Module for adding stimulations to networks
Internal function to add stims specified in specs.NetParams Usage: Creates and attaches stims to targets via CompartCell.addstim() based on entries in the specs.NetParams sub- dictionaries -- specs.NetParams.stimSourceParams and specs.NetParams.stimTargetParams (see below) NetParams.stimSourceParams entries contain key-value pairs to describe NEURON point processes specified by the 'type' entry (i.e. 'IClamp', 'VClamp', 'SEClamp', 'AlphaSynapse', 'VecStim') NetParams.stimTargetParams entries contain key-value pairs to describe the post-synaptic connections for a stimSourceParam entry specified by the 'source' entry, including a 'sec' and 'loc' entry (describing section and location) for where the post-synaptic connection will exist and a 'conds' entry with a dictionary specifying the cell criteria for the post-synaptic connections: (i.e. 'x', 'y', 'z' or 'xnorm', 'ynorm', 'znorm' specifying cell criteria by location, 'cellList' specifying cell criteria by specific gid, or arbitrary 'key': 'value' tags. |
Internal function to add stims specified in specs.NetParams Usage: Creates and attaches stims to targets via CompartCell.addstim() based on entries in the specs.NetParams sub- dictionaries – specs.NetParams.stimSourceParams and specs.NetParams.stimTargetParams (see below) NetParams.stimSourceParams entries contain key-value pairs to describe NEURON point processes specified by the ‘type’ entry (i.e. ‘IClamp’, ‘VClamp’, ‘SEClamp’, ‘AlphaSynapse’, ‘VecStim’) NetParams.stimTargetParams entries contain key-value pairs to describe the post-synaptic connections for a stimSourceParam entry specified by the ‘source’ entry, including a ‘sec’ and ‘loc’ entry (describing section and location) for where the post-synaptic connection will exist and a ‘conds’ entry with a dictionary specifying the cell criteria for the post-synaptic connections: (i.e. ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ or ‘xnorm’, ‘ynorm’, ‘znorm’ specifying cell criteria by location, ‘cellList’ specifying cell criteria by specific gid, or arbitrary ‘key’: ‘value’ tags. For ‘VecStim’ point processes, it may be more convenient to create an artificial cell (i.e.netParams.popParams see: netpyne/cell/ which allows pattern generation (‘rhythmic’, ‘evoked’, ‘poisson’, ‘gauss’) by key-value entries in a ‘spikePattern’ dictionary.
- Parameters:
self (<type>) – <Short description of self> Default: required