Source code for

Module related to saving


# required to make json saving work in Python 2/3
    to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    to_unicode = str

import os
from time import time, sleep
from datetime import datetime
import pickle as pk
from . import gather
from . import utils
from ..specs import Dict, ODict
from copy import copy, deepcopy

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save JSON (Python 2/3 compatible)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def saveJSON(fileName, data, checkFileTimeout=0): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> Parameters ---------- fileName : <type> <Short description of fileName> **Default:** *required* data : <type> <Short description of data> **Default:** *required* checkFileTimeout: timeout (sec) if >0 then will check if file exists before continuing at 0.1 ms intervals for the timeout specified in secs """ import json, io from .utils import NpSerializer with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fileObj: str_ = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False, cls=NpSerializer) fileObj.write(to_unicode(str_)) if checkFileTimeout > 0: sleepTime = 0.1 timeoutCyles = checkFileTimeout / sleepTime cycles = 0 while not os.path.exists(fileName) and cycles <= timeOutCycles: sleep(sleepTime)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def saveData(include=None, filename=None, saveLFP=True): """ Function to save simulation data to file Parameters ---------- include : list What data to save **Default:** ``sim.cfg.saveDataInclude`` **Options:** The list may include any combination of the following: ``'simData'``, ``'simConfig'``, ``'netParams'``, ``'net'``. filename : str Path and file name to save data to **Default:** ``None`` """ from .. import sim if sim.cfg.validateDataSaveOptions() is False: return [] if sim.rank == 0 and not getattr(, 'allCells', None) and not getattr(sim, 'allSimData', None): needGather = True else: needGather = False if needGather: gather.gatherData() if filename: sim.cfg.filename = filename if sim.rank == 0: sim.timing('start', 'saveTime') import os # copy source files if isinstance(sim.cfg.backupCfgFile, list) and len(sim.cfg.backupCfgFile) == 2: simName = sim.cfg.simLabel if sim.cfg.simLabel else os.path.basename(sim.cfg.filename) print(('Copying cfg file %s ... ' % simName)) source = sim.cfg.backupCfgFile[0] targetFolder = sim.cfg.backupCfgFile[1] # make directories required to make the target folder try: os.makedirs(targetFolder, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: print('%s: Exception: %s,' % (os.path.abspath(__file__), e)) raise SystemExit('Could not create %s' % (targetFolder)) # copy file targetFile = targetFolder + '/' + simName + '' if os.path.exists(targetFile): print(' Removing prior cfg file', targetFile) os.system('rm ' + targetFile) os.system('cp ' + source + ' ' + targetFile) # looks like the logic for sim.cfg.filename and targetFolder is not entirely there, # could be calling os.path.dirname(None) ? #TODO # create the missing folder & directory for folder if one or both are missing targetFolder = os.path.dirname(sim.cfg.filename) if targetFolder: try: os.makedirs(targetFolder, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: print('%s: Exception: %s,' % (os.path.abspath(__file__), e)) raise SystemExit('Could not create %s' % (targetFolder)) # saving data if not include: include = sim.cfg.saveDataInclude dataSave = {} net = {} synMechStringFuncs = None cellParamStringFuncs = None dataSave['netpyne_version'] = sim.version(show=False) dataSave['netpyne_changeset'] = sim.gitChangeset(show=False) if getattr(, 'version', None): dataSave['netParams_version'] = if 'netParams' in include: # exclude from dataSave but keep in synMechParams later, for integrity cellParamStringFuncs ='_cellParamStringFuncs', None) synMechStringFuncs ='_synMechStringFuncs', None)'_labelid', None) net['params'] = utils.replaceFuncObj( if 'net' in include: include.extend(['netPops', 'netCells']) if 'netCells' in include and hasattr(, 'allCells'): net['cells'] = if 'netPops' in include and hasattr(, 'allPops'): net['pops'] = if net: dataSave['net'] = net if 'simConfig' in include: dataSave['simConfig'] = sim.cfg.