
Module for plotting and analysis of reaction/diffusion-related results


plotRxDConcentration(speciesLabel, regionLabel)

Function to plot reaction-diffusion concentrations

netpyne.analysis.rxd.plotRxDConcentration(speciesLabel, regionLabel, plane='xy', figSize=(5, 10), clim=None, fontSize=10, scalebar=False, title=True, showFig=True, saveFig=True, **kwargs)[source]

Function to plot reaction-diffusion concentrations

  • speciesLabel (<type>) – <Short description of speciesLabel> Default: required

  • regionLabel (<type>) – <Short description of regionLabel> Default: required

  • plane (str) – <Short description of plane> Default: 'xy' Options: <option> <description of option>

  • figSize (tuple) – <Short description of figSize> Default: (5, 10) Options: <option> <description of option>

  • fontSize (int) – <Short description of fontSize> Default: 10 Options: <option> <description of option>

  • scalebar (bool) – <Short description of scalebar> Default: False Options: <option> <description of option>

  • title (bool) – <Short description of title> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

  • showFig (bool) – <Short description of showFig> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>

  • saveFig (bool) – <Short description of saveFig> Default: True Options: <option> <description of option>