Module for adding stimulations to networks
from numbers import Number
except NameError:
basestring = str
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add stims
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addStims(self):
Internal function to add stims specified in specs.NetParams
Creates and attaches stims to targets via CompartCell.addstim() based on entries in the specs.NetParams sub-
dictionaries -- specs.NetParams.stimSourceParams and specs.NetParams.stimTargetParams (see below)
NetParams.stimSourceParams entries contain key-value pairs to describe NEURON point processes specified by the
'type' entry (i.e. 'IClamp', 'VClamp', 'SEClamp', 'AlphaSynapse', 'VecStim')
NetParams.stimTargetParams entries contain key-value pairs to describe the post-synaptic connections for a
stimSourceParam entry specified by the 'source' entry, including a 'sec' and 'loc' entry (describing section
and location) for where the post-synaptic connection will exist and a 'conds' entry with a dictionary
specifying the cell criteria for the post-synaptic connections: (i.e. 'x', 'y', 'z' or 'xnorm', 'ynorm', 'znorm'
specifying cell criteria by location, 'cellList' specifying cell criteria by specific gid, or arbitrary
'key': 'value' tags.
For 'VecStim' point processes, it may be more convenient to create an artificial cell (i.e.netParams.popParams
see: netpyne/cell/pointCell.py) which allows pattern generation ('rhythmic', 'evoked', 'poisson', 'gauss')
by key-value entries in a 'spikePattern' dictionary.
self : <type>
<Short description of self>
**Default:** *required*
from .. import sim
sim.timing('start', 'stimsTime')
if self.params.stimSourceParams and self.params.stimTargetParams:
if sim.rank == 0:
print('Adding stims...')
if sim.nhosts > 1: # Gather tags from all cells
allCellTags = sim._gatherAllCellTags()
allCellTags = {cell.gid: cell.tags for cell in self.cells}
# allPopTags = {i: pop.tags for i,pop in enumerate(self.pops)} # gather tags from pops so can connect NetStim pops
sources = self.params.stimSourceParams
for targetLabel, target in self.params.stimTargetParams.items(): # for each target parameter set
if 'sec' not in target:
target['sec'] = None # if section not specified, make None (will be assigned to first section in cell)
if 'loc' not in target:
target['loc'] = None # if location not specified, make None
source = sources.get(target['source'])
postCellsTags = allCellTags
for condKey, condValue in target['conds'].items(): # Find subset of cells that match postsyn criteria
if condKey in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'xnorm', 'ynorm', 'znorm']:
postCellsTags = {
gid: tags
for (gid, tags) in postCellsTags.items()
if condValue[0] <= tags.get(condKey, None) < condValue[1]
} # dict with post Cell objects} # dict with pre cell tags
elif condKey == 'cellList':
elif isinstance(condValue, list):
postCellsTags = {
gid: tags for (gid, tags) in postCellsTags.items() if tags.get(condKey, None) in condValue
} # dict with post Cell objects
postCellsTags = {
gid: tags for (gid, tags) in postCellsTags.items() if tags.get(condKey, None) == condValue
} # dict with post Cell objects
# subset of cells from selected pops (by relative indices)
if 'cellList' in target['conds']:
orderedPostGids = sorted(postCellsTags.keys())
gidList = [orderedPostGids[i] for i in target['conds']['cellList']]
postCellsTags = {gid: tags for (gid, tags) in postCellsTags.items() if gid in gidList}
# initialize randomizer in case used in string-based function (see issue #89 for more details)
sim.hashStr('stim_' + source['type']), sim.hashList(sorted(postCellsTags)), sim.cfg.seeds['stim']
# calculate params if string-based funcs
strParams = self._stimStrToFunc(postCellsTags, source, target)
# loop over postCells and add stim target
for postCellGid in postCellsTags: # for each postsyn cell
if postCellGid in self.gid2lid: # check if postsyn is in this node's list of gids
postCell = self.cells[sim.net.gid2lid[postCellGid]] # get Cell object
# stim target params
params = {}
params['label'] = targetLabel
params['source'] = target['source']
params['sec'] = strParams['secList'][postCellGid] if 'secList' in strParams else target['sec']
params['loc'] = strParams['locList'][postCellGid] if 'locList' in strParams else target['loc']
if source['type'] == 'NetStim': # for NetStims add weight+delay or default values
params['weight'] = (
if 'weightList' in strParams
else target.get('weight', 1.0)