__dict__ if 'simData' in include: if saveLFP: if 'LFP' in sim.allSimData: sim.allSimData['LFP'] = sim.allSimData['LFP'].tolist() if hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): dataSave['net']['recXElectrode'] = dataSave['simData'] = sim.allSimData savedFiles = [] if dataSave: if sim.cfg.timestampFilename: timestamp = time() timestampStr = '-' + datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') else: timestampStr = '' filePath = sim.cfg.filename + '_data' + timestampStr if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'saveFolder') and sim.cfg.saveFolder: filePath = os.path.join(sim.cfg.saveFolder, sim.cfg.filename + '_data' + timestampStr) if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'simLabel') and sim.cfg.simLabel: filePath = os.path.join(sim.cfg.saveFolder, sim.cfg.simLabel + '_data' + timestampStr) # also strange conditional ^^^, filePath must exist or an error occurs. make directories for the target folder if they do not already exist targetFolder = os.path.dirname(filePath) if targetFolder: try: os.makedirs(targetFolder, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: print('%s: Exception: %s,' % (os.path.abspath(__file__), e)) raise SystemExit('Could not create %s' % (targetFolder)) # Save to pickle file if sim.cfg.savePickle: import pickle path = filePath + '.pkl' print(f'Saving output as {path} ... ') with open(path, 'wb') as fileObj: pickle.dump(dataSave, fileObj) savedFiles.append(path) print('Finished saving!') # Save to dpk file if sim.cfg.saveDpk: import gzip path = filePath + '.dpk' print(f'Saving output as {path} ... ') # fn=filePath #.split('.'), 'wb').write(pk.dumps(dataSave)) # write compressed string savedFiles.append(path) print('Finished saving!') # Save to json file if sim.cfg.saveJson: path = filePath + '.json' # Make it work for Python 2+3 and with Unicode print(f'Saving output as {path} ... ') sim.saveJSON(path, dataSave, checkFileTimeout=5) savedFiles.append(path) print('Finished saving!') # Save to mat file if sim.cfg.saveMat: from import savemat path = filePath + '.mat' print(f'Saving output as {path} ... ') toSave = copy(dataSave) simData = toSave.pop('simData') # for speed, exclude simData from subsequent manipulations (nothing to replace there) toSave = utils.replaceDictODict(toSave) toSave = deepcopy(toSave) toSave = utils._ensureMatCompatible(toSave) utils.tupleToList(toSave) toSave['simData'] = simData # put back before saving savemat(path, toSave, long_field_names=True) savedFiles.append(path) print('Finished saving!') # Save to HDF5 file (uses very inefficient hdf5storage module which supports dicts) if sim.cfg.saveHDF5: recXElectrode = dataSave['net'].get('recXElectrode') if recXElectrode: dataSave['net']['recXElectrode'] = recXElectrode.toJSON() dataSaveUTF8 = utils._ensureHDF5Compatible(dataSave) keys = list(dataSaveUTF8.keys()) dataSaveUTF8['__np_keys__'] = keys import hdf5storage path = filePath + '.hdf5' print(f'Saving output as {path} ... ') hdf5storage.writes(dataSaveUTF8, filename=path, truncate_existing=True) savedFiles.append(path) print('Finished saving!') # Save to CSV file (currently only saves spikes) if sim.cfg.saveCSV: if 'simData' in dataSave: import csv path = filePath + '.csv' print(f'Saving output as {path} ... ') writer = csv.writer(open(path, 'wb')) for dic in dataSave['simData']: for values in dic: writer.writerow(values) savedFiles.append(path) print('Finished saving!') # Save to Dat file(s) if sim.cfg.saveDat: traces = sim.cfg.recordTraces for ref in list(traces.keys()): for cellid in list(sim.allSimData[ref].keys()): dat_file_name = '%s_%s.dat' % (ref, cellid) dat_file = open(dat_file_name, 'w') trace = sim.allSimData[ref][cellid] print(("Saving %i points of data on: %s:%s to %s" % (len(trace), ref, cellid, dat_file_name))) for i in range(len(trace)): dat_file.write('%s\t%s\n' % ((i * sim.cfg.dt / 1000), trace[i] / 1000)) dat_file.close() savedFiles.append(dat_file_name) print('Finished saving!') # Save timing if sim.cfg.timing: sim.timing('stop', 'saveTime') print((' Done; saving time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['saveTime'])) if sim.cfg.timing and sim.cfg.saveTiming: import pickle with open('timing.pkl', 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(sim.timing, file) # clean to avoid mem leaks for key in list(dataSave.keys()): del dataSave[key] del dataSave else: print('Nothing to save') if synMechStringFuncs: = synMechStringFuncs if cellParamStringFuncs: = cellParamStringFuncs return savedFiles
