netpyne.sim.gather module

Module for gathering data from nodes after a simulation

netpyne.sim.gather.gatherData(gatherLFP=True, gatherDipole=True, gatherOnlySimData=None, includeSimDataEntries=None, analyze=True)[source]

Function for/to <short description of netpyne.sim.gather.gatherData>

  • gatherLFP (bool) – <Short description of gatherLFP> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

  • gatherDipole (bool) – <Short description of gatherDipole> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

netpyne.sim.gather.gatherDataFromFiles(gatherLFP=True, saveFolder=None, simLabel=None, sim=None, fileType='pkl', saveMerged=False)[source]

Function to gather data from multiple files (from distributed or interval saving)

  • gatherLFP (bool) – Whether or not to gather LFP data. Default: True gathers LFP data if available. Options: False does not gather LFP data.

  • saveFolder (str) – Name of the directory where data files are located. Default: None attempts to auto-locate the data directory.