Source code for netpyne.sim.gather

Module for gathering data from nodes after a simulation


import os, pickle

from import RecXElectrode

import numpy as np
from ..specs import Dict, ODict
from . import setup

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gather data from nodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def gatherData(gatherLFP=True, gatherDipole=True, gatherOnlySimData=None, includeSimDataEntries=None, analyze=True): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.sim.gather.gatherData`> Parameters ---------- gatherLFP : bool <Short description of gatherLFP> **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> gatherDipole : bool <Short description of gatherDipole> **Default:** ``True`` **Options:** ``<option>`` <description of option> """ from .. import sim sim.timing('start', 'gatherTime') ## Pack data from all hosts if sim.rank == 0: print('\nGathering data...') # flag to avoid saving cell data and cell gids per populations (saves gather time and space; cannot inspect cells and pops) if gatherOnlySimData is None: gatherOnlySimData = sim.cfg.gatherOnlySimData # flag to avoid saving sections data for each cell (saves gather time and space; cannot inspect cell secs or re-simulate) if not sim.cfg.saveCellSecs: for cell in cell.secs = {} cell.secLists = None # flag to avoid saving conns data for each cell (saves gather time and space; cannot inspect cell conns or re-simulate) if not sim.cfg.saveCellConns: for cell in cell.conns = [] # Store conns in a compact list format instead of a long dict format (cfg.compactConnFormat contains list of keys to include) elif sim.cfg.compactConnFormat: sim.compactConnFormat() # remove data structures used to calculate LFP or Dipoles if ( ((gatherLFP and sim.cfg.recordLFP) or (gatherDipole and sim.cfg.recordDipole)) and hasattr(, 'compartCells') and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj ): for cell in try: del cell.imembVec del cell.imembPtr del cell._segCoords except: pass for pop in list( try: del pop._morphSegCoords except: pass simDataVecs = ['spkt', 'spkid', 'stims', 'dipole'] + list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys()) if sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN: _aggregateDipoles() simDataVecs.append('dipole') singleNodeVecs = ['t'] if includeSimDataEntries: singleNodeVecs = [v for v in singleNodeVecs if v in includeSimDataEntries] if sim.nhosts > 1: # only gather if >1 nodes netPopsCellGids = {popLabel: list(pop.cellGids) for popLabel, pop in} if includeSimDataEntries: simData = {key: sim.simData[key] for key in includeSimDataEntries} else: simData = sim.simData if gatherOnlySimData: nodeData = { 'simData': simData } else: nodeData = { 'simData': simData, 'netCells': [c.__getstate__() for c in], 'netPopsCellGids': netPopsCellGids, } if gatherLFP and hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): nodeData['xElectrodeTransferResistances'] = data = [None] * sim.nhosts data[0] = {} for k, v in nodeData.items(): data[0][k] = v gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data) sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0: sim.allSimData = Dict() if gatherOnlySimData: print(' Gathering only sim data...') # However, still need to ensure these list aren't empty to avoid errors during analyzing/plotting # TODO: this should be improved by handling abovementioned errors in analyzing/plotting instead of adding this workaround here allCells = getattr(, 'allCells', []) if len(allCells) == 0: = [c.__getstate__() for c in] allPops = getattr(, 'allPops', ODict()) if len(allPops) == 0: = allPops for popLabel, pop in[popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() # can't use dict comprehension for OrderedDict else: allCells = [] allPops = ODict() for popLabel, pop in allPops[popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() # can't use dict comprehension for OrderedDict allPopsCellGids = {popLabel: [] for popLabel in netPopsCellGids} allResistances = {} for k in list(gather[0]['simData'].keys()): # initialize all keys of allSimData dict if gatherLFP and k == 'LFP': sim.allSimData[k] = np.zeros((gather[0]['simData']['LFP'].shape)) elif gatherLFP and k == 'LFPPops': sim.allSimData[k] = { p: np.zeros(gather[0]['simData']['LFP'].shape) for p in gather[0]['simData']['LFPPops'].keys() } elif gatherDipole and k == 'dipoleSum': sim.allSimData[k] = np.zeros((gather[0]['simData']['dipoleSum'].shape)) elif sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN and k == 'dipole': for dk in sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN: sim.allSimData[k][dk] = np.zeros(len(gather[0]['simData']['dipole'][dk])) else: sim.allSimData[k] = {} for key in singleNodeVecs: # store single node vectors (eg. 