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save distributed data using HDF5 (only conns for now) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def distributedSaveHDF5(): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> """ from .. import sim import h5py if sim.rank == 0: sim.timing('start', 'saveTimeHDF5') sim.compactConnFormat() conns = [[cell.gid] + conn for cell in for conn in cell.conns] conns = sim.copyRemoveItemObj(conns, keystart='h', newval=[]) connFormat = ['postGid'] + sim.cfg.compactConnFormat with h5py.File(sim.cfg.filename + '.h5', 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset('conns', data=conns) hf.create_dataset('connsFormat', data=connFormat) if sim.rank == 0: sim.timing('stop', 'saveTimeHDF5')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convert connections in long dict format to compact list format # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def compactConnFormat(): """ Function for/to <short description of ``> """ from .. import sim if type(sim.cfg.compactConnFormat) is not list: if len( > 0: # if have stims, then require preLabel field sim.cfg.compactConnFormat = ['preGid', 'preLabel', 'sec', 'loc', 'synMech', 'weight', 'delay'] else: sim.cfg.compactConnFormat = ['preGid', 'sec', 'loc', 'synMech', 'weight', 'delay'] connFormat = sim.cfg.compactConnFormat for cell in newConns = [[conn[param] for param in connFormat] for conn in cell.conns] del cell.conns cell.conns = newConns
_previousIntervalSaveFile = None # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gathers data in master and saves it mid run # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def intervalSave(simTime, gatherLFP=True): """ Function to save data at a specific time point in the simulation Parameters ---------- simTime : number The time at which to save the data **Default:** *required* """ from .. import sim from ..specs import Dict import pickle, os import numpy as np sim.pc.barrier() # create folder if missing if sim.rank == 0: if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'intervalFolder'): targetFolder = sim.cfg.intervalFolder elif hasattr(sim.cfg, 'saveFolder'): targetFolder = os.path.join(sim.cfg.saveFolder, 'interval_data') else: targetFolder = 'interval_data' # how can targetFolder ^^^ NOT have a value within this conditional try: os.makedirs(targetFolder, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: print('%s: Exception: %s,' % (os.path.abspath(__file__), e)) raise SystemExit('Could not create %s' % (targetFolder)) include = sim.cfg.saveDataInclude singleNodeVecs = ['t'] simDataVecs = ['spkt', 'spkid', 'stims'] + list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys()) netPopsCellGids = {popLabel: list(pop.cellGids) for popLabel, pop in} nodeData = { 'netCells': [c.__getstate__() for c in], 'netPopsCellGids': netPopsCellGids, 'simData': sim.simData, } if gatherLFP and hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): nodeData['xElectrodeTransferResistances'] = if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'saveWeights') and sim.cfg.saveWeights: nodeData['simData']['allWeights'] = sim.allWeights simDataVecs = simDataVecs + ['allWeights'] data = [None] * sim.nhosts data[0] = {} for k, v in nodeData.items(): data[0][k] = v gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data) sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0: allCells = [] allPops = ODict() for popLabel, pop in allPops[popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() # can't use dict comprehension for OrderedDict allPopsCellGids = {popLabel: [] for popLabel in netPopsCellGids} sim.allSimData = Dict() allResistances = {} for k in list(gather[0]['simData'].keys()): # initialize all keys of allSimData dict if gatherLFP and k == 'LFP': sim.allSimData[k] = np.zeros((gather[0]['simData']['LFP'].shape)) elif gatherLFP and k == 'LFPPops': sim.allSimData[k] = { p: np.zeros(gather[0]['simData']['LFP'].shape) for p in gather[0]['simData']['LFPPops'].keys() } elif sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN and k == 'dipole': for dk in sim.cfg.recordDipolesHNN: sim.allSimData[k][dk] = np.zeros(len(gather[0]['simData']['dipole'][dk])) elif sim.cfg.recordDipole and k == 'dipoleSum': sim.allSimData[k] = np.zeros(gather[0]['simData']['dipoleSum'].shape) else: sim.allSimData[k] = {} for key in singleNodeVecs: # store single node vectors (eg. 