
Module for importing cells, synapses, and networks from NEURON


getSecName(sec[, dirCellSecNames])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getSecName>

importCellParams(fileName, labels, values[, key])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellParams>


Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.mechVarList>

getGlobals(mechNames[, origGlob])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getGlobals>


Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.setGlobals>

importCell(fileName, cellName[, cellArgs, ...])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCell>

importCellsFromNet(netParams, fileName, ...)

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellsFromNet>

getCellParams(cell[, varList, origGlob])

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getCellParams>

netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getSecName(sec, dirCellSecNames=None)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getSecName>

  • sec (<type>) – <Short description of sec> Default: required

  • dirCellSecNames (<None?>) – <Short description of dirCellSecNames> Default: None Options: <option> <description of option>

netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellParams(fileName, labels, values, key=None)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellParams>

  • fileName (<type>) – <Short description of fileName> Default: required

  • labels (<type>) – <Short description of labels> Default: required

  • values (<type>) – <Short description of values> Default: required

  • key (<None?>) – <Short description of key> Default: None Options: <option> <description of option>


Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.mechVarList>

netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getGlobals(mechNames, origGlob={})[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getGlobals>

  • mechNames (<type>) – <Short description of mechNames> Default: required

  • origGlob (dict) – <Short description of origGlob> Default: {} Options: <option> <description of option>


Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.setGlobals>


glob (<type>) – <Short description of glob> Default: required

netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCell(fileName, cellName, cellArgs=None, cellInstance=False)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCell>

  • fileName (<type>) – <Short description of fileName> Default: required

  • cellName (<type>) – <Short description of cellName> Default: required

  • cellArgs (<None?>) – <Short description of cellArgs> Default: None Options: <option> <description of option>

  • cellInstance (bool) – <Short description of cellInstance> Default: False Options: <option> <description of option>

netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellsFromNet(netParams, fileName, labelList, condsList, cellNamesList, importSynMechs)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.importCellsFromNet>

  • netParams (<type>) – <Short description of netParams> Default: required

  • fileName (<type>) – <Short description of fileName> Default: required

  • labelList (<type>) – <Short description of labelList> Default: required

  • condsList (<type>) – <Short description of condsList> Default: required

  • cellNamesList (<type>) – <Short description of cellNamesList> Default: required

  • importSynMechs (<type>) – <Short description of importSynMechs> Default: required

netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getCellParams(cell, varList={}, origGlob={})[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.getCellParams>

  • cell (<type>) – <Short description of cell> Default: required

  • varList (dict) – <Short description of varList> Default: {} Options: <option> <description of option>

  • origGlob (dict) – <Short description of origGlob> Default: {} Options: <option> <description of option>