't') sim.allSimData[key] = list(nodeData['simData'][key]) # fill in allSimData taking into account if data is dict of h.Vector (code needs improvement to be more generic) for node in gather: # concatenate data from each node if not gatherOnlySimData: allCells.extend(node['netCells']) # extend allCells list for popLabel, popCellGids in node['netPopsCellGids'].items(): allPopsCellGids[popLabel].extend(popCellGids) if 'xElectrodeTransferResistances' in node: allResistances.update(node['xElectrodeTransferResistances']) for key, val in node['simData'].items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector if key in simDataVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors if isinstance(val, dict): for key2, val2 in val.items(): if isinstance(val2, dict): sim.allSimData[key].update(Dict({key2: Dict()})) for stim, val3 in val2.items(): sim.allSimData[key][key2].update( {stim: list(val3)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector) elif key == 'dipole': sim.allSimData[key][key2] = np.add( sim.allSimData[key][key2], val2.as_numpy() ) # add together dipole values from each node else: sim.allSimData[key].update( {key2: list(val2)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector) else: sim.allSimData[key] = list(sim.allSimData[key]) + list( val ) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFP': sim.allSimData[key] += np.array(val) elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFPPops': for p in val: sim.allSimData[key][p] += np.array(val[p]) elif gatherDipole and key == 'dipoleSum': sim.allSimData[key] += np.array(val) elif key not in singleNodeVecs: sim.allSimData[key].update(val) # update simData dicts which are not Vectors if len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) > 0: sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'] = zip( *sorted(zip(sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'])) ) # sort spks sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'] = list(sim.allSimData['spkt']), list( sim.allSimData['spkid'] ) if not gatherOnlySimData: = sorted(allCells, key=lambda k: k['gid']) for popLabel, pop in allPops.items(): pop['cellGids'] = sorted(allPopsCellGids[popLabel]) = allPops if gatherLFP and hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): = allResistances # clean to avoid mem leaks for node in gather: if node: node.clear() del node for item in data: if item: item.clear() del item else: # if single node, save data in same format as for multiple nodes for consistency if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: = [Dict(c.__getstate__()) for c in] else: = [c.__dict__ for c in] = ODict() for popLabel, pop in[popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() # can't use dict comprehension for OrderedDict sim.allSimData = Dict() for k in list(sim.simData.keys()): # initialize all keys of allSimData dict sim.allSimData[k] = Dict() for key, val in sim.simData.items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector if key in simDataVecs + singleNodeVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors if isinstance(val, dict): for cell, val2 in val.items(): if isinstance(val2, dict): sim.allSimData[key].update(Dict({cell: Dict()})) for stim, val3 in val2.items(): sim.allSimData[key][cell].update( {stim: list(val3)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector) else: sim.allSimData[key].update( {cell: list(val2)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector) else: sim.allSimData[key] = list(sim.allSimData[key]) + list( val ) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors else: sim.allSimData[key] = val # update simData dicts which are not Vectors ## Print statistics sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0: sim.timing('stop', 'gatherTime') if sim.cfg.timing: print((' Done; gather time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['gatherTime'])) if analyze: print('\nAnalyzing...') sim.totalSpikes = len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) sim.totalSynapses = sum([len(cell['conns']) for cell in]) if sim.cfg.createPyStruct: if sim.cfg.compactConnFormat: preGidIndex = sim.cfg.compactConnFormat.index('preGid') if 'preGid' in sim.cfg.compactConnFormat else 0 sim.totalConnections = sum( [len(set([conn[preGidIndex] for conn in cell['conns']])) for cell in] ) else: sim.totalConnections = sum( [len(set([conn['preGid'] for conn in cell['conns']])) for cell in] ) else: sim.totalConnections = sim.totalSynapses sim.numCells = len( if sim.totalSpikes > 0: sim.firingRate = float(sim.totalSpikes) / sim.numCells / sim.cfg.duration * 1e3 # Calculate firing rate else: sim.firingRate = 0 if sim.numCells > 0: sim.connsPerCell = sim.totalConnections / float( sim.numCells ) # Calculate the number of connections per cell sim.synsPerCell = sim.totalSynapses / float(sim.numCells) # Calculate the number of connections per cell else: sim.connsPerCell = 0 sim.synsPerCell = 0 print((' Cells: %i' % (sim.numCells))) print((' Connections: %i (%0.2f per cell)' % (sim.totalConnections, sim.connsPerCell))) if sim.totalSynapses != sim.totalConnections: print((' Synaptic contacts: %i (%0.2f per cell)' % (sim.totalSynapses, sim.synsPerCell))) if 'runTime' in sim.timingData: print((' Spikes: %i (%0.2f Hz)' % (sim.totalSpikes, sim.firingRate))) print((' Simulated time: %0.1f s; %i workers' % (sim.cfg.duration / 1e3, sim.nhosts))) print((' Run time: %0.2f s' % (sim.timingData['runTime']))) if sim.cfg.printPopAvgRates and not gatherOnlySimData: trange = sim.cfg.printPopAvgRates if isinstance(sim.cfg.printPopAvgRates, list) else None sim.allSimData['popRates'] = sim.analysis.popAvgRates(tranges=trange) if 'plotfI' in sim.cfg.analysis: sim.analysis.calculatefI() # need to call here so data is saved to file sim.allSimData['avgRate'] = sim.firingRate # save firing rate return sim.allSimData
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gather data from files # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def gatherDataFromFiles(gatherLFP=True, saveFolder=None, simLabel=None, sim=None, fileType='pkl', saveMerged=False): """ Function to gather data from multiple files (from distributed or interval saving) Parameters ---------- gatherLFP : bool Whether or not to gather LFP data. **Default:** ``True`` gathers LFP data if available. **Options:** ``False`` does not gather LFP data. saveFolder : str Name of the directory where data files are located. **Default:** ``None`` attempts to auto-locate the data directory. """ import os if not sim: from netpyne import sim if getattr(sim, 'rank', None) is None: sim.initialize() sim.timing('start', 'gatherTime') if sim.rank == 0: fileType = fileType.lower() if fileType not in ['pkl', 'json']: print(f"Could not gather data from '.{fileType}' files. Only .pkl and .json are supported so far.") return False if not simLabel: simLabel = sim.cfg.simLabel if not saveFolder: saveFolder = sim.cfg.saveFolder nodeDataDir = os.path.join(saveFolder, simLabel + '_node_data') print(f"\nSearching for .{fileType} node files in {nodeDataDir} ...") simLabels = [ f.replace(f'_node_0.{fileType}', '') for f in os.listdir(nodeDataDir) if f.endswith(f'_node_0.{fileType}') ] if len(simLabels) == 0: print(f"Could not gather data from files. No node files found.") return False mergedFiles = [] for simLabel in simLabels: allSimData = Dict() allCells = [] allPops = ODict() print('\nGathering data from files for simulation: %s ...' % (simLabel)) simDataVecs = ['spkt', 'spkid', 'stims'] + list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys()) singleNodeVecs = ['t'] if sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN: _aggregateDipoles() simDataVecs.append('dipole') fileData = {'simData': sim.simData} fileList = sorted( [ f for f in os.listdir(nodeDataDir) if (f.startswith(simLabel + '_node') and f.endswith(f'.