't') sim.allSimData[key] = list(nodeData['simData'][key]) # fill in allSimData taking into account if data is dict of h.Vector (code needs improvement to be more generic) for node in gather: # concatenate data from each node allCells.extend(node['netCells']) # extend allCells list for popLabel, popCellGids in node['netPopsCellGids'].items(): allPopsCellGids[popLabel].extend(popCellGids) for key, val in node['simData'].items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector if key in simDataVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors if isinstance(val, dict): for key2, val2 in val.items(): if isinstance(val2, dict): sim.allSimData[key].update(Dict({key2: Dict()})) for stim, val3 in val2.items(): sim.allSimData[key][key2].update( {stim: list(val3)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector) elif key == 'dipole': sim.allSimData[key][key2] = np.add( sim.allSimData[key][key2], val2.as_numpy() ) # add together dipole values from each node else: sim.allSimData[key].update( {key2: list(val2)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector) else: sim.allSimData[key] = list(sim.allSimData[key]) + list( val ) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFP': sim.allSimData[key] += np.array(val) elif gatherLFP and key == 'LFPPops': for p in val: sim.allSimData[key][p] += np.array(val[p]) elif key == 'dipoleSum': sim.allSimData[key] += val elif key not in singleNodeVecs: sim.allSimData[key].update(val) # update simData dicts which are not Vectors if 'xElectrodeTransferResistances' in node: allResistances.update(node['xElectrodeTransferResistances']) if len(sim.allSimData['spkt']) > 0: sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'] = zip( *sorted(zip(sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'])) ) # sort spks sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid'] = list(sim.allSimData['spkt']), list( sim.allSimData['spkid'] ) = sorted(allCells, key=lambda k: k['gid']) for popLabel, pop in allPops.items(): pop['cellGids'] = sorted(allPopsCellGids[popLabel]) = allPops if gatherLFP and hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): = allResistances if sim.rank == 0: # simData print(' Saving data at intervals... {:0.0f} ms'.format(simTime)) # clean to avoid mem leaks for node in gather: if node: node.clear() del node for item in data: if item: item.clear() del item name = os.path.join(targetFolder, 'interval_{:0.0f}.pkl'.format(simTime)) dataSave = {} net = {} dataSave['netpyne_version'] = sim.version(show=False) dataSave['netpyne_changeset'] = sim.gitChangeset(show=False) if getattr(, 'version', None): dataSave['netParams_version'] = if 'netParams' in include:'_labelid', None) net['params'] = utils.replaceFuncObj( if 'net' in include: include.extend(['netPops', 'netCells']) if 'netCells' in include and hasattr(, 'allCells'): net['cells'] = if 'netPops' in include and hasattr(, 'allPops'): net['pops'] = if net: dataSave['net'] = net if 'simConfig' in include: dataSave['simConfig'] = sim.cfg.__dict__ if 'simData' in include: if 'LFP' in sim.allSimData: sim.allSimData['LFP'] = sim.allSimData['LFP'].tolist() if hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): dataSave['net']['recXElectrode'] = dataSave['simData'] = dict(sim.allSimData) with open(name, 'wb') as fileObj: pickle.dump(dataSave, fileObj, protocol=2) # clean-up data saved on previous interval previous = if previous is not None and os.path.exists(previous): os.remove(previous) = name sim.pc.barrier()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save data in each node # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def saveDataInNodes(filename=None, saveLFP=True, removeTraces=False, saveFolder=None): """ Function to save simulation data by node rather than as a whole Parameters ---------- filename : str The name to use for the saved files. **Default:** ``None`` saveLFP : bool Whether to save any LFP data. **Default:** ``True`` saves LFP data. **Options:** ``False`` does not save LFP data. removeTraces : bool Whether to remove traces data before saving. **Default:** ``False`` does not remove the trace data. **Options:** ``True`` removes the trace data. saveFolder : str Name of the directory where data files will be saved. **Default:** ``None`` saves to the default directory. """ from .. import sim from ..specs import Dict, ODict sim.timing('start', 'saveInNodeTime') import os # flag to avoid saving sections data for each cell (saves gather time and space; cannot inspect cell secs or re-simulate) if not sim.cfg.saveCellSecs: for cell in cell.secs = {} cell.secLists = None # flag to avoid saving conns data for each cell (saves gather time and space; cannot inspect cell conns or re-simulate) if not sim.cfg.saveCellConns: for cell in cell.conns = [] # Store conns in a compact list format instead of a long dict format (cfg.compactConnFormat contains list of keys to include) elif sim.cfg.compactConnFormat: sim.compactConnFormat() # create folder if missing if not sim.cfg.simLabel: sim.cfg.simLabel = '' if not saveFolder: if getattr(sim.cfg, 'saveFolder', None): # NO saveFolder, YES sim.cfg.saveFolder saveFolder = os.path.join(sim.cfg.saveFolder, sim.cfg.simLabel + '_node_data') else: saveFolder = sim.cfg.simLabel + '_node_data' # NO saveFolder, NO sim.cfg.saveFolder else: saveFolder = os.path.join(saveFolder, sim.cfg.simLabel + '_node_data') # YES saveFolder try: os.makedirs(saveFolder, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: print('%s: Exception: %s,' % (os.path.abspath(__file__), e)) raise SystemExit('Could not create %s' % (saveFolder)) sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0: print('\nSaving an output file for each node in: %s' % (saveFolder)) # saving data dataSave = {} net = {} dataSave['netpyne_version'] = sim.version(show=False) dataSave['netpyne_changeset'] = sim.gitChangeset(show=False) simDataVecs = ['spkt', 'spkid', 'stims'] + list(sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys()) singleNodeVecs = ['t'] saveSimData = {} if saveLFP: simData = sim.simData else: simData = {k: v for k, v in sim.simData.items() if k not in ['LFP']} for k in list(simData.keys()): # initialize all keys of allSimData dict saveSimData[k] = {} for key, val in simData.items(): # update simData dics of dics of h.Vector if key in simDataVecs: # simData dicts that contain Vectors if isinstance(val, dict): for cell, val2 in val.items(): if isinstance(val2, dict): saveSimData[key].update({cell: {}}) for stim, val3 in val2.items(): saveSimData[key][cell].update( {stim: list(val3)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of dicts of Vectors (eg. ['stim']['cell_1']['backgrounsd']=h.Vector) else: saveSimData[key].update( {cell: list(val2)} ) # udpate simData dicts which are dicts of Vectors (eg. ['v']['cell_1']=h.Vector) else: saveSimData[key] = list(saveSimData[key]) + list(val) # udpate simData dicts which are Vectors elif key in singleNodeVecs: if sim.rank == 0: saveSimData[key] = list(val) else: saveSimData[key] = val # update simData dicts which are not Vectors dataSave['simConfig'] = sim.cfg.__dict__ dataSave['simData'] = saveSimData dataSave['cells'] = [c.__getstate__() for c in] # dataSave['pops'] = {} for popLabel, pop in dataSave['pops'][popLabel] = pop.__getstate__() dataSave['net'] = {} # Remove un-Pickleable hoc objects for cell in dataSave['cells']: if 'imembPtr' in cell: cell.pop('imembPtr') if saveLFP: if hasattr(, 'recXElectrode'): dataSave['net']['recXElectrode'] = if removeTraces: for k in sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys(): del sim.simData[k] if getattr(, 'version', None): dataSave['netParams_version'] = if dataSave: if sim.cfg.timestampFilename: timestamp = time() timestampStr = '-' + datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') else: timestampStr = '' if not filename: if hasattr(sim.cfg, 'simLabel'): filename = sim.cfg.simLabel else: filename = sim.cfg.filename filePath = filename + timestampStr # Save to pickle file if sim.cfg.savePickle: try: import pickle fileName = filePath + '_node_' + str(sim.rank) + '.pkl' print((' Saving output as: %s ... ' % (fileName))) with open(os.path.join(saveFolder, fileName), 'wb') as fileObj: pickle.dump(dataSave, fileObj) except: print('Unable to save Pickle') # Save to json file if sim.cfg.saveJson: fileName = filePath + '_node_' + str(sim.rank) + '.json' print((' Saving output as: %s ... ' % (fileName))) sim.saveJSON(os.path.join(saveFolder, fileName), dataSave) # Save timing sim.pc.barrier() if sim.rank == 0: if sim.cfg.timing: sim.timing('stop', 'saveInNodeTime') print((' Done; saving time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['saveInNodeTime'])) if sim.cfg.timing and sim.cfg.saveTiming: import pickle with open('timing.pkl', 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(sim.timing, file)