params['delay'] = (
if 'delayList' in strParams
else target.get('delay', 1.0)
params['synsPerConn'] = (
if 'synsPerConnList' in strParams
else target.get('synsPerConn', 1)
params['synMech'] = target.get('synMech', None)
for p in ['Weight', 'Delay', 'Loc']:
if 'synMech' + p + 'Factor' in target:
params['synMech' + p + 'Factor'] = target.get('synMech' + p + 'Factor')
if 'originalFormat' in source and source['originalFormat'] == 'NeuroML2':
if 'weight' in target:
params['weight'] = target['weight']
for sourceParam in source: # copy source params
params[sourceParam] = (
strParams[sourceParam + 'List'][postCellGid]
if sourceParam + 'List' in strParams
else source.get(sourceParam)
if source['type'] == 'NetStim':
self._addCellStim(params, postCell) # call method to add connections (sort out synMechs first)
postCell.addStim(params) # call cell method to add connection
print((' Number of stims on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, sum([len(cell.stims) for cell in self.cells]))))
sim.timing('stop', 'stimsTime')
if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.timing:
print((' Done; cell stims creation time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['stimsTime']))
return [cell.stims for cell in self.cells]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set parameters and add stim
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _addCellStim(self, stimParam, postCell):
# convert synMech param to list (if not already)
if not isinstance(stimParam.get('synMech'), list):
stimParam['synMech'] = [stimParam.get('synMech')]
# generate dict with final params for each synMech
paramPerSynMech = ['weight', 'delay', 'loc']
finalParam = {}
for i, synMech in enumerate(stimParam.get('synMech')):
for param in paramPerSynMech:
finalParam[param + 'SynMech'] = stimParam.get(param)
if len(stimParam['synMech']) > 1:
if isinstance(stimParam.get(param), list): # get weight from list for each synMech
finalParam[param + 'SynMech'] = stimParam[param][i]
elif 'synMech' + param.title() + 'Factor' in stimParam: # adapt weight for each synMech
finalParam[param + 'SynMech'] = (
stimParam[param] * stimParam['synMech' + param.title() + 'Factor'][i]
params = {k: stimParam.get(k) for k, v in stimParam.items()}
params['synMech'] = synMech
params['loc'] = finalParam['locSynMech']
params['weight'] = finalParam['weightSynMech']
params['delay'] = finalParam['delaySynMech']
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert stim param string to function
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _stimStrToFunc(self, postCellsTags, sourceParams, targetParams):
# list of params that have a function passed in as a string
# params = sourceParams+targetParams
params = sourceParams.copy()
paramsStrFunc = [
for param in self.stimStringFuncParams + self.connStringFuncParams
if param in params and isinstance(params[param], basestring) and params[param] not in ['variable']
# dict to store correspondence between string and actual variable
dictVars = {}
dictVars['post_x'] = lambda postConds: postConds['x']
dictVars['post_y'] = lambda postConds: postConds['y']
dictVars['post_z'] = lambda postConds: postConds['z']
dictVars['post_xnorm'] = lambda postConds: postConds['xnorm']
dictVars['post_ynorm'] = lambda postConds: postConds['ynorm']
dictVars['post_znorm'] = lambda postConds: postConds['znorm']
dictVars['rand'] = lambda unused1: self.rand
# add netParams variables
for k, v in self.params.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(v, Number):
dictVars[k] = v
# for each parameter containing a function, calculate lambda function and arguments
from netpyne.specs.utils import generateStringFunction
strParams = {}
for paramStrFunc in paramsStrFunc:
strFunc = params[paramStrFunc] # string containing function
lambdaFunc, strVars = generateStringFunction(strFunc, list(dictVars.keys()))
# store lambda function and func vars in connParam (for weight, delay and synsPerConn since only calculated for certain conns)
params[paramStrFunc + 'Func'] = lambdaFunc
params[paramStrFunc + 'FuncVars'] = {strVar: dictVars[strVar] for strVar in strVars}
# replace lambda function (with args as dict of lambda funcs) with list of values
strParams[paramStrFunc + 'List'] = {
postGid: params[paramStrFunc + 'Func'](
k: v if isinstance(v, Number) else v(postCellTags)
for k, v in params[paramStrFunc + 'FuncVars'].items()
for postGid, postCellTags in sorted(postCellsTags.items())
return strParams