{fileType}')) ] ) for ifile, file in enumerate(fileList): print(' Merging data file: %s' % (file)) with open(os.path.join(nodeDataDir, file), 'rb') as openFile: if fileType == 'pkl': data = pickle.load(openFile) elif fileType == 'json': import json data = json.load(openFile) if 'cells' in data.keys(): as_Dict = [cell if isinstance(cell, Dict) else Dict(cell) for cell in data['cells']] allCells.extend(as_Dict) if 'pops' in data.keys(): loadedPops = data['pops'] if fileType == 'pkl': for popLabel, pop in loadedPops.items(): allPops[popLabel] = pop['tags'] elif fileType == 'json': # if populations order is not preserved (which is inherently the case for JSON), need to sort them again loadedPops = list(loadedPops.items()) def sort(popKeyAndValue): # the assumption while sorting is that populations order corresponds to cell gids in this population cellGids = popKeyAndValue[1]['cellGids'] if len(cellGids) > 0: return cellGids[0] else: return -1 loadedPops.sort(key=sort) for popLabel, pop in loadedPops: allPops[popLabel] = pop['tags'] if 'simConfig' in data.keys(): setup.setSimCfg(data['simConfig']) if 'net' in data and gatherLFP: if 'recXElectrode' in data['net']: xElectrode = data['net']['recXElectrode'] if False == isinstance(xElectrode, RecXElectrode): xElectrode = RecXElectrode.fromJSON(xElectrode) = xElectrode nodePopsCellGids = {popLabel: list(pop['cellGids']) for popLabel, pop in data['pops'].items()} if ifile == 0 and gatherLFP and 'LFP' in data['simData']: lfpData = data['simData']['LFP'] if False == isinstance(lfpData, np.ndarray): lfpData = np.array(lfpData) data['simData']['LFP'] = lfpData allSimData['LFP'] = np.zeros(lfpData.shape) if 'LFPPops' in data['simData']: allSimData['LFPPops'] = { p: np.zeros(lfpData.shape) for p in data['simData']['LFPPops'].keys() } for key, value in data['simData'].items(): if key in simDataVecs: if isinstance(value, dict): for key2, value2 in value.items(): if isinstance(value2, dict): allSimData[key].update(Dict({key2: Dict()})) for stim, value3 in value2.items(): allSimData[key][key2].update({stim: list(value3)}) elif key == 'dipole': allSimData[key][key2] = np.add(allSimData[key][key2], value2.as_numpy()) else: allSimData[key].update({key2: list(value2)}) else: allSimData[key] = list(allSimData[key]) + list(value) elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFP': allSimData['LFP'] += np.array(value) elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFPPops': for p in value: allSimData['LFPPops'][p] += np.array(value[p]) elif key == 'dipoleSum': if key not in allSimData.keys(): allSimData[key] = value else: allSimData[key] += value elif key not in singleNodeVecs: allSimData[key].update(value) if file == fileList[0]: for key in singleNodeVecs: allSimData[key] = list(fileData['simData'][key]) allPopsCellGids = {popLabel: [] for popLabel in nodePopsCellGids} for popLabel, popCellGids in nodePopsCellGids.items(): allPopsCellGids[popLabel].extend(popCellGids) mergedFiles.append(file) if len(allSimData['spkt']) > 0: allSimData['spkt'], allSimData['spkid'] = zip(*sorted(zip(allSimData['spkt'], allSimData['spkid']))) allSimData['spkt'], allSimData['spkid'] = list(allSimData['spkt']), list(allSimData['spkid']) sim.allSimData = allSimData = sorted(allCells, key=lambda k: k['gid']) for popLabel, pop in allPops.items(): pop['cellGids'] = sorted(allPopsCellGids[popLabel]) = allPops ## Print statistics sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank != 0: sim.pc.barrier() else: sim.timing('stop', 'gatherTime') if sim.cfg.timing: print((' Done; gather time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['gatherTime'])) if saveMerged: print('\nSaving merged data into single file ...') saved = sim.saveData() if len(saved) > 0: # if single file saved successfully, clean up node data for file in mergedFiles: path = os.path.join(nodeDataDir, file) os.remove(path) print('\nAnalyzing...') sim.totalSpikes = len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) sim.totalSynapses = sum([len(cell['conns']) for cell in]) if sim.cfg.createPyStruct: if sim.cfg.compactConnFormat: preGidIndex = sim.cfg.compactConnFormat.index('preGid') if 'preGid' in sim.cfg.compactConnFormat else 0 sim.totalConnections = sum( [len(set([conn[preGidIndex] for conn in cell['conns']])) for cell in] ) else: sim.totalConnections = sum( [len(set([conn['preGid'] for conn