_parent(): secDic[secName]['topol']['parentSec'] = getSecName(secRef.parent().sec, dirCellSecNames) secDic[secName]['topol']['parentX'] = h.parent_connection() secDic[secName]['topol']['childX'] = h.section_orientation() h.pop_section() # to prevent section stack overflow # store section lists secLists = h.List('SectionList') if int(secLists.count()): secListDic = {} for i in range(int(secLists.count())): # loop over section lists hname = secLists.o(i).hname() if hname in dirCellHnames: # use python variable name secListName = dirCellHnames[hname] else: secListName = hname secListDic[secListName] = [getSecName(sec, dirCellSecNames) for sec in secLists.o(i)] else: secListDic = {} # globals mechsList = list(varList['mechs'].keys()) if 'mechs' in varList else [] pointpsList = list(varList['pointps'].keys()) if 'pointps' in varList else [] globs = getGlobals(mechsList + pointpsList, origGlob=origGlob) if 'v_init' in globs: # set v_init for each section (allows for cells with differnet vinits) for sec in list(secDic.values()): sec['vinit'] = globs['v_init'] # clean cell = None for i in range(len(secs)): tmp = secs.pop() del tmp import gc gc.collect() return secDic, secListDic, synMechs, globs