[docs] def saveModel(netParams, simConfig, srcPath, dstPath=None, exportNetParamsAsPython=False, exportSimConfigAsPython=False): assert (srcPath is not None) or (dstPath is not None), \ "Either srcPath or dstPath should be non-None" import os, shutil, json from netpyne.conversion import createPythonNetParams, createPythonSimConfig originalDir = os.getcwd() if srcPath: srcPath = os.path.abspath(srcPath) if dstPath: dstPath = os.path.abspath(dstPath) fromScratch = False if srcPath is None: # creating model from scratch. srcPath = dstPath fromScratch = True srcDir, srcPath = __getModelDirAndIndex(srcPath) if dstPath is None: # assume that dstPath is same as srcPath, i.e. original netParams and simConfig will be rewritten in-place dstPath = srcPath dstDir, dstPath = __getModelDirAndIndex(dstPath) obsoleteNetParams, obsoleteCfg = None, None modifyExistingModel = (fromScratch == False) and (dstPath == srcPath) if fromScratch: # by convention, saving the model will erase anything that already exists at dstPath if os.path.exists(dstDir): shutil.rmtree(dstDir) # (re)create dstDir and create /src dir in it where files will be stored by default os.makedirs(os.path.join(dstDir, 'src'), exist_ok=True) # create default index indexData = { 'netParams': f"src/netParams{'.py' if exportNetParamsAsPython else '.json'}", 'simConfig': f"src/cfg{'.py' if exportSimConfigAsPython else '.json'}" } else: writeToSameDir = srcDir == dstDir # if saving to same directory but with other index-file (i.e. another version of model), # need to use some suffix with file names, to avoid rewriting original files suffix = '' if writeToSameDir and not modifyExistingModel: suffix = __inferSuffix(dstPath) # Load srcIndex as dict fileObj = open(srcPath, 'r') indexData = json.load(fileObj) # Modify entry in indexfile if needed altered = __alteredFilename( indexData['netParams'], suffix, exportNetParamsAsPython ) if altered: obsoleteNetParams = indexData['netParams'] indexData['netParams'] = altered # Modify entry in indexfile if needed altered = __alteredFilename( indexData['simConfig'], suffix, exportSimConfigAsPython ) if altered: obsoleteCfg = indexData['simConfig'] indexData['simConfig'] = altered if not writeToSameDir: # by convention, saving the model will erase anything that already exists at dstPath if os.path.exists(dstDir): shutil.rmtree(dstDir) # copy the whole file struct to dstPath shutil.copytree(srcDir, dstDir) os.chdir(dstDir) # .. except netParams and/or cfg in case they are to be rewritten if obsoleteNetParams: os.remove(obsoleteNetParams) if obsoleteCfg: os.remove(obsoleteCfg) # and except original index file os.remove(os.path.split(srcPath)[1]) netParamsPath = indexData['netParams'] cfgPath = indexData['simConfig'] os.chdir(dstDir) # save netParams if modifyExistingModel and obsoleteNetParams: os.remove(obsoleteNetParams) if exportNetParamsAsPython: createPythonNetParams(netParamsPath, netParams) else: # json # save cfg if modifyExistingModel and obsoleteCfg: os.remove(obsoleteCfg) if exportSimConfigAsPython: createPythonSimConfig(cfgPath, simConfig, varName='cfg') else: # json # save new index file if needed if (modifyExistingModel == False) or (obsoleteNetParams or obsoleteCfg): from .. import sim sim.saveJSON(dstPath, indexData) os.chdir(originalDir)
def __getModelDirAndIndex(path): name, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext == '': # check if directory (isdir() won't work because path may not exist) # if path is directory, append default name of index-file path = os.path.join(path, 'index.npjson') dir = os.path.dirname(path) return dir, path def __inferSuffix(dstPath): # Suffix to be perpended to new netParams and cg filenames fName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(dstPath)[1]) if fName.startswith('index'): # if it's 'indexSOMETHING.npjson', use SOMETHING as suffix return fName[5:] else: # use _ + whole filename as suffix return '_' + fName def __alteredFilename(original, suffix, exportAsPython): filename, ext = os.path.splitext(original) if exportAsPython and (ext != '.py'): ext = '.py' elif not exportAsPython and (ext != '.json'): ext = '.json' altered = filename + suffix + ext if altered != original: return altered else: return None