in cell['conns']])) for cell in] ) else: sim.totalConnections = sim.totalSynapses sim.numCells = len( if sim.totalSpikes > 0: sim.firingRate = float(sim.totalSpikes) / sim.numCells / sim.cfg.duration * 1e3 else: sim.firingRate = 0 if sim.numCells > 0: sim.connsPerCell = sim.totalConnections / float(sim.numCells) sim.synsPerCell = sim.totalSynapses / float(sim.numCells) else: sim.connsPerCell = 0 sim.synsPerCell = 0 print((' Cells: %i' % (sim.numCells))) print((' Connections: %i (%0.2f per cell)' % (sim.totalConnections, sim.connsPerCell))) if sim.totalSynapses != sim.totalConnections: print((' Synaptic contacts: %i (%0.2f per cell)' % (sim.totalSynapses, sim.synsPerCell))) print((' Spikes: %i (%0.2f Hz)' % (sim.totalSpikes, sim.firingRate))) if 'runTime' in sim.timingData: print((' Simulated time: %0.1f s; %i workers' % (sim.cfg.duration / 1e3, sim.nhosts))) print((' Run time: %0.2f s' % (sim.timingData['runTime']))) if sim.cfg.printPopAvgRates and not sim.cfg.gatherOnlySimData: trange = sim.cfg.printPopAvgRates if isinstance(sim.cfg.printPopAvgRates, list) else None sim.allSimData['popRates'] = sim.analysis.popAvgRates(tranges=trange) if 'plotfI' in sim.cfg.analysis: sim.analysis.calculatefI() sim.allSimData['avgRate'] = sim.firingRate
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gather tags from cells # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _gatherAllCellTags(): from .. import sim data = [{cell.gid: cell.tags for cell in}] * sim.nhosts # send cells data to other nodes gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data) # collect cells data from other nodes (required to generate connections) sim.pc.barrier() allCellTags = {} for dataNode in gather: allCellTags.update(dataNode) # clean to avoid mem leaks for node in gather: if node: node.clear() del node for item in data: if item: item.clear() del item return allCellTags # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gather tags from cells # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _gatherAllCellConnPreGids(): from .. import sim data = [ {cell.gid: [conn['preGid'] for conn in cell.conns] for cell in} ] * sim.nhosts # send cells data to other nodes gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data) # collect cells data from other nodes (required to generate connections) sim.pc.barrier() allCellConnPreGids = {} for dataNode in gather: allCellConnPreGids.update(dataNode) # clean to avoid mem leaks for node in gather: if node: node.clear() del node for item in data: if item: item.clear() del item return allCellConnPreGids # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gather data from nodes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _gatherCells(): from .. import sim ## Pack data from all hosts if sim.rank == 0: print('\nUpdating') if sim.nhosts > 1: # only gather if >1 nodes nodeData = {'netCells': [c.__getstate__() for c in]} data = [None] * sim.nhosts data[0] = {} for k, v in nodeData.items(): data[0][k] = v gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data) sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0: allCells = [] # fill in allSimData taking into account if data is dict of h.Vector (code needs improvement to be more generic) for node in gather: # concatenate data from each node allCells.extend(node['netCells']) # extend allCells list = sorted(allCells, key=lambda k: k['gid']) # clean to avoid mem leaks for node in gather: if node: node.clear() del node for item in data: if item: item.clear() del item else: # if single node, save data in same format as for multiple nodes for consistency = [c.__getstate__() for c in] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aggregate dipole data for each cell on nodes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _aggregateDipoles(): from .. import sim if not hasattr(, 'compartCells'): = [c for c in if type(c) is sim.CompartCell] for k in sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN: sim.simData['dipole'][k] = sim.h.Vector((sim.cfg.duration / sim.cfg.recordStep) + 1) for cell in if hasattr(cell, 'dipole'): for k, v in sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN.items(): if cell.tags['pop'] in v: sim.simData['dipole'][k].add(cell.dipole